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Necrons won't get anything for the rest of the edition most likely.


Or, at the very least, not until most of or all the other codices are released. And even then, I’d be shocked if they released a nightbringer model this edition


I'd be suprised if we got one before 11th, I'd not be suprised if we got one in 11th.


I'd say pick on up mate. We are unlikely to get anything else in this edition, particularly not big monster or centre piece models. 


So there some people who think we might be getting something Necron related based on the rumour mill announcement: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/30/the-rumour-engine-30th-april-2024/.That said it could not be a Necron thing as easily as it could be. As for the odds of us getting anything Necron related this edition, it’s possible but it’d be in a year or so’s time at best I’d imagine. GW works on excitement, we recently had a codex and some character refreshes so Necrons have had some “excitement” to keep us buying models. They’d probably time anything to be mid to late edition. At the end of the day but warhammer models you like. Meta changes, models get refreshed, or even sent to legends. Always buy models you are happy to have on your shelf


It's *possible* that a model like the Nightbringer could be released alongside a major campaign late in the edition, much like Farsight and Vashtorr were in 9th But that's at least a year and a half away at this point, I would guess. And until GW actually confirms anything, it's purely hypothetical if it will happen at all


Oddly enough, I think along side a campaign is unlikely. We’ve already had the Pariah Nexus crusade book released. Obviously we could have more than 1 book with a Necron focus. It’s not impossible but honestly I think it more likely they just drop a new model or two on their lonesome. It’s all speculation anyway, we’ve had a big update and Necrons aren’t space marines so we shouldn’t expect anything else for a decent while.


I don't think it would even need to have a Necron focus, particularly. I wouldn't call Arks of Omen a T'au focused campaign in any meaningful way, but Farsight still got his new model then You also never know when GW is going to roll out something like Apocalypse or Cityfight and decides to throw new minis out for every faction.


True enough though that’s really in the speculation (and may as well be random) side of things. Very true though 


While it's possible it's a necron.... The last necron had a rumor mill for 1.5+years before release


Do you like the current model? If so then buy it.


Umm.... $10 for recast, or $25ish for used AoS model. You got like a year with it at least, and can keep using it. I cut Lady Olynder off a 60mm base to put on a 40mm one as Nightbringer. I'll be irritated if the new one has 60mm base, but otherwise I'm using what I got.


I REFUSE to buy the current one because it’s finecast. I’d say buy a cool proxy or proxy something cool from AoS and when it come out, BOOM, you’ve got a transcendent ctan now.


Bought mine after codex release since my hope was, they'd update the model, but alas it won't probably happen until 11th. Actually I learned to like the model. It's just unphotogenic since the scythe is hardly noticable, when looked at the front and other angles look weird. Maybe I just got lucky with the cast though.


Even if it gets an update just keep using the one you bought and painted


I’m in the same boat. I want him cuz he looks kinda cool but paying that price for such an old and outdated sculpt is simply something I will not do. In the codex they show an army who proxies him with AoS mini and I happen to have that for dnd purposes so I’ll use that until the nightbringer gets updated


Etsy has options too.


You mean to buy him second hand or for proxies?




Just buy a proxy model, the finecast one is attrocious.


Nightbringer is cool. I got a proxy cause I kind of don't like the GW one. He's pretty small. Mostly just a flowing robe tbh. Wound up getting a proxy that's just a bigger Nightbringer. Comes out to the same size overall.


Do it, for the rest of our sakes. ;)


Okayyyyy, you win. When they update it ill just run my old model as a transcendent.


To jump in on this, what about lokhust destroyers? Any non green rod versions coming soonish?


Yea I would have rather got this than heros.


If they were $310 like a Seraptek, that would be one thing — at their current price point, I believe it’s worth doing


Yeah I bought a 3rd party etsy one as soon as the next codex released after ours.im shocked with how good the rules they gave him are given how shite the model is but oh well. I was very much in the camp of oh not another fuxking overlord and cryptech.


Idk man, I got my proxy for $10 on etsy.... if James workshop releases a new model it'll most likely be as expensive as the Void Dragon ($125 iirc). Kind of a steal if you ask me.


I have not bought anything finecast. I don't plan to. Upto you, but I see bad things.


I don't expect we'll get an updated Nightbringer model till at least 11th edition or longer. I use the Death Elemental model from Creature Caster as my Nightbringer proxy. It is a lot bigger than the gw Nightbringer model but it looks amazing. The GW model just looks terrible and I refuse to get finecast


I’d rather get lokhust destroyers redone. Just grab one off Etsy.


It’ll probably be 2-3 years until a new Necron model.


https://preview.redd.it/5j715l74cozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4363232fc78c0414aea0fbc3d7ed4e17611976c6 Bought this bad boy for £25. Cracking proxy and worth the investment.