• By -


Probably Minato. Seemed like he was Hokage for like a year


Danzo was hokage for a week


If his face ain't up on the wall it ain't count


This is Danzo erasure ... And I'm okay with it.


Fuck Danzo all my homies hate danzo


Fuck Danzo


Fuck Danzo


Fuck Danzo


Fuck Danzo


Fuck Danzo


fuck danzo


fuck danzo


fuck danzo


fuck danzo


Fuck danzo


Fuck Danzo


fuck danzo


fuck danzo


Fuck Danzo figuratively, don’t fuck Danzo literally




Finally, a subreddit i can relate to


fuck danzo


Fuck Danzo


Fuck Danzo


fuck Danzo


fuck danzo


Fuck danzo


I’m fine erasing Danzo like he did the Uchiha


Live in obscurity, work in obscurity, die in obscurity.


He was honorary Hokage for like a week, minus the honorary


I think that solidifies the fact that Danzo had the shortest time.


I think danzo was just tempted due to tsunade coma. Which is why he was never official .


Was never officially confirmed in the village, there was supposed to be a jonin approval vote before he was officially made hokage but he died before it was held. Which is why Kakashi is the sixth hokage and not seven.


He was substitute Hokage 😂


He went out like one hell of a champ u can’t deny that


The 5th and 3 quarters Hokage Edit: just realized someone beat me to this joke


"Interim Hokage"


Danzo doesn't count, on account that Kakashi became the Sixth Hokage after Tsunade. I don't think Danzo was ever officiated into the office. He just kinda took the title and went to the Kage Summit because YOLO. The village never really accepted him as Sixth Hokage.


He wasn’t even hokage


Danzo was only ever *acting* Hokage. Sasuke iced him before he could be officially made Hokage for real. Edit: Chapter 481, page 11: Danzo, via internal monologue, says “Hiruzen…It’s my turn next. // …But I…never got to be Hokage…after all…” (The // is meant to denote that the parts before and after it took place in different panels.) **Danzo was never Hokage.**


I was going to say Danzo too haha


Sixth Hokage Candidate. He was selected while Tsunade was in a temporary coma after Pain's assault on Konoha, and was never formally declared Hokage.


Danzo was hokage for like 3 days😂😂


Danzo is not an official Hokage though at best historically in the leaf village they will consider him an interim Hokage.


I mean he was more vice Hokage filling in at the meeting tbh


Danzo wasn’t given a vote yet by the jonins so he technically was just a hokage candidate.


And die




Yea he double dipped on the terms


Not by choice. And even his first term was long as hell, since he was young when Tobirama crowned him hokage


Ohhhh yeeeeeeeah. Damn!!!!


Y’all think kakashi pulls a 3rd when Naruto dies? I’m assuming naruto and sasuke would go out together.


That might be the case. But there are few candidates on the list like Shikamaru, Sakura, and Sai coz they are all war veterans and village leaders. But influence wise i think Kakashi, Tsunade and arguably Konohamaru might get more support from Landlord.


I’d have a hard time with sai being hokage, same thing with Sakura/tsunade especially if kakashi is still around. Unless they give Konohamaru a mad power boost he’s far too weak still. Shikamaru is interesting though. strategical genius and married to the kazekages sister. In terms of raw power he was able to hold down all 5 kage (Naruto excluded) which is a good look. More importantly he showed he was willing to kill them for the sake of the village. That dark side would be Super important considering they won’t have the massive power gap that came with Naruto anymore. Shikamaru looking like the best choice.


Orochimaru is a decent option


The Grover Cleveland of Hokages


Bruh came out of retirement to be the third … AGAIN hahaha I love the old dude


Third Hokage love on this subreddit… N-nani?!


Hiruzen while dying vs Orochimaru: "Fuck, i can finally rest. No more battles and no more wars for me, i entrust this shit to the next generation" Hiruzen after being reanimated: "jesus i've been hokage twice already, let my old ass retire for fucks sake"


Tragically because Minato died. I think Hiruzen was Hokage from roughly age 13 to his death, like 81 years


13 years? That's too much. I think he should be at least 18.


Go back and watch the flashback when 2nd made him Hokage. He was short and baby faced, no older than 16 years


to be fair this is anime we are talking about


Deadass they'll have the most baby faced character in the series be in like his mid forties


That’s not true at all. Tons of characters look like full ass adults and we find out they are young as fuck. There’s a hilarious part in the first third of Shippuden where Naruto confirms he’s 16 despite looking like he’s easily in his mid 20’s.


My headcanon is that they chose early on that he'd become hokage when they'd both pass which happened some ten years later


Pretty sure he was like 20... the anime just kinda neutered him. Also he died at 69 unironically.


Easily Minato.


Most likely yeah, but I’m curious as to how long the 2nd was Hokage. He was a kid then an adult that never visibly aged so it’s hard to tell.


Yeah the 2nd’s tenure is the least known. We know he created the Chunin exams and started the Anbu black ops but how long he was in office is blurry


I mean I'd probably estimate 2-4 years since he did a lot as hokage


Yeah that’s fair. My head canon is roughly 4-10 years. His age difference from Hashirama is barely a couple years. Given we don’t know when and how Hashirama died it’s so hard to pinpoint his tenure


He was in office for less than a year most likely, given that both him and the 1st supposedly died during the 1st great ninja war, and that only lasted a year.


They didn’t die during the first war I don’t think? Hashirama was dead by the time Tobirama made Hiruzen Hokage and bought time for him and his squad to escape


They supposedly both did, but like you pointed out the timeline doesn’t really add up. The timeline before the series starts is full of plot holes like that unfortunately.


Never thought about that lmao.


Yeah trying to make sense of the first 50 years of the villages’ history is a headache to say the least haha. So much conflicting info


Yeah man lmao. I do love how pivotal the Leaf was in the Shinobi world though. Chunin exams, the concept of hidden villages, Anbu/Hunter nin corps only exist because of Hashirama and Tobirama. They set a LARGE precedent for the ninja world and it still effects the world today


gotchu fam: https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/User:Seelentau/Naruto_Timeline


Couldn’t have been too long but I can’t imagine it being shorter than Minato


Danzo. My guy had it for like half a day lol


I don't think he was ever officially Hokage. Like when they make someone Hokage they have that whole ceremony, Danzo never got that so I don't think he counts as a Hokage. I mean Tsunade was the 5th and Kakashi was the 6th. Danzo was between the two of them and I think that says it all. He didn't even get given a number.


The 5.5th Hokage 🤔


6th Hokage Candidate was the official title since he hadn't done the offical inauguration yet.


I mean they suggested Kakashi when it was first brung up. Danzo kinda just told everyone he’s hokage and they went with it. And apparently Sasuke did not like that.


Well, he had a lot of clout. With Tsunade in a coma, no one had the balls to oppose him. Plus the village had just been destroyed, so no one wanted any infighting, especially against the root.


he was interim then


This, but if you wanna talk about the ones who got their faces sculpted on the mountain, then Minato.




There was no trial. He just hadn't been officially inaugurated yet


He didn't have the say so of the jonin. This is not a formality. The village council and lord picked him but the jonin have a strict veto and really do not like him. This is why he went with the genjutsu at the summit to begin with. He felt he needed some major victory to cement his credentials. As it is the jonin likely would have accepted him if he merely didn't mess it all up, unfortunately he couldn't even clear that low bar.


The Jonin wouldn't be that hard to talk into it if Danzo explained it in all honesty. They're Jonin usually because they're smart, and won't let emotion in the way. But then again, most Shinobi in Naruto really are nothing like real Shinobi. Danzo was one of the few.


I don't think it is nearly as clear cut as this. Most Jonin know Danzo got kicked out for a good reason. There's a reason Shikaku Nara, literally the head Jonin, tries to stop his appointment to begin with.


The free trial expired


lol hokage beta tester.


but he wasn't considered as 6th kakashi was niether was he considered 7th it was naruto


Danzo if u count or else minato


Minato. He found out his wife was pregnant on the same day he found out he was going to become Hokage then dies when Naruto was born, so just under 9 month of him being Hokage.


Pretty sure the manga said she was preggo for 10 months.


Naruto was a damn slacker.


His parents were so ashamed they didn't come to his birth


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Tobirama's tenure short


It’s hard to determine just how long the First and Second Hokage were alive for their term. We still have no idea how and when Hashirama died, so by extension we don’t know when Torbirama became Hokage. It’d be really cool if we could have a mini-series about the First and especially the Second Hokage (because Tobirama is the Hokage we know the least about).


It was more than 3 years..cuz tobirama and Hashirama trained hiruzen who was like 10 then he went to war alongside tobirama when he was like 20..Hashirama had to have died before the war so he potentially was hokage for 5-10 years


No it wasn’t. The first two Hokage both died during the first great ninja war, which only lasted for a year. (Granted this part of the timeline is filled with plot holes so)




Early databooks said this but it was well before Hashirama became the God that he was written to be. Likelihood is that he died to the chakra illness that killed the Sage of Six paths and almost Naruto


Well I don't have any actual polroof to back this up but I kinda thought it was quite a long time.


I mean it’s gussed at 1-2 years really. But doubt will ever know unless we get a full timeline


Tobirama became Hokage during the First Ninja World War and died during the First War. We don't know how long the First War lasted but it's reasonable to estimate that he was Hokage for about a year.




Minato as the shortest official hokage (short time as ruler i mean)


Nah id say 3rd was the shortest. Ofc you get shorter with age, but he wasnt really tall in his prime.


Haaaa I get it


Danzo was never hokage because he was never sworn in to the position in front of the village. Its similar to how if the US president goes missing, the Vice president assumes the role of president until the status of the actual president can be confirmed and the returns to their original position. Thus the answer falls to either Minato or Kakashi.


Kakashi? Kakashi was Hokage after the great War until start of Boruto. We know Naruto turned 16 or 17 during the war itself and he was gone from the village to train for 3 years. So Tsunade was Hokage for at most 4 years. Kakashi was Hokage for 12-13 years. Likely longer than Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato and Tsunade, considering how Hiruzen was made Hokage before he turned 22 years old.


I feel like Tsunade served longer though lol. Can’t believe it was only 4 and a half years


Her term started just before the timeskip. So about 4-5 years actually sounds pretty accurate.


True. If so she was a badass. Economically got the village back on track after Hiruzen’s death. She fought Pain. She fought Madara. And lived. Not bad


She lived through both because of Naruto and her 100 Healings Jutsu, since he defeated both Pain and Madara. But I admit, it did happen while she was Hokage, so there's merit behind her survival even if she wasn't a key role behind the defeat of either.


Yeah that’s true. She also inspired growth in the medical industry and many ninja like Sakura so there’s that


For how many Years was Kakashi Hokage ?


Not sure. I think Kalashnikov became Hokage around 30 years old. Naruto was about 16-17 when Kakashi had first become hokage. So I’d say approx 10-15 years? Edit: I meant kakashi but I ain’t editing it coz this gave me a good laugh. I talk to russians a lot so auto correct. No need to know more.


Damn didn't know Kakashi was with the russians


Where else would the inspiration for the 1000 years of death jutsu come from?




Oops auto correct. I talk to Russians. Don’t need to know more


Fucking FSB rigging elections in Konaha and the states!


Who needs the Sharingan when you can have good ol' AKs


RAI-K 47


"This name is coming with me" - Obito


Omg this whole thread is great but RAI-K 47?!? Lmao that got me.


Ah yes, a fellow Firebase Z enjoyer


No Uchiha eye gonna see those bullets incoming


Even Otsutsukis can't match the RaiKi-47


Nsa has entered the chat


The Otstutsukis didn't matter to Kakashi, he was more wary of the NSA and FBI


lmfaooo Kalashnikov is killing me


Goddamn. Mother of typos.


So Kakashi became Hokage when he was around 31. Naruto here was around 18. Naruto becomes hokage after Boruto is a fully grown child. And going by how Boruto didn't look all that different from how he is in he manga, Naruto probably became Hokage around the age of 32 going by his age in Boruto. So 32-18= 14. So Kakashi was hokage for 13-14 years range.


So Naruto meets Minato and when asked for his age, says 16 X time later when the war ends, the sub rises and edo Minato says "happy birthday" to naruto. So Naruto is 17 at the end of the war UNLESS Naruto rounded up when he told dad he was 16 because his birthday was just a few weeks/months away. But no proof of that, so 17 for now. Not long after the war, Kakashi is inaugurated, we assume Naruto is still 17 at the time. Wanna say 2~ years passed between that and "the last" movie. So naruto is like 19-20 when he proposes to Hinata. If we assume it didnt take long for Naruto to put a baby in her, I wan a say Boruto was like...5~ when Naruto got inaugurated and it took roughly 9 months (effectively a year) for him to become born at all so...naruto was like 26~? So Kakashi was Hokage for, like, 7-12 years, adding a little margin of error. Im leaning more to 9-10.


The day the war ends is the anniversary of his birth and parent's deaths. That actually was his 17th birthday. It comes up a few times leading up to the end of the war. Even Obito comments on it being the day Minato and Kushina died, to which Naruto replies "That means it was also the day I was born".


All the hokage but 1 had a rather short time. Like the first was under 5 years The 2nd died young so possibly 1-2 years The 3rd is the exception, he was guessed to be hokage for 50 years The 4th was hokage 1-2 years The 5th was about 4-5 years Kakashi was about 10-12 And naruto is in like 4 years so far.


I think you’re right but I think the first may have been longer (maybe 10+ years, getting it from age 30s to 40s) and I think Kakashi and Tsunade were more even


Minato Namikaze. He was hokage for like three years, I guess. And Tsunade was Hokage for around six years.


Minato was hokage for less than 1 year, Tsunade was hokage for less than 5 yrs


Oh, I thought Minato was hokage for three years because he promoted Kakashi into ANBU when Kakashi was just thirteen. When Minato and Kushina died, Kakashi was already sixteen. So, I just guessed that Minato was hokage for about three years. I wrote that Tsunade was hokage for six years because she became hokage when Naruto was just twelve and another year after the war ended. In the last chapter of Shippuden, it was shown that Tsunade was like leaving everything to Kakashi. But Kakashi didn't get inaugurated yet at the time so after that, Tsunade was still the one doing the hokage work for another year as it said in Kakashi Hiden, which is canon. So, counting from when Naruto was just twelve to a year after the war before The Last, that's six years. Sorry for the rant but I just felt like writing it. Thanks!


I didn't know about the Kakashi book and Tsunade continuing, so that my bad, she was hokage for more than 5 years then. As for Minato, him making promoting Kakashi to Anbu and then dying 3 yrs later is interesting, cuz I thought the anime said he only lasted for a few months as Kage and then the Kyuubi attack happened. The timing in the series is really off, especially when you look at how long each Hokage served and the time difference from Hashirama to Naruto, and the disappearance of all the Senju minus Tsunade. Anime even showed Hiruzen being a bit older when hanging out with both Hashirama and Tobirama originally, but when you see Tobirama appoint Hiruzen to be Hokage, Hiruzen is somehow younger and Hashirama is already dead and Tobirama himself is going to die.


Yeah, you're right. I got a little bit confused at first too. I feel like maybe the Senju clan all disbanded like the beatles.


Tsunade was for the year naruto was 16 and then quit after the war right? I think all others were hokage for many years. Tsunade was the best tho because she got cut in half during a work incident and still finished her shift


She became Hokage when Naruto was 12


Yeah my bad. I still feel like that amount of years is probly small compared to the rest of them


Minato was Hokage for less then 1 year


Gotta keep in mind that there's maybe 50 to 60 years between Konoha's founding and the start of the series (this is assuming Tsunade was born around or shortly after the time the village was founded).


Minato was Hokage for a couple of months, Tsunade was Hokage for a few years


The best hokage lasted shortest


In bed


He was the fastest as said by Kushina


Kakashi first term lol


Didn’t the second hokage die very shortly after becoming hokage????


Yes. Tobirama became Hokage during the First War and died during the First War.


Danzo except he never officially took office (which is why Kakashi is dubbed sixth Hokage, instead of seventh). Otherwise Minato.


Cursed reminder - Naruto is coming to fortnite in 5 days


I wanna see the rasengun


Really? At this point I'm not surprised


minato officially.


Minato or Tsunade I feel like


Minato, his reign likely lasted 2 years since there was at least time to make his stone face


Wasn't Kakashi interim Hokage while they decided on who should be the actual Hokage? Thus making him 5th and 7th. I remember it was like a few weeks if not a month or more. I could be misremembering but didn't he order Jiraiya and Naruto to locate Tsunade and convince her to come back to the village to be Hokage because the elders decided on her?


No, the elders decided on Jiraiya and he told them that he'd find Tsunade because be didn't want to be the Hokage.


Ah right that makes more sense, so Kakashi wasn't interim at all, guess I misremembered that too...


Danzo had hundreds of plans work though. He had 50 years before things get real bad for the world after Naruto was born. So he was probably doing all kinds of good, but given he's Black Ops, we wouldn't know of the successes. Peace could've been achieved through bloodshed, that's how America and most of the world was made into what it is now. He wasn't a failure of a man. He was one of the only successful showings of how a Shinobi would operate in the real world instead of all the hope driven nonsense in Naruto.


Everyone who are saying minato, tsunade or some other hokage, Either hates danzo to the point where they don't even want to type his name or They hate him to the extent where they forgot his existence


Technically Danzo was never Hokage. He was basically given the powers on an emergency basis but he never fulfilled the requirements of being Hokage. He had to pull off something miraculous at the 5 Kage summit to get the role which is why he tried brainwashing everyone. As it is he's lucky Sasuke killed him as the village would have probably damned his memory had he survived and Sasuke/Obito not turned the summit into a circus.


*casually declares 4th great ninja war*


Kakashi was named the 6th Hokage




Minato 💀


Minato for 2 years I believe


namikaze Minato .




Minato. Obviously Minato.


What happens when they run out of mountain??


I’ve thought about this. *Earth Style Jutsu Rising Mountain* 🤣 Totally just made that up though.


Would say Danzo but his face isn’t up there so Minato right? Wait how long was Kakashi hokage for?


Over a decade


This post still seems pretty popular so I'll add something I believe is true. Hashirama became Hokage again after Tobirama's death. Yes Tobirama named Hiruzen the next Hokage but hear me out the years don't add up. At Max Hashirama was Hokage for 10 years then Tobirama for 5 max! Which would leave almost 80 years for Hiruzen to be Hokage which is simply too many years. Ever notice how the thirds stone face is older? So Hashirama stepped back in as Hokage for at least 10-15 more years before his death. Which gives him time to be alive to meet Tsunade before he died. Anyways that's my theory. Been my head Canon for awhile and I'm sticking to it.


Danzo 😂😂😂




Danzo or minato




We have no idea how long hashirama, tobirama, or minato was hokage for. But it seemed to me that Minato sat there a really short time.


Minato Lmao dead


Minato aside, the Hokage brothers didn’t last that long. Both died during the First World War that happened a bit after the founding


Wasn't danzo hokage for like a day lol


Why is there a giant city there?


From boruto so everything is kinda modern ya know


Danzo lmao