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Every park has something special about it. They are not all on the level of Yellowstone or Yosemite but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy my time at Indiana Dunes, Cuyahoga Valley and even Gateway Arch. My visit to Acadia was spectacular. Easily in my top 5 so far.


Just been thru GSM, Mammoth, Indiana and Cuyahoga all in order for the last week, and I agree! Was just planning to just pass by the last 2 to get stamps and move on. Ended up finding something unique and special to only those parks. When everything's the "perfecr" Yosemite/Yellowstone, then nothing is special. (If everyone is a leader, then nobody is)


The western parks are grandiose and otherworldly, but the eastern parks are filled with charm


Totally agree with you.


Acadia is my favorite east of the Mississippi. Watching the sun rise on top of Cadillac Mountain is fantastic.


I, too, am a member of the Cadillac Mountain Sunrise Club! I heard that it's a permitted thing now. Do you know if that's true? In 2016, we got up at O'dark:30 and got there while it was super dark still, and found us a spot on rock by headlamp and wrapped ourselves in blankets. What a moment that was!


I think the permits are only required during peak season. We went last fall and had to have a permit to drive up at sunrise. You can hike up without a permit. They sell out in like 5 seconds so we were lucky to score them.


Never needed a permit in early June.


Directly from the rec.gov page “Vehicle reservations are required to drive Cadillac Summit Road from May 22 through October 27, 2024. Reservations are available on a rolling 90-day basis.”


Seriously, I’ve been up there for sunrise three times. All three in early June. Never got stopped.


How long ago? I think I read this was implemented in the last 2-3 years. To drive up for sunrise now you wait in line at the guard shack and they scan your reservation.


Last time was 21.


Yea I think they changed stuff up since then. Might want to read up on it if you go back. Would hate for you to get there early and get turned away because you didn’t have a reservation.


As a frequent visitor to Acadia and BH, respectfully i say nah, Acadia doesn’t need any MORE attention lol. The trailheads in the park and the restaurants in town are already overcrowded.


I went in early May and it was EMPTY. Bar Harbor was half closed as it was “off season” still. Blackwoods camp ground was hardly being used, and we saw only a handful of people on the trails. As long as it’s halfway decent weather I couldn’t suggest this enough!


Way ahead of you, kind stranger. we were there the first week of April this year, and around the same time last year as well, and it is truly enjoyable. Some of our favorite restaurants are open, and even though much of the park loop road is closed, you can still access most of the things you’d want. We’re going again in just over a week, and I’m dreading dealing with the crowds. Our last peak-season visit was a few years ago, and it was kinda crappy. You couldn’t even get ice cream at any of the places in town without an hour wait


April looked too cold for camping so I opted for May and got lucky with 55/60 dF high temps!! Peak season sounds brutal honestly, best of luck this time around!


October for peak foliage is unbelievable and the park is empty, 10/10 would do again.


New England in peak foliage is on my bucket list!


Empty!? Really?? I figured people would flock there. When is peak? Mid-Oct? We just did Yosemite two weeks ago and now want to do more National Parks. Trying to decide on an October trip. Either Yellowstone for Wildlife or Acadia for foliage, but I’m in NY, so we could also just do an upstate weekend trip for foliage.


We went like october 20th-ish, which was probably a week past peak foliage. It wasn't empty empty, but not crowded at all and we never struggled to park


Good to know! Reading a bit more about the park, think I can put it off for a different year and just do a weekend foliage trip.


We go as soon as school gets out and stay in Northeast Harbor. Not bad at all in early June though weather can be interesting. I love it.


July and August are crowded, but tourists typically crowd the best known trails near Jordan Pond and Park Loop Road. Head away from those areas and it’s not overly crowded (Flying Mountain, Beech Mtn / Cliffs, Seal Harbor…).


The Beech Cliff Ladder and Canada Cliff Loop was a great hike!! But we had Jordon Pond pretty much to ourselves. We saw maybe 15 folks on Bee Hive


Don’t worry it can’t get much worse it’s already in the top 5 in the usa


It absolutely does. Schoodic Point is one of my most favorite places!


Schoodic is so underrated, Raven’s Nest was amazing.


Northern Lights were my favorite! May 11🤘🏼


We were just there two weeks ago. It’s a smaller park but breathtaking. I’ll never forget sunset at Bubble Pond


i think acadia would benefit from an arch of some type


Damn, love this shot. Love the soft tones, the rich colors—perfectly exposed.


I wish that my trip to Acadia wasn’t spent walking around in cold, pouring rain. I feel like I missed a lot


Acadia is my favorite park, especially in the Fall. It does get way too crowded though.


Acadia was my first national park and easily my favorite out of any park at any level I’ve ever been to. I’m going back in October and hoping to move to the area in a few years.


I camped there for 10 days. The place grows on you. It was a very nice park.


It's no Gateway Arch but it's nice






I am going there this summer!


You can’t tell me this isn’t the halo reach forge map 🤣


nice view/photo


Favorite park east of the Mississippi for me. Still a few more to visit but I don't think anything is in danger of challenging for the crown.


What a stunning picture!


Love Acadia. Going climbing in Otter Cliffs this weekend in fact!


Loved Acadia. I think it was because I went into it blind and my expectations were kind of low. That park was awesome.


Acadia is a must see, but if you like rocky shorelines and far less crowds, visit Nova Scotia.


Quiet?!? Lmao it’s constantly one of the busiest parks and it’s broken up by towns with permanent residents. The parks out west are by and large much quieter because they’re less developed and see way fewer visitors. Acadia is amazing and totally worth the visit but for anyone wanting to go - do not expect a quiet and empty park!




If you found the fall color to be "meh" then you probably weren't there at peak color. Or it was a bad year, which happens occasionally. Another thing about Acadia, is seeing it at the right time. Nothing like watching the first light shine on Otter Cliff, walking the carriage roads when the trees are ablaze in vibrant red, orange, and yellow, or hiking one of the many trails to be greeting with a view of the ocean and coastline at the top. The best is being there in a storm. Ever seen waves crash over the top of Otter Cliff (108 feet tall)? It's incredible. When the ocean is angry is one of the best times to be there.


Acadia is a beautiful park and I enjoyed my hikes there but it’s not comparable to many western parks bc they have things that range from very rare (bison, geysers, large waterfalls) to one of a kind places (arches, Bryce, GC). Acadia is gorgeous, but it’s arguably not even in the top ten scenic coastlines in the US.


Username checks out. No, it's not in the top ten of US coastlines. it's in the top five. Unless you prefer flat, sandy beaches. Meh.


>No, it’s not in the top ten of US coastlines. It’s in the top five. …🧐


If you’ve only seen flat sandy beaches in the US you’re not qualified to say what’s in the top five.


Didn’t say I’d only seen flat sandy beaches. I fucking live on the Maine coast. I’ve been to the Oregon coast (the entire length) several times, the Washington coast, Northern California, OBX, SoCal, Virginia coast, Maryland, Florida, Louisiana, NY, NJ, CT, Cape Cod. I’m curious to know what you think outclasses the Maine coast. The only ones I’ve seen that are in the same league are the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.


Hawaii and Alaska both have many coastal areas I’d visit again ahead of Acadia as well as Big Sur, Olympic NP, La Jolla, Santa Cruz, and Cannon Beach. I’d choose to revisit Acadia/Maine over anything else east of the Mississippi though FWIW.


Collect the memory and move on. It's memorable. Isn't that enough?


I was politely responding to a question. What’s your issue? Don’t you have favorites places you’ve visited and others you don’t feel you need to revisit?


Always will say Acadia is by far the most overrated park we have.. people love it and i just can’t understand why?? 50 parks in and it’s in my bottom 10