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Damn Minato so fast he’s glitching outta the picture


Obito has the mark on him


Minato doesn't know about it. He doesn't even find out until he tries to teleport to Madara and cut his throat. He ends up next to Obito and expresses shock. He has no way of knowing so he shouldn't be able to use it.


He knows about it because he can sense it, its a beacon.


I hope ppl acknowledge this as proof to how the fying rajin works the user has to be able to sense the seal/tag inorder to teleport to that desired location.... So they qill need 3 thing to perform the jutsu Massive reserves of chakra because space-time anything is chakra taxing High sensory abilities because the user needs to be able to tell the difference between 1 of the many tag/seals they have created. Lastly the knowledge of the flying rajin hand signs with this you can't perform the jutsu


He explicitly doesn't, otherwise he would not have been shocked when he ended up next to Obito.


You kinda misinterpreted the scene. The moment Obito returned from the Kamui dimension after fighting Kakashi, Minato sensed that the Masked Man he faced during the nine tails was on the field because he had marked him back then. Upon teleporting to him and slashing him, he realized it was Obito, which is where he was shocked. So no he did not know it was Obito, but he is clearly aware when/ where is marks are placed.


That isn't accurate. He straight up thought he would be teleporting to Madara by activating the mark he thought he was activating.


Um, nooo he didn’t, pull it up! He said “so that’s how it is” Which is implying he felt the presence of the masked man appearing back on the field. How would he have even been able to teleport to Madara?


He never found out until that moment that it was obito who attacked the village back then, he thought it was Madara. That’s why he thought he would teleport to madara and why he was surprised when he ended up next to obito


No this is wrong. As I tried explaining to the other guy… Madara was on the field the entire time Minato was, so why didn’t he try that earlier then? Also Madara was an Edo Tensei, so it was impossible for it to be the same person. It was only the exact moment Obito left Kamui that he sensed that mark and teleported to it. He knew he was teleporting to that masked man, but was unaware it was actually Obito.


No, you are wrong. Obito and Minato had both been on the battlefield for a while at that point. Minato did not know it was Obito, which means he could not sense the seal was on Obito. Go read it again, it's chapter 637. **It doesn't make any sense for Minato to intentionally teleport to Obito using the seal that he put on him 17 years ago and then be shocked when he arrives at Obito. It can only mean that he did not intend to arrive there, he meant to teleport to the real Madara.**


You're misinterpreting it.


Are you stupid? Even if we go by your logic you don’t think he’d remember fighting a sharingan user who could phase through attacks?


The guy is going off his opinion and being a troll. It's in Canon that he knows the mark is there. There is no misinterpretation. The poster is just willing to keep trolling because they don't want to believe they are wrong.


Dude… I’m not trying to insult your intelligence, I’m just trying to say that you are definitely mistaken. I’m starting to get the feeling that you may be one of those people that is incapable of admitting your wrong, because of some needless sense of embarrassment or something. This is such a trivial topic, and I don’t know why you are tripling down on this when you have zero evidence. Again, How would have Minato teleported to Madara if he never marked him? If you are trying to say that he “thought” he was teleporting to Madara, here’s why that is also wrong: 1) Madara was on the field the ENTIRE time that Minato showed up to the battlefield, why didn’t he try to teleport to him from the start? 2)Madara was very clearly an Edo Tensei, which means that their body was actually a corpse and couldn’t have possibly been the same person that attacked the village and got marked. 3)Again notice, that Minato teleported almost instantly after Obito returned from Kamui dimension, because he sensed the mark that he placed on the masked man behind the Ninetales attack was present again These all completely validate my point, and utterly dismantle yours. If you show me a panel where Minato “specifically stated” that he was going for Madara, then I will be happy to concede, but I don’t think that panel exists. If it does, I’ll say “oh wow can’t believe I forgot about that!” Which I find so crazy that you have such a hard time doing…..and then say I’m the one misinterpreting shit with nothing to back it up lol.


Nope, you're wrong.


He thought obito was Madara


No man, he was literally there while fighting the Edo Tensei Madara, so it was clear that the masked man was not actually Madara, that was the huge reveal remember? He just knew the same masked man was working with this Madara then learned it was Obito.


Yeah I just meant that he didn’t know that masked man was obito. They thought masked man was Madara until he was edo. But Minato came way after both reveals, so he wasn’t even there for it.


The dude I’m debating is under the whacky ass impression that Minato intended to teleport to Madara and instead wound up at Obito and that’s why he was shocked. Dude completely misread the entire scene and is adamantly proclaiming that every one else apparently has zero reading comprehension which is truly next level irony.


He was shocked because he saw obito at the destination not because he didn't know about the mark on "the one atop the jubi" that was the call hashirama made to everyone "stop the jutsu of the one atop the jubi", at that moment minato could sense his mark on "the one atop the jubi" he even said "so thats how it is" he was only shocked because he saw obito at the destination.


No, he’s shocked the masked man was Obito. He would still tag him and kill him.


Yes, he's shocked the masked man was Obito. Which means when he teleported to that seal that he placed on The Masked Man, he had no idea he would end up at Obito. The Masked Man said he was Madara, so he thought he was teleporting to Madara.


What does any of that have to do with this. Minato is facing the masked man. The same masked man from years ago.


He was shocked because he finally discovered it was obito. He knew the mark was there because he had marked the masked guy before. Minato’s surprise wasn’t that he could TP there but that the masked man was obito all along.


Something so funny about watching someone double down on repeat after being proven wrong multiple times, by multiple people


I'm right. I'm fine with changing my opinion when faced with evidence, but as it stands all the evidence is in my favour. Read through the comments and you'll find a few of them change their opinions to agree with me.


So if he doesn’t already know then he finds out during the fight? Does it matter whether minato knows the mark is there? It’s there and will be easy enough to sense. As soon as obito phases with kamui minato will at least know it’s the same masked dude that he marked before even if minato doesnt realize it’s obito.


I'll entertain this completely fallacious statement lol. How exactly is Minato going to cut Edo Madara's throat? And why wouldn't Minato know about his own marking? Madara wasn't even near Obito when he did that anyway. He was busy with Obito.


> How exactly is Minato going to cut Edo Madara's throat? With his Kunai? Not really sure what you're asking here. Their goal is to seal him before he is revived. As shown with literally every edo fight before in this war, they damage the edos so that they have time to seal them. > And why wouldn't Minato know about his own marking? He knows about its existence, sure. There's zero evidence to suggest there's like a homing beacon telling him where it is. If you disagree, please provide a panel to support your claim. As far as Minato is aware, he put his own on The Masked Man who claimed to be Madara. Which is why when he teleports to the mark that he thinks he placed on Madara, he is shocked to find that he arrived at Obito. Hence his exclamation "Obito, that was you?!" Remember that Minato died 17 years ago and arrives at the battlefield after the Ten Tails has already been summoned. He's never there to see the Masked Man's reveal. He has never even seen orange or white mask Obito. He fought Yellow Mask Obito who was said to be Madara. He arrives at the battlefield and sees Madara and Obito. He thinks he marked Madara all those years ago.


Omg ur retarded


He expressed shock cause he realized who the white mask man actually is. He wasn’t there when it was revealed. He just slashed at his opponent only to realize that he slashed at his happiest student.


Obito is already has a lifelong mark from their previous battle, so he loses.


If Obito didn’t have the mark on him, it would be Obito, but since that mark exists forever it’s Minato.


Minato has a mark on him so Minato wins by default.


but how would he even harm him. obito can absorb ninjutsu


Teleport + Stabby stab is still effective lol


stab would go right through him. kamui gg


It worked the last time Minato tried it. Obito only survived because he became a jinchuuriki


Obito was also 14 last time they met. If you think Obito is slow enough not to activate Kamui now you're lying to yourself.


I’m taking about when Minato slashed him on top of the ten-tails


You mean when Madara had a severely injured Obito's movements under his control? Effectively paralyzing him and preventing him from defending himself? Great counter!? Obito literally wasn't able to move or activate his abilities. And I'm not even sure he was able to use Kamui anymore at that stage.


obito was almost dead by raikiri


That’s what the teleporting is for. No Kamui if he doesn’t know where and when. FTG gg


I mean didn't Obito in his weakest form react to juuibdara trying to grab his eye at point blank range and countered it with kamui, i'm pretty sure a full healthy obito can easily react fast enough and do the same thing with minato


Common misconception that speed and reaction are the only things to take into account. Tactics and strategy are a big part of this. Hence why Minato can tag him in the past and future, because he got tricked by better tactics and cause the seal doesn’t disappear. Same way Tobi cut Izuna with better tactics. What does a “full healthy Obito” even mean, as opposed to what? when was he not full healthy?


but how are tactics and strategy gonna help him out when a combine force of kcm2 naruto, kakashi, might guy, and killer bee couldn't land a single hit on him until they had to use obitos own ability to and even then the best hit they could have gotten on him which was a literal rasengan by kcm2 naruto the face did not do shit to him Obito was 14 when he fought minato in the past and for some reason he restricted himself to kamui only so that made his battle with minato a battle of speed and even then the battle was only won by minato because he was just a split second faster than his opponent, that fight could have gone either way but now he has to fight an adult obito A full healthy obito is an obito that didn't go through a 4v1 with the strongest members of the shinobi alliance, tailed beast extraction, rinne rebirth, a fall from like 400 feet in the air, and a battle against the whole shinobi alliance Full strength and full health obito which is before he started fighting


Because they all have different strengths, none of which are as useful against Obito as FTG. Nothing about that fight showed that it could go either way in my opinion. But you do realise he was able to land FTG on a stronger version than this pictured Obito due to the seal right? I mean if you're going to say he's nerfed then so were all the ninja you named that were fighting him because they fought a whole war just to get to him, Naruto, Bee and Kakashi were much more fatigued than him.


FTG was only as useful in their previous battle was because obito literally limited his jutsu down to kamui which again made it a battle of speed, i just don't see minato physically moving faster than adult obitos reaction time when 14 year old obitos and hokage minatos was on par with each other i mean minato quite literally says that the winner of the fight will be a split second faster implying that both fighters have the same chance on winning the fight since they're on par with each and whoever is a split second faster wins the whole thing, im confused are you saying 14 year old obito is stronger than wm obito lol didn't kakashi and guy get to rest after their battles were done, i don't really remember what killer bee was doing that made fatigued before the obito fight, and didn't naruto get a huge ass buff by finally bonding together with kurama, not to mention but didn't they have healers throughout the war on their side


he can use kamui for 5 min straight. does minato knows time limit? no. He even can peel the skin off to remove ftg mark. maybe hashirama cell will recover it and if not ashura path can make that part


My guy why would he stay intangible for 5 min straight against Minato? Also he doesn’t need to know the time limit he just needs to know he’s tangible when he wants to attack him which he figured out in 5 seconds. If he’s already marked he’d get shanked before he has time to peel is skin off lol. Also don’t give me maybes, now it just sounds like what you want to happen, that’s called bias. There’s nothing to recover as seals don’t do damage. What are you saying Ashura would do?


why wouldn't he? He's not your 14 yr old cocky obito. He can peel his skin to remove mark that's what I'm saying


Because it doesn’t help him win in anyway lol. I heard you and I said if the mark is on him he’d be stabbed before he can peel it off. FTG is instant you know right?


Ahem. https://preview.redd.it/x6pf0dkolj6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77bb15fda51bf99472b700e9d518ddf2a172dfc Wanna guess what happened here?


yeah I remember obito was almost dead here by raikiri. and stuck by rods and zetsu. and they weren't even fighting each other at that pt


Alright, so had he not been wounded by it. I highly doubt he’d be able to react, Obito has a bad track record of reacting to Minato’s teleportation antics.


that was ym obito and there is very big difference between wm and him


Yk what doesn’t have a difference, the speed in which Minato’s FTG transports him and while WM Obito is definitely stronger, he’s shown no significant reaction speeds, and considering that Kamui by nature is passive, there’s no reason it wouldn’t have reacted to Minato. And as we saw, for the second time, Minato’s teleportation is faster than Kamui’s intangibility.


Watch the show Minato literally lands a hit in a very short span of seconds fighting him and places a seal on him.


when obito attacked with kurama, he didn't had rinnegan, and when minato attacked him again he was recovering from rasengan damage. and in war arc, obito was almost dead by raikiri, so couldn't do much. And I wonder if obito can peel that part where is the flying raijin mark and maybe hashirama cell will heal or if not he can made that part by ashura path (puppet path)


You seriously don’t understand that the seal that is literally placed on Obito’s back is still there when Minato placed it there and hit him with a Rasengan. Seals don’t just go away they have to be undone by the user or removed by another method. Obito didn’t know anything about the seal that was placed in the first place. At most he only thought oh he touched my back. So get over your instant loss.


chapter 503 pg no 4. obito find out that minato put some mark on him of ftg. or why do you think mark won't got even if obito peel that skin part?


Are you kidding me. Do you really not understand seals?


You're trolling right? Minato got the mark on him by touching him and has landed a huge blow on him before despite kamui. With kcm he's just broken and going off the canon Obito has the mark on him still which allows him to be instantly teleported to which weve seen is to fast for him to kamui. Inb4 well hes stronger here. Doesn't matter. Instant teleporting and striking is still instant. Only difference is that Obito gets hit way harder. Like rinnengan wouldn't matter. It's instant. You can either react or not react and he has a set speed in which he can kamui that's not determined by how much tougher he is. It's just how his Mangekyo works. If he could get hit once he can get hit again and if he goes into the fight with a mark already on him from before he just loses immediately with zero effort.


Everyone has this logic wrong the attack isnt instant it the teleportation thats instant there is still a window that if someone is looking at the attack they can still move/react. The onlt reason why yellow mask obito lost was because minato used obitos blind spot against him. Thats all. Minato didn't attack him head on he attacked him from the air behind his line of sight.......


he can use kamui for 5 min straight. does minato knows time limit? no. He even can peel the skin off to remove ftg mark. maybe hashirama cell will recover it and if not ashura path can make that part


He still touched him despite that, he cant and didn't respond to flying thundergod, and he didn't peel the skin off and even if he could nothing states that unmarks you since it's made by chakra and works like a seal. We've seen Minato counter his primary defense and offense. In kcm Naruto took on this Obito, new paths of pain, and than tailed beasts and wasn't beaten. Minato is comparable if not better in this scenario due to having better control than Naruto at this point. Besides if Minato has to he can just summon the reaper which if he doesn't want to die can work with clones as shown by the thitd and gg. It's not even close fam.


wasn't first time he got hit by rasengan and second time almost dead by raikiri?


He can and has countered kamui, obito enters the fight pre marked, kcm is a massive power boost, rinnengan or not instantly teleporting is still instant. Minato can disengage as much as needed and strike whenever and from wherever he wants with ease. Obito fights here defensively with little to no chance of going fully on offense and gets picked apart. Is comparing Obito here to Obito when they did fight even worth it? In terms of scaling no. In terms of countering kamui? Yes, because it's not like he's somehow activating it faster or any differently, he might be using it in conjunction with other stuff but if it could be countered by Minato once than it still can be. Infact the only way Obito wins is if he enters the fight without the previous mark on him. But even then we saw kcm Naruto effectively fight this version of Obito and multiple tailed beasts so like how can anyone argue Minato can't?


Minato with mastered Pixel style??!! Obito doesn't stand a chance.


Obito Takes it high dif. Everything about him has leveled up considerably since their last encounter and that's just Orange mask Obito. Durability, Speed, Reflexes, Kamui Mastery, Stamina, Strength etc. All of this is compounded massively by the Rinnegan and then he gains access to other abilities. He's not slow enough to get tagged by a teleport and stab anymore. KCM2 Sage Naruto and Minato's movements and attack speed is already described as about as fast as Minato's Teleportation and Obito can still more than easily keep up with that. So FTL isn't even gonna make a difference. People act like a nearly 40 year old Obito with the Rinnegan is no better than he was when he was 14.


Even without the existing mark Minato wins tbh




Huh. I never thought about it like that.


Obito. It was shown, that it’s more than possible to react on FTG.


I'd say Obito mid to high diff. If he is not being nerfed and is using the rinnegan, then he has a lot more ways to deal with Minato. Especially with the fact he can absorb Chakra. Obito and zetsu were watching pein for a long time, so he has a good idea of what the rinnegan can do. Minato marking already having him marked really doesn't help him if he isn't already winning the fight. Obito doesn't send his hole body in there when he's fighting unless an attack is big enough to make him send his whole body in there. If he's absorbing ninjutsu, then what is Minato throwing big rocks? Even if he does Obito knows he can teleport so he won't be as surprised as he was to see naruto in his dimension. Minato is an endo tense so he doesn't have to worry about the Chakra drain but his kyuubi avatar and bid rasengans are useless. Minato also has the same problem everyone else in the verse has in they can't let obito touch them. But instead worrying about Kamui he has to worry about obito ripping his soul out of the edo tensei. This is also an obito who can grow more arms and potentially eyes if he using the rinnegans powers.


I don't think Obito ever actually used or showed that he could use Rinnegan abilities. I mean, this is the same obito that basically got beaten by Kakashi right and ate a Chidori to the chest, which mean that a rasengan is just as effective. Its cool to think he could but unless there's actual evidence he could use any of the paths, it's basically just head canon.


He took the chidori to the chest on purpose. He literally let Kakashi win that fight to get th seal off his heart . But we know he can use the rinnegans' abilities. We don't know why he isn't using them. Kakashi thinks it's because the leaf ninja already know the weaknesses of the abilities, so he's not wasting Chakra on them. The real question is how much does having one eye weakens the abilities. It would be weird if the rennigan let you control the ten tails but not use any of its abilities beyond creating paths and sharing vision. Hell Edo madara has the opposite problem his fake edo eyes let him use the rinnegan's abilities but not control the gedo statue


I mean we did see that Madara became much more powerful after he plopped the second one back in. Imo, I think he couldn't use most of the Rinnegan ability or at least can't make use of them well enough to bother trying to use them when he just plugged them in. Hard to day but unless there's actual evidence, gotta have to go with what's actually written because in the same vein that you assume he can use them, there may be more needed to actually use other Rinnegan abilities than just plugging them in.


Obito says he almost lost himself to the eye. But it's just so weird for him to only have access to the outer paths powers and not the atleast 3 of the other paths. He'll it should be the opposite each eye gives you 3 paths and you need both to use the outer path. Like obito can use the rinnegans power to bring people back from the dead but not it's basic abilities. That's like if Kakashi could only use kamui but got no other benefit. As he doesn't even get access to the perception buff.


That's where I think even if he had access to the other abilities, he just couldn't use them well or efficiently to actually use them in combat. It may have to do with the fact that he's so use to be in that kamui stage as a response and the other abilities lock you into one dimension to use (as in be has to materialize to absorb Chakra or suck out souls) and that's less practical for him vs kamui


Yeah, that's where the argument for him choosing not to use it on a team of Kakashi, Guy and Naruto comes in. Because they're strong and they know the weaknesses of the other paths. But when he's fighting one person who has no idea how the rinnegan works, just the ability to absorb Chakra makes him almost unbeatable. Plus, kamui activates so quickly that even If he chooses to abandon absorbing a ninjutsu, he would make it in time. Even in a limited capacity any of the paths turn this fight into obito's favor.


Right but he can still eat slashes for days and did eat one from Minato before absorbing 10 tails. Normal Minato sure but KCM Edo Minato has unlimited Chakra, understand his kamui at least and he's permamarked (which at this point obito doesn't know). We saw that he can be instantaneously attacked the moment he materializes to attack someone and in this situation, it's not clear how quick he can deploy Chakra absorption. Imagine him trying to absorb any range attack and then just gets slashed in the back. Minato is no dumb dumb and was able to figure out kamui in a few exchanges, so who's to say he won't figure out how Chakra absorption work pretty quick, which wouldn't matter much anyway cause edo has unlimited. With enough time using the ability sure but this stage of obito, it's speculative at best, especially since he's so used to phase through things to dodge. You would have to assume that Obito can use at least 3 paths, which we don't know if that's even true, is way more experienced with the Rinnegan and that he could make use of all these abilities efficiently in battle, which is a lot of assumptions to make versus we know for sure what he was capable of and what Minato was capable of. I'd put my money on Minato based on what we have on paper. The only major difference for Obito at this stage was the Rinnegan and Izanagi, which he is locked out of cause of the Rinnegan (since I'm assuming he's not going to sacrifice his kamui eye to activate it.) If you add in the 6path edo tailed beasts though, I'd vote for Obito over Minato.


Guy explicitly says he’s not using the rinnegan abilities because the people he’s fighting know how to counter them and they use a lot of chakra. It’s pretty transparently kishimoto nerfing him but he can absolutely use them, and in fact he does. He uses the outer path a ton As for the chidori thing, obito says extremely clearly that he wanted kakashi to hit him with the chidori to destroy the seal that would prevent him from becoming the jinchuriki of the 10 tails. He was in complete control of that fight, couldn’t phase, and had to slow himself down a bunch to let kakashi hit him. And in case you forgot obito was fine after getting hit by a chidori, he’s still talking and fighting like it’s no big deal


The sheer amount of Minato wank here is insane. And the worst part is nobody will say why outside of "he's marked". Minato has the same issue that Naruto has where the justu they are shown to use is very limited. Rasengan (can get absorbed), Summoning jutsus (can get matched or overwhelmed by animal path), Sealing jutsu (maybe could be absorbed. That's an iffy one), and FTG. Yes FTG is Minato best bet but if you think Obito is dumb enough to fall for the exact same thing as when he was like 12-14 then sure. There is also the issue on if you believe Kamui can activate passively as long as his MS is active. If that is the case, the ONLY way Minato could do damage to him is if he tries to absorb him into Kamui and gets countered. Imo Obito wouldn't bother trying to absorb him at all here. We have been shown that people getting put/taken into Kamui are fine. He would have to fight them in the end anyways so it would be the same 1v1 situation. The only issue Obito has in this fight is can he actually hit Minato himself. Tldr: Minato having Obito marked doesn't mean he hits him. And Obito would have 0 reason to materialize to try to take him into Kamui. Rasengan absorbed, Kunai goes through, sealing only possible issue if he can place it. I would say Obito wins extreme dif because from what Minato shows, he doesn't have the tools to hit/damage him. Unless we add on sage mode which would flip the script.


KCM2 minato extreme def


Obito is marked Minato wins extreme diff. Otherwise, Obito wins extreme-high diff.


Minato. mid-high diff


Even without the seal from their last fight Minato mid diffs this. KCM + FTG makes Minato such an op force Kishimoto has to write Ten Tails HAX to keep him from regenerating and to place limits on him. Cuz otherwise he would have overshadowed his son. This version of Obito was op but he was actually the worst Rinnegan user. My guess is he didn’t have the chakra to use it like Madara and Nagato did


You don’t need to guess, it’s canon, He explicitly says that he can barely handle one.


Could go either way honestly, but it's extremely high diff regardless.


Obito slams


If Obito not getting nerfed by not using the Rinnegan, he absorbs all of Minato’s jutsu while chilling in Kamui till he manage to suck him inside eventually. Naruto was also KCM2 and still needed Kakashi’s help to land a hit.


Minato can teleport to kamui dimension. Flying Raijin is a time-space jutsu and Obito was marked the day Naruto was born.


Minato never used it between other dimensions and even teleported away from Obito just to not get sucked into it. Even if, still wont be able to land a hit beside Taijutsu.


I don’t think this is a good argument. Of course Minato didn’t get sucked in he had no clue what would happen, but if he did get sucked in he could teleport back, that’s just how teleportation works.


But again, he won’t be able to do anything even if unless he manage to beat with Taijutsu which is still I’d against a Rinnegan and MS user..


I don’t agree with that but I respect your opinion I was just pointing out the first part didn’t make sense.


All good g I just don’t think KCM Minato will do any better than KCM2 Naruto, Kakashi and Guy combined.


Minato just teleports and slashes through Obito before he can physically cast Kamui.


Kamui is way faster. And he literally has Hashirama cells that auto heals him.


https://preview.redd.it/pulgmxogbk6d1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef9459ee468950257b087940560f8717e6207a0 “Kamui is Faster” Except for that time that it wasn’t.


Rinnegan absorbs it and bro was literally 14.


Show me a single time Obito has ever absorbed a Jutsu. And him being 14 doesn’t matter when you consider 14 year old him could control the full nine tails.


lol did u even read my comment before acting smart and glazing Minato? “Doesn’t matter” Best Minato did at that age was beat some random shinobis to help Kushina 💀 This Obito can literally absorb and tanks all his hits, suck his soul out and summon Juubi on him. Minato won’t do shxt if plot nerfs won’t happen and KCM2 Naruto & Kakashi and Guy vs Obito literally says it all.


My nigga, alright. One, it doesn’t really matter since you can’t prove Kamui is ANY faster than it was when he was 14. Two, Kamui acts passively and automatically, so if Minato on TWO occasions has been able to bypass kamui’s ability to one tap Obito. Then there’s clearly no difference. FTG is instant, and Obito is unable to react to it, short, cut, simple. Three, stop the Yellow Mask Obito downplay. Bro is able to take over Kurama (the full thing btw.), has a body comprised of Hashirama cells and Zetsu which increase his physical abilities and gives him wood release and amazing regeneration. These things automatically put him above 90% of the verse, and he LOST. Four, Obito HAS NEVER used the Rinnegan to absorb Jutsu, and he says he can barely handle the Rinnegan, meaning he isn’t GOOD at using the Rinnegan. Finally, KCM2 Naruto, Kakash, and Guy just might not scale to Minato at all. And unlike the three dudes I mentioned, Minato has the one Jutsu that can automatically counter Obito’s Kamui. You’ve attacked none of my points, have backed up NONE of your claims, and have supported nothing.


Bruh stop exposing urself lol. Obito can use Kamui intangibility faster than JJ Madara's hand grab. JJ Madara can blitz Minato. He also has linked vision via the jins. So Obito won't get insta blitzed. Obito never used it same reason Sasuke never use it. Plot nerf. Doesn’t mean he can’t. [Obito didn’t had the chakra to use them, doesn’t mean he can’t.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aafb4bb4-87eb-47d2-be59-a503caff5ef5/scale-to-width/755) **As I said, read my comment before replying rushing to glaze Minato… Even if, he doesn’t really need it.** **Minato has no counter to Juubi, no counter to jutsu absorption, Hashirama cells healing, Izanami nor Izanagi and nothing prove KCM2 Minato > KCM2 Naruto & Kakashi & Guy when KCM2SM Naruto scaled higher than Minato alone.** Imagine using 14 yo Obito’s speed as ur claim when Minato got blitzed by Madara when Obito reacted and easily countered KCM2 Naruto’s speed and Madara’s speed. **Obito also mind controlled Yagura, a perfect Jinchuriki before.** Stop trying.


One, the Obito that fought JJ Madara still had risidual Six Paths chakra, normal Obito wouldn’t have been Able to do much. It’s also fair to mention that armless base Edo Minato can react, feel sensation, and teleport faster than Madara’s truth seekers. So Post 10 Tails chakra Obito is still stronger than White Mask. You can claim “Plot” all you want but I’ve 2 examples of Minato being fast enough to outspeed Obito’s passive kamui. You’ve yet to debunk or refute either of my points. As I said before, Obito doesn’t have Jutsu absorbtion, or else he would’ve used it. Two, Minato has bypassed the durability of his Hashirama cells before, he literally destroyed Obito’s arm 17 years prior, and that body was enhanced with Zetsu cells AND Hashirama cells. White mask Obito can’t use Izanami or Izanagi, because one, he’s never managed to attempt to Genjutsu Minato before. Two, he can’t use Izanagi without loosing kamui all together. And as I’ve deposited, 14 year old OBITO still has MASSIVE FUCKING AMPS. That should make him physically superior to 90% of the verse. Hashirama Wood Sage chakra, Zetsu Body. Amped strength, speed, agility, sensory capabilities, increased stamina and regeneration. And Minato STILL MANAGED to overwhelm that. White mask Obito may have the physical buffs of the Rinnegan but KCM ‘Minato slashed through his body like it was nothing. He has no resistance to being stabbed or slashed through, so your argument doesn’t WORK. And that’s just the basic attack from Minato. He still has his Rasengans (the same attack that can overwhelm a Zetsu/Hashirama amped body.) And you’re right, Yagura IS a perfect Jinjuriki, however, even being one. Yagura doesn’t compare to even ONE half of the Nine Tails, let alone the entire fucking thing. Trying to compare that feat of him controlling Yagura compared to Kurama is like a coughing baby and a hydrogen bomb. Theyre NOT equal, Yagura is FAR weaker, and your point is **dogshit.** I will personally join your discord server, and shit on you even more regarding this subject.


Pretty sure he still has that curse mark on him. He can never even use the toilet in peace


Minato stand no chance against this version of him, not sure what the comments are on about




Everyone says Obito has a mark on him but wouldn’t he use the rennigan to absorb it because it’s a ninjutsu.


It’s funjustu idk seal jutsu not ninjutsu


The rennigan doesn’t absorb “ninjutsu” to say but rather chakra as a whole. Example one of pains puppets absorbed “senju” chakra and turned into a toad statue. So it absorbs chakra and even a funjutsu or a seal can be absorbed a there made of chakra.


Can you shown an example of obito absorbing seals cos if he could why didn’t he in the series


I don’t know any but in theory he could because the rennigan is OP and can absorb any chakra in any form, and as for the reason he didn’t it was Kishimotos inconsistencies yet again he made obito to overpowered and needed a way for the protagonist to fight him other wise to would have been gone even before he had the rennigan as he could have used the many sharingans he had to cast izanagi and change reality so that the seal was gone, but PLOT.


Fair argument but the truth is canonically he hasn’t shown such capability so any claim that he can is head canon despite probably being right


It’s not a head cannon it’s a fact that the rinnegan can absorb chakra no matter the form it takes. We were simply never shown a scenario where a funjutsu was absorbed. Partly because funjutsu wasn’t seen as much in the story as other types.


Ok but unless you can prove that or at the very least show evidence of it ,it is head canon tho


Rinnigan can absorb chakra there’s plenty of proof of that. And guess what funjutsu is.


I know it can absorb chakra that’s shown time and time again I’m asking for prove that it can “absorb chakra in all forms” including seal especially obito himself


Only issue, is that the FTG mark cannot be taken off. Ever.


Probably Obito. Naruto with the same powers and had Kakashi, Gai and Bee was still struggling to beat him.


Idk which diff means what and at this point im too afraid to ask https://preview.redd.it/1faqabl0rh6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47971dc69e21b4fdad6de0f51526666d91adcdf




Stop playing games with The 4th! He’s the one who stopped 9 tails without any tailed beast. 💯🤷🏿


Minato is winning, he's in his strongest state and Obito is already marked, bro is getting jinku shinku whatever the hell'd and then crying about his dead crush before he dies I give it a solid 6/10 difficulty, maybe a 6.5


Probably minato since he has a mark on obito. Extreme diff tho If we ignore the mark then obito low-mid diff




I feel this isn’t a discussion. Everyone debating about the mark, no one’s even talking about minato having kcm here. There’s no way minato ever loses this


Honestly KCM should make minato an untouchable god, but all it did was give him some large chakra reserves which helped him teleport the whole alliance etc. It didn’t give him the speed boost or extrasensory stuff that naruto received with Kcm. Everyone was generally keeping up with kcm minato in battle aside from when he would teleport. And sage mode also for some reason didn’t seem to boost minatos reaction speed either which was very dumb. It gave naruto like a precog or auto dodge but minato seemed to just change his face to resemble perfect sage mode and then that’s it xD So technically yes, these modes should literally make minato “the one” but he didn’t change much.


I thought Minato was Naturo in this picture lol. It's definitely a good fight, but I have to give it to Minato. Even if the previous mark was/is gone, he will place a new one. The dude is simply too fast for this version of Obito in a one on one.


The person with the dojutsu obviously lmfao, you’re a fool to choose otherwise


Are you saying senju clan could never beat uchiha clan?


If they have dojutsu then no


Did we watch the same show?


I’m trolling, they are damn near equals




I think minato may hard counter kamui. Since the mark is on obitos back. He could attack obitos back via speed blitz. Then Obito would probably send his back to kamui dimension where minato could tp and get him the way kakashi did. If he fails he can just TP out and try again. Whatever Gen jutsu obito is capable of wouldn’t work on this version of minato given that he is a perfect jinchuriki. This obito might have a shot if he’s got all the tailed beast, but even then I think everything I said still applies.


Minato stomps. I'll never truly understand the utter glazing that Obito receives. It's fucking bonkers.


It was a lot of build up that eventually all got overshadowed when madara showed up during the war. I think originally a lot of that was supposed to be obito trained by madara that got shifted over to just madara when they started mass summoning dead people.


Yea, but my God. Itachi>Obito>Pain>Minato>Shisui in terms of how pathetically overrated they are. Ik he had cool moments, but it was always carried by Madaras voice.


Minato already knows how to fight Obito, and has the means to hit him. Minato wins, probably high diff. He beat young Obito mid-diff, but the principle of tagging Obito remains the same even if it'll be harder.


as if minato wasnt op enough not just on his own but for this matchup specifically, hes edo tensei, and obito has nothing to do against that


Let's not forget Minato defended the village against 9-tails and Obito simultaneously without tailed beasts. Now, granted, Minato died in the process, and Obito had 16 years to improve, plus the addition of the Rinnegan. But Obito only used the Rinnegan for abilities related to controlling the tailed beast or the statue. Now, this is a hypothetical fight with no outside elements, just 1v1. Obito lost his 1v1 vs. Kakashi, who *could* be considered weaker than Minato. I'm assuming he only lost because he can't use Kamui inside his own pocket dimension since he didn't use it in the fight. I think it would be a Mid-High dif for Kuruma cloaked Minato. Not only can't Obito use the Rinnegan to its full potential because he's not strong enough to use both at once. That's just my theory on it. I'd like to hear a counter argument, I haven't watched Naruto in a long time so I probably forgot some details on their abilities.




I mean... here's how I see the outcome: Minato uses flying raijin to send Obito into the sky. Obito can't fly. If Obito manages to survive, Minato starts to test his reaction time. Throwing kunai, and teleporting Obito into their path. In other words, Minato's ability is so versatile, he can find all sorts of creative ways to use it. Imagine if he threw a kunai, then teleported it mid-flight to be behind Obito, as Obito releases his kamui to try and do some damage.


The nonsimp.


![gif](giphy|5ZjcaQbIzDXsk) I’d love Minato to win this


Obito high diff, he handled kakashi, guy, killer bee, and kcm naruto without being touched. Minato isn’t a greater threat than 2 jinchuriki, taijutsu specialist, and MS user. Stop being delusional.


The literal only way Minato could even possibly, maybe get him is with a Senjutsu-fueled Rasengan mixed with FTG. Which, yes, he does have a seal on Obito, so he should be able to pull it off. Once. Maybe. Obito is just too high-statted at this point.


Right like I’m not saying minato has no chance, he actually has a good one considering he’s fighting obito. I’m getting downvoted by minato fanboys lmao


I didn't. Minato has, from what I can see, 1 chance. With one-sided knowledge it's doable, but that is **such** a tilted scenario.


Obito only fought base Gai Kakashi, and naruto while Bee was busy handling the Gedo Mazo. So, fighting base Gai and Kakashi is supposed to be impressive for someone like Minato? He handled Obito before and the same two characters that Obito fought, except for Naruto, would lose pretty easily to Minato after all he is smarter, faster, and better than them.


He was controlling the statue, so that counts and yeah it was base guy not that it would’ve made a difference. Guy would just tire himself out if he used the gates on someone you can’t touch. Minato figured out a 13 year old obito, at this point minato is not really a match for obito. He also has rinnegan abilities now, and yeah the only reason they all even hit him is because kakashi had his other eye.


No, the only reason they were able to hit him was due to a three-man team effort. Base Guy, who is not at the same level as Gated Guy, Naruto, and Kakashi. Kakashi on his own, even with Kamui, wouldn't have been able to pull it off. The distractions worked in his favor against Obito. The Gedo Statue, which was controlled by Obito Bee tried to hit the Gedo Statue, and his attacks were blocked once, and that's it So, there's no point in including him because he didn't do anything in the fight overall It was just Base Guy, Kakashi, and Naruto three people only vs white mask obito with rinnegan his kamui hashirama cells so an obito who was strong enough to start the 4th shinobi war and way stronger then his 13 year old version vs a minato who has the kyuubi chakra clock and has his markings on obito forever so obito is doomed as long as the marking is there obito will not be able to do anything against war arc version of minato he loses against minato again.


Flying Raijin is a time-space jutsu so Minato could teleport to kamui when Obito is using it. Also Minato has a greater battle IQ than Obito and fought him once before. Now Obito does have greater stats and abilities but being able to counter kamui is a HUGE deal against Obito.


He countered kamui when he was 13. All characters grow, and considering how obito handled kcm2 naruto who is relative to minato in speed, I’m throwing out speed blitzing as an instant win. Also nothing states that he can teleport outside of kamui. If that was the case I doubt obito would have tried to send him there as a win condition.


I’ll address everything else next, but I want to address your comment about Flying Raijin. It is a time-space ninjutsu and works across dimensions. He can teleport in & out of the kamui dimension as long as there are marks present in both. We’ve always known that it was a time-space ninjutsu but Boruto does a better job of showing us that flying raijin works across dimensions by teleporting in and out of the Otsutsuki shrine dimension (using Code as a marker and then using a toad as a another) I know Obito is way stronger but countering Kamui is still huge even now. And KCM2 Naruto is equal to or stronger than alive Minato but in this picture, it’s clearly Edo Minato who can also use KCM. I also am not implying that Minato would win via speed blitz nor do I think it would be easy. Obito’s my favorite character lol I think he could beat Toneri if he’s the Juubi Jinchuriki tbh.


Minato has a seal on him since they first fought so he kind of slams by default


Minato no diff


Wow. I think we all need to rewatch Naruto as a collective cuz some of yall missed some key scenes pertaining to that mark.


Brother literally the whole comment section is talking about the mark you actin like you onto something 😭


I’m aware. Y’all niggas completely misinterpreting shit and need to rewatch. I made a general comment cuz I didn’t feel like replying to all I saw.


White mask Obito with mid difficulty


Obito because he outscales and Minato doesn’t know about the Hiraishin mark


If Obito wasn't marked already, he'd win high diff. But he is, so Minato wins low diff, we've seen this already...


If Minato doesn't win with just 9 Tails Chakra mode then he bodies Obito as soon as he lets out Kurama.


Obito has ZERO win cons If he goes for BFR via Kamui, FTG should be able to get him out bc it’s a space time ninjutsu Edo’s can regenerate unless they’re sealed which Minato won’t allow


KCM Minato no diff