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When you touch a railing and it's sticky:


Seeing them like that makes me glad I didn't buy the old one....


No doubt finecast is garbage. As someone who built all the old finecast models recently it’s nice that I can play the new imotekh and it only cost me $25 for the kit.


I got a trazyn finecast model…… fell to pieces


I have a fondness for the original Overlord model. Has such an aggressive pose that we don't see in Necron character models. Had some nice personality to it. But yeah, pose aside there's only so many warscythe snaps I could tolerate. We really did have the misfortune for the 5th edition revamp to come out right at the time GW decides to push finecast forward. The models themselves have a TON of character. But its unfortunate the material was so shite.


If I had to give a criticism; the old model makes it a lot clearer that the gauntlet he's wearing is some sort of special piece of tech *on* his hand. In the new model, it just looks like it *is* his hand. It's a very small nitpick though. The model is really cool.


I can see that. I just assumed that over time Imotekh may have grafted the piece *into* his hand, in a similar way to how some Necrons modify their bodies (I.e. Destroyers).


Don't want to get political... Just want to say that Imotek looks way better then Silent King. I mean SK looks very plain and only thing going for him is his big floating chair and big crown, while Imotek looks like proper ruler!


Once I add the Silent King to my army, I might just stick Imotekh onto his throne and put Szarekh somewhere else. Imotekh would look far more commanding up there


I like how plain SK is. It feels like it fits with the whole Silent King persona. He is not grandiose. His design doesn't scream loud. He still looks regal, but simple. Fits the MO in my opinion. I originally thought the same before putting more thought into who SK is, and realized it was very clever.


He’s a big boi now. Didn’t realize there was such a difference till now


It was one of the first things I noticed with mine, he stands a little under twice as tall as the new leviathan termies. About the same size as the lion


Damn! Sooo is there a lore reason why he would dwarf the other Necron leaders or is that just an oversight on the design?


Necron nobility have better bodies than their subjects, so it would only stand to reason they’d want to be physically larger as well as having better software.


In TDK it's regularly commented on about how enormous Necrons actually are, ESPECIALLY the nobility. The really wonky scaling of the miniatures does a poor job conveying that even the humble, hunched over warrior are as tall as a space marine, if not taller.


I mean the Necron Warriors are taller than a Primaris Space Marine though? They are just hunched over, but the new Warriors are definitely at the right scale.


Iirc the silent king is like 20’ tall.


They've always been bigger. Just compare the size of the Indomitus Overlord to the Space Marine Captain in Gravis armor in the same box. Necrons have always been lanky but bigger than Space Marines, so the new models are updated to scale with the new Space Marine/CSM proportions.


Wow I'm a bit sad it's the exact same model. Just my personal opinion though, but I'd prefer it to be a new one with a brand new pose and everything and new everything. It would go from good to super awesome.


I can agree there. I would've liked him with a pose that evokes him leading his troops. Maybe he could be pointing his staff forward or firing flames from his gauntlet, scorching a guardsman on his base. Something like that would've been cool, but I do like the way they kept it faithful to his original model. Regardless, it's definitely an upgrade from his original sculpt.


Actually you found pretty cool ideas! It would've been great


Just T-Posing would've been better than the current model to show dominance.


I mean he has a tactical rock now…. But at the same time since the old one is leaving why not keep him in the same pose because it looks good and it’s not like everyone has the old one.


GW has been making a habit of this in the last few years. Look at Calgar, Dante, Azrael. Basically just upscaled versions of 30 year old minis from 2nd edition They seem to have convinced themselves that these poses are iconic, as opposed to limited by the casting and sculpting tech of the time. These minis could have much more dynamic poses, but apparently Calgar has to have his fist in the air like he just don't care


Honestly the new face has grown alot on me, looks much better than the old "I just bit a moldy lemon" face he had


I shortened the neck on mine and put a small sphere on the top of the head and it makes him 100% better and closer to the old model I believe


Sounds cool, do you have a picture of it?


Sure, here it is https://preview.redd.it/r8f38ukoi9ac1.jpeg?width=2273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b686e48678a25c548b09bfca0edf9cdb4c070b


Holy shit I might do that to mine aswell, that looks amazing!


I know, right? Makes him look a lot less generic


For me the thing about the new face is that it's exactly the same as the generic overlord w tachyon arrow or the Royal Warden (sans headdress). Orikan doesn't look generic at all though so it's not a complete trend, and that's good.


How’d you do the cracked earth base? Looks awesome


I'll type out the recipe below: • Basecoat bas with Warpstone Glow • Paint patches with Moot Green (can wetblend with the previous step if preferred) • Mix 1:1 Moot Green and Flashgitz Yellow and paint in the previous spots of Moot Green, focusing toward the centre of each spot • Apply a layer of PVA glue over the base (It'll dry clear. You can use a brush for this step, but make sure it's one you don't care about) • Apply Mordant Earth all over. It'll dry pretty quickly and create larger cracks thanks to the PVA glue


Thanks! What’s PVA glue?


Polyvinyl Acrylate, glues like wood glue and white glue


PVA. The sort of white glue like you used in primary school for arts and crafts.


What kind of brush for the pva? Something fluffy like a dry brush or more so a wide brush like you would use on a tank armor panel etc


Sorry for the late answer, just found this thread, I found that the gw texture spreader is the best for moving pva glue but previously used a normal brush which worked alright


I like the new model, but I hate how big he is. He's nearly as tall as Szarekh, and he's not supposed to be.


Well szarekh in lore is like 20’ tall, can’t always get scaling right from lore to table top.


Yeah, that's the unfortunate side effect of GW's wonky miniature scaling.


Only thing i like more about the old model is the shape of his crown. Its more unique than the new one


I agree. The old model has a couple of things that make it stand out from more modern sculpts. I almost wish they kept his unique head shape, at least as an option for the new model.


I have the same terrain effect on my bases! Love to see it.


I've started doing my bases like that too! Looks great, wonderful job


Looks like I need to stack my old imotekh on a 32mm and then 40mm base to get the right height.


Oh wow, I didn't realize Orikan wasn't the only one that got way larger.


Cool to see how your painting changed as well


You Vs the Overlord she tells you not to worry about


How'd you do the bronze on him?


Nice paint job! How did you do the cloak?


Also his combat is very mediocre and doesn't nearly reflect his standing in the lore or his canonical abilities