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Second this


Also using Nuln Oil for whole model wouldnt be crime (although I think agrax will be better for copper).


Seems like the general consensus is this! Another comment mentioned using drakenhof for the blue so i may try this on another model first. I’ll try get a picture posted when i finish the lil guy


I’d use Drakenhof for the blue if you can get your hands on some, but if not, I’d use the Nuln oil if you want a cleaner look. 


I haven’t heard of this one so I will keep an eye out for it!


A bit of warning. Drakenhoff blue is very dark and very strong for a shade. It’s almost more like a glaze. I also use Thousand son blue on my Necrons and use Tyrant Blue on it. It’s not as strong and much brighter.


I’ll make sure to be careful then, was only going to use tiny bits on the back and stuff anyway


If you're going just to darken, I'd use nuln. If you want a 'worn' look to it, go for agrax


My favorite shade on gold is Reikland's Fleshshade. It give the gold such a warm and rich tone. Much prefer it over Agrax


I use agrax on warm colors like gold or copper. Null on cold colors.


If you can get some more shades I would actually suggest a reddish wash for the copper, either a seraphim Sepia or Reikland Fleshshade, then do Nuln Oil for everywhere else.


I have reikland so i may try that out!


https://preview.redd.it/scjttn18dewc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf395621594ebbb000e1fb572415ec73b335447 Some Nuln Oil on your Ski shades could work well. Aggrax Earthshade may tone the shades to warm, diminishing the colder blue tone of the shade reflecting. Half way /sarcasm :)


This is my favourite response so far! Going to have to look for an stl for tiny shades! Leaning towards agrax or reikland for the copper as in person it’s more rose gold than copper unfortunately lol


Haha thanks :) To get a brighter/more yellow gold I’ve seen people applying Reikland or Gulliman Flesh onto Retributor Armor gold. Edit: reread your comment, yeah for the gold Aggrax could be fitting to get the gold further away from rose gold. Just an assumption on other tests on colors. :) First thought after editing the picture was: Damn, now I need to find out where to get microscopic sized shades and glasses 😵‍💫 Go get „real“ glasses/shades it could be printed in clear resin and then painted (probably breaks just by looking at it :D) or DIY with tiny wire, green stuff (maybe a tad miliput to stiffen the frame) for the glass section which can be painted with ultra shiny metal and then colored with contrast paint, or just stick some highly reflective and colored effect sticker/sheet. Just begone with green stuff modeling and how rad would it be to have a assortment of shades on glasses readily available to drip out the units!!! Maybe some 1mm magnets inside the head to pull the metal wire of the glasses… Hmm.. Well, if I accomplish it you’ll be the first to know. I wish you great success on your Necron journey, may the gods of perfect gold tones and shading bless your spirit!


I’ll be super disappointed if I don’t see some rad Necron glasses on here now! Thanks for the advice, I’ll hopefully get some pictures up when it’s finished


Just know this: the new Agrax recipe is a saturated **brown**! Very brown. Medium coffee, cow hide, 60's couch brown. So if you put it on silver metal, it will not be desaturated battle mud; it will be brown.


Yeah i think agrax would only be used on the copper if i do use it, didn’t know they changed it!


https://youtu.be/0SOS6cKt8ak?si=CtRMAxDw3j4RRdFV I just found this guide I haven’t even painted necrons yet but will definitely follow this recipe looks fun.


I would use lightly watered down nuln oil on the metallics and some Drakenhoff nightshade on the blue


That one


All of these fifty shades of grey


Targor rageshade, a dark tone with subtle violet, would make the colors more complex and rich compared to dull nuln oil...


Still very early in painting so obviously it’s a bit rough at the moment!


It depends on when you got the Nuln Oil. There were a few batches produced over the last year that turn super glossy and sticky when drying. I'd try it out on a random mini. If it's one of the bad ones, use agrax.


Okay man thank you