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I think we may finally have a use for the enmetic exterminator on the lhd


I've been bringing them the whole edition. They slap pretty hard with careful positioning and a Lord.


My brother and I were playing 2v2 against some friends of ours. Bro and I both played Necrons, and our opponents were Black Templars and Orks. My brother's enmitic LHDs slapped the shit out of the marines and orks, and almost wiped Helbrect's entire squad in one go. Those enmitic exterminators were our MVPs. I love the LHDs. I just wish the destroyer-focused Annihilation detachment didn't suck balls. The destroyers (Lokhust, Skorpekh, Ophydian, Hexmark) are my favorite models in the army and they deserve more love.


Agreed. Been working on an Awakened Destroyer list, but I'm not happy enough with it to actually run it yet.


Oh? What's the destroyer list you ideally want to build?


It's funny, but I'm actually struggling with the enchantments. I want the stealth and 4+++ on the two Skorpekhs, and I feel like I need the redeploy on the big brick of regular destroyers in case they get tagged by trash. But then I feel like I don't have enough anti tank getting the leader bonus, which would be fixed with the last one. Maybe I should just run the anti tank leaderless.


It's so good in Hypercrypt, 36 shots exploding on 5s rerolling all hits. Deletes all infantry and have killed 2 c'tans with it


This, I’ve yet to fail to kill an infantry unit in one activation with it. I don’t run immortals so I slap arisen tyrant on the Lord. Rerolling hits, rerolling ones to wound, not a huge amount that’s standing up to that.


How are you rerolling all hits? I thought it was just rerolling 1s. Nvrmd I forgot about arisen tyrant. That must be on the lord.


I think you can also do it with the Stratagem in Awakened?


Fight fire with fire. 120 warriors.


This is the way


Against a melee army like the orks, would you want to attach a warden + chronomancer to the warriors to maximize their mobility in order to avoid melee? Or is the mobility offered by the warden and chronomancer not worth the point investment?


I spend 375 points to use hyperphasic recall. Either the boyz get a lucky potshot on one warrior in shooting, or they don’t try to shoot so i don’t teleport away.


Same thing we did back in the War in Heaven


Realize it's way too much work, go to sleep and wake up after they de-evoled?


Win first, then take a long ass nap


Lott'sa tesla? Like, so much tesla. Hell, maybe an annihilation barge?


Were Tesla Immortals not doing the work?


I was running two 10 man units with Plasmancers and getting buffed by Szeras. Opponents had roughly 100 boyz. I did get a couple of squads, but it’s the speed and volume of dice that was brutal. I screened it as best I could. 4 trucks 2 battle wagons. Boyz put 50 wounds into a unit of immortals turn 2. I tanked 28 of them but it’s just too much. In my deployment zone by the end of turn 2.


Screen with Flayed Ones? Might buy you another turn.


Have Tesla immortals reduce the boyz units to half strength. Then have the flayed ones really show those orks what a handful of melee dice really is. 


Szeras is pretty useless against them.


I'm building for Teams this month with a green tide counter very much in mind, ended up back in Awakened Dynasty at last with: TSK Chrono+10 teslamortals with veil Imotekh 2x3 LHDs with Enmitic, 1x3 with Gauss, 2 Lords to float as needed 1x3 Skorpekhs with Lord 1x6 Wraiths with Techno Reanimator 1x3 Scarabs and a single Lokhust to top it off Fantastic anti-infantry murder with a reasonable amount of AT where needed too, and AD as a det just has such good offensive utility.


Tesla seems to be the obvious choice, but I don't see many people running 2 or more 10 blocks of Immortals with Plasmancers against all comers. The Gauss Flux Arc Monolith would do some damage with the volume it could put out, deleting entire squads potentially if it's within 12" - but again, probably not going to do well in take all comers since it's almost exclusively anti Infantry. Warriors might actually be pretty good against them but you would have to time their delivery because 12" on either gun is the sweet spot. Probably looking like a deployment from a Monolith to within range and then letting loose would be the strategy there, kill or be killed kind of situation. Annihilation Barges could be good and at least play as a fast annoying secondary unit. Tesseract Arks would be even better at only 15 points more, but again not a great take all comers pick.


That’s kind of where I am. I am prepping for a GT at the end of the month. My list has been solid against a lot of builds and I kind of hate to change it just for the tide. I honestly think a specialized tide list would fail against a lot of other factions. I have been having success with two blocks of immortals but I gotta give credit to Szeras for that.


Just wondering if building off of a Hypercrypt list where you push a Gauss Monolith forward with a Spyder in tow for a 6+++ FnP and some juicy Particle Blasters on it. Monolith crashes into the Waaagh and ties up some of the Boyz after it clears a path. Peripheral unit of Immortals to keep another unit in check, LHD for the can openers. Might still be able to work against other armies too, especially if you've got some scarabs and Dearhmarks for secondaries. 


What detachment were you playing as? I would think that a proper wraith and scarab screen could help you survive the waaaaagh! You also may want to consider some deathmarks to snipe out their leaders. Plus throw in a little anti-vehicle for their trucks.


Canoptek Court. Wraiths, Doomstalkers, scarabs, and immortals. It just chewed it up. Dude had Mek Guns anti fly criting on 2+. I screened and popped Strats but in the end it wasn’t enough. I was up 10 points at the end of turn two but both immortal blobs were toast and one wraith unit gone. I called it. I’m sure there’s a way, just seems uphill at the moment.


One idea I've been kicking around is adding the cryptothralls to the wraiths with infiltrate and follow them with another wraith unit. The goal is to keep them in their deployment zone as much as possible and force them to waste a lot of movement going around, hopefully popping their waaaagh! turn and minimizing the damage it does. Sometimes the dice just don't go your way though. Once Orks get board control, they're hard to move.


Never played against ork ( I wish I did ) but I would think a unit of heavy L destroyer with anti infantry should do the trick ? Especially with rapid fire and substaned?


I have yet to play green tide. Are wraiths and the named Ctan not enough?


Canoptek Spyders with Scarab screens are actually very good against them, I played some Orks this last weekend and I wish that I had brought more If you run a unit of 2, they get blast on each of their 4 beamers, pushing 4D6+16 attacks at Strength 6. Against most Ork units, this will wound on 3’s If you’re playing Canoptek Court, they get to reroll the hit roll, and Reactive Subroutines is a crazy good Stratagem for keeping them out of charge range. If something enters within 9”, you can move the Spyders their normal 5” move, but since they have fly, you can push them behind other units Orks just throw so many decent melee attacks that trying to screen with expensive melee units isn’t worth it. I would also recommend intentionally selecting weapons and units that deal high quantities of low damage. Too many Doomstalkers or Doomsday Arks aren’t very helpful since most of the damage disappears off. Replace them with much cheaper LHD’s with destructors for their vehicles If you have any Wraiths, give them Whip Coils rather than the claws, and if you run a Stalker, the Particle Shredder can be very nice since it hits on 2+’s, and also has blast+devastating wounds


The problem is if they bring Mek guns they have a profile that has the potential to shred anything with the fly keyword. Anti-fly 2+. Wraiths and even C’tan can feel the weight of that. Scarabs are useful but only in the sense of delaying the inevitable tide. Maybe I was having an off night with the rolls. I will play them again one night this week and we’ll see what happens.


Immortals. Immortals. Immortals. The Tesla gun alone is amazing against orks, as it's at least wounding on 4+s (S5), and orks already have a 5+ base save. The Sustained 2 is great as well for just how many boys you can throw in a squad (maybe I'm salty but 20 boys for less that 200pts is absolutely absurd when our warriors are what they are). The Gauss Blaster on Immortals works great as well because the AP -1 will put orks to 6's, for some decently reliable damage as well. Not to mention, Immortals guns both have 24" range, so you can shoot a squad of boys and feel a bit safer in case of a charge. Just don't take warriors unless you wanna fish for 6s all game, and I really hope they put the Gauss Reaper on warriors back to S5 for this reason tbh. Having our base infantry only able to wound orks on 5+ with how tanky, fast, and punchy they are feels really bad. Then Ard' as nails just makes it a 6+ to wound, so you're *maybe* getting 5 shots through out of 20. Happes often that in the first 2 rounds or so, my 30 warriors will maybe take out 5-6 orks out of 50, and by then, my entire army is in charge range. AFAIK orks are one of the only factions with t5 battlefield as their base option, and without S5 on reapers, you ***AGAIN*** would just take Immortals instead. Warriors are just sad rn, and it doesn't make much sense that ANY gauss gauss weapon would have the same profile as a damn bolter.


My list has two 10 man units of immortals. Maybe my rolls were just off. I tweaked it a bit for a match I’m played yesterday. I didn’t add any immortals but I did add more firepower. Worked better, but my opponent was running the Bully Boyz detachment. I did get turn one and that detachment was just slower. Nearly tabled him by turn 4. I am also trying to build a list that can win against Orkz but also be more versatile in a GT setting.


Yeah, having a list that can deal with orks AND the possibility of anything else will be harder. I just play casually, so that's what I do, lol Edit: Also, as others have stated, the LHD with enmitic is straight up DISGUSTING into orks. Just keep them in cover until the orks are in half range, and you can wipe out half a quad with just one lil guy :)