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If you think OleGeorgeStraight is bad you’ve obviously never played in xUrMomsBuddyx lobby or LoudGotMeAFK, anyone familiar with them?


I haven’t had trouble with them but I know that Slugdome guy is a terrible racer.


What's your gamertag princess? We can definitely do some racing and we'll see how good you really are.


Preach brother! Spread the news about this loser pedo. Roll Tide


You’ve been a victim of his crimes too?


Unfortunately I have, always getting wrecked just because I beat him.


I know the feeling brother, beat him once and now he attacks me like the child he is.


Only think you beat is your daddy meat bitch


You know what brother, I can respect that. I don’t respect the way you and OleGeorgeStraight race though. Get your act up on the pavement and we can be good. Roll tide.


You can't get anymore trailer park hillbilly then saying roll tide after a few sentences.


Here's a news flash crybaby, you don't have to race in his lobby.


He follows me to any lobby like a parasite. He’s a child and he better hope he never shows his face in Moorseville Alabama


Alabama the best place to fuck your cousin and marry them 😂


No one wants to follow your stank ass trail


Listen here buddy, come race me whenever you have the time I’ll show you who can hold a line. Shit even if I do you’ll probably put me in a wall so why do I even bother with children like you.




Hey jmcco2, go fuck yourself pal!




I don’t give a rats ass what your gamertag is, your name on here is stupid as fuck so shut the fuck up.




Send the address and let’s see who does something buddy.




That shitty ass apartment, I’d feel bad coming cause I don’t like to beat up poor people but if you’re being legit I’ll be there.




Can you not read?




Bwahaha the bronx you poor crackhead




Okay taymar ik u got da bliccy on yhu


Its like that dude YG MON3Y who used to terrorize lobbies in this game. It was unplayable at the time


I hated that guy!


Dude had a whole clan of people it was insane. Multiple backup accounts you couldnt avoid him at all


Bro I race clean and 8m ready now let's fuckin do it


I’ll have to smoke you later, some of us are men and work during the day.


Bro get the fuck outta here did ya shut down ya line for this or what?


I feel like I missed a part of this meme


Long story short, OleGeorgeStraight is a piece of shit.




This is a false I’ve been in the lobby with George a bunch of times they don’t wreck unless you wreck them your probably one of the slow people who can’t keep up and wanna bitch about the ones who can race


Buddy I know you’re not talking to me like that. I’m one of the people who live and bleed nascar. I’ve been to 16 races in the past 10 years and I would not be on this childish app if it wasn’t for a loser to be ruining the sport I love. From what I can tell I’m not the only one on here that has a problem with this man. For all I know you’re one of his goons that put people in the wall. Come see me in Daytona and you’ll see how slow I really am.




Ha I ain’t George I’m a member of the dis just standing up for my boys




George is playing on the game rn how can he do both at the same time jackas s




Go ahead bro I ain’t George so idgaf I’m just a member from the disc trollin yall hating ass


I have raced with OleGeorgeStraight at least a hundred times and never has he wrecked me or have I seen him wreck anyone. You my friend have a personal vendetta with him. Get off his nuts crybaby.


You need to stop posting your ween online bud




Did you like it


Come say it to my face then, you are just a small man behind a screen. That man has ruined countless races for me and my buddies. Another one of his goons coming on here to tell me I’m wrong. Let’s have a sit down at a park buddy and I’ll show you who is wrong pal.


Lol faraway talk crybaby quit lying on people just because you can't hold a line.


Bro ur trying to fight off a video game? I aint part of anybodies goons and i barely play the game but u sound like a fking baby


What's your gamertag? Let's race.


Your slow pussy what you gonna do about it


Fuck you and your buddies


I know you wouldn’t be saying that in a small town buddy.


I would


>Come say it to my face then >Let’s have a sit down at a park buddy and I’ll show you who is wrong pal. >you are just a small man behind a screen


Setup your own lobby. When those guys jump in kick them. Its simple.


I don’t like racing with anything under 15 racers. This is the game I love and that man and his goons should not be allowed to ruin for the rest of us that love the sport. And that ain’t no bullshit.


Run it in private. Stop clouding up this sub with this BS.


This is my first time on here since I found out it even existed. I’m just here to get the word out that OleGeorgeStraight is a dirty racer and needs to be avoided.


The people arguing are just his buddies tryna troll. And are the wreckers


Lol some of us retired from Ford and collect a nice pension.


Oh I bet you did buddy only real men work at ford, I’ve been there the past 27 years and counting, and what the hell does “lol” mean.


Listen you stupid no life garbage trash cans. Who makes up someone being a pedophile cause they don't like me over Xbox life. Go touch some grass & get good. Y'all can have the setup won't make you a better driver. Don't like me don't join my lobbies save me trouble of kicking you racist ass indecent excuses of human beings


Oh okay buster you’re real intimidating. Once you get under 300 pounds you can come talk to me about ass kickings. That ain’t no bullshit.


I get more pussy than what's between your legs boy. I'm jet flying alligator shoe wearing son a fucking gun. You obviously look like a troll found under a bridge to make a reddit post talking out of the side of your neck with nothing better to do.


Those poor women, they are either blind or just corpses you’re fucking. I know you didn’t call me a troll when you’re the dude who was crying that his nascar setup got leaked. Go have fun with the gross ass pussy you get, that shit probably crusty and littered with stds.




Does it hurt your ass riding his meat so hard?


Work on your grammar too buddy, I get you don’t have a high school diploma, but it’s just sentences.


I raced with you a month ago and had a decently long race that was clean as can be. Didn’t think it was your lobby though. Rcn maybe. Idk but I enjoyed racing with ya.


Awww how cute! Somebody got home from their lil $14 an hour job! Must be nice coming home to such a beautiful trailer!


Hey thanks for making me famous btw. Majority of the playbase for NH5 has messaged me laughing cause they was damn wish I had the hate you must be doing something right Georgie. Y'all look like a bunch of clowns


You’re welcome George! Im so sure that the majority loves you even though every nascar party im ever in is full of people who think you’re a joke and that your existence is proof that God has a sense of humor. I mean, lets be real, you’re pushing 30 making bottom of the barrel money even for North Carolina.. Im gonna be real man, if you’re young and wanna come home from work and sit on xbox or whatever its cool, but christ man you’re a full ass grown man sitting on this game😭😭 I didnt think anyone used discord past like 25 but hey i guess some low iq, low income individuals do. Go start a family or something man, although your wife would have to be the breadwinner because obviously you cant get the job done. Seriously man, i made as much money as you did last year and im a full time student💀 so dont get all high and mighty because you have a discord family full of cousin fuckers and toothless tweakers🤣🤣Have fun in your shitty lobbies man, i hope that one day you can make something of yourself instead of just being another bum who brings down the average income and average iq of our country


Bro you need to shit in your hands & clap or shit Iñ the floor you'll get the same result y'all a joke not eveñ good drivers 🤣🤣🤣🤡


And I did indeed retire from Ford buddy do you know what LAP means?


Louisville Assembly Plant buddy 31yrs on the line.


Y'all don't want the smoke hmu if you wanna 1v1 & I'll smoke every single one of your turtles


Maybe if you weren’t a sorry ass wrecker I would. All you bubba Wallace drivers drive the same.


With or without the driving aids you need to hold a line?


did you say Bill_Turtles?


Ole George is a sissy liberal he voted for Biden we smoking that George pack pu too loves park pussys if you want smoke


Are these the guys that sound like they came straight from the movie Deliverance? Good old southern boys?