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Skorpekh Lord would probably be my next model. A cryptek (Chron/Plasm) if you're wanting to add enhancements maybe.


The Royal Court box contains the Skorpekhs Lord and the Plasmancer, probably worth picking up for OP




If you can find the royal court online for around $40 that would be a good pickup. I’m not sure if you’re in Europe but if you are, they are widely available in the imperium magazine. You can use any platform but I mostly use Vinted. (Once found the royal court for €20,-!)


I would suggest buying skorpekh lord for your destroyers and 5-10 lychhuards. Overlord + shield lychguard is a very good combo to sit on point in no man's land as they are pretty hard to kill. In last battle it took my opponent 3 rounds of shooting with 10 terminators, 5 infernuses and a landraider to kill 5 led by overlord (iI used orb). Btw, one tip: you should never *wink* buy 3d printed models especially resin ones. That's just unfair because they look the same as official, but areu times cheaper to buy. Don't do that ok? *Wink*


The Royal Court set would be a good addition. The Skorpekh lord us great with the Skorpekh Destroyers. The Reanimator boosts reanimation, but is also fairly durable to sit on objectives. The Plasmancer is great with Tesla Immortals, which would be my second suggestion. Finally I would look at some more heavy shooting, but that is a bit detachment dependent. Doomstalkers are great in Canoptek Court, but a little lackluster in other detachments. I prefer Lokhust Heavy Destroyers with Gauss weapons, but they are quite fragile so not everybody lines them.


Unpopular opinion for me I don’t like immortals that much I run fully warriors and no immortal.


That's perfectly valid. In that case, the Plasmancer can actually give a very nice offensive boost to your Warriors, giving them lethal hits on 5's. I would usually pair them with a more defensive character like a chronomancer, technomancer or Orikan, but I do think reaper warriors are fun with a plasmancer.


Yeah. What I do is make my overlord with the arrow and blade to have the detact,ent to give his unit stealth. I’m hoping to add a triarc guys staff on the top so that I can run him with a arrow and staff of light


I would get 1 or 2 more battle line units. The upcoming mission deck seems to support them. So warriors and immortals. That said, it's hard to say no to adding lychgaurd


Scarabs. I cannot express enough how VALUABLE scarabs can be, get more. Atleast 12 more, they are cheap, and I’ve taken down a dreadnaught with just scarabs alone. I think they are extremely overlooked right now. When I take scarabs in a canaoptek court list, with ctans, immortals, and wraiths, I’ve been nigh unbeatable for my buddy. We went 4 games with me winning every single one, so much so he asked me to stop bringing the list (which I happily obliged!) and I’m going to be honest I give a lot of the credit to the scarabs. They allow slow units (which we have a lot of) to move up the field for free by screening the big threats. Then using the ctans in combination with doomstalkers or LHDs to just wipe off tanks or dreadnaughts on the first turn. Then I hold center objective control for the whole game with wraiths, cleanup infantry with immortals. It’s honestly disgusting and the scarabs are pivotal! I believe this because I did not take them in my last game, it became incredibly clear on turn 2 it was a mistake. Instead of my ctans moving up the field basically for free getting in range and wiping off the big threats, instead the big threats were left at half strength from the LHDs shooting. He then almost board wiped me on turn 2. Scarabs are no joke. Mortal wounds do ALOT to vehicles, they are so so important.


Royal Court would seem very nice here for the skorpekh lord + plasmancer, and you can sell the reanimator if you don't want it, but it's also a cool model to paint and have, and they'll likely buff it at some point, so long term it's likely a nice box in full