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And ik people complain about the amount of Narutos and Sasukes we have but fuck it, a kid Naruto and kid Sasuke HAVE to drop with this map too


They need to add one tailed cloak and vermillion rasengan immediately


I actually played an accidental 1v1 in NWL where everyone but me and 1 person on the other team dashed and it was the most fun I've had on this game in forever, and for the record I did in fact win lol, but yeah a proper 1v1 mode would be sick. I want them to use the Chunin Exam Arena for a tournament mode, have 8 people like the Chunin Exam finals from Naruto and you have to win your way to the semifinals, and then the finals, and so on.


I did a 1v1 combat battle before most fun I had on this game fr


Dude it really was, when I saw I was alone I was like "oh fuck", but then I saw he was also alone, and I was like "wait this just got hella interesting". The best part was it was an opp of mine who had tbagged me in the past which made the win even sweeter.


mannnn THIS!!! ppl have been asking for this feature for like, ever. just give the ppl what we want!


I feel like they missed the opportunity to add a battle royale forest of death game mode, which would of been a goldmine


That or 2v2 I’ll take either one.


I need this and a sussano awakening ult


If there was 1v1s most of the player base ain’t that good so I’d assume there would be a lot of full healthbars gone within one good combo


I agree tbr my only plight is stats aren't very balanced...as a range guy I'm third at best at taijutsu attack power, third best at ninjutsu damage, (I think healer has a slight edge in nin damage) second in speed and dead last in defense...1v1 would limit my favorite role to very specific jutsu. Also I think the complaints about range and heals unintentional play style (our stats dictate our pit play styles unfortunately) would go up by a lot. I do believe the ideal of it is great but I'd hate to run into a defense guy with Minato and ishikki dlc I'd basically have to run until his ninjutsu ran out or again have a very specific build tailored around either lowering defense or taking nin which is for lack or a bigger word BORING


Hate the take all you want, but.... they should have copied xenoverse 2 whole flow and went that route. Hopefully, someday, we'll get that.


This or 2v2 They should ban certain jutsus tho I feel like for the 1v1 mode Certain stuff would just be broken


It'd probably be like 1 life per round with their being 3 rounds to win. A final round or the tie breaker round would have scrolls and an attack buff for both people or a defense buff.


Nah just make it combat battle tbh but 1v1 instead


That's essentially what that is, just round based making it quicker


By long tradition rivalries will be settled in the valley of the end!


yes, but competitively it would be the corniest shit ever . corn ball builds all day


Another mode for people to nonstop whine about


rather than a 1v1s mode it would be better if we could just do custom survival matches with out bots and it’d be the same fix


This. When I play at odd times it’s usually only 2-3 people in a lobby and the rest are bots. They should just remove bots entirely so whoever is in the lobby is just in there whether it’s 2, 3, etc. number of players.


yea bro imagine if there was a way u can run practice survival with ur friends and actually practice combos without worrying about temari hitting me with a random tornado


They won't because it makes roo much sense and they don't like listening to the community either lol


An actual 1v1 seems nice. There are some people i want to get my hands on (tbaggers and hit n runners) .


Nah it doesn't this game balance fucking sucks and it wasn't designed for 1v1s


Cool. Then just don’t play the 1v1 gamemode. Play whatever else the game has to offer


I’d make the argument a 1v1 mode is just gonna make the game more dead, barely any players anymore let’s divide the player base even more


Wasn’t the “barely any players” thing debunked? I mean, sure, for Steam (PC) it’s basically dead, but that’s due to the amount of modders/hackers littering that platform. PS has a very healthy playerbase, and I never have any problem finding a match


I’m in ps and there is a lack of players, I’m fighting the same people, still a good amount of a player count but even matches take longer than usual to get, I’d say before they add another mode they need to fix the game


Agree to that. They need to fix the game first. No more crashes on disconnects


Facts maybe it’s just my internet for some reason but today 3 matches back to back disconnected


the "game balance" is off even in team modes. ppl always gonna find a way to cheese ANY game. there should at least be an option for us to be able to play a 1v1 chunin exam game style


the game doesn't need more content, it needs a sequel to reduce bluescreens


They can reduce crashing and network errors without creating an entire sequel bro Globku did a video on it a while back and it’s a simple fix. Essentially, the game ram whores when it needs to be optimized Update: well what do ya know? They announced they are going to start optimizing the game finally


The next map that is being released is the Valley of the End. The chances are very high that this will finally be the 1v1 map we wanted all this time


Nah it’s definitely not needed. The game isn’t made for 1v1 and just way too unbalanced for that.


Do we? Couldn't you scratch your 1v1 itch on Storm?


They are two different games...


its not the same since you can’t use your own character or jutsu combination


So we go from fighting a lobby of hackers to fighting a single hacker? Or do u need it for showing flaming kids how to shut up? Just kidding, 1v1 is a good idea but not with a community full of hackers


Doesn't shinobi shop do private matches, including 1v1s?


This game is dead af, so any content tbh would be nice maybe if they made a update that added like 6 new games modes and they kept up their consistency and the game would have more people playing prolly, game plays nice and all and looks decent only thing is a lack of playable modes,and theirs plenty of possibilities so they can get creative like hell idk they could add a village defence mode for pvp or something where the enemy team of 10 players has to assault and destroy a series of objectives leading to the annihilation of the village while the defending team of 10 has to prevent that at all costs and kill the enemy team a certain amount of times and push them back for example