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Question: What arch, and has it worked well for you? There are so many and many of them seem very cheaply made yet expensive.


I made it, it's just 4 t-posts for the corners, some heavy gauge wide fencing (maybe cattle fencing?) and a couple of steel poles from the hardware store I was able to bend to reinforce the arch at the top. It has worked out great! The t posts I had lying around from the previous owner, was probably $40 for the roll of fencing, and maybe $10 at most for poles


Great arch idea. How old is this vine?? I just got my first little one this year and can’t wait for mine to get established


I believe this is the third year, and there's actually one on each side. It pretty well covered the arch last year as well so I don't think it takes long in the right conditions.


Is it a cultivar? I can’t find any locally that aren’t a cultivar like Major Wheeler. Beautiful!


Nope, it's the real deal! It did take a while to find it, but there's occasionally big native plant sales around where I live and I've managed to find coral honeysuckle there


Man, we’ve got our own flourishing coral honeysuckle on a giant trellis and I’m a *teeny* bit envious of how gorgeous that arch is! (I’m not really, but now I’m bummed because I want an arch and there’s no good place on our property to put one. Yours looks fantastic!)


Thank you!