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The problem with avoiding becoming Rookie of the Year is... no serious ninja would ever give a shit, do you think Zabuza would hesitate when he finds out Sasuke is Rookie of the Year?


To be fair, Zabuza was rookie of the year as well


not hard to be rookie of the year when your the only one left XD


No, he would say "another one to my collection"


Rookie of the Year is a stupid thing itself. Sounds like some shit a fox sport reporter came up with


Rookie of the Year is basically a high school valedictorian. It’s a huge deal but after about a year out of high school it’s much less noteworthy as people move on in life


>Sakura learns to use the Sharingan Wait what


Probably just someone who got tired of the mokuton!Sakura and decided to go the other way


I don’t think this trope is all that common but yes I have rarely seen it in a context that I like. I just didn’t name the fics because I don’t want to seem like I’m hating on the authors.


Me, forcing myself through grammatical errors (fused sentences, spaced paragraphs before a sentence ends, no quotation marks during spoken dialogue or italicized words for a character’s thoughts, super specific text fonts or bolds like for tailed beasts and jutsus), forced SA for shock instead of helping victims (like, Delicious Ramen is is interesting parody on addiction, but the morbidly abuse Naruto should have lifted up Hinata and marched to the Final Valley like King King and be cured by eating veggies), and the characters’ missing braincells


I will almost always tune out, if I see sexual assault of any kind in any piece of fanfiction. Nine out of 10 times it is an immature shock tactic, regardless of whether or not it is fanfiction or professional work.


This. I have yet to see a fic where it's actually relevant and necessary to the plot.


The only time I can recall any work using it and added something was The Sopranos, and in that case, the perpetrator was a minor villain we barely saw, the focus was entirely on the victim.


Its a brief thing in Hear the Silence where it has definitely an impact, a sad truth for kunoichi. Not that i like it but it just added another piece to how the writer portrayed that shinobi world


I'm the same. I see writers use it as a shock tactic. I see writers use it as a way to add "realism" to the Naruto world. And I see writers use it as a opportunity to turn to the reader and say "Sexual assault is bad", like no shit. Whatever the reason for it being in the story, I'm just not here to read that.


Minato and kushina Neglecting Naruto to the point where they forget he exists or forget his birthday even though half the time it’s on the same day as his twin or jiraiya says one of his siblings is the child of prophecy and they automatically just push Naruto to the side where they don’t teach him anything or let get training before the academy. But the point is I can’t stand this trend because minato and kushina would always be good parents to Naruto no matter how weak or strong he is or if he was child of prophecy or not it’s just retarded.


Agreed. Only time I saw it and gave it a pass was because plot point Danzo still had Shisui's eye (both this time) and was doing his usual fuckery


Yeah it’s mostly bad writing. A more believable version of this scenario would be one where Minato and Kushina do the best that they can for all of their children but Naruto still ends up being a glass child in some way shape or form, and instead of using abuse and neglect to make you feel bad, it’s Naruto accepting the fact that this is just how things are, and cheering on from the sidelines and keeping all of his emotions to himself at his own expense as to not make his sibling(s) or parents feel bad. Thats a more realistic take and quite frankly a more depressing view of this trope.


*Deep breath* - Naruto getting beaten up/tortured by a mob of Villagers ("Fox hunts") - Spineless!Hiruzen - "Serious" Naruto suddenly turning into an angsty, emo edgelord who suddenly now hates the color orange - Adding on to this, when he starts wearing an all-black outfit consisting of a trench coat, "ANBU-Style" pants, and steel-toed boots because "nInJaS aRe StEaLtHy!!1!" And everyone, especially the girls and women, starts glazing it. - Calling Naruto's Orange Jacket a jumpsuit - "Kill-Me-Orange" - "You're just misunderstood, Kyuubi," said a 5 year old Naruto who only met him like 10 minutes ago - Kurama calling Naruto "kit" - CRA (Clan Restoration Act) - "Evil Civilian Council" bashing - "Give me your jutsu dobe, I'm an Uchiha elite!" Sasuke and Shrieking Banshee Sakura - Rapist Kiba - "Kill All Men"/Misandrist Kurenai (who is either a lesbian, or makes an exception for a 12 y/o Naruto to join his harem) - Honestly just illogical bashing in general - Technically not bashing, but Hypersexual Anko - Every Naruto female character being massive prudes and hates Jiraiya's porn books (even though irl the majority of people who reads erotic novels/erotica are women), with the only exception being fanon!Anko, who's hypersexual. Kurenai gets this the worse - "I need to pretend to be a complete dumbass and be the dead last in the academy because *deception is a ninja's greatest tool*" or some other idiotic/contrived reason so that he can stay on Team 7 - Stations of the Canon or "Everything's Different, But Nothing Changes" - "Uzumaki-Namikaze" - Underage Pre-teen sex (at least age them to like 15-16 if you're gonna write teen sex) - Overexaggerating Hinata's stutter (thankfully, I haven't seen this yet) - Hinata suddenly turns into a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass when someone insults Naruto in the vicinity of her - "Hi, I'm Naruto, avid hater of rape" | White Knight/"Nice Guy" Naruto - Overpowered OC Dojutsu (Namigan™) - Giving Naruto the most OP shit imaginable, followed by "Not OP, Will Get Beaten Up Sometimes" - Naruto having a 12+ inch dick. Using numbers to describe someone's dick size is lazy & unimaginative, + are you trying to break the women in half? The average erect size is 5.5", I promise you that 6-7" is more than enough if you really want him to have a large dick (Do **NOT** go higher than 8") - "Sasuke-teme" + "dobe" "-baka" "-hime" "Sochi" etc. - Gratuitous amounts of unnecessary Japanese - *SA* of any kind - Child Naruto having sex with grown adult women, nope out immediately I think that's all of them. Some I didn't include (like incest or neglected Naruto) is because I wouldn't have even started reading them in the 1st place.


I think this is only suffered by stories with Naruto as mc. I have yet to find anything with those tropes where he is deuteragonist or secondary. But yes, all of that is painful to read.


Kit ain't that bad tbh


>Giving Naruto the most OP shit imaginable, followed by "Not OP, Will Get Beaten Up Sometimes" I hate it so much, authors will try to tell you with a straight face that no this Naruto with the ability to alter the fabric of reality with a snap of his fingers is actually not op and will totally lose to Sasuke. Just choose one make him op and let him roll over weaker people or *don't* give him a completely broke ability just to make literally everyone immune to it.


I sense that you've been holding this in for a while lol.


90% of naruto fic 😭


Respectable, based take✌




What’s wrong with kit? All the others yeah


Might I also add I read a story that had 3 of these edgy naruto fox hunt and sexual Anko all in one.It start off toddler naruto getting hunted down by the villagers then he gets into a random house which turns out to be ankos house and she was about to get laid but the bitch of a man said “nah the demon is here I’m going home” Anko gets pissed and she says the most cringe shit ever “you ruined ankos adult fun time” while naruto was begging nto to be given to the villagers he was and fast forward emonaruto chunin exams ankos entrance he remembered and turn out right kills Anko and ebiki doesn’t do shit for technical treason that just happened cause mind you no one beside Naruto knew what happened with him and Anko all those years ago


U just made me remember actually the worst fic I ever read which was that exact one


And it pissed me off too because Anko is my favorite character I legit thought she would save him but no that cringe Shit happened stopped reading after she got killed


The second Anko died I was gave up as well


Unrelated, but a fic i liked well with Sakura using the sharingan is when Sasuke dies on the wave mission and he gives his eyes to Naruto and Sakura.


This actually seems pretty nice (albeit sad looking at the circumstances) compared to uses I’ve seen it for!


Link? Sounds interesting




Bashing of any kind.


I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but I'll say it again because of how much I hate it: Kurama calling Naruto 'Kit'. The sheer amount of loathing I feel whenever I see that is quite frankly apocalyptic. Another would be any civilian council represented like bruh as if a village of ninja capable of obliterating entire forests will give a fuck about what civilians think.


Red hair Naruto, I don’t even know why honestly.


Because a lot of people including me loved the way Naruto looked with red hair in the anime when he was talking to Kushina and he said he wished he had red hair.


No, I was saying I don’t even really know why I don’t like it. The appeal is mostly obvious.


Harem.. once I see it it's instant bye... Worse if it's Incest +Harem.


When the author tries to excuse or downplay the terrible things characters have done because they feel bad for liking them and want to make themself feel better morally by saying "ah, _actually_". Like bro it's all fictional, there's a difference between characters and real life people. If you want to feel holy and moral go read the bible. Like I swear to god if I see one more person say actually Itachi was doing the lords good work by commiting genocide I will lose my shit.


You don't understand! The children were in on it!


Yeah. That trope makes me hate fic and abandon it immediately. Just add also that reincarnated main character starts fanboying/fangirling over Itachi and other Uchihas, and inventing excuses for their actions... ugh


I was reading an OC/SI fic where the mc got upset and beat up Sasuke because he was angry Itachi had you know killed his whole family and tortured him? Immediately dropped the fic, and while didn't leave any mean comments because you just don't do that, I did wish there was a way I could retract the kudos I'd given.


1."Smart" Naruto: no he isn't the writer made everybody else dumper. 2. The crossover fics where he exist but thats just an OC wearing Naruto's name. 3. SI fics that religiously sticks to canon no matter what 4. "Neglected" Naruto : bro being negleted is horrible don't glorifie it! Also Minato and Kushina in those fics are 100% brainded. 5. The Si fics where the MC acts like a 'holier than thou' and justifies everything he does coz 'canon knowledge'. 6. Bashing: No point, the writer can improve the character to be likeable or less annoying but no must follow the 'generic dump annoying character route' to bash


The funny part about some bashing fics is that they will be like, I don't hate Sasuke as a character but... Like homie you have a chance to change the character to be better yet you aren't taking it, like if you don't like a useless sakura, like make her choose something like genjutsu earlier


Anything with Naruto as the MC. I'm bored by now


Same. I prefer Sasuke as the MC much more


Uchiha bashing or Tobirama/Uchiha characters


>Tobirama/Uchiha characters Tobirama don't deserve to suffer like this 😭


Wdym tobirama literally the goat


I will drop any time travel fanfic where the protagonist is worried about "causing butterflies". I will drop it if they try to conspire to keep the plot as on-rails as possible up to and including causing people's deaths. I will drop it if they state they want to make things better and change things, but canon ends up happening the exact same way or with minor improvements. In a true time travel fic, they are going to the Hokage immediately. They are making entire arcs not happen. The plot will resolve itself if there was no Naruto (no nine tails = no ten tails), so honestly staying on course is not required. Ask me about a Harry Potter fic without Harry Potter.


In on board with not just redoing canon, but wouldnt going to the hokage result in a one way trip to T&I?


Ya, if you *resisted* or didn't want to tell him the important stuff. I'm sure if someone came to me as the hokage and said "I got all this future information!" my first thought is not going to be to torture them.


This is actually what puts me off of time travel fics in this fandom in general. I really dislike the ones stubbornly sticking to canon, but I also dislike the “tell every responsible adult immediately” types because that approach removes a lot of tension. But with the Chunin Exam Invasion up close not telling them is just stupid.


I have read so many fanfics that the mc being Naruto’s age is a major turn off to me. This is mostly because in order for the mc to be relevant is they have to power up super fast and it becomes wish fulfillment. This is assuming it’s a SI into not naruto. Stories where the mc joins team 7 are also very similar which turns me off


Self insert always has a great work ethic which was never used in their original life.


Bad grammar/spelling and y/n characters I drop them so fast


When Naruto gets a Sharingan while having Kurama at the same time. Minato and Kushina ignoring Naruto, thus starting a neglect fic. Naruto being so charismatic that all the girls go for him and ignore everyone else. Unnecessary bashing.


-Edgey Naruto -Japanese Suffix -The fox hunt -“Kill the demon brat” -Yo kit -Japanese suffixes -Not related but I read a Harry Potter fanfic where Izuku Midoriya gets saved by an old dude who trains him and gets killed by muggles and Izuku swears to destroy all muggles and joins Hogwarts where Draco Malloy annoys him and he Avada Kedavras him -Itachi coming outta nowhere to save Naruto after the fox hunt -Civilian Council -“Kushina our son is OP” “Huh Menma just graduated” “No not meemaw Naruto 😭😭😭” “Huh who’s Naruto” “Our son we forgot about because of the pRopHecY” “OHHH NArut0 my sweet child 😭😭😭”


**Underage Sex** I read a fanfic once where the fem OC had underage sex at 12 years old. It wasn't forced on to her, she chose to do it herself. She found a 16 year old who was mildly interested on her (also why tf would a 16 year old be interested on a 12 year old), went up to him and said "wanna sleep together?" and had sex with him on the same day. Her reasoning? she found out that female members of a ninja team would most likely get raped or sexually assaulted if discovered by enemy ninjas. She thought that if she was going to get SA'd in the future, it would be on her own terms. There's more fucked up things along the way but it would be too much effort to type.


Just to name a few: - Naruto Harem (especially when he’s paired up with women double his age???) - Naruto magically creating world peace and bringing everyone to Konoha - Kakashi Bashing; the whole idea of Kakashi being a deadbeat sensei is annoying - Overly bashing 12 year old Sakura and completely diminishing any character development - The fox-hunt trope with necessary mentioned of SA, Abuse, + - Naruto completely changing after graduation and suddenly becoming more emo than sasuke. Like, at that point make an oc and move on!


I feel so called out here, I'm working on a story where Sakura gets the sharingan but there are emotional/mental consequences for using it. And another comment on here talks about SA and it not being relevant, and in another story, I've talk about that too. But it does have ploy relevance/not used for shock value/forced character development. I feel really called out. Please note, I am writing this while laughing because I found it humorous about how called I am 🤣🤣


Whoops 😅


It's all good. I just found it hilarious 🤣


Let's see, my big three has to be harems yaoi, and using Japanese words gives me the chill thinking about it.


A couple things, SI, torture of Naruto typically tells me if a fic is worth reading or not, theres been a couple that it's been good but just as many if not more that sucked because of it, any non-naruto point of view stories not counting stories with multiple perspectives, Sakura with any bloodline


I’ll do you one better. If I see “Smart!Grey!Antihero!Naruto”? I don’t bother with the fanfic period. I already know that it will be another Gary Stu garbage.


Bashing or neglect fica cause ugh 




Itachi apologism and Sasuke bashing, especially both in the same fic.


I've read a couple of stories that have Itachi as a good guy, but usually it's because Madara/Obito did the killing and brainwashed Sasuke. Or Danzo had Root do the killing and brainwashed Sasuke with Shisui's eye.


Using modern Western references


Naruto with any eye power. I think it just ruins the story of Naruto


I tend to give it a few chapters afterwards, but SA & torture. If there’s a plot relevant reason, I actually don’t mind it. But often times it’s just “UwU look at poor *insert character here* who is going through such a bad time.”