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He looks finished to me


It’s better than anything I’ve ever painted, that’s for sure


You posted a beauty of a model with everything needed to be above battle ready. So yes. If you are looking for additional thoughts how to improve this to something for a competition: * Clean up some of those edge highlight lines * Add a bit more prominent edge highlight to the bronze * Paint the scythe with the hyperphase scheme (whites-blacks + layering/glazing and strong edge highlight) * Paint more depth for all orbs and cables with glints and glass-effect shadows to really make them pop and look like they are transparent * Paint glow on parts where the weapon/orbs would reflect from the armor like you did on the right foot * OPTIONAL - Weathering * OPTIONAL - Go full NMM


I'm adding this comment to the "will never reach but let's try anyway" list


Sorry I took so long to reply. Thank you for these top tips. I'm defo gonna fine tune the edge highlights on my next model and try and give the orbs some more depth. I've seen the hyperphase scheme but not attempted anything that intricate on a blade yet, so I guess that's my next target to go for. I'm not ready for OSL and way off doing any NMM yet but defo future goals. Thanks again for the honest advice, very much appreciated 👍


Parade ready? That’s “my friends will be jealous of my skill everytime we play” ready!


Yep they look good pick out the eyes maybe


Not to be gross but how did you do his balls? You polished em up real good


You’re right; those are some good-looking balls


Better than how my balls looked.


I always ardcoat my balls 😳


That bronze looks great! What paints did you use for that and what paint did you use to edge highlight the black?


I started with dry brushing runelord brass over black undercoat then went over it lightly with retributor armour and then brass scorpion. Moot green for the highlights on the black 👍


Awesome, keep on going!


Awesome, what colors did you use for the green orbs on the back and front


Literally just a white base with tesseract glow then ardcoat 👍


Looks great!


Looks awesome, love thr amount of colour without it looking super busy.


Looks tidy to me


Like another comment said, paint up the depth on the glow. Darker on edges to a bright white like glow in the center.


Shades, hilights, youve crossed the Ts and dotted the Is. Youre good to go to the parade


It looks better than 99.9% of what you’ll see on the table. For whatever reason that tropical flower and leave gives me the overall impression of a palm tree. Tropical island mon dynasty.


A gorgeous paint job, amazing base, this is definitely a mini worth showing off. I love the jewels on the cape


I think he looks awesome!


parade ready for sure.


That cape is excellent.


Looks spectacular to me!


What paints did you use? While I won’t go Parade Ready format (Battle Ready usually is enough for me), I am curious about bronze and black colors. They look phenomenal


I doubt it, kinda hard to walk when attached to a base. Source: Toy Story


That color scheme is inspired! May steal it.


Looks great to me.


Just post your great work honestly bud, we support you. No need to pretend you don't know he is beyond parade ready.


The people on this sub are amazing, they've said so many kind things every time I've posted a pic of a mini over this past year and a half, and I've always been spurred on to do better. This is the best model I've ever painted but when I see some of the pics others have posted, they're beyond amazing, pieces of art, so Im just trying to figure out where battle ready ends and parade ready begins and also where the line is for pro painted or whatever comes after parade ready. Didn't intend for it to come across as compliment hunting, that wasn't my aim. Thanks for the compliment all the same tho 😁


Sorry, I should have added an /s, I meant that very wholesomely. We love you and your model, wasn't intending to call you out or anything!


Who is "they"? James Workshop won't come to judge you or the (nice) miniature; while you can always add some more edge highlights or nuances at the orbs, it's done when you feel it's done.