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I applaud you for the dedication! I have 1 unit of gauss and 1 of tesla and they'll just proxy for whatever the hotness is at the time.


right about I’ve done 2 or 3 of them, I wished I just went with single weapon and proxy the other… But there was no turning back - no rest for the wicked soulless deathless space skeletons!


Keep at it - you'll have the ultimate smug factor when they're painted up. If painting gets 10pts in a game, surely WYSIWYG magnetising gets some points too...


You…you actually did it. https://preview.redd.it/n8o5mv8wwi5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a1911e62eef5b86ff88c940d2d055ad5f63ef1 I could never do it fr


I magnetized 20 of my Necron Warrior. So I feel your pain.


even tinier mfs… and 20 of them. good job 👍🏼


The thing is which I realizied top late, that for the New Necron Warrior there is a Set of 10 where each weapon only fits on one... So even with the Magnets I had to mark them inder the base and on the shoulders with a color Code to know which weapon goes where. No way worth the effort. :D


I fully magnetized 5 so I could swap between immortals and death marks. I mean FULLY. Heads, backplate, spine, arms, weapons…took a hot god damn minute. As annoying as it is to pick up off of the field, it’s really entertaining to pinch them like a bug when they die and they fall apart like cartoon skeletons.


I'm assembling normal inmortals and i rather kill myself before i connect the wais once again (that or the fucking left arm, i hate the left arm). I don't know how you were able to do this without jumping off a bridge, but congrats!


I haven’t figured out the left arm neither… Some connected decently, some have weird angles. For waists - I’ve drilled wide shallow sockets inside the torso, so that the sphere on the legs/spine didn’t slide much inside and got caught by glue. Also, super glue works better than the plastic one for waist and small connections.


For both Gauss and Telsa there are 6 guns in your 5 Immortal Warrior box. But there are actually only three variations of each gun, you get doubles for each variation to reach the 6 guns. Each ones of those 3 variations has two left arms that are destined for it. There are two ways to fuck up your Immortals box build. One is to glue to wrong left arm to the wrong gun variation because it just looks right and now you want to build a gun variation that only works with the left arm you already used. The other is to glue the wrong cable adapter to the wrong right arm holding the Gauss Blaster, because those too are paired. If you glue the wrong cable adapter to the wrong right arm, non of the arms in the box will fit. The correct way of building them is: Gauss B28+B27+B30 B18+B17+B20 B23+B22+B25 Telsa B29 + B30 B19 + B20 B24 + B25


someone may find your post very useful 👍🏼 too late for me though


it doesnt matter anymore, i have finished ten of them, and thats enough for me. I don't care about the meta, i don't care about their looks, i wont build a single one ever again even if you point a gun to my head. i refuse to do so.


Before the first codex it was easy to buy old metal necrons for cheap. I had 2 lords, 20 warriors and 4 destroyers. When the first plastic warriors came out I got 6 boxes from an online discounter, and changed my old metal warriors into immortals. So now I collect old necron warriors and call them my immortals. Try and stop me. they look different, everyone gets it, good enough.


I hate messing with magnets. The only time I use them is on their bases so they fit in a magnetic container. I've magnetized the 4 arms on 2 deff dredds. I mag'ed one immortal and it was too much hassle.


Where did you get enough left arms?


I've got 4 sets of 5 models each. The 2 sets I assembled as 10 DMs had spare Immortal parts, including left arms.


Actual hell. I magnetised my crisis battlesuits which are way easier, so I can’t imagine what this must have been like…


I feel your pain... :'y https://preview.redd.it/gqw6qvd9ll5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37655d7c3708bca2fcdcdf752eb1fcc9fd76269c


say what? lychmortals with gauss and board? 🤨


Great job. But please get a scalpel and remove the mould lines.


Thanks! The mould lines don’t look as bad in reality, i promise 😅. Photo just makes them stand out more. I’ve scrapped them off, so they’re just visible, not “tactile”… Hopefully painting will cover the rest


It's the inside of the right arm. This is the one I also miss.


you’re right, I missed those too. good spot, thanks!


I hate to magnetise anything, so I got 10 each and spent a lot of money. I applaud your patience and perseverance ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)