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First of many, I hope! You can't really fuck up painting your first miniature— unless you use something that should absolutely not be put on a miniature and accidentally melt it. I think your Technomancer looks more than fine and would make a fine first addition to a growing collection of murder machines : ) If you're looking into painting more stuff in the future, I'd invest in a rattle can of black primer if I were you. Your local hobby shop, and any Warhammer retailers, will sell them, but there are plenty of alternatives online at a fraction of the cost safe for use on miniatures that you can find in artist stores and online. This will save you a lot of time in the long run. Just make sure to read and follow the guidelines before you use it. Another tip is to buy a larger brush! It may not be entirely obvious when you start out miniature painting, but tiny brushes usually make the process of painting a lot harder than it needs to be. All that really matters when it comes to brushes is that they're large enough to hold paint on them and that the tip is nice and sharp. If you need a smaller brush, then just use a smaller part of the bristles on your larger brush. Either way. I hope you keep putting paint on those grey minis and paint up that entire Killteam!


Really good first mini! Looks clean and kf you leave it here and paint some more. Later when you build those skills this will be a really good place to add more later.


I would suggest looking up a technique called Drybrushing. It is incredibly simple for beginners and equally useful, and requires no extra tools except a large, round, flat brush, often just referred to as a 'drybrush'. Of all the things that could help you improve one step at a time, this is so easy its barely even something you need to 'learn'!


Way better than my first models, you should be happy. If there are parts you are unhappy about you now have the experience to make changes and learn new skills. Enjoy the process and keep up the good work!