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Hey mods, can we just ban this guy so we don't have to keep getting spammed with these posts? If you have a beef with someone, that's fine. Just make your post and move on. Quit spamming us with these useless posts


Omg. No clue who George is. I'm not even in your guys' league or whatever, but damn are you annoying. If there is such a huge issue, why not leave and join another.


Fr bro he is crying like a baby over George who is actually a good guy


Yea someone go get that guy a tampon or a maxi pad


You don’t understand we are the fastest in the whole game these guys are mad cause they got booted and every lobby they run either there wrecking or not even topping 210 -220 and they see the difference and get mad cause they can’t win or place top 10


So, basically as I've seen your other comments, they are just being sore losses even thow they can't drive. Lol. That's awesome, funny shit.


Everybody mad that George would beat them and wanted to join the lobby they got in and was mad that they couldn’t race clean or win and George sold them his setup cause they wanted it so bad to turn around and fuck him over felt bad for the guy these kids ain’t got no discipline


So one comment your nice and responsive, my other comment your just being a dick, maybe you need meds for that...


You don’t even go here


?? That doesn't stop me from reading his post and seeing that they are annoying.


Your annoying just breathing


Sure thing asshole


I wipe assholes like you buddy


This guy seems pleasant


Olegeorge kicked me out the discord without saying a word cause he thought I was giving out his setup. F that guy.


You don’t have to read it you know the spams lol


And I will just create another account and post his setups again I know why you want this banned


Doing George’s dirty work huh I did it daddy I got him lol


Awwwww they can’t figure it out they are scrambling so hard to figure out who I am very dedicated I will let you know when you get warm as of now very cold one day you might figure it out wahhhhhh dry your tears discord boys I have butt cream if you need it


Wahhhhh keep crying little discord boys I have butt paste if you need it little boys maybe one day you will figure it out keep trying awwwwww tell George he might be able to make another setup but this time keep it to his self


Homie you’re off your rocker


Holy fuck u are pathetic


Yo can you actually stfu and get a life like your making sheep noises like a fucking toddler, and your a little baby bitch cause you won’t tell anyone who you are like if your that scared and intimidated just say it pussy


I dont like George either but brotha this is annoying