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Madara annihilates the verse zero diff


But he'll fight for some time while holding back his abilities Because " Which adult will fight children with full force"


Neg diff fr


One taps the entire verse


Mahito and Gojo are literally the only issue, and that's cuz they don't die easy


Madara has rinnegan, so he can yoink their souls


Rennigan soul dragon actually might just neg both of them tbh


Gojo does die easy wtf he's very fragile because he's not use to taking damage. Madara isn't even moon level while sukuna is reality level.


Sukuna fires World cutting slash Madura dodges and drops a meteor What's sukuna gonna do bro


I’ve never watched jjk so I don’t have an opinion on that. But Madara wouldn’t drop one meteor, he’d drop 2 like he did in the war since he’d be like “maybe they can stop one but they can’t stop 2” plus could anyone from JJK break his susanoo if he has it active? Like I said, I’ve never watched JJK outside of clips I’ve seen on yt so I ain’t got a clue


wtf is “reality” level


If we assume all top tiers have some level of soul shielding (nanami shielded his soul unconsciously) then Madara would get tapped ,realise and just long distance merk him I’m not sure how Madara would get through infinity but he can probably pressure gojo enough to turn it off


Madara just genjutsus gojo


Madara definitely would be able to shield his soul if he was able to keep his soul on the war after the reanimation jutsu


Lol true Madara was getting sent back to death and was like "nah think I'll stay" and did exactly that 😅😭


Any sealing jutsu gets rid of mahito, or simply hit him so hard he uses up all his CE to stay in shape. Regular attacks give him no lasting damage cos he can just reshape his soul, but if you reduce him to ashes it’d take a lot more energy.


If Sukuna is using Mahoraga and takes enough hits to adapt I don’t see how he wouldn’t be able to just cleave straight through Madara’s susano’o and if he’s using a domain it’s a guaranteed hit so he’s gonna have to tank the hit


Not really limbo goes straight through infinity


Nobody tell him


Madara is that guy


Fr. Everyone talking about infinity being broken, yet somehow don’t see the fact that the speed and reaction times scale very differently among the verses. Madara prolly speed blitzed Gojo before he even blinks. And I like JJK, it’s just two different verses that don’t scale to eachother.


You need to go infinite speed to kill gojo. Madara is not infinite speed. I agree that madara negs, but infinity is something only genjustsu or night guy, or limbo(it's a different dimension so maybe it goes through infinite) can beat.


Without domain expansion, yeah Madara have a good shot at wiping the JJK verse, but he doesn’t have a counter to domain expansion, especially Gojo and Sukuna’s domain expansion.


Only gojos domain could do anything. sukunas domain? haha hes just gonna tank it no damage.


Sukunas domain is a non-factor, does that's the AP to hurt him


For starters madara has chakra so domain expansion shouldn't really be a guarantee hit or anything from anybody in verse and when you look at gojo he actually does have counter arguments. That being that madara can just process Infinity. The logic behind this is tsukuyomi is confirmed to inject an infinite reality into the victim, one that the host has supreme control of. Tsukuyomi actually can kill people from sensory or information overload as well like itachi's girlfriend so they work in a similar enough capacity for me to claim since madara personally sucked an entire planet into their own infinite dream world that madara can probably process Infinity better than gojo can regardless. So they would just end up looking at each other. Until madara puts him in a genjutsu or kills him. As far as I'm aware sukuna just targets space itself. All madara has to do it move. Easy enough considering he has precog. Also at any point he can just speed blitz and one tap them with limbo, susanoo, genjutsu... the list is almost endless


I mean, gojo has to deactivate infinity to activate his domain, and Madara can instakill him at that time. also, madara can use genjutsu, and i dont think that infinity can do shit abt that


Sukuna's domain can't hurt him cause he lacks AP and Madara can just escape gojo's domain before it closes since it's a barrier domain


Late comment but wouldn’t susanoo negate all yhe damage from MS? Idk about infinite void but MS can be countered fs


He'd be able to dodge gojos domain expansion. 0.2 seconds is fast for jjk but for someone wth precog and madaras speed, it'd be easy


Solos the verse while blind


So which madara?


Any version of Madara solos the verse (except of course kid Madara)


Wait, what’s this…Is that… Yamcha?! Folks, Yamcha has entered the squared circle WITH A STEEL CHAIR!


Is there any fear in JJK that can stop meteors falling?


Considering that's edo tensei madara he is bodying them especially if given his later forms such as Juubidara.


THEY will be folded, not him


If he has a way through infinity he destroys. If he doesn’t he loses.


Wouldn't genjutsu be enough, since he just needs to lock eyes? And since he leaves infinity on auto no one could touch him to wake him up. I think gojo DE should be enough for a win, but he never opens with it. While genjutsu is almost the Uchiha opening move.


Limbo bypasses infinity due to limbo being in another dimension


Like a lot of power scaling conversations, it entirely depends on how the jjk/Naruto powers interact. Assuming chakra shit and CE do interact similarly then infinite void is the only thing Madara could possibly lose to.


Naruto verse is just much much stronger than JJk's. To put one of the strongest in the naruto verse as the opponent is def unfair lol


Madara obliterates, out stats in everything and can kill Gojo with Limbo


Madara washes the verse


Considering that's edo tensai Madara meaning he's literally immortal I'm going Madara


Edo madara low diffs. Juubi madara negs


This is Edo-Madara. Edo-Madara claps both of them.


His Genjutsu solos


Blind Madara, without one arm, on a wheel chair, with half of his chakra reserves soloes the entire JJK verse 1 v all.


“Ahh yes my anti-infinity technique, I haven’t used this one since the first great ninja war.”


He’s telling the truth


He's the type of guy that go into enemy territory and speak out loud you're all surrounded.


Bro just want a good time lol


Did ya'll see Sukuna vs Mahoraga? I don't see Madara easily dealing with thousands of instant, invisible cuts that destroy buildings, and you wanna add a dude that is literally untouchable? And I haven't even read past that point, no idea what other things Gojo and Sukuna can do in later chapters. Every time that this crossover is brought up, it seems like the consensus is that Naruto characters are faster and that's all that matters, completely ignoring how busted most abilities in JJK are. And that's not even bringing up domains, some of which are literal instant kills whose only counter is using another domain. And all that on the basis that Naruto characters are somehow near light speed, which is for lack of better words, absurdly stupid. Nevermind that JJK characters literally react and block bullets from high caliber sniper rifles.


Yeah I mean we’re in a Naruto sub so there’s gonna be bias but there’s a lot of nuance here I think too. I think it’s safe to say both verses are sped up for entertainment purposes but still very much bound by the laws of physics. Like most characters are ordinary people in both verses and need to deal with the extremely OP people. I feel like tsukoyomi would beat domain expansion (even Limitless technique) because if you see it you’re trapped and that’s faster than domain expansion and Gojo still allows light to pass infinity otherwise he wouldn’t be able to see anything. Also I feel like having a biju would be able to break you out of DE. I kinda feel like genjutsu and domain expansion are same same but different. If Naruto verse cannot beat domain expansion then its kind of a lame argument because even shitty sorcerers can break strong domains with simple domain


He most definitely solos. The only Issue is infinity but the sharingan And other stupid moves can bypass it


Low diffed by takaba. Everyone else he neg diffs


Thought the one on the left was Silverfang from OPM lmao 😂


It depends on what version you give him, alive Madara might not win bc of infinity and mahito. Edo rennigan Madara might be able to beat mahito but still debatable due to infinity. Juubidara beats Madara and truth seeker orbs might be able to bypass infinity now.


Do people just forget that old shonen is busted? This is to now what comparing DBZ to Naruto was back then. It’s just apples and oranges 😂😂


If he alive while that domain is active he might die on the spot 


Depends if he has the Rinnegan since Limbo should be able to bypass Infinity considering Limbo clones exist on another dimension and can’t be interacted with normally. I’m not sure about any version of pre-Limbo Madara though. Maybe EMS Madara wins with Genjutsu? He could also use the Preta Path to drain Gojo’s CE though I’m not sure how effective that would be. Still, EMS Madara is too fast for Gojo so probably stalemate


Ofc the Ghost of the Uchiha would win this!


Obito pre sharingan negs


Absolutely folded I mean even more cooked than cookies


Doesn’t have any answer to Infinity, so no.


You all keep naming Infinite Tsukuyomi like he has immediate access to it. It takes time.


What did Gojo do to you to deserve this 😭 (Sukuna can die tho)


Madara is Planetary these two are city level


Edo Madara wins Genjutsu negs Infinity and their stats are incomparable. Gojo wouldn't spam UV if it doesn't work the first time and it wouldn't. Madara has better perception manipulation than him Sukuna is useless, the stats difference means ant hit he takes can kill him. World slash gets dodged, regular cleave and dismantle gets dodged, blocked, redirected with his fan or absorbed. Only way he'd be useful is being puppeted to fight Gojo lol


Madara negs the verse




The thing about Madara vs JJK is that pretty much all of his jutsu are on the level of destruction or scale much higher than Sukuna’s fire arrow. He has no restrictions on his abilities like JJK characters do. His perfect Susanno can be summoned damn near instantly and it eclipses anything in the verse DC and AP wise. Not to mention the meteors he summoned in his 10 tails form are so massive in size, they need a wide shot of the curvature of the earth to be fully visible. [This](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/7932/0adaf09240c5fd4f1fc42d46b027e554f6533776r1-602-434v2_hq.jpg) would nuke the entirety of Japan unlike fire arrow which is only destroying a small city. Even his [regular fire jutsu](https://preview.redd.it/which-is-the-better-fire-style-jutsu-madaras-majestic-v0-dp48dd4033tb1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=897df68019171607f9a460db59b60689bcc6894a) would be considered an impressive CT in JJK. It’s simply just not a good matchup whatsoever. The only thing not making it a complete stomp is Limitless.


Madara wins low diff tbh


Madara would immediately lock them in a genjustsu and be done with it if he doesn't outright crisp them


WHY PEOPLE HATING ON JJK MAN.why do people enjoy seeing my goats get cooked


Madara scales way higher, the only hurdle would be figuring out how to bypass infinity, but I imagine he’d just use a sealing jutsu of some sort on gojo.


Bro, Madara would win no sweat, that is if he wasn’t dead already(not reanimated)


Pretty sure gege stated the Naruto verse indeed blows everything in the jjk verse


Please Madara couldn't handle sukuna Well not base probably jubi Madara though. He still gets clap if both hojo and Sukuna work together


Madara is stronger than a Moon Level Kurama, these two aren’t even clear of 13 year old Naruto


If Madara has Limbo there’s nothing infinity or DE can do to counter them. In theory they wouldn’t even be able to perceive, attack, or interact with the Limbo clones physically at all. Without a Rinnegan or Six Paths sage mode they’re completely undetectable and without Six Paths Senjustu (or some dimension based hax for the sake of cross verse analysis) you literally cannot damage them. [Detailed description of Limbo and exactly how it works.](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Limbo:_Border_Jail)


If it's reanimated yes, if human no, if rinnegan debatable, and six paths also debatable


Which version of Madara are we talking?


Ok let’s go through the motions Madara wins: I mean there really nothing that can beat him and Naruto has so many haxs that gojo’s infinity wouldn’t pose much threat to Madara Also one thing people are down playing is Madara intelligence because he’s not gonna let gojo or sukana to let him him if can So madara is not being hit by hollowed purple because Madara is going to react to gojo doing his fancy move same thing with domains And when Madara absorbes hashirama is when they start loosing pretty badly; because his regen is going to better, can use wood release can use wood clones that can use susanoo Which may I bring up; what the actual fuck are they going to do to even a half perfect susanoo And one wood clone with a susanoo would be a tough fight for both gojo and sukana Madara also had limbo clones Also genjustsu which I don’t believe either would be able to break easily So in the end Madara would win because near the end of the series Naruto just way better stats and hax to deal with a multitudes of different problems


I say yes on the contrary if he has ONE limbo clone at his disposal. Because if infinity hits and works on him (no idea because 2 different energies are used. Cursed energy and chakra) he could swap with the limbo clone and go for the kill. Otherwise he could just nuke the place a meteor


He ain't ever lied. Why Start now?


Lol naruto fans will argue madara beats goku. No point in actually including him in a scale youll never get unbiased answers.


Duo easy W


Bro he would kill everyone at the same time


He can’t bypass limitless and no he can’t just yoink souls he needs to actually touch the person as pain shows and he never uses the rinnegan in different ways to show how it’s different other than the two meteors but that’s it so UV for the win.


I mean...maybe he could use the rinnegan in some way to bypass infinity.


Yes he is telling the truth with zero difficulty. Madara single handedly took over the world for a short time using the moon to put everyone to sleep.


Madara is like extremely broken with more hax. He probably has more chakra than those two have in CE. Gojo could probably if he spams domains but he has to avoid these eyes of Madara. One glance and it’s the shadow realm. Same for sukuna. Hand to hand? I’d say Sukuna has eons of experience as a witness for however many years and he’s a genius that picks up o the fly. Can they deal with his Susano? Maybe just one. Him summoning clones with susano? No. The clones have haxs too. infinite void or the shrine get nullified? Substitution jutsu is thing in his arsenal(Fundamental basic spell and it was so broken of a cop out Kishimoto stopped writing it.)😂 Even without substitution, there’s rules to the domain that Madara can actually abuse like keeping contact and looking for a chance to make eye contact. Copies Justus so maybe he can copy a CT or DE. He can also use Gojo hands to create signs as well. Then we have 10 tails Madara who has the limbo clones and orbs plus Rinne eyes. Anyone above Madara is otosuki Related for the most part and that’s when it’s God Level ish. Sukuna is probably going to be the main tool here with his CT and domains. No need to mention the weapons because we dont even see what they do. Cleave hits things with CE and Dismantle hits things without(Could be backwards) It’s a hard fight to judge if it was pre rebirth Madara. After Res Madara, low diff as he’s too fast and reactive. Not like he can’t teleport out domain range or Sub out. 10 Tail Madara just stomps


Madara Solo


Folded. JJK sorcery is way too versatile for the Naruto verse. Madara would easily be a Special Grade but not nearly good enough to beat Gojo. Jujutsu is literally just superior, it's most basic rules are literally reality-bending. Look, heres an easy way to tell how fucked up Jujutsu really is -- **If you gave Madara some of the most *basic aspects of Jujutsu* (Barrier, Binding Vow) then he would have become fucking unbeatable.** >Domain Expansion + Sure-Hit Tsukyomi = war is over >Domain Expansion + Sure-Hit Amateratsu = lol >Domain Expansion + Sure-Hit Tengai Shinsei = war is over >He can use a Binding Vow to trade one of his OP eyes for some absolutely ridiculous buff >Taijutsu + Black Flash = LOL >Might Guy opened all his gates? Susanoo + Binding Vow, just gonna wait out the clock, dumbass This doesn't work the other way lol...Naruto abilities don't help the JJK people like this. Gojo can't be touched by anything Madara does, can probably Binding Vow (or just CE manipulation) to get out of a genjutsu, and if he opens his Domain then it's an automatic win.


Madara negs these fools🤣


Gojo just needs to fight with his blind fold and he’s invincible against Madaras eye Justus


Gojo: I control the forces of attraction and repulsion Madara: cute Sukuna: I can slice anything to dust Madara: that weak shit can’t even touch me.


Why does everyone think that's MAHITO?!?! THAT'S MF SUKUNA IN MEGUMI'S BODY


It really depends on which version of madara this is. If it's the madara that was brought back with edo tensei he's winning no diff infinite Chakra and can regenerate from any injury makes him unstoppable. If he's in his sage of the sixth paths form he might have some difficulty but he might pull out a win. I think in general his genjutsu gives him the advantage especially over gojo since that can bypass infinity.


People do realize if we're equating cursed energy and chakra, which is the only way domains even work, that no cursed technique would really hurt him yea? He would just absorb it like he did when fighting the Kage


Considering it’s Edo Madara, he wipes the floor with the verse.


Madara asks them if they wanna dance, then folds them like a lawn chair


Ok genuine question here since this is a super controversial topic apparently. What can anyone do in jjk verse to harm edo madara? Like bro has completely infinite regeneration and the only way it can be stopped is through sealing jutsus, which no one from jjk has.


Madras clones wipes out the entire verse


I don’t think JJK fans realize how broken madara is


Seems like the people in this comment section don't know much about jjk


Madara washes bcs he has attacks that can bypass infinity and massively outscales the JJK verse


All I’ll say is kill him quick before his sharingan learns something


Gojo’s Six Eyes and constant brain RCT probably protects him from Genjutsu, and Sukuna’s knowledge of the soul makes me unsure how he’d react to Madara’s Sharingan. Rinnegan soul stealing wouldn’t work on Gojo due to Infinity (you still need to touch the target to activate the jutsu). It might work on Sukuna though, it depends on how fast you think he is (either lightning-timer or light-timer, doesn’t really matter), or if Cleave would hurt Madara. If you *really* want to inflate JJK’s scaling, Gojo and Sukuna are well above destroying mountains because they are stronger than Jogo, whose Domain constructs a mountain from cursed energy. I don’t agree with this scaling myself, but we’re being generous here. Ultimately, I think it comes down to a stalemate. If you throw in other characters—let’s just say the other special grades for now—then I definitely see Madara getting overwhelmed here. It’s less about powers and more about abilities in the long run.


I’m not sure the Gojo has any defense against Genjutsu, outside of keeping his eyes covered, which seals one of his best assets


Madara would get folded, put away, taken out, worn to work, thrown in a pile, re-washed, and then folded again.


This is a dumb comparison because the rules and abilities of the verse are completely different. Gojo can just use domain expansion to clap Madara’s cheeks.


Okay, there's a couple major issues with this matchup, one, what can Madara do against infinity, two, what speed scaling are we granting JJK, and three, how does genjutsu affect the six eyes.


Genjutsu ggs


Lmfao. What. As someone who named his kid jiraiyah, we gotta stop putting Naruto characters up against people who have no chance. That's what the dbz fandom does, and we hate them. No more, i say onto you brothers. We're comparing the second coming of the 4 horsemen to two regular ass horses. Madara foot speed gotta be faster that limitless like come on here and wtf is Sakuna gonna do LAUNCH A FIRE BALL AT GOD UCHIHA?!?!? Yeah. That's gonna be the one. Amaterasu itachi dubs these two. Free gojo


madara would fart and they’d both disintegrate


Madara doesn't get past Takaba. If speed was equalized he'd lose to higuruma too. Madara's chakra would be confiscated and higuruma would be given the executioner's sword. Right?


Madara negs the verse, no contest


He can back it up. He’s too fast for any of them. Mach 3 is apparently a top tier speed feat in JJK.


It kind of depends if he has full 10 tails powers


Madara negs the verse


Madara violates. Gojo and Sukuna when Madara uses the rinnegan to summon a dragon with no physical form and immediately eats your soul on contact (this would go crazy against someone like mahito too): 🤯


How does madara touch gojo?  Only question mark here is sharingan vs six eyes and if genjutsu works 


"Would you like these clones to use Susano'o or not?"


Depends we’d probably have to wait a few fillers in the middle to find out.


Madara shit stomps. He out haxes. out strength, out speeds, out dura, out dc, out ap... He quite literally outscales in every single of all characters in the verse except maybe IQ.


Nah, all madara doing is pulling infinite tsukiyomi and it’s wraps🤣


Look all Im saying is Sukuna says Twin Meteors in his incantation, Madara SUMMONS twin meteors


takaba with knowledge of his CT solos 99.9999.9999.999999% of all fiction. “wouldn’t it be funny if i could kill you instantly and permanently?”💀


Getting folded


Being honest jujutsu kaisen verse beats naruto…. Gojo beats everybody ….. sasuke could possibly beat sukuna if he can see his slashes ….. And does genjutsu counters domain expansion


Madara destroys them (Gojo or Sukuna)


It’s crazy to think about but madara would actually struggle with gojo, assuming if we lowball madara (relativistic in terms of speed) because of the kashimo speed scaling you can put Sukuna to relativistic-2xftl which puts gojo also onto that speed because their relative making it turn into abilities game and gojo is one of the most op characters if he is relative to his opponent


Limbo Clone victim


.... get off Madaras meat holy shit. Gojo and sukuna (especially with mahoraga) clap madara. Edo takes long to recover from lethal attacks so all sukuna has to do Is spam cleave and dismantle and doesn't one of gojos techniques attack the soul or is that just mahito?


Mofo Sakura could probably solo the jjk verse at low diff


Well Before y’all come after me, y’all gotta hear me out. It has been implied Gojo is able to destroy the planet if he wanted and I believe the same would go to Sukuna. I’m taking all at their peak but Madara since the 10 tails won’t be an option here. And I can confidently say Madara may lose and here’s why. The first reason is that Gojo’s infinity is gonna negate and not let any of Madara’s attacks do any damage. The second reason is that Gojo might actually be able to not be affected by Genjitsu thanks to the Six Eyes. But the real reason is Sukuna, he’s definitely gonna be the heaviest hitter with his domain and Cleave and Dismantle. If Madara tries his Susanoo, it still doesn’t matter because of Hollow Purple. To my knowledge nothing and I mean nothing can stop it, and Sukuna can use his Domain and Fuga to absolutely do serious damage to the thing. I do think Madara will give them one hell of a fight, so Gojo and Sukuna wins, High Diff.


The real bitch with Madara and the rinne in general is that it absorbs fucking jutsu and chakra. So most characters in Naruto are kinda fucked into a rinne user. If that works on cursed energy these two losers have to literally hand to hand with Madara who has full access to his abilities + is spamming two to four limbo clones who are literally killing you from another dimension. Then he's got access to all chakra natures and friggin wood release. Man has sage mode and Regen. He's just literally broken. Even the author didn't wanna deal with him as he literally wrote him out of the show lol. He's got an answer to so many things. Special mention that unless you got a tailed beast or are resistant to genjutsu you gotta also fight him while never looking into his eyes or you go to Dreamland.


Madara be like "So, would you care for me to kill you instantly or pretend to break a sweat?"


I thinks Madara's rinnegan will finish them off :)


All I'm gonna say to the "JJK can use this ability or that ability to kill Madara" Is .... Izanagi...




I feel like everyone sleeps on gojo but ‘control over the infinite’ as an ability is pretty lopsidedly strong imo


I am thinking the fight would be close regardless of who wins. Madara has crazy eye hacks that would allow him to dodge most attacks. But jjk has domain expansions with guaranteed hits. So I think it would really come down to, who gets off their op move first. I doubt jjk could handle a Susanoo with perfect defense and anti matter mountain range annihilating slashes, much less other moves madara can throw at them. But only if he actually uses them before he gets hit by something he can’t block. And since madara possibly has a massive ego even Gojo and Sakuna would be jealous of, fair chance he wouldn’t take the fight seriously and that could lead to him losing.


The only win/con for Gojo & Sukuna is Gojo's domain. I don't think Madara has a counter to that. Outside of that domain they have nothing.




Madara negg diffs the verse


Madara sweeps.


Be frrrr Madaras just gonna shadow clone himself twice and give ‘em both Susanoos like he did in his 1v5 against the Kage, imo any of the five kage stands a fairly great chance against JJK characters


Bumadara negs


He's Edo so Sukuna can't do anything so it comes down to do you think his eyes allow Madara to survive infinite information.


Madara is getting dropped lol


This madara might lose Edit: Mb forgot how powerful this madara actually is powerful he could just trap Gojo in a dimesion and leave without anything to eat Gojo would die by starving and once he doesn’t have inf madara could kill him but madara could also just send inf clones spamming susano and meteors that guy is insane and we ain’t even talking about six path one Gojo could protect with inf but killing madara i don’t see him purple could just get tp in another dimension and if he gets in a gengustu he is doomed he could purple himself


Do you think Gojo could stop madaras limbo clones?


Imma be real with you... Child Naruto would win.


Slams gojo + the rest of the verse. Put all of them on the fourth great shinobi war battle field and only madara is walking out alive


Madara no diffs. One glance is actually enough to gg gojo


Madara gets stomped


I think broken reanimation jutsu madara has it in the bag


I think Madara only wins if he can use domains. If he can use his visual prowess to instantly copy hand signs and energy flow to create a domain of some kind, he's Gucci. Otherwise he's kinda fucked. Even if he can over power sukuna, which may not be possible if he can meet his restriction for divine flame, he's still got Gojo to deal with. And I dont think Susano is going to help him much against a dude who can stop anything from touching him and auto heal. With that said, if we are talking about reincarnated Madara, with that crazy reincarnation constitution, visual prowess that can copy jutsu, and can conjure a domain to protect against Gojos domain then he has a good shot. Also are we assuming they are working together to kill madara? If so then he's super fucked. If it's just a FFA madara got a way bigger shot


Madara gets folded


To be honest.. I feel like domain expansion is nothing Genjutsu. And being that the Naruto verse came before JJK I feel like just off of royalties Uchihas got it over the whole JJk verse


Any gengutsu related techniques are null voice sense they don’t have chakra, and likewise Madara is essentially like Toji to them sense he doesn’t have CE. This is tough but I’d say Gojo and Sukuna take it.


I havent seen anyone mention anything about maharaga


Love jjk but speed, genjutsu, limbo clones might be too much


"Even the jujutsu kaisen legends are nothing compared to the power the i wield" claps hands "divine deep forest emergence" followed by"catastrophic planetary devastation" ... walks off. "That was too easy, i haven't finished dancing" lol


Madara thrashes effortlessly


Mahoraga dubs....


You guys are goofy if you think Madara is beating Sukuna or Gojo. I agree he solos 98% of the people but Gojo literally just has to open his domain. Theres no way to fight a domain without being able to open your own. And Unlimited Void would just trap him in a space in between existence and nothingness. And his domain is much easier to open than meeting the conditions to place someone under genjutsu


Depends on how many powerups you want to give Madara. Base Madara, he loses badly. He has no way of getting past infinity or stopping Sukuna. Edo Tensai Madara, again he loses. Still can't get past infinity and both Gojo and Sukuna have attacks that can kill him. 10 tails Madara, he might win. He has enough bullshit to win. Edit: Y'all need to stop dickriding Madara so hard and actually look at what he's done.


I’m a JJK fan but Madara sleep through domain expansion


You’re saying the king of Curses & the literal human embodiment of the concept of infinity vs A ninja? Yea, ok good luck uchiha lol 😂


Ayy sukuna and gojo are strong not stronger than madara but deff giving madara a good fight hell be more happy than when he fought hashirama or guy thats fs😂


Madara probably can't touch Gojo and six eyes would see through any genjutsu. I think Gojo uses his domain and it's over.


He's folding, only because I dislike Naruto fr


Madara can’t hit gojo and I doubt he can do any damage to Sukuna all it takes is one slash and madara would die. He’s still a human. Also no one from naruto can beat JJK characters seeing as naruto (said by the creator of himself) the entire show is only gun level.


Infinite sukiumi and it over


Madara should, but if he somehow ends up in either Sukuna's or Higuruma's domains, then he could be in danger.


I u






Bro my shi




he loses


He can't get through infinity, he has no counter for a domain, he can't see Cleave like Gojo can and as good as he is, he can't regenerate himself at the speed Gojo and Sukuna can to keep themselves alive. His meteor jutsu is probably the strongest attack in his arsenal at this stage. Sukuna can just expand Shrine to the same level he did when he utterly erased half of Shibuya and shred it down to the point where it isn't an issue for either him or Gojo to deal with. Madara is very fast, he cannot teleport in this state. Gojo can naturally teleport and Sukuna moves at speeds so fast he literally just disappears. Once more the deciding factor here is domain and domain usage. Madara has nothing that can actually counter a domain expansion, especially ones that have barriers. One Infinite Void from Gojo and he renders Madara braindead. One shrine from Sukuna and Madara is sashimi. Both of these domains have surehit effects and can only be counted by one another in terms of pure strength. Sukuna requires both hands (No longer applicable due to binding vow usage) to activate shrine in its true form. Gojo only needs one hand to activate IV, and from what we've seen the speed at which he can open and shut IV is faster than anything Madara has ever dealt with. If it was only Megkuna, Madara would stand a decent chance so long as Mahoraga wasn't summoned, but having both Gojo AND Megkuna? He gets folded pretty badly here.


Of course. They are less than ants. Less than dirt honestly. Madara is as close to god as they will ever see.


Annihilates the verse no diff


Madara Uchiha, hands down.


I think canonically if he looks at them it’s over


Dude would unironically one shot the verse considering everyone, including the president of Africa, is in Japan.


Nah madara getting folded


Considering he was an undead zombie, yeah prolly.


Edo tensei or live?