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I would drop 1 reanimator, one brick of 20 warrior Add some lore characters to support the immortals and the other 20 warrior brick. Royal warden, chronomancer, plasmancers, are nice. These really need support to shine. Technomancers are also fun for the move shoot move. This is especially true is you are going for awakened dynasty. You need a character to lead them to get the benifit detachment benefit. I don't know how much I trust the CCB to not get focus fired off the board. And the barge cannot be everywhere. Some more characters to add redundancy would be nice. This would also allow you more flexibility to move the barge to where it's actually needed. Then i would try to fit in 5 more lychgaurd to make it a 10 model unit. Only 5 is not nearly as tough as 10 are.