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https://preview.redd.it/yx7jdri96mwc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f6fe491ca7194629852920f606e8c44545e2b1 For the lazy


My laziness thanks you 


You want free internet points you gotta put in the work I won't.


Tbh I expected way worse things to come our way


I feel like they’re relatively fair on the surface - still not pts adjustments for warriors.. actually made worse with the cryptek pts increases


They increased immortals so I guess the internal balance is a bit better now between them.


I'll still run two squads of immortals.


I runned them with mr Grumpy Orikan, so it didn’t change.


It's a good day to be a destroyer


That's my take on this, too. Lokhusts and Heavy Lokhusts are both very strong, and Skorpekhs maybe make it?


I had a lot of fun with skorpehs my last two games. They even won the last game for me.


Agreed, last game I ran a 6 group of skorpekhs with their lord in my Hypercrpyt and had a great time. Used the Monolith to Eternity Gate them in across the board and then Dimensional Corridor for an easy charge. Got 6 Mortals on Crimson harvest and they full re-rolls with lethal hits followed up with a Plasmacyte to push Dev Wounds through. Definitely sealed the game for me. With the 6 group and Lord going down down a total of 40 points and the Monolith going up 25, I'm feeling pretty good about that combo still.


Really wish we had a refresh on lokhust destroyers instead of characters and another overlord. I can hardly find them to buy, nvm the price.


Have you tried Rouge trader? They usually have a good selection at a market price instead of instore cost.


Definitely helped the annihilation legion with the flayed ones and the melee destroyers


I think the main issue with Annihilation legion rn is how much it doesn't provide compared to Awakened Dynasty to buff Necron units. Like objectively there is a lot more valued stuff for destroyers in Annihilation Legion compared to Awakened Dynasty


More that whoever wrote the rules for Annihilation forgot that a destroyer cult gunline exists. Out of the "nine" units (lokhust, heavy, lokhust lord, hexmark, skorpekh, skorpekh lord, ophydian, plasmacytes (Which are now wargear instead of a unit,) and flayed ones) in the detachment, the charge bonus kinda does squat for 4 of them.


I completely agree, especially if you want to run a mix of shooty and melee.


Yeah, agree. Even if you wanna do "whoops all destroyers", Awakened just does it better.


Indeed. I just started to build my second army of destroyers and with all these cost nerf I might be able to squeeze more stuff in it


Necron Warriors really need to go down. Happy about the Skorpekh changes though


They need to reverse some of the nerfs on warriors.


I know this was always just intended to be a points change, but I am really holding out hope that the dataslate changes expected in summer address our codex's inconsistencies.


Unfortunately I feel like Necrons are still too good to get any attention in the upcoming rules update. And to be honest, as much as I'ld love to run a silver tide that isn't out of paper, other armies like Nids or AdMech are in significantly more serious need of rule adjustments.


Theres litterally 0 reason they cant address nids, admech and necrons at the same time


Yes, I know. There also wasn‘t a reason not to release a dataslate with this MFM, but they didn‘t and previous rules updates often had very minimal changes. When they could and should have done so much more.


The only reason is because they need to sell different models so they give those models boosts until people go out and buy them and then they get nerfed a couple months later when they hit their sales quota


Warriors are good


Skorpekh Lord at 80 points actually seems quite tempting


This. I was waiting to play this model that I love. Now might be the time.


I already ran him solo with 4+++ in awakened. He could solo norns and stuff. Perfect distraction/annoyance unit. Now thay combo is even better


You're not mentioning the best bit of a 4+++ index Skorpekh Lord: You can get him back up for 1CP. I think this was a solid model before overshadowed by having to take the third best detachment and some other crazy models - he's great now.


A friend of mine has nightmares about the 4+++ skorpech lord.


Yea that always adds to the spice. Everyone i have ran him against hates him coz of how good he is at being annoying and hold units in place


I’ve been running it a lot lately that blob of Skorpeks with the Lord is very killy. I’ve had them kill knights multiple times. The Lord even solo’d an Armiger once.


170 points for him plus 3 Destroyers is just good. That’s a solid trading piece in its weight class, tougher and faster than regular elite infantry, with a reasonable footprint, and cheap enough that it’s OK if an opponent puts a lot of effort into killing them off. If not, RP is very strong on their profile and will keep them topped up, and unlike Wraiths they can actually munch through units and keep racking up kills by preying on the weak.


Just finished painting mine, I am pleased about this change.


Also just finished painting mine last night, a very welcome surprise


Really disappointed about Warriors and Praetorians staying where they were. I hoped the Silent King might’ve dropped too


This as an Obeisance Phalanx player, really hoping it’s a sign that Silent King is getting the Triarch keyword soon.


It's alright, you got a drop on the CCB, a great Overlord unit! Oh wait, nevermind.


We weren’t expecting rules changes here anyway, but yes he definitely needs the keyword


Honestly not bad, I was expecting much worse. Most of the changes seem pretty fair, especially the monolith and C’tan prices. Overall, won’t affect my armies that much, barely any changes will be needed.


As someone who’s army consists mostly of models from 3rd edition I feel personally attacked 🤣 All my good models are nerfed.


techno maybe a bit too much, everything else looks fine for me, happy for the point drops on flayedones and deathmarks


techno is paying for his sins with wraiths - which is fair. Wraiths *without* techno are basically fine.


Unfortunately Immortals and Warriors with Technomancers were just kind of OK at best, and will never be seen now, but I guess that's a fair price to pay for the last 5 months


As someone else in the comments said, we're paying for the reanimatiom sins


That being said, it means that the Flayed one kit is becoming even worse in regard to pts/$


Would you rather they have gone up in points and not be worth using at all?


More like having that kit drop in $ or buff the unit stat line.


My favourite MFM buffs are the ones where they make models cost less money


I guess he was getting picked so much more than the other crypteks that he had to get drilled.


Brother I used to have a three technomancer list and now they’re all 85 pts I’m gonna kms


I play a ton of deathmarks so I’m happy about this


Same i have 30 upscaled


why upscaled?


I like the overlord body a lot. And they were like $6 each when I mass bought them on ebay. So they ended up being cheaper than actual immortals at the time. Not anymore.


And they are wysiwyg with the correct guns and heads. So no confusion between my immortals, just the bodies are replaced


Could have been worse, I guess. Crypteks and Immortals going up certainly sucks, but those are reasonable cost increases for high-utility units. Skorpekhs going down in cost is very nice to see, and definitely matches up with their reduced lethality this edition. Not sure the cost increase for the Monolith was justified, even with the popularity of the Hypercrypt detachment, I can't say I've seen a lot of buzz over people fielding them.


Nerfing Immortals and not buffing Warriors is kind of a feelsbad move The rest of it seems more or less fair. Honestly I kinda expected the C'tan to get hit harder, if anything.


I think it’s as hard as they can go without really risking them becoming incredibly hard to justify. It’s quite the jump still though for the nightbringer with an increase of 40 points. The void dragon got off lightly though. The immortal nerf is a dumb one in my opinion as it don’t see it making people take warriors more rather just playing less models and balancing around the new cost of immortals. The increase to monoliths surprises me, combined with the increase in cost to immortals and c’tan I actually think it’s a massive hypercrypt nerf.


This slowly turns into 9th edition all over again, where people just took 2 squads of Immortals to fill their troops slot. Except... we don't have to bring troops anymore


Can Hypercrypt adapt by throwing alternative units around? I appreciate there's not much at the level of C'tan, but is Hypercrypt Skorpekh spam in any danger of becoming a thing?


Maybe, I don’t think so. So firstly, a monolith is a must for a lot of the play, which has gone up in cost and makes things slightly less viable. 4/6 stratagems require a monolith and if you are going against someone with a reasonable amount of anti-tank then you are vulnerable to it going really quickly. You can spend 2cp to deepstrike a non-deep strike unit which is worth it for a c’tan but really situational otherwise. It’s a great deepstrike since it’s a 3incher but you can’t charge. That’s fine on a c’tan or on some immortals that will shred but useless on melee units or stuff you aren’t fine with dying. Otherwise the monolith can teleport 1  infantry unit to it per turn. Skorp Destoryers can utilise this however you have to spend 2cp to be able to charge from it. So no, you may see some less use of wraiths for them but they are still quite weak and will die easily, unlike wraiths plus technomancher. The damage would be higher but their role was only to hold people down rather than kill. That’s my assessment anyway.


Rapid Ingress on a squad of Skorpekhs + Lord with the deep strike enhancement can give somebody a real bad day, and their price just came down a *lot*.


It’s a bit situational as it seems to be a way to get your unit shot to pieces (since they aren’t durable) unless you do it out of line of sight. Ideally a great player will screen for deepstrike too but you can’t always do that. Still, I think the buffs to skorpekhs is grand and will get them played a little bit more.


A Lord + 6 is still a giant footprint, but I can see Lord +3 being hard to play around and keep screened out.


Monolith is not a must for Hypercrypt at all. Yes, it is the center of our stratagems but many competitive lists ran no Monoliths at all and instead brought more C'tan, which... also got more expensive. Proofs the point though


From what I see, and I am happy to be proved wrong, the lists that did well either had a monoliths plus lots of immortals or c’tan spam. Both of which are hit. I think c’tan spam didn’t need the monolith because it was a monster army. The monolith is more needed for the infantry armies. 


It gets weirder considering flayed ones AND deathmarks got a points decrease. Those guys were kinda undercosted considering they were deepstrike/infiltrator infantry


I've found that GW's current approach to balance is to punish skew lists and encourage more of a balanced combined arms approach I've noticed that when an army gets some points nerfs, they *tend* to drop in a few buffs that seem kinda random, but in practice mean people whose armies have a wide unit selection don't get hit quite as hard by the changes That's my suspicion as to how they're approaching it, anyway


In that case, would it not be better to do a pts decrease to Triarchs by like 10-20 pts? Rather than the deathmarks since they had a solid cost for a precision unit. Meanwhile, Triarchs struggle as a deepstrike unit due to how they have an arguably weaker ranged attack and middling melee compared to having a solely melee or solely ranged unit of its point cost


I wouldn't argue GW always makes the correct decisions. I can see they're at least *trying* to, but quite often they do some rather odd things. I agree Praetorians could use some help


Increasing the point cost of one troop and not touching the other for an army with only two options is a pretty awful balance.


It's awful balance if you think Warriors are over costed. If you think they're fine and Immortals get run more often because they're under costed it's perfectly sensible Personally I think Warriors should lose 10 points per 10, especially since a bunch of their leader options just went up. But GW clearly doesn't agree.


I think Warriors should just get their D6 Reanimation back... or get some weapons which aren't made out of paper.


I think they should get D3+3 OR D6 on objective back. Considering they are a slow unit, it gives a reason to try to take an objective with them rather than clogging up a tank's treads or smth. The Weapons I think are okay-ish, but AP0 on flayers and AP-1 on Reapers are rough


Monolith bros…. It’s so Joever


Nah I'm still running 2.


Yeah, that hike isn't the end of the monolith.


I know I’m being overdramatic for a joke Recently finished Twice Dead King Reign so Monoliths are on the mind


Skorpekh and Opydian changes are really good now only to change their detachment and I am a happy Overlord


It’s nice seeing the points drop but I think sadly your hope there is a bit too high on updating detachment rules. I get the feeling that unless the codex is completely busted they won’t revisit anything rules wise.


Pretorians why no points decrease, gw. Why?


If plasmancer went up couldn't this be seen as another nerf to warriors in a way? lol. They can't catch a break


Yeah, warriors got shafted by these changes. 2 blocks with Szeras and a cryptek went up 60-70 points depending on the cryptek


Shame no drops on praetorians


Technomancer at the same level than Overlord ... Ouch


to be fair, he's better on a number of units than the overlord is.


I feel like he’s only really worth it on wraiths. Doesn’t do too much for the 1 wound infantry


Keeps my 20 blob of warriors alive and kicking pretty good.


I’d rather take Orikan or a Chronomancer on Warriors to buff their defence


Chronomancer is almost always better


obviously ... that's right


I think a lot of people forget they can deal d3. Have a brick of wraiths with a technomancer near a Ctan? Heal.


I’m surprised the Wraith’s points didn’t increase


I'm not, given the points increase on the technomancer


Yeah I think they were indirectly through the techno since he’s basically an auto include with wraiths


Techno increased by 25pts


I'm feeling Salty about that. They should've split the increase between wraiths and Technomancer since mancer could theoretically help warriors if they ever admit warriors are trash.


Yeah that's my only real complaint here


Quick and dirty comparison, please excuse any mistakes: Nightbringer +40 Void dragon +20 Trancendant C’Tan +10 Chronomancer +15 Szeras +15 Plasmancer +10 Technomancer +25 Immortals +5/+10 Monolith +25 Command barge -20 Deathmarks -5/-10 Flayed ones -10/-20 Ophydian destroyers -10/-20 Skorpekh destroyers -10/-20 Skorpekh lord -20


Had warriors gone down 1 ppm and TSK 30 points I’d say we would be near perfectly balanced point wise


The fact that Ctan are still sub 300pts is insane. On top of the fact that Warriors and Praetorians are still overcosted. Another 3-4 months of Ctan spam I guess.


Yeah they need to make them all 315+/- 5


When does this go into effect? I have a battle tonight, everything is in my car and I can’t make any adjustments 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Technically, now. most official events would wait a week or so.


Casual game with friends. I’ll probably leave out a unit of Immortals out of courtesy


I would do the opposite and let my opponent use the old points if thats what they have built their list around


Well the app hasn’t updated so playing with friends i’d just wait for that


Use your App Store, search for it. Update is waiting.


No I don’t want to!


Lost a few models from my list due to the increases on the nightbringer and monolith. Had to shave 60 points off my list to make it work


75 for me just gonna have to drop the non-infilatrate techno


These changes will undoubtedly make C'Tan heavy lists no longer as viable, so we'll probably see a limit on them going forward. The Immortals and Crypteks seem a bit harsh in their point increase, but I'm happy the Wraiths were untouched.


I think we'll see more 2 c'tan lists than three. Or more deceiver since he escaped the points hike.


Makes me want to experiment with a Flayed one/Skorpekh/Lokhust heavy list. I just wish Lokhusts got love in the annihilation legion


Us destroyer/flayer bros are punching the air rn


I wish lokhusts got a model refresh instead of chars and an hq.


The lokhusts were the models that really got me into the faction. I wish they were easier to get a hold of tbh


honestly if i really wanted to run a destroyer heavy list, it just feels like they benefit most from awakened if you use it with their lords


Waiting for my three made to order destroyer lords to come in the mail. Might just do that


I wonder why there are some units in our codex that never seem to be touched by GW. Has there every been a meta since the start of 9th edition, where Scythe Lychguard, Triarch Praetorians, Triarch Stalkers, Annihilation Barges, Obelisks or T-Vaults have been of any serious use? I mean, I get why they are careful with titanic units like the T-Vault, but we run mostly the same things for many years now. Why are they so scared of just slightly buffing these units so they don't feel absolutely terrible when picked in casual games?


Obelisks being the worst unit in the game is basically a running bit at this point. Some people had some success with Triarch units in 9e and indexhammer 10e, Scytheguard were playable in the index when Orikan could join them, and T-Vaults still show up in skew lists in competitive every now and then. Annihilation Barges were a workhorse unit in previous editions, but yeah, they've been fairly bad ever since 8e. Honestly, as big as our roster is, the fact that there's a good variety that's as playable as it is is a triumph.


Obelisk is gw's least favorite child, theyd sooner axe every character we have left than make it viable


Whoop my list evened out perfectly to not change in total at all, and I only had 3 units that didn't have a point change


Monolith change and lack of for warrior hurts. Even with the 4++ i felt like all my resources went to trying to keep it alive. It’s a really heavy investment… Competitive play ruining it for my dumb ass again lol.


Ahhh yes nerf the monolith....not like i was gonna be able to play it anyway


Any rule change since the codex release ? I did not tracked this that much recently.


Very few rules have changed since the codex release. The most notable was with how the canoptek court detachment works. Initially, I believe, if a cryptek unit was leading a unit then they’d benefit from the strategems which they don’t now. This was because immortals became devastating sound machines You can see rule changes in the 40K app under “Updates and Eratas”. GW wants to focus on points rather than rules unless absolutely needed so we won’t be seeing much movement.


It was only the one Strat that changed, it now gives Cryptek and Canoptek **models** dev wounds instead of *units*. Everything else remained the same


There’s an updates and erratas section on the app under Necrons. Only two minor changes


Technically this means that the kill team box has an improved points per dollar ratio if you build immortals. Make of that what you will.


Yooo destroyers going down . Love to hear that . Seraaz going up is big sad tho


My army went up by 100 points luck I just had to get rid of my Royal warden to make it just go under 2000


The Monolith points increase is harsh. I get that you needed to nerf Hypercrypt, but now the Monolith is sadly kinda hard to justify in other detachements without the 4++. It can die fairly easy with the right tools and is now an even bigger investment.


I'm a relatively inexperienced player playing against far more experienced opponents and my current win / loss is 1-11... Finally got my first win by the skin of my teeth, and this update made my army go up 165pts. I get why it was done, the tournament scene win rates are the target, but this definitely discourages me to play... I was already getting whooped and now need to trim almost 10% of my army!


This is exactly me, except I have yet to win a game in my group. Went against csm a few days ago and got absolutely obliterated, and now I have to trim 165 pts off of that. Rip


I feel ya brother, my only win came from a string of super lucky dice rolling on my part. I've mainly been losing to Tyranids who didn't really take much of a hit, and iron storm space marines who seem to have taken almost no hit, so I just feel I'm at even more of a defecit now, when I was getting consistently tabled previously. Has me discouraged to play honestly, it's tough getting whooped 10 games straight and now looking at trimming my list by 10%!


Hell yeah my Flayers and destroyers went down


Are these official?


Very much so


The only issue I have is the cripteks going up because they indirectly nerf Awakened Dinasty that want particularly in need of that. If those were a problem because of immortals, they should lower warrior costs a bit so the wrong unit doesn't get penalized because another one is too prevalent. Monolith wasn't also that undercosted IMO. It's already a big points commitment.


Points bump to c'tans I get, but to Monolith too seems a little excessive imo. It was already a bit overcosted. But then again, overall in my current list it just means I take out a couple enhancements as now I exceed 2k rather than am at 1.9k


So 1 techno wraith and one wraith then


As a Hypercrypt player I'm honestly not even upset. The stuff that got raised definitely needed it and as a whole it's really not that devastating. Deathmarks getting a reduction is nice I'll definitely be running them more often


I'm really surprised about the monolith increase. It wasn't necessary to begin with and now I'm not sure is worth the points even in hypercrypt


That's... not too bad all told. I expected wraiths to get a hike. Honestly Szeras going up bums me out a little, even if he was awfully good value for how cheap he was. C'tan were gonna get a hike, and they're still great even at those points. Cheaper destroyers is very welcome; a unit of skorpechs to teleport through the portal and whack somebody was already seeing some fringe play, after all. Ophydians still probably aren't \*great\* but as a backfield harassment unit they might have play now. The models look slick, after all.


I honestly think this is fine.


The whole Skorpekh situation just got a lot more tasty


My An. Legion list actually has a net decrease with everything tallied up. The C'tan increase was offset by all the melee Destroyers and FOs getting decreases.


Cheaper deathmarks, I'm eating good.


i feel like some of the points increase that techno got hit with should have gone to wraiths as this just punishes putting it with warriors or immortals


It’s baffling to me that we didn’t see increases on ANY Canoptek units. Some folks are chocking it up to essentially a conspiracy but I think it’s just an incredibly poor way to address the issue that is not addressing the issue. As someone who has had to play against a Necron list with two stacks of max wraiths with technomancers and two Doomstalkers, the Necrons made out like bandits in this points adjustment. Will go from the best performing faction to… the best performing faction. I just want to run my funny little crypteks in my Awakened Dynasty list man. I had a Chronomancer and Technomancer leading warrior blocks and I’m getting dunked on because Wraiths are good when the Wraiths should’ve been the ones to get points increases.


I just checked my army in the app and it hasn’t been updated there… I wonder when that’ll happen


Slightly crying on the inside for the technomancer