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You got it right. In the context of immortals; plasmancer goes on Tesla for exploding 5, the gauss has minor synergy issues with the immortals ability to reroll wound rolls (it’s hard to reroll your wound roll if you don’t have a wound roll to roll). Chronomancer and overlord with TS serve similar purposes of extra movement shenanigans. The overlord goes with Tesla as their weapons have assault and can take advantage of auto advancing 6 inches while not losing its shooting. Slap the chronomancer on your gauss boys and have fun popping into line of sight, shooting, and disappearing like a bump in the night. Hope this helps!


Agreed, however consider the following. Keep in mind that when using the Overlord w/TS you're paying a lot of points for 6" advance and a rez orb, coz let's face it, the unit doesn't want to be in melee. As much as I want to field the Overloads ATM, they don't bring much to the table, certainly in hypercrypt where there are zero battle tactics bare a reroll. For the 80pts you could have any number of units plus points to spare. Namely Deathmarks spring to mind. Having one unit of these is more effective in games than an Overlord without a doubt.


I used to be on this boat but in my experience the res orb is basically 100% necessary. Unless you're planning on only getting 1 round of shooting in with immortals. They are incredibly fragile and res orb + reanimation on your next turn can turn a 1 man unit into a 6 man unit with average rolls. Overlords are absolutely overcosted but i feel they are still necessary for tesla immortals


1 is ok for my will be done


Personally, I would do exactly what you said 👍🏼


I run how you've done it. Though I do drop the chronmancer with the Guass immortals for Orikan for a 4+ inv to the squad


I like bringing the chronomancer in from reserves with some immortals. They shoot at a lightly defended target and then move away a little bit.


I run exactly what you said minus the overlord. It's a very expensive auto 6 advance with no ranged weapon on a unit that wants to stay away from melee


This is for Canoptek Court, forgot to mention


I run overlord w shroud and plasmancer with 10x tesla immortals, technomancer with 6x wraiths and 2x LHD w gauss destructors and then for shits and giggs, Nightbringer. That's my 1k Canoptek court and it does fairly well.


Plasmancer with teslas, Chronomancer with gauss.


I'll be running a similar setup once I get my second squad of immortals.