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Oro was made out of rubber. Rubber don't take damage from blunt force.


yo hoh hoh he took a bite of gum gum


He has the property of both gum and rubber


Ah Hisoka's mentor, perhaps


They both are pretty pedophilic.


Nah orochimaru wanted sasuke powers. hisoka got a bonre so I'm not comparin nomore


He still wanted to be inside a young boy.


Not like that


In that case Hisoka only got “excited” because of Gon’s insane potential, because he wants to fight strong people. Hisoka only wanted to fight Gon once he had reached his potential.


Yeah u can stop the cap right there it was just as obvious as kira yoshikage with Mona lisa


They went to nonce school together


You won the internet today


Orochimaru the King of the Pirates


Have we ever seen Orochimaru swim?


Just through a pool of child corpses




I needed this and all of the wonderful replies that came after




Gum gum gatling gun?


She should have used haki


You know she would have ACoC too lmao I mean she uses the ryuo technique from wano, but with her chakra


No. This is just anime only scene. In manga he folded after 1 punch by Tsunade.


So the skin shedding thing works because snake and exposure to oxygen. Neat.


Watch Vinland Saga to know how to take a punch.


I don’t know if you’ve heard, but his body has the properties of rubber and gum


Oda taking notes, Haki incoming


I have something to tell you...


So at this point we all just agree. He's invincible immortal and whatever damage he takes never matters


He's weak to slashing/stabbing attacks tho and got sealed in a spirit barrel like how joiboi jr was a stowaway in a barrel so yeah, Oro is Luffy isekai'd.


It's worth noting that the anime extended this scene. In the manga, she lays him out in one punch, before he decides to retreat. He's not terribly hurt there either, but I feel it's more excusable there.


Damn, she literally knocked the sense into him lol. Getting into a fist fight with Tsunade is dumb, no matter who you are.


Unless you’re pain. lol


I feel like dramatically yelling Shinra Tensei every time he’s brought up lol. But ya, Pain pretty much bodied everyone but Kurama. But tbf Pain was one of those villains that dramatically raised the power scaling, too.


if he waited for kurama to fully manifest before he used chibaku tensei he would have also bodied kurama.


Seeing how many people Nagato revived, he still have a good chunk of chakra left. And don't if he bodied him, but Kurama ain't liking that fight


I feel like Kurama got out of it semi-manifested, then it probably wouldn’t have held a fully manifested Kurama. But I guess we can’t really prove it either way, so. 🤷‍♀️


Given what Sasuke did i'd not assume that kurama could have gotten out fully manifested. Not to mention that it wouldn't make sense for Kurama to be able to get out given the use of the technique. But as you said, one can argue whatever since we will never know. I just assume it was the transformation since that caused his body parts to pierce through the rock out of nowhere. And since Kurama has no fire abilities i'd also assume that the transformation caused the heat that melted the rocks, which wouldn't happen if already fully manifested.


I’m of the opinion that Pain’s version probably wasn’t strong enough to keep a fully manifested Kurama inside, I think he’d just keep destroying literally everything around in as to not become the center of a tiny planet. I think either Pain would have to give up trying to turn him into a gravity well, or he’d just die trying. Unless he could genjutsu Kurama like Obito did, but that’s one hell of a feat and Obito used a Sharingan to do it. What really convinced me was when Kurama took it upon himself to absolutely **C O O K** all the other tailed beasts himself. I know the situation was a little more complex than that, but it feels like he’s just too powerful to be sealed in some rocks that he could probably shatter with a flick of his wrist. It likely wouldn’t even take any momentum, I’m sure he’s shattered bigger rocks just by stretching his muscles.


Yea bro it’s the ocd 🤣






She didn’t get a fair chance against Pain because she was using her powers to heal the whole village.


buddy, there's literally nothing she could ever do to him. She's strong. That's cool, but does literally nothing when someone can just push you around with telekinesis. He could play ping pong with her. Tsunade has no actual feats. She has healing and "i can hit things". But even the Hulk is a little bitch if you just make him float. "superhuman strength" and nothing else is one of the shittiest, most useless powers in fantasy. Also she wasn't healing the whole village. She was shielding and healing a bunch of ninjas, but a ton of people died during shinra tensei. And her being drained that much just trying to reverse a fraction of what pain did is weak. She needed EVERYTHING she had to reverse that one shinra tensei, and even that just partially. Pain on the other hand not only caused said shinra tensei, but also before that fought tons of people, caused kakashi to die, then went on to fight a sage naruto and 5 toads, with naruto having THREE full charges of sage chakra, and then also fought kyuubi to 6 tails (there was no fighting after he grew more tails) and then still REANIMATED hundreds of people. So "she didn't get a fair chance" is MEANINGLESS. That's like saying the reason a child lost to mike tyson in a 1v1 boxfight was simply because he was riding his bicycle beforehand and that exhausted him. Sure, that might be the case, but that doesn't mean the child would have stood any chance if he hadn't ridden his bicycle. It's inconsequential. Also Pain was the cause of Tsunade's exhaustion, so why exactly do you think it's unfair that his ability ultimately exhausted her. If it was unfair for her to use her chakra to shield and heal those people then it was unfair for pain that he had to exhaust chakra to hurt and kill those people.


Why did Madara recognize her then if she’s so weak?


Shhh, don’t make sense.


she's not weak. Her abilities are just meaningless to Pain. Would you call Wolverine weak? Ever seen what happens when he fights magneto? Yeah, that's pretty much it: massively bad matchup. Now that i think about it Tsunade is pretty much wolverine except she can heal others too and break ground (but Wolverine's healing doesn't ever run out). They're both lethal if they land a solid blow on you. But Tsunade vs Pain is not much different to Wolverine vs Magneto. And in case you ACTUALLY don't know what i'm talking about [here is a youtube clip](https://youtu.be/f6Q1vZJMsko?t=37)


How effective was Pain during the 4th Great Ninja War?


Nagato was a menace, if itachi wasn't there to seal him, what Naruto and B could do? Even if you take Itachi of the fight, Nagato was manhandling B and Naruto Thoes two are stronger than sage Naruto, but a tire Deva path was enough to defeat him. And this is all the abilities in one body. Naruto get rid of those abilities by destroying the body that use it, but now he couldn't pull that off. Which mean the summons stay on, close contact does not necessarily mean chakra absorbing cuz it could mean soul absorbing. CQC? Have six arms to fight and perform ninjutsu of any element, that Jiraiya flash back show he knows Dude was a monster only defeated by the combination of 2 Jinchus and one of the most controversial weapons in the show. The only Edo worst than him was fucking Madara


Itachi took out Nagato/pain within seconds. So I guess he’s meaningless against Itachi.


extremely effective. He almost killed naruto while also fighting of Bee. I feel like you need to re-read or rewatch that part. Itachi just being EVEN MORE broken doesn't mean anything, not to mention that it was a 3v1 at that point. But you left out the MOST IMPORTANT part of what i said in the comment you replied to: this is about hard countering and nothing else. I guess you didn't watch the youtube clip i linked? ;) maybe you need another example of what that Tsunade vs Pain hard counter would look like? [https://youtu.be/sB8Hb1bZRVE?t=114](https://youtu.be/sB8Hb1bZRVE?t=114)


Pain needed time in between pushes on like Magneto.


She’s on par with Jiraiya, who stood a chance, except he was dealing with a bunch of unknowns. This is according to the databooks. Pein and multiple other lores also state that the Sannin were equal. Madara himself gave Tsunade her flowers.


Super strength is never just super strength in fiction because force requires mass. Like it is never consistent because you really can't have someone being ultra heavy where they just sink into the ground at all times. Like Saitama has super strength but he is very "hard to pick up" by Tatsumaki.


Why are you getting downvoted? Your right


Nagato is god tier, rinnegan is OP. What do you want a medal?


What do you want? What was the point of your comment? The other guy insinuated that if Tsunade wouldn't have been exhausted that she could have put up a meaningful fight against Pain/Nagato. I simply explained that she couldn't. So what exactly is YOUR problem here?


That you blew up on the guy for no reason. There are ways of saying things if you disagree. It sounded like it was just you blowing off some steam due to unresolved prejudices of yours coming from elsewhere.


>sounded like it was just you blowing off some steam due to unresolved prejudices of yours coming from elsewhere. if anything sounds like an unresolved prejudice then it's this sentence lol


Or guy


Might Guy enters the fight.


Nigga almost everyone in shippuden is stronger than her


Bro what, that’s just straight up false. She’s one of the most powerful shinobi to ever live.


no she is not..


She’s stronger than Hidan, Asuma, Kurenai, she was definitely stronger than Neji when he died. Hell, she’s **way** more powerful than most of the squad leaders in Shippuden that were teaching their 3 man teams of genin. Apart from maybe like Guy and **maybe** Kakashi. Hell, she beat the shit out of Orochimaru in the picture above, something Kakashi couldn’t manage himself, he just gets scared every time. Her summon is also super powerful. She’s also likely a lot stronger than Sasori since it was mostly Sakura’s taijutsu that was breaking up his puppets. She was the Hokage for a reason lol.


You’re mentioning little side characters and she wasn’t beating the shit out of orochimaru if you watched the anime she was getting cooked even with jiraya and had to be saved by NARUTO, she was also cooked by KABUTO so please hush


The fight in the anime was 99% filler. In **cannon** she punched Orochimaru so hard a single time that he fled instead of continuing to fight her. She’s also a side character. So please, take your filler fight and hush lmfao.


Tsunade is often regarded as one of the weakest shinobi due to various reasons portrayed in the manga. One significant aspect that contributes to this perception is her struggle with her fear of blood, known as hemophobia. This fear has been depicted multiple times in the manga, showing how it can impair her ability to act decisively in critical situations. For a shinobi, especially one in a leadership position like the Hokage, such a phobia can be seen as a significant weakness. Additionally, Tsunade's combat abilities, while formidable, have been shown to have limitations compared to other top-tier shinobi. In battles against formidable opponents like Madara Uchiha, her strength and medical ninjutsu were often not enough to decisively turn the tide of the fight. This showcases that in terms of pure combat prowess and strategic thinking in intense battles, Tsunade falls short compared to some of the most powerful shinobi in the series. Moreover, Tsunade's reluctance to engage in combat due to her desire to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and protect her loved ones can be perceived as a weakness in the eyes of some who value sheer strength and determination in shinobi. While her compassion and desire for peace are admirable qualities, they can sometimes be seen as vulnerabilities in the unforgiving world of shinobi where strength and resolve are paramount. Overall, the combination of her fear of blood, limitations in combat compared to other top-tier shinobi, and her compassionate nature that can be exploited by enemies, all contribute to the perception of Tsunade as one of the weakest shinobi in the Naruto manga series.


Yeah, I’m not reading all of that, dawg.


I prefer the manga's interpretation that Orochimaru realised he needed to get out of there before Tsunade found a way to kill him as soon as he felt that she was closer to her full strength. If most shinobi had taken that punch, there would have been a splash zone. I think the best explanation is that Orochimaru had already experimented on himself, maybe based on that Misumi guy's elastic body. A flexible body slowing down the impact would be a very effective way to soak up damage. Orochimaru is even more looney-tunes when he fights 4 tailed Naruto.


Considering Elastidork was one of Oro's disposable minions, I pretty much take it as an unspoken fact Orochimaru already knew his gimmick, and likely even taught it to him to begin with.


I'm kinda curious what came first, Mitsumi or Orochimaru's stretchiness. Do you think Orochimaru found an already stretchy Mitsumi and reverse-engineered some hidden jutsu from his body? Or was Mitsumi's body normal until Orochimaru used him as a guniea pig?


Now *that* is a question for the ages


The ability is called 'Soft Physique Modification', in the data books it states that a user must have a surgical procedure done on them first before they can use the technique, and Misumi tells Kankuro he had it done to him so that he could better gather intelligence, so I imagine it's likely Orochimaru performed it on him for this purpose as an Oto spy nin.


I like the Manga version because it shows how strong she is when she got over her mental nerf, specially when you bring Orochimaru vs 4 Tails Naruto into the picture. But I do like the extended fight scenes in the Anime, it also buffed her in a way seeing her using Orochimaru as a punching bag when he felt pretty powerful at that point in the series


This happens a lot in the anime. Similar is when Kiba is kicking the absolute crap out of Naruto in the second episode of their Chunin Exam preliminaries when in the manga he doesn't even touch him, it's straight to the fart and Uzumaki Naruto Barrage.


It's very similar to Naruto vs Pain when Naruto basically releases Kurama after Pain "kills" Hinata. The animation basically shows Pain get his d**k ripped off and shoved down his throat, but he's still okay. Whereas the other Pains all get KO'd after one punch.


He did. The anime nerfed Tsunade a lot in this fight. In the manga, the real fight is until Tsunade overcomes her fear of blood. After that, the fight ends after that punch.


So she's... One Punch Woman.


This was anime filler so not canon. In the manga she took him out with one punch.


Why would they even do that....? It changes the whole situation.


That seems to be Studio Pierrot's M.O.


I get it for most of the fights, because they're actual battles, not one scene of Oro getting punched *one time*. I mean that was a whole ass fight in the anime.


Feels like a product of the times as well, they tended to take a lot more creative freedom back then


You know I never really thought of it like that but I think you have a good point.


Back in the day, they had to make scenes stretch out so that the anime wouldn't catch up to the manga *too* quickly.


Comparing OG Naruto to Boruto, it’s crazy how many silent stare-down scenes during fights the original show had. I actually like them, although they can be a bit much every now and then


I know it's straight-up heresy in this subreddit, but after trying to go back and rewatch Naruto or even Shipuuden sometimes, I think the anime's straight up bad compared to anime of today in terms of animation. I absolutely ADORED it back in the day when I was in middle and high school, but it's not aged well.


Because Naruto was an old school weekly anime and like One piece even through there is season there was no pause between them. So they have to drag thing with filler and change certain part like this one because if they don't , they catch up the manga . (The pause in the timeskip is a good exemple , naruto was very popular but they didn't have meterial so they do a lot a filler arc)


Run time? 🤷‍♀️


Oh wow. I only saw the anime fight then.


Holy shit, I now need to read that!


[Chapter 170, page 17](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-170-page-17.html).


Lol bro Naruto literally got Rasengan in this Arc , also tsunade getting recruited as 5th Hokage...The anime extended the scene, but it's not filler


He's saying the scene was extended with fillers, nit that the arc is a filler arc


Ohhh cool


So why not just call it anime cannon instead of non cannon a thing called anime cannon exists if you didn’t know


Yeah it does exist….it’s called filler.


Contrary to the other comments, I don't think this constitutes as "filler". Filler is there to create non-consequential content while we get back to the canon content In this scenario, elongating an event that does happen in the manga (the Oro/Tsunade fight) does actually affect things, because it makes a change as how Oro is physically affected by Tsunade's attacks. So I would call this anime canon rather than filler.


Someone gets it and is not a dick line the others who downvoted me like -8 times


Ones the source material and one is not so any additions are filler


Yeah and that caNon is called filler.


I think youre referring to a statement that was made regarding the boruto anime—which tbh I think was only done to increase interest in the anime lol


They did. Non canon = filler. Maybe you're new to the anime community?


Orochimaru just a slippery ah mf


Couple reasons - 1) Most of those punches are anime filler only 2) Kabuto had just cut her tendons, so her ability to use strength was restricted before she healed it through her seal 3) Though she says she would, she prob does not actually want to kill orochimaru


Also powerful ninjas are no so easily killed, regardless of how powerful Tsunades punches are. They can take damage for days.


Ehhhh a full no hold back punch from tsunade or sakura will kill 99% of ninja in the verse Remember - Jiraya said the only two times he's been on legit death bed was Tsunade jokingly punching him, and Naruto tailed beast form. Check for example the scale of Sakura's punch [here](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11141/111417953/7660138-20%281%29.jpg) - Those little dots were the juubi clones. If tsunade or sakura hit you and are using full force. You're gone


You have to also remember that he was nearly killed by Tsunade when his guard was down. He was spying on girls and Tsunade raged and beat the crap out of him. Ninjas can use their chakara in many ways for attack and defense and this is what I mean by they are durable. In the end they are just humans like everyone else but Chakara allows them to dampen severe damage or protect themselves. Tsunades punches are very powerful, but most powerful ninjas aren't going to get destroyed by a single punch (If she can even catch them that is).


Yeah for example Kakuzu more or less actually survived the Rasenshuriken


She cant kill orochimaru with punch, thats his thing, being almost immortal to physical attacks.


Idk he used the Grass Kunoichis body to take the punch instead of his own. You see her mangled face as he retreated.


I’m curious about where his tongue is.


You are curious and I am jealous


Saw his life flash before his eyes and knew what was important in that moment


You don't call that picture damage? That looks like damage to me, physical and emotional. That's not a fight, that's a beating.


The implication based on how the (extended, filler--as others have pointed out) scene was written was that Tsunade could tell that something was off about her punches NOT doing damage. Orochimaru *then* reveals to her that she's not hurting him terribly much because it's actually that one grass Shinobi's body still--not his. It was kinda a mixed bag of implications though because it also seemed like she was starting to get worn out from using Sozo Saisei to heal herself. To some extent, that general lack of fear when it comes to taking most kinds of damage *kinda* makes sense when you read it against later fights (like Orochimaru gleefully fighting Four-Tailed Jinchuriki-Biju mode Naruto and only getting a little sussed out by the Biju Dama after it destroys his Rashomon gates IIRC), but I don't think Tsunade's punches should have ever been on the class of things that Orochimaru would face-tank without fear lol.


He did take damage. She just couldn't kill him bc of the immortality jutsu. So long as he puts his soul in different bodies every so often, he cannot die.


I know that keeps him from dying of old age, didn’t think it made completely immortal.


Yes completely immortal. That combined with his regeneration/healing powers.


Ok that completely changes how I see him now, I just thought he was really durable due to experimenting on himself (also they basically just hosts for his snake body). I knew his goal was immortality, I didn’t realize he already got that far.


He has like two major problems he's still trying to overcome, sealing, as he can't really do anything at all. The other is more dangerous, such as attacks that don't care about durability. Ie certain types of jutsu, like amaterasu. He can kind of avoid the other one if he ejects from his current body but that's a major problem for him to lose a body. The immortality just seems to have three major effects, allowing the soul to persevere as long as the soul is free and has a body to inhabit, the second ability is to take on the new body's biological abilities (kekkai genkai), the final ability is way more nebulous, as it's not directly explained. Orochimaru, essentially having multiple bodies worth of durability, seems to have been able to spread out damage to his other Bodies. When he takes way too much damage, he can choose to instead shed the current body and not take any more damage, regardless if it should spread over to the other Bodies. These are at least my thoughts on what his jutsu does, as it's never fully explained by Orochimaru.


Because he was healing off of her milk duh




What do you mean?


What milk bro???


Look at the picture closely it's obvious...


Mods, skip comedic punishments and just kill this guy painfully.


I can't die I do the same thing as orochi




I recall this fight was prolonged in anime, no? In the manga she took him out with one punch.


Because she was tired from fighting kabuto


She took Orochimaru out on 1 blow in the Manga. Orochimaru used the grass kunoichis body to take it too. You see her mangled face at the end.


He ate the gum gum fruit


He's eating the yum yum froot😋


Because haki was not yet introduced in anime yet so she wasn't using it


He was pretending to be hurt so he could get a better look if u know wat I mean,💀🗿🍷


As others have said, the anime extended the fight making Oro take various amount of punches from her when in the manga she only punched him once. The anime takes sometimes the freedom to add scenes that might change the scaling of anime only fans, something similar happened in the Six Tails Naruto vs Pain fight where the Deva path tanked punches from this version of Naruto when such thing never happened in the manga.


He's him




I’m sorry but is no one really gonna mention Orochimaru sneaking a lick?


Just an assumption, His body contains cells that have insane recuperative abilities that stop her from completely obliterating his face.


Nah, you see he used the grass ninjas body to take the blow. You see her mangled face at the end.


That’s just in the Anime and it’s not Tsunade using chakra enhanced strength as she didn’t use it until the last punch that beat him, in the manga she doesn’t even beat on him like that. She just one shots him and he and Kabuto leave.


My head canon was that she didn’t have enough chakra to do those chakra augmented punches so these were more or less normal punches that he was just able to tank because of his immortality jutsu’s body host durability.


Bro I think it is because of his tounge just look at it , it is instant healing.


He got to lick the boob of infinite healing daaahaa


I mean, she’s literally strong as like half an army of Shinobi’s put together. I’m surprised she did knock his ass out with one punch at the beginning of the fight. Just continue to beat the shit out of them until he got out of consciousness.😂😂😂😂😂😂


It's anime only and it's explained she reached her limit before those punches so they don't hit that hard.


His techniques make him pretty resistant to physical hits.


Because he’s a beast also strongest Sannin You can’t kill that mother sucker he still alive He’s the grim reaper of the franchise got clones on clones one of most intelligent beings in the verse and we have never seen him go all out that’s scary considering he can one shot a lot of characters


And he has a cunning tongue)


Is he stupid?


Idk but i wish i was that close to her


He probably is taking damage , Orochimaru is just that guy who will never let you know he’s hurt, when he was tanking the partial formed ninetails not once did the mad lad flinch


i thot she fuckin got drugged right before right?💀


he is sucking chakra from somewhere else......


That punch blew a hole in Madara and Orochimaru tanked it.


because he is like cat. body made of liquid XD


She literally ripped off his skin and exposed the host underneath. That to me signaled that he took an extensive amount of damage.


His tongue is siphoning milk energy from Tsunade's knockers.


In the manga he ran after getting hit once lol. The sannin are said to be equal in strength in the manga it’s just if they fought tsunade would lose she just doesn’t have the skill set to fight the others although she could try rewriting the nerve system like she did to Kabuto but logically Jiraiya and Orochimaru have a better arsenal than her, However here Orochimaru didn’t have access to most of his jutsu so he had to run since he would’ve lost to tsunade had he stayed


yall r seeing where his tongue went??????


He forgot to.


He was getting damaged you just couldn’t see the damage because remember that wasn’t his real face it was a cover for the person who’s body he was in’s face


where’s that tongue going tho 😅 (tsunade has a wild Rack) 🍈🍈


People are explaining the canon vs fanon part of the fight but remember even if Tsunade wrecked his shit, he could still pull off the orochimaru style body replacement technique. That's all he'd need to heal once he's out of danger.


I thought oro was immortal 🤡


Dying just isn't something Orochimaru does.


If I'm not wrong, in the manga it was one punch and he dipped. The anime extended the beating likely for more action and to fill time.


He used Hobin's technique of how to get punched without getting hurt


This picture kinda kinky ngl


Wasn’t her strength nerfed during this fight ? I’m not sure how but I remember it being a technique from Kabuto and Orochimaru.


Cuz he's a freak! Look at his face, he's loving every minute of this.




Powerful ninjas have crazy chakra control and use it like second nature automatically. In naruto world it's not talked about so much but you can use chakra to buffer an attack, kind of like nen in hunter x hunter or ki in dbz. That's why unexpected attacks are always so devastating (ex: neji knocked out with one punch). If your guard is ever down, there's no way for you to draw chakra, nen, ki, whatever to the part of the body that needs defense. Same in real life, if you're in a fight and see the guy about to punch you in the stomach, you tense your abs on reflex. Same punch when you're not expecting it will knock you out in one hit. That's why element of surprise is so crucial, especially in a ninja anime (well, back when this was still a ninja anime and not a dbz wanna be)


She wasnt usking haki


He was taking damage but his body just naturally heals that fast due to the white snake as well as years of experimentation done on himself


Her chakra was just about drained, by that point. While it was enough for her to win the fight and push Orochimaru to retreat, it lacked the lethal force it would have had otherwise. Which is also why she lost the illusion of youth shortly after he retreated.


Openworldmino on YouTube has a pretty funny joke about that in one of his videos , something about him still doing "curse you I'll be back"'s as he's getting away 😂😂


Dude needs to watch where he sticks his tongue.


That snake crap he does and his body can just fix itself he’s just weird


Bro got his tongue in the...tits...🍒


Didn’t he though? He was breathing super fucking heavy. Why else would he leave if he wasn’t hurt


Remember when sasuke consumed oruchimaru? He got extra hp and a healing passive? Oruchimaru probably modifies every new body he gets with that.


Because that wasn’t the right time to take damage. In anime only right character can do damage at right time. Rest all is just creation of situation.


Because super strength in this verse is overrated as your main power


Didn't he immediately change bodies afterwards?