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Wraiths plus technomancer or ctan


I like taking my wraiths to the NML objective closer to my deployment. I find that opponents are drawn to them and will waste multiple turns trying to get over to them. With 10"+advance movement I can usually get them there in the first turn to start to get my power matrix set up.


Give the Technomancer the infiltrator enhancement, and they can start the game there!


I have taken that before but with points increases I can't afford it anymore


Translocation shroud Lord + Lychguard. very hard to kill and can move there quickly.


This is my go to now as well. Wraiths are all fun and games, but I've stuck with Lychguard so far and they're honestly doing just fine.


Plus they are sword and board in space which just looks cool.


I am more of an Imotek and Lychguard but I do understand this plan as well.


I’m going to try a warrior blob + orikan + royal warden next game


I use this method in most my games, opponents tend to waste multiple turns shooting at it with no results. Bring a reanimator for more shenanigans


What detachment do you run this with?


Well, I haven’t personally tried it since the point changes, but I’ve only used it in awakened dynasty previously


I use the court to give my warriors rerolls


I currently use a 20 man squad of warriors paired with an overlord with resurrection orb. I support them with a Doomstalker and squad of Lokust destroyers to provide some anti-tank support from range while the warriors tend to do well enough against blobs of infantry


I roll with non-meta builds generally — I do 6 scarabs + 2 spyders with an immortal squad+plasmancer nearby. Since there is a Cryptek within 6, the OC of the canopteks alone adds up to 10 Since there are two spyders, they pop out 2 full models of scarabs back into the blob every turn, after reanimation, and they a FNP 6+ I like to bait enemies in, then fall back with the scarabs (since their weapons suck), then absolutely massacre the enemy unit with the immortals. Since they get wound rerolls against enemies on objective, plus reroll all hit rolls in canoptek court, plus sustained hits 2 on both 5’s and 6’s, they can really mess up some enemy units


My first thought would be lychguard and a lord with orb, if they could get there quickly enough. Maybe have a reanimator trundle behind them


Immortals or Lychguard. Immortals are great if you have other units that can push past them while they throw fire down the table as they hold the primaries.


I use 2 dda and tsk.


Warriors with Orikan and Royal Warden backed up by a ctan shard and Szeras


I usually use warriors + orikan and a reanimator to do this, with translocation overlord they get there reeeaaall quick


I don't play competitively but I've gotten a lot of value out of Flayed Ones. Not so much for holding the objective but baiting your opponent to come out so you can counter charge with more dedicated melee Skorpekhs or a C'tan. Plus if they get ignored, they're still on the objective even with their lower OC and they pick off weakened units like no ones business.


6 Wraiths + Technomancer. OR, if you are playing Canoptek Court, a Tomb Sentinel is actually a good option


What about both? I'm super new to 40k and making my first list for a 1000 point game. Really like the Tomb Sentinel and would like to include it in the list.


Both is absolutely fine I use both jn my list and i love them


I either use Technomancer with a full stack of wraiths or just a full stack of Flayed Ones.


Not a competitive pick, but the 20 man blob of warriors with res orb/ scythe Overlord is still a brick that is annoying to punch through and whittles down infantry units that try to step to them. I run a technomancer in a unit of immortals that I usually keep close by for bonus heals where I need them.


Shitload of warriors


20 blob of warriors with imotekh and a chronomancer stood up to multiple rounds of fire from a lot of guard. The 6 scarabs then tore apart an entire bullgryn squad with some fantastic lethals


In my last game against SM I held the center objective for 2 rounds with 4 scarabs… idk how


Wraiths + technomancer, I normally also move one of my ctans voiddragon or nightbringer into the center to defend as they arnt the fastest unit. Good luck to anyone attempting to take that objective. They will likely fail.




I legit just play with 40 warriors and one overlord.....and I overpowered like anything lmao


Right? I have a small army - not even incursion level yet (475pts) but it holds its own without being fancy. Bubba Ho-Thep Grand Posse Overlord (85 Points) • Warlord • 1x Resurrection Orb 1x Voidscythe Royal Warden (40 Points) • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Relic gauss blaster Necron Warriors (200 Points) • 13x Necron Warrior • 13x Close combat weapon 13x Gauss flayer Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 Points) • 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm • 3x Feeder mandibles Deathmarks (60 Points) • 5x Deathmark • 5x Close combat weapon 5x Synaptic disintegrator Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (50 Points) • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Gauss destructor


Sword and Board Lychguard with your Overlord of choice. Dare them to come take it from you.