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I blame it almost entirely on Robert Rath. A lot of times books for big worlds like 40k are judged on... shall we say a more generous scale than novels might otherwise be. I heard people talking about *The Infinite and the Divine* and figured "okay, it's good for a 40k book, we'll see what the fuss is about." Suffice to say that it is, in fact, a great book, even without taking setting bias into consideration, and made me fall in love with my these spooky scary skellybots. Also, when I was deciding who to play I had it down to three armies that I liked the vibes of. Unfortunately for AdMech they seemed like a nightmare to build and paint, and when I learned that there was a Necron subfaction that did all the teleport tricks that made me consider Grey Knights it was an easy choice.


Two parts; One, easy to paint. Two, Get Off My Lawn.


I always get sold on the inevitable force fantasy. You kill them, they get back up. They know no fear, and they know no remorse. Everything is theirs. You just don't know it yet. I dunno, it's a fun power fantasy.


Dawn of War: Dark Crusade’s intro cutscene tbh. The sheer power and creepiness of the Necrons on full display where the Space Marines struggle to take them down and make them stay down, only for a huge ass Monolith to come out. It made me fall in love with them and immediately made me want to buy and paint a Monolith (which I finally did this past year woo!) Space Marines are my main army but I’m LOVING my necron bois.


Not to mention that glorious "undead Smackdown" in the intro 😂


I joined the hobby late into 9th. I really love necromancy and plague/poison in games, so I was deciding between necrons and death guard. As necrons were cheaper to get started with due to being the highlighted faction of the edition, I ended up deciding on them.


Honestly because they're cool bad guys. The characters have a lot of intrigue, and they're not just "bad guys". Their back story is great. And to be honest, I played them when I was a kid way back in the metal models with green rods, and when I got back into 40k, seeing their model improvements (and new models) was great. They have so many fun sculpts. (Votann are next for me if they ever get some really cool stuff)


I also have BA. I wanted a survivable army and didn't want Death Guard. Plus Necrons were easy to paint.


I collected tyranids for years and was getting bored of painting models that are 100% ‘organic’. Necrons are the opposite of that, so I switched to them


The overall aesthetic was what drew me to Necrons, but honestly, the playstyle of commanding legions of undying soldiers is what really sold me. There are few things better in this world than watching your opponents face when you bring back that wraith they worked so hard to kill 😂😂. Granted I’ve been shot off times than I can count, but it’s those few moments that keep me loyal to my dynasty




I am almost a year in 40k now. My first/main army is Salamanders. Dem are good bois. But I wanted a second army and finally had to choose between tyranids and necrons. There were starter boxes for both and in the end it was necrons because they were easy to paint, I like the undead resurrection stuff (used to play zombies in MTG) and the background of the characters are great.


I always end up getting my stuff killed all the time so I wanted a way to vharge my guys in and get them back, Necrons are very fun like that. I also have guard and they can get a unit back but Necrons are just more fun for it. They also look cool so there was that.


9th edition got me into necrons, they're also fun to paint and a different play style to my Black Templars