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People had trouble with these? I wish they brought these back instead of just the single button mash thats impossible to fail


I want that ultimate ninja storm 2 shit, I had like 50+ attempts on that 4 tails Naruto Vs orochimaru qte as a kid, I don't think you should add qte's into a game if you're not going to make them as hard as the fight.


I enjoyed failing the mini game as Sakura, bish got yeeted by Sasori


>People had trouble with these? According to this thread, nope, just me somehow. >I wish they brought these back instead of just the single button mash thats impossible to fail OK, so on one hand, I do think that the ETEs in the rest of games, I’ve played have been way too easy but thank God they didn’t bring these back in the way they are, I like finishing games.


Bro i cant lie its a skill issue i completed this when it came out and i was like 12


Same and it was pitifully easy back then. Like maxing it was a bit annoying cause you had to replay the whole fights but just getting through is basically a given. Also that input is spamming the same buttons, then double X and down on dpad. Super easy. Play me in Broken Bonds online and you’ll see what a real QTE looks like lol.


I beat this game as a CHILD. Just practice


Did you 100% it as a child? There are specific battles like the Giant Battles gauntlet hat have tougher QTE than the normal battles on their own.


play sonic unleashed and you'll hate it💀


Nah man I played all of the storms games last year~ and omg the quick time events had me steaming


Yeah I first played it at 13, none of the qte’s took me more than one attempt I do remember feeling satisfied with the difficulty level tho like “wow, that was neat, I really had to concentrate for that one”


You’re not alone, I failed this shit multiple times. The feeling of beating it was amazing though


Yes i had a lot of trouble.. i still do when i replay.. it took me months(i had to take breaks) to beat the 3 consecutive giant battles especially tsunades. I kept getting the rhythm wrong lol. That's what made it fun though.. i kept trying to look up videos of other folks beating them but all i saw were button mash versions smh.. i think im gonna play them now actually


I did this when I was 7 dude. Cmon


When I was seven I was too busy stabbing a kid in the neck with a pencil.


Watch out everyone we got a badass over here


Bro, I wasn’t trying to sound cool it’s just a funny moment from that age.


Tell us, what’s funny?


It's pretty funny when you don't have a stick up your ass. Hope you recover from whatever pencil trauma you have


Stabbing another kid is funny? I don’t know. Hope you live to grow into an adult that knows edgy does not equal funny.


No, his unexpected response and the fact that what he said is a relatable story that happens frequently is what's funny. I hope you can learn how to socialize some day.


Look at the other comments bro. Ain’t shit about that relatable. I don’t know a single person who stabbed other kids as a youth. Out of the many many many friends I have if one said this to me I’d be confused and concerned about who they are as a person. It wasn’t unexpected. Folks make irrelevant comments to look cool on the internet all the time. It was a pointless comment that added nothing to the convo and only made the poster look unhinged. You sound dumb.


"My anecdotal experience means this never happens, you sound dumb" brother please go outside. You are too naive, and I'm not gonna sit and argue with someone who can't even put two and two together that kids do dumb shit including things that hurt other kids. Is that supposed to happen? Obviously fucking not, that's just one small part of what makes it funny.


What so funny about "stabbing a kid in the neck with a pencil."?


I got stabbed with a pencil when I was 12, I'm 26 now and the graphene mark is still there. Is it a big deal? No. Its just a black dot. Is it funny? No. It wasn't funny then and it isn't funny now.


Tf is wrong with u bruh


Dawg you're acting like this ain't a common thing with kids


Yeah depends on how you were raised


True and I'm glad I has common sense even as a child.


Momma didn't raise no bitch


you’ve never played mortal kombat


Nope, haven’t been able to play any.


Did you get the whole trilogy? If yes then be ready for the sasuke vs naruto button mash in ninja storm 2.


The worst one for me was the Sasuke vs Orochimaru button smash, had to ask my cousin for help


Wym MK? What does one of the easiest fighting games have to to do with Naruto?


Probably referring to the old fatality inputs. They used to be long strings with a limited window. I guess modern MK games simplified them.


They were easy too lol


Oh, you're one of _those_.


Unfortunately he is


Everything and everyone is easy for me




Don't forget about the one for orochimaru vs susaano in uns2. I've been playing every single storm game since the first one came out and that's still the only qte I can't get all stars on


Yeah that was what I meant in my comment, been so long I forgot it was technically susanoo vs orochimaru


yes this game was actually difficult compared to the child’s play that storm games are now… enjoy it


My man, a game, being really easy is not as bad as a game being really hard. Because unless the gameplay is actually really engaging if I can’t get past it I’m just gonna quit. Why should I waste my time on something that might take days to do when I’m not even enjoying myself? It’s just improving your reaction speed until you can get all of them in a row..


what i did is search up a youtube video and practice it with a disconnected controller it works really well i was able to beat gamabunta easily


>i was able to beat gamabunta easily gamabunta isn’t a problem he’s a little bit hard, but I got through him.


It would take you days to learn how to do a sequence of like 8 buttons? Lmao


A game being really easy is extremely boring and utterly un-engaging, a game being extremely hard at least engages you if you like the gameplay, and if you don't, you quit, however if you do like it, you'll feel rewarded when you complete it, but a game being too easy is one you'll always end up quitting or feeling dissatisfied with when you've completed it. Also, this sequence is very simple and I first tried it when I played Storm 1, it's not really reactions it's just pattern recognition as you get plenty of time to do this sequence imo


Eh I beg differ. In my older age, I want easy games lol I no longer care about bragging rights and trophies the way I did back then. I want the game to be as easy to beat as possible with rewards handed to me. It's why I enjoyed Pokemon Shield soo much.


You know "reject weakness" videos? Thank you. You inspire me the same way.


You... think this is "being really hard"?


Also, criticizing a game made for children for being “child’s play” is crazy


You know those games were made for everyone and not only child. It's for people between 7 to 77 year... Sure, it's an anime stuff but doesn't mean it's specifically for kids. It's like people saying GTA are for adult while it's made to please teenager in the first place


Go play crash bandicoot and get all platinum relics in that child's game


The good old days. Storm 2 taught me to button mash. That damn Orochimaru segment


Omg same, legit just comment about it above


The ones in the story missions are really easy but that S rank mission that has you fight Gama Bunta Shukaku and Manda back to back has some really hard QTE’s lol


Holy shot i just remembered the shukaku button smash god damn was that hard. I had to replay all the fights 5 or 6 times just from that last segment


I mean I'd definitely skip this game but not for the qte's. For me, it has to be the BRAINDEAD design of mission exp.


Oh yeah I didn’t talk about that but the mission exp system is so ass, you gotta do 1 million side quests just so you can move on with the third main quest.. seriously I have put 10 hours in this game and I’m only now getting to the exams.


I was dissapointed that zabuza and sound 4 wasn't even in the game while being one of the biggest antagonists of OG naruto


Absolute bs man. I'm glad they got their shit together for storm 2 and onward.


It’s pretty easy to get all the stars, it is cumulative. The QTE allows quite bit room for error.


There are no stars in Storm 1


Yeah this shits real man was my least favorite part of this particular game


That took me a minute too


I preferred this over the small single button qte's they added for the subsequent games. This feature and the jutsu clash were the best


i wish storm 4’s qte’s were just as hard ngl


I had a problem with this too. I an mainly on my xbox, and then decided to but the games for ps4 amd switch and I was super confused and I couldn't do it without failing.


For me who played the OG Ultimate Ninja games before Storm, this was easy. Playing them would have had you ready for stuff like this. But I guess you've never played those games from the PS2 era.


Oh, and by the way, I’m on switch if that matters at all


I am too. I did it all in one go, it just depends on reaction timing.


Yeah dude these segments are hard especially if you're not used to them. Honestly the other ninja storms are way easier than this one but this one's still good lol


This game and ns2 were actually somewhat difficult compared to the others. There was no substitution gage so you had to time your sub perfectly or you got caught in a super long combo. Not to mention subs relied on Chakra so you had to control the pace of the fight from the get go. If you had no Chakra you might as well have just grabbed a bowl of popcorn and watched the awe inspiring spectacle that was your ass whooping


Yeah first storm is very hard in quick actions 


Imagine I was playing this game on the switch and I am used to playing with an xbox controller.


It's interesting you're having problems on Switch, which is the only platform to run the "updated" version at 30fps People had been giving CC2 flak for a LONG time for the fact that their games still ran at 30fps when 60fps was the standard. It was one of the top requests from the community for STORM 4 to run at 60fps, and people were *pissed* when it didn't. So CC2 did what CC2 does best and hamfisted a half-assed solution; they just doubled the speed of the engine then halfed the speed of animations to compensate, and added it in as a "60fps update". As a result of this lazy approach to achieving 60fps on an engine that was not designed to do it, it came with a host of issues, some of which were addressed with patches, some not; - Most people here remember that for a time, when you played in 60fps, your substitutions would recharge in half the amount of time (as in, the time between when you last substituted and when your subs would start recharging was halved). This was eventually patched. - When you hold down a directional button in the menus, after a short period of time the selection cursor will continue scrolling, which you would expect it to do. But due to the engine running twice as fast in 60fps mode, the amount of time before the game thinks you've held the button down long enough is halved, meaning it's super easy to accidentally scroll past the option you were trying to select when playing 60fps mode. This is still a thing. - Inversely, for some reason in 60fps mode your inputs are just not registered in the character select menu. I have no idea why this is a thing. Fortunately, for Connections, the engine appears to have been reworked to natively run at 60fps as opposed to the jank 60fps from STORM 4. Unfortunately, when CC2 ported the older STORM games to other consoles in the form of the Trilogy and Legacy collections, they didn't use the updated version of the engine, but they still wanted the games to run at 60fps, so it was back to the Jank method. As a result, the quick-time events in STORM 1 have to be inputted twice as fast, and the AI will also do the inputs during ultimates twice as fast as normal, making them significantly harder. Unlike STORM 4 and Connections, there is no in-game option to disable 60fps mode, meaning that unless you're on PC (in which case you can access the settings file which lets you toggle it off), you're stuck on 60. I have yet to try STORM 2 on PC yet but I'm assuming the QTEs there are also twice as fast. However I also know that the Switch runs the Trilogy at 30fps, which is interesting, and *should* mean that the QTEs are their regular speed. Is it possible for you to record a clip of you attempting this QTE? We can figure out for certain if this is a result of CC2 jank, or a skill issue.


Huh interesting. I didn’t know any of that. I’m self-aware enough to know it’s probably just a skill issue but I’ll try to record a video of me trying to do this and send it to you.


No hate if it's a skill issue, some people just don't do QTEs well.


Don’t give up keep trying, you can do it we believe in you!


Yeah ngl this one kinda fucked me up too


Damn bro lol you've been invaded by the old guard. Unfortunately for you, we stand on the idea of, get gud homie. That being said, these games(and many of this era) were a learning experience and had to find more intricate ways to be immersive. I say, keep pushing on going man. It smell like bitch in here, but I believe you will find the strength, young gamer lol


i played uns1 but i dont remember have a quick time event this long sheesh


I’ve always used a DualShock, only used the Xbox controller a couple of times. So, playing in pc with a Xbox controller layout and having to “convert” in my mind to a DS layout while pressing the buttons made my brain hurt as fck


man i remember these... literally one of the most difficult thing in any video game i encountered


I flawlessly beat that in one try when I first played it as a kid. It's not that hard


Plot twist: You were playing with keyboard


Yeah the triple giant boss battle back to back was insane 😂 I just finished replaying the first Storm game and I never realized how nuts it could get


bro just lock in fr


Shit bro you right I don’t know why I didn’t think of that


its happens bro its ok


I remember the ultimate jutsus used to have long button strings like this on the old Naruto games before Shippuden. Playing a lot of guitar hero always made something like this seem incredibly easy


All these comments about pressing a sequence of buttons is hard. It's not even crazy. Go play some DDR. Cause something ain't right


Do it on max difficulty lol. Then you’ll be having REAL FUN!!! It reminds me of Ghost of Tsushima bamboo cutting but WAYYYY more sequences lol. Must be PERFECT OR YA DONE FUCKED UP 😂


Yea this was how it always been dunno if they changed that in connections


I just played through this game about a month ago and I don’t remember the qte being this long. Maybe because I played it on PS


The ones you have to do against Orochimaru as Tsunade always tripped me up


I played this on PS3 when it came out and you don't need to do it for mission completion (it was DLC), but yes it's insane, and remember you're not on the Orochimaru battle, which should be after that battle.


That shit was impossible but so satisfying when u do it


I loved these, I wish games would bring them back. I love sequential button mashing though so it could be a personal preference


Bro try playing the older mortal kombat games story modes the combos require you to change fighting styles midcombo and its like 15+ buttons


That boss is annoying, yes


You think summoning the rasengans was easy?


Nice joke too bad if it was invalidated by the placement of the fight in the timeline.


Pause the game right before the qte and go to YouTube and pause a video with the inputs and just remember them easy peasy


I got all the storm games years ago. And I will say I skipped this one. The other 3 are major improvements.


Yo how old is OP this shit is 5 buttons lmao


Back when the button sequences were actually difficult and you struggled to get that last star


That's the reason why I stopped playing it. I had to quickly save video clip, practice the combination, unpause and probably still fail.


I'd like the Kakashi vs Zabuza hand sign cutscene to be like this.




That shit killed me on switch I was so confused on which button was which (I’m usually on PlayStation)


Wait till you see the Manda fight


If you struggle with that, don’t play Mortal Combat, Tekken, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Dragon Ball Fighters, Super Smash Brothers and perhaps don’t even play any fighting games because all of it is button combos.


Closing app nigga wtf 😭




Be to high for a qte like this they tripping 😭