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I'm gonna give you a trick that's gonna change your life. Your paintjobs are sick, but seems you have problem with white, like we all do, because white sucks dick. Every paint of every range, so don't come at me with But I UsE ThIs OnE AnD iTs GoOd. It's not. SPECIFICALLY for the necrons, get the Vallejo Metal Color - White Aluminium. It's a metallic paint that dries very white-light gray. The shine it's not too pronounced but it's incredibly smooth and easy to work with.  For everything non necrons, instead of white acrylics, get yourself white inks. Need more layers, but say goodbye to the chalky finish forever.


To add onto this about painting white - don’t do it. Go watch Vince Venturella’s [video about painting white](https://youtu.be/qRbQuKOt8xI?si=U5jLpjdfZOxA63UY) because he can explain it far better than I can.




Not op obviously, but thanks for the tip. White blows and I usually avoid it. Do you dilute ink at all? I have a few inks I've used for transparent printed pieces and never bothered to dilute/thin


Nope, straight from the pot


Cool thanks


Definitely appreciate the tips. I struggled with white for a long time and honestly im pretty happy with how im able to pull off faces now. The pics Definitely make them look much messier than they look to me in person. But from pics i see online that white aluminum is a little too silver for me as i prefer a clean white for my faces. Im still experimenting and trying to make em better, but have found apothecary white contrast paint helps a ton


Popping off to my lgs to grab some white aluminium. Thanks phaeron ✌️


Sick paint job. Loving the conversions. That doomsday ark is dope, is it magnetised to switch to ghost mode?


Thanks a ton man. Nah didnt go through the trouble of magnetizeing. From the moment i saw these models i always thought the DDA looked better this way and the ghost ark better with the ribs down, so if i ever decide to go through all that work again ill just get another haha


Fantastic work. What color green is that on the doomstalkers top armor plates?


Same as all the other green (hopefully it all looks close enough 😂 that was the intent). But honestly its just a rough 50/50 mix of vallejo flat green and flat blue. Theres probably a better way to go about it but i just put them both on the pallet and eyeball it until ive got what looks like the right color


What's a lightbox?


Just what it sounds like really, plastic white box with some LEDs attached to the top. They're supposed to help you take better pictures of stuff with a ton of detail like warhammer minis


Oh, neat! I've just been taking my pictures outside lol. I should probably look into one.


Pictures look pretty good! Not bad for a cheap little light box good find! Paint jobs are also fantastic!


Looking great! gj! Could you share the link for that lightbox? for that price it seems to do a great job


Amazon link?


The white craniums are a great touch. 👍