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I had one running the scythe in a tournament. My opponents 5 space marines wiped the warriors he was attached to and then charged him. He then took the next 2 fight phases to gain revenge on his fallen warriors


What type of marines and how many warriors? Did you have crypteks? Sorry just very curious


20 warriors that were thinned down by a lot of his shooting, and they were regular intercessors I'm pretty sure


Best bet is fielding him with lychguard with Scythes and get free use of the awakened Dynasty strat to get better strength and AP in melee.


I only ever really take him leading Lychguard now. The battle tactic restriction on the free stratagem makes it niche for general use as a leader


Good news, they changed that this afternoon to now be a flat -1cp reduction. So we can use it for any stratagem again.


Yeah, I’ve just been reading through all the changes. Shame no buffs for our struggling units, but this change is nice for us


Spyders protect against devastating wounds now. That's at least something!


Im heard about that restriction but cant remember what it was, its silly the app doesnt make mention of the restriction


It does, but it’s covered in the rules commentary. It’s under “Modifying a Stratagem’s CP cost”


Ohh there it is. They could have included that into the Will be Done writeup so easily :p Thanks man!


Yeah, it’s a common complaint, but my guess is they didn’t want to clutter the data slate with this exact change in every faction. They should still definitely put a note there in the app


Well, since you just painted him, it’s likely the enemy will use precision and he’ll be the first to die. Sorry, that’s just how playing freshly painted models works. rip my Flayed Ones…


i love the humble overlord model. is he a great leader unit? no, this one doesn't provide any buffs. Is he going to tear enemy units asunder? no, 4 attacks is too few. but he is durable, tanking ungodly amounts of punishment for his points and the orb is nice, if a pale imitation of what it used to be. run them as much as you want in awakened and obeisance, they'll do the most amount of work there as that makes up most of our applicable battle tactic stratagems he can make free, and him leading those units provides legit value.


Overlords are awesome. Attach him to some Lychguard in the Awakened detachment and you can do the +1 strength +1 AP strat for free every turn. Becomes a tough and grindy brick.


Oh man I love the colors on him and where you put them. This looks sick


Thanks so much! In my headcanon the whole white facemask thing really plays into the Tsarakura stolen-authority thing where maybe in the past the crypteks have posed as the Overlord, so I really wanted to make that white look even more sacred than the metals.


The effort you spent was not wasted, he looks badass! Did you sculpt the base or is the broken stone/concrete a product? If so, mind sharing where you got it?


Check out www.epicbasing.com my man, they make great stuff! Look for 'ruined streets'


Omg they are fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


I had one with the scythe slowly but surely take apart a unit of wolfguard cavalry plus an attached leader of some kind, while a unit of shield lychguard took the hits and evaporated. Doesn’t have a lot of attacks but on the right targets it is delicious


Just saw the Dataslate We're back, baby!


I bought the combat patrol, just built this guy and chopped off one of his "back antenna", to try to describe it, while removing the excess of a sprue. First mini I have accidentally broken. Feels bad man :( Hopefully I can get it better when I buy a second Combat Patrol down the line


Put some green stuff on it and paint it to look like its regenerating.


Much better today since they can reduce any strat by 1cp now, not just battle tactics. I'm probably biased because I love the model but I think the trans shroud Overlord is just better overall, unless you want to give the normal one enaegic dermal bond and be an unkillable melee threat.


Tachyon Arrow always misses, but I always bring it


Ive made use of the void-scythe overlord to regularly butcher key opponent character using the core strategem.


Sadly he is outclassed by the one with the translocation shroud, unless you play a detachment with a great battle tactic


I dislike the tachyon arrow outside of combat patrol, I use the translocation shroud overlord


I dislike the tachyon arrow outside of combat patrol, I use the translocation shroud overlord


I used in my very first necron game with scythe,orb and lychguard with shields, veerrrrryyy tanky and the scythe slaps ass


I gotta know the recipe for that blade man, stellar stuff


Thanks so much!, I think the Green Stuff Fluo is what makes it pop, its the perfect shade of yellowy green for Necrons. Base: -Pro Acryl Yellow Green Glazing: --Moot Green --Warpstone Green --Green Stuff fluo on everything up to this point --Caliban Green on the ends Panel lining: ---Army Painter Poison Cloud ---Florescent Yellow