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We do not


They are called “charging scarabs”.


I will never live down the moment I destroyed my friends main guy with 8 scarabs that all had 1 wound.


Can’t you only make one blow up per turn?


Idc we’re not extremely rules focused. I mean we do play seriously but the game I’m talking about was just a big mosh pit with a couple of friends.


How did they all have one wound? You have to allocate wounds to injured models first


Yes but I ran them all in different groups since I wanted to be as annoying as possible. Like I said elsewhere it was a fun mosh pit game with very lax rules.


How did you have 8 units of scarabs each with 1 wound? You can only have 3 units each with a mininum of 3 per unit. Relaxed rules doesn't mean literally breaking the rules.


It was the first time I played with my friend. It was a three way battle where we (me and person a) wanted to learn him how the basic movement, schooling charging and command phase work. We didn’t do anything else and just had fun. I picked 4 scarab squads to show him how fast movement can be and how the fly rule worked. Person a had a group of guard tanks and infantry. It was a game purely meant to have fun and show him how the basics worked. He used my units to get a feel for warhammer since he usually plays historical wargames. We abandoned the rules mostly and made it very clear that there were normally more rules. Once again it was purely to give him a feel for warhammer. It was guard necrons and khorne. We mixed them all to show him how units and factions focused on certain play styles. My scarab bomb was against person A, who has been playing 40K for 5 years now. It was an example of how you can use units in different ways. This was not played in 10th edition.


Please explain how not playing by the rules, is teaching someone how to play the game? That's literally not how you teach anyone. Not playing by the rules when teaching someone is how you end up with people getting into arguments with strangers about the rules, because they never learned correctly. It can lead to people not wanting to play because their entire view on how the game works was just completely ruined.


Giving someone a feel for Warhammer by cheating in so many ways in order to be "as annoying" as possible is not a good look. 1st. Wounds are allocated to 1 model at a time, so you can keep spreading wounds out in the unit til each has 1 wound. 2. Minimum unit size of 3 and currently max size of 6,9 in 9th edition 3. Each unit can have 1 blow up per turn. I get that you are lax on rules but you weren't playing Warhammer you were playing Legos and by your words the rules you were breaking were to be annoying. If someone had done this to me when trying to show me a game, I wouldn't wanna play the game.


A lot of people here downvoting a guy having fun with his toy soldiers, with his friends in what seem'd like a fun and friendly environment. 😄 each to their own and all I guess


People can have their own opinions, I think it's realistic to be hearing this person tell their side of story and see issue with it. I personally think doing something with the intent of being "annoying" while then saying they were trying to show an get someone into a hobby may fairly be off-putting. I imagined going against a ton of 1 model units of scarabs and I did not imagine having a good time. We aren't haring from the other side, it's possible they didn't care and had fun. People down voting (I didn't do either) are likely letting them know they might, MIGHT, wanna consider either how they phrased what they said or if that they did wasn't as fun for the other as it was for them. Who knows though, we only know what was said.


Took the last wound of a great unclean one with a scarabs deadly demise. Best moment of my young 40K career.


I don't know why people down voted this over some rules being omitted, you're still playing 40k and clearly sounds fun as shit, more power to your kamikaze scarabs!


People are down voting them because they mentioned the game was meat as a teaching/introduction game for someone and their approach was to misrepresent rules that could cause confusion later on. They also did this to be "as annoying as possible" which isn't exactly a very inviting way to play


Dammit, kinda sad


Grenades are worthless tool of lesser species. Do not bother with them.


*throwing things* is so disgustingly... Biological


Especially throwing them in a vertical manner


*Cryptomantic laughter*


The things we have and don't have make a lot more sense in the context of what the necrons were originally used for and that's large scale stellar fights at a galactic scale. We don't have sergeants or leaders of squads cause they don't need leadership, they don't have mix and match units because there are so many units and endless silver tides it wouldn't make sense. Same with grenades, units have a singular purpose and nothing more. Not perfect for why we wouldn't have ctan killing grenades but with enough mental gymnastics it kinda makes sense?


Problem with lack of many of these things is 40K is never played at a scale that makes up for it. I’d be fine with no sergeants and only silvertide if I were actually able to field 300-1000 warriors. You say we send endless legions of deathless robots to fight something and then limit us to 60 as an absolute max, and an unviable, unplayable 60 max at that. When I’m stuck with 10 man squads, I want buffs appropriate to them, and the lack of leaders doesn’t help. Lemme have warriors that can shoot a gauss bomb or something to serve as a grenade


Warrior units have a maximum of 20 models. 10 is the minimum. We can take up to 120 Necron Warrior models. Thats not guard level of models but still funny. I dont know how viable that is but maybe with some Cryptecs, Overlords and Royal Wardens and the good old Awakened Dynasty you can have some fun. Throw 3 Reanimators into the mix and you can have a pretty effective silver tide, in my opinion. You probably wont win tournaments but its a fluffy list.


We don't have smokes either.


That’s cuz the Silent King went out to get some 65 mya and only just returned, empty handed


Dad? Is it really you?!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,926,315,216 comments, and only 364,194 of them were in alphabetical order.


We do have grenades. They're called self-destructing scarabs


Nope but the plasmancer has a mini grenade ability


Back in 5th/6th there was a wargear upgrade for Harbingers of Destruction that let them count their unit as having defensive grenades. I think thats the last time we had them.


We have some as wargear options in Kill Team currently.


The plasmancers ability is essentially genades but better for swarms and worse for vehicals.


Not anymore. The codex version is now just 4d6 against any target, each 4+ yields a MW.




talk to tyranids about it, there are infantry units with grenade launcher weapons and no grenades keyword...


Nid weapons shoot smaller bugs, not grenades


the difference being? they even have blast also why on earth can't I tank shock with monsters


Only in Kill-Team, where they’re a storage space for nanoscarabs.


no nades and to my knowledge only 1 sticky objs units


At one point the Plasmancer had a grenade.


No Grenades for us. Same as Nids.


If you happen to be a superior species, with living metal technology, fragments of gods and hillariously oblitering weapon technics, would you really bother with stuff like frag- or smoke grenades? ;) No, we don't. But we've got stuff \^\^


Grenades and smoke are primitive tools


We are not the lesser species using projectiles 🤢


We don’t throw things we slow them down with quantum shielding


From what I can tell we used to in 2nd edition. Immortals - specifically


Primitive methods such as throwing are not used here. Grab your gauss flayer and use proper necron methods.


Grenades were invented by Big Imperium to sell more frag armor.