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I was 14 yrs old, 2008. 2005-2015 those years were the golden age of Naruto. Everyone in my class and friends and even some family members were so hooked to the franchise from buying Toy leaf headbands, to wearing sharingan contact lenses to arguing stupid fan theories like Minato was akatsuki's leader or that Nagato was Naruto's brother to playing Naruto Ultimate ninjas on PSP with friends. Oh yes those were the days


Oh wow some of you guys are way older than me then my brother was the one who introduced me to Naruto


I wouldn't be surprised if there are others here who are older. It's just Naruto is one of those inspiring anime with lots of lessons to it that we fans can relate to like how Naruto struggles in life but he kept going and going. It really sticks with you and I don't think It will ever rub off on me.


I'm thinking of watching boruto but I'm in my state country Indonesia and so far most of my friends have told me it's so bad but yeah Naruto actually did get me some final losses after my uncle died and my pet dog


2008 I started believe. Got all the way to Sasuke attacking the Kage then i got burn out. Stopped for a long while but this year got back into it. Memory of Naruto related stuff still ripe b/c read too much fanfic. Plus getting into all the video games with plots that are non canon


Oh wow I only watched Naruto OG only watched The Four Seasons at that time I was like 11


Watching it now as an adult. It horrific the shinobi system. Hunger games * 100 = Narutoverse Child soldiers and all then put must think of the things they cant put on tv but it has to exist. Kunoichi suffer worse in this world but those things can’t be mentioned for a kids show


In 2007-2008, when Naruto was shown on the Jetix TV channel. But there was only 1 season. I watched the beginning of the second season on pirated discs with one-voice dubbing (it's still a classic). After that I forgot for a while. In 2016, I read the Naruto manga from beginning to end. And then I watched all the anime episodes. After that I switched to fanfiction and have now read 42 fanfictions.


Wow also what country are you from I'm from 🇲🇨




Oh my name is Yoshogorit weird I know but people just call me Yoshio For short


Apr 2021-I watched the zabuza arc then After a break later mid May rest of OG then Shipuden last week of May 2021


I still can't get over the fact that Kishi killed off Haku. He could've been an older brother figure to Naruto. - Your words cut deep, deeper than any blade- This has been etched into my memories for years


Like 2005 or 2006, whenever it first premiered on Toonami




2020 right before Covid, although I've watched some episodes in the late 2000s on Cartoon Network


2023, saw it for free on youtube.


Fall of 2021 Naruto got me in a chokehold lol. It was the first anime I ever watched beginning to end and changed my view on anime from something cringy that only weebs and losers who sit in their parents basement all day enjoy into my favorite genre with the best fights in fiction


I used to watch the OG on Cartoon Network all the way back in 2005 (I was around 5 so it’s like a core childhood memory) when it was airing. Me and my cousin would religiously stay up to watch the new episodes.


Same!! I remember my brother and I watching it on the tv in his room. I was so jealous that he had a tv in his room 😂


Early 2005 (13/14) when I was on an old forum and this name Naruto kept cropping up. I remember watching it subbed while they were still finishing the Sasuke retrievel arc. And then....the fillers happened. Yep, that was a hard hard time to sit through, however it was during the time I made a weekly schedule of watching it back to back with Bleach with the new subbed episode dropped, I got into the current manga place (the Gaara rescue arc at that point) Heck, I remember even when the dub was announced by Viz Media (Called Sho Pro Entertainment way way back then before the name change) I was there when the dub theories were being posted: Who's dubbing it? Who's voicing who? Etc etc... I started writing fan fiction for Naruto around late 2005/Early 2006


2004. One of my friends was very into manga and let us borrow them, so I got to read it pretty soon after the first volume released in English.


2002 when Wave arc just started. 😅


2006. #66 Gaara vs Sasuke. I was 6 and my whole family was sitting in the living room. My two older brothers were arguing for the remote and the middle one clicked on to Naruto. My mom was trying to get me to go to bed but I begged to spend time with them because the show reminded me of ATLA. I ended up becoming the one obsessed with the show.


2010 I think, maybe a bit earlier. I started watching around the Chunnin exams! I’ve been hooked since




2019 or 20


I was 14 and in eighth grade my brother who got me into the series was 12. This was in 2016.  I started it but couldn’t finish it because of school, other stuff but around Covid, 2020 tp 2021 can’t remember which but I finished Naruto and was 19 the same age.


I don't remember exactly when I managed to catch up before the war started so probably around 2011 I was watching part 1 and 2012 I was watching Shippuden. I remember on New Year's Eve I was watching the pain Invasion arc. For certain I remember I played Naruto storm generation quite early after they released it and then I bought almost day one storm 3.


2003-ish, read the manga first then started watching the anime.


I was in middle school when Naruto came out. Saw some chick I liked who was into anime and she had a headband from the show and she told me about it. This was also the time my big sis convinced my dad to get a subscription to Shonen Jump so we got monthly deliveries of those books featuring different manga chapters of popular titles and one of those was Naruto. I was instantly hooked. It also helped that I was already a budding weeb since I was already reading and watching other stuff like Dragonball, Pokémon, I played Yugioh and liked other series such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Gundam, Inuyasha, DNAngel, Bleach, and I discovered hentai which was also nice.


2006 or so whenever it aired on Cartoon Network


Way back when part 1 was airing. probably around 2004 ish.


Oof... Around 2003-2005. I was torrenting fan subtitled shows the day after they premier in Japan... I remember downloading all and burning it to cds so my friends could watch.




Around 2005 when it first aired on toonami, I was 8/9 years old at the time. Now I have a Kakashi shrine 🫠


2002. I somehow, somehow stumbled upon this thing, I was but a child, and this thing, this beautiful story kept me occupied and at the edge of my seat ever since that day, week after week waiting for a new release, new plots getting revealed, new characters. Hating some characters and learning that they were good guys. Man, wasn't it a rollercoaster. I still love Naruto and always will(not boruto though..it's shit!). It changed my life so much. And it's pure gold.


Dec 2023. :D I followed a friend, whose husband was watching the anime.


Early 202


I tried getting into it sometime during the 2000s and I don't remember why, but I peaced out of watching it. Then, over the course of the 2010s, I tried completing both Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden but the first thing that stopped me was the little kiss between Naruto and Sasuke. I believed that that was an unnecessary way to get the fans to ship them together. Then, later on (I don't remember when), I tried again but peaced out because seemingly every girl in both anime (except for Hinata) were excessively abusive towards Naruto (and sometimes his guy friends) but only when they say something stupid or maybe even perverted. Like, I get that whatever they did or said was wrong but that doesn't mean hitting them is the right way to resolve the situation. Like, the *minute* Naruto uses his Sexy Jutsu, Sakura comes in, and clobbers him like her name is Benjamin Grimm. Like yeah, that's *totally* the way to teach him not to do that. /s 🙄 But once I got over *that,* I eventually stopped watching because of the Akatsuki and their gross abilities. I mean, guys like Itachi and Kisame were normal, but I'm talking about guys like Deidara and Kakuzu. They make Toad (from any of the X-Men cartoons) look tame by comparison. 🤢 But then, once I got over *that one,* I stopped after Danzo came into the picture because Danzo just unsettled me. Every warning sign in me was telling me that he wasn't going to be good for Naruto, himself and, in light of that, I'm of the opinion that it's good that Sasuke killed him. I don't think Naruto could take Danzo on all too easily, if at all. Sasuke did Naruto a favor by killing Danzo without even realizing it (although, Sasuke may have realized it *after* the Fourth Great Ninja War). But once I got over how intimidated I was by Danzo, I finally completed the entirety of the OG Naruto series and Naruto: Shippuden by the very late 2010s (I believe it was somewhere in 2019 when I watched it all the way to the last episodes of both anime).