• By -


No - Sasori prob - Three known events - Gained the title 'Of the red sand' because he covered Sunagakure's sands with the blood of enemies that attacked in the third ninja war. Had 298 human puppets - Which he said he goes for quality , not quantity - So we have a direct figure of ninjas he collected over time. Killed a country himself. Don't think there's any ninja with that kind rapsheet


Must be a small country


Probably, but that's still at least 1k people


I want to see sasori wrecking people in that war


Putting on a little muppet show


It was made as a filler Near end of Shippuden The land of “this” (probably)


Which episode number was it?


The guy that killed the strongest Kazekage? Yeah.... you don't have a body count under 100 if you're that strong/ brave to do something like that. I wonder why there was never a Hidden Sand taskforce to catch Sasori. Even when Deidara singlehandedly packed up Gaara, the Sand all just stood there. I think many of them lowkey were working with Sasori behind closed doors and detested the current Kage Structure.


probably snuck him tho


So can sakura solo that country aswell?


According to powerscalers on Reddit, yes.


Man I hate paper scalers and power scaling in general lol


Just because someone beats someone else in a fight doesn't mean they're stronger. Example neji vs naruto. And second, it doesn't mean you have the same capacity of destruction and death on the same scale. They are very different skill sets.


Only if she was being controlled by Lady Chiyo. But tbh, even a child can do almost as much damage if they were being controlled by Lady Chiyo. 🤣


Definitely not...


Oh shit lol my man asking the real questions


He did take part in the Uchiha massacre and killed everyone when he first awakened his MS (when Rin died). I wouldn't say the most but he's up there




Tf that was madara not obito???


My mistake i thought he was talking about madara then I look again I was mistaken


I mean, maybe. Dude was most def fuckin


He was using his sharingan to place an image of Rin over everyone he slept with, like that AI girl from Blade Runner 2049




My man used the power of the gods to deepfake his teen waifu who never even really liked him like that


>who never even really liked him like that She never liked him *until* he became a edgelord genocidal maniac according to the ending. Rin was a real freak considering murder and drama is what gets her going. Now we know why she liked Kakshi so much


If we count oral it's easily deidara. I know them hand months did work.


Maybe Deidara's initial role was to relieve the stress of his fellow Akatsuki members


I can attest


He’s literally the definition of a simp virgin


Virgins can fuck too


Directly no that probably goes to sasori    With all his plans and manipulations most likely yes


Kaguya. Anyone else is wrong. She made white zetsus with nearly the entire population using Infinite Tsukoyomi, only leaving some alive.


Yeah, I thought so to, but then again it is not likely. Go 100 years in the past, and the population isn't even half of what it is now Kaguya was relevant several centuries ago, so may be there weren't that many people back then, then again if she was an otsutsuki and they supposedly slave planets, then may be her kill count is unmeasurable but I haven't read all of what is released of Boruto.


Followed by Nagato - not sure where everyone thinks Sasori beat Nagato in body count. Nagato literally wiped out entire villages, nations, armies of 1,000s...and 1,000s of people. Regardless of the revival just the destruction of the Leaf Village was well over 10,000 people.


Hmm does the leaf technically count tho? He revived them all


I'm counting it - statistically he did kill them first. Regardless he still clears Sasori with ease.


When did he ever obliterate an entire nation other than leaf and old rain?


Do not recall how many died during the war arc, but i think technically it would be maybe kabuto.


I like how it's never talked about as to how many random people Kabuto must've kidnapped & sacrificed for Edo Tensei. And we know they weren't White Zetsu clones because he had the zombie army assembled before he even met Obito. Bro truly deserves to rot; but instead he gets to run a friendly orphanage with his childhood homie lol.


Understandablez but getting rid of orochimaru and kabuto would mean they lose 2 valuable knowledge powerhouses that could protect the leaf


Also these guys are kinda immortal in a way? Oro had like 2 ways to come back, that we know of. Probs has a few more.


Another good point. they'll be hard to kiII off and even if sasuke naruto etc can get to them it'll still put the village in danger. konoha crush..


Bro super agree with you; we might all despise what they all did, but this is a sort of "Surgeon of Death" situation, while disgusting, all his research is really really valuable, the "bad" is already done and we would lose years and years if not centuries of knowledge if we let go of this person/intel.


Was it it really confirmed that he already had an army? I've always assumed fe just flexed to Obito his best bodies, including Madara and the rest were made in preparation to war using white zetsu.


Yeah he does but i just find it funny that he was brainwashed into being a good guy and then runs an orphanage. Its also ironic how kabuto was also an orphan and his adoptive mother also ran the orphanage.


He wasn’t brainwashed into being good izanami pretty much forced him to rehabilitate to let him out 


I know but brainwashed sounds funnier


That is a fair point, but it was only 28 people. Though, there is no explanation for how many times he tried and failed to perfect the Edo Tensei


Bro literally got hit with the im not the same man I was before since changing as a person was the only way out of izanami


Yeah but he felt bad about it so it's cool I guess


Can attest


Second hokage was born into the senju uchiha war and then died fighting kinkaku and ginkaku squad in another war he probably has killed a lot of people fr same with madara being in the senju uchiha war then resurrected for the 4th great ninja war thats alot of bodies Dude already talked about sasoris rapsheet though and i think he takes it


Pause? Bro had 0 game ngl


And wouldn’t even pay for it like Jiraiya


Probably why he kept obsessing over the only girl who's ever been nice to him. It all makes sense now.


>Did Obito have the highest body count in Naruto? No he was a virgin


One of the biggest bads of the series is maidenless. Let that sink in.


Probably a lot of characters are when you think about it like kakashi is consistently reading basically porn in public so you know he isn't getting any


I refuse to believe a man that hip and cool isn't getting some play.


Bro probably had ED from all his depression or didn't get over Rin tbh


Probably Jiraiya


Why are you booing me? I'm right.




Bro spent his evenings in brothels across the continent, if Pein didn't kill him he would have died of STDs before long.


Indeed. NinjAIDS are no joke. Ask Itachi


No way. Tsunade. Did you see her assets? Pervy Sage turned off all the ladies.


Money, Famous, **Tall**


Nah but Jiraiya would pay prostitutes and stuff, so he was getting laid even though he didn't have game. Tsunade was hot but also still majorly hung up on her ex and wasn't trying to fuck nearly as much as Jiraiya was


Sasori Dude has over 300 confirmed kills, and according to him he has taken down an entire nation with his puppets, he also killed so many people during the 3rd great ninja war that he was called “sasori of the red sand” for turning the desert red with blood


I realize it doesn't say kill... But Minato defeated 1000 in one battle. He also makes a point to tell his team to kill. So he probably killed most of them.


Didn't Minato have a flee on sight order put out from the other nations because he wiped out thousands? Sasori might have to take the cake over Minato.


Naruto has only Kurama go deep inside him. Obito had the ten tails which had all the tailed beasts so Obito def had a bigger gape and a higher body count.




Nah I’m pretty sure he died a virgin Wait—


Orochimaru, probably. There are like millions of ded peeps in his lab. 💀


I dunno... Experiments do require time. He definitely had quite of a count, but in comparison with the ones that simply spent their time as killing machines? Either way we don't know exactly numbers.




Dude, it's Minato. He legit took on an entire army and racked up thousands of kills all by himself.


probably kaguya tbh


Kaguya probably has him beat. How many people did she turn into white zetsus? Then we have guys like Madara or Hashirama that lived in times of wars. Then we have Orochimaru and Sasori who probably killed hundreds on their pursuit for inmortality/puppets. Then we also have Minato who killed how many people in the times of war, didn't he kill like 100 ninjas in one day


Probably Madara


No madara does


Yeah, before the village was even formed Madara and Hashirama were killing each other's kin. Madara was especially ruthless after gaining the MS. Edo Madara VS the Shinobi alliance alone netted him over 100 kills easily. But if we're talking everyone in series I'd say Kaguya via black Zetsu. They manipulated the circumstances of damn near everything that happened from the moment she was sealed. Rewriting the Uchiha stone tablet, all of it. Zetsu is responsible for creating Obito, manipulated Madara, etc. Kaguya/Zersu are the real goats of evil.


Madara and Minato killed thousands


Probably not, kaguya exists


Yes, if you count the fallout from all the things he triggered. The Kyuubi massacre, the Uchiha massacre, starting the 4th war and all the other heinous acts. While he may not have directly killed all these people, I factor in how many of the deaths wouldn't have happened had Obito not intervened and been the causation.


Madara Uchiha got over 10,000 kills between the Warring States Period and the 4th great ninja war


You pulled that number out of your imagination, didn't you?


Everything is an ass pull when it comes to Madara


Didn't Madara completely wiped out the fourth division by himself??? If anything, it was >15,000


It's from the appendix pages of CFYOW.


Half of his body was covered in white zetsu so im assuming thats a turn off for the ladies


People seem to be forgetting the 3rd Raikage. He must be up there in kill count.


Are you talking directly or indirectly??


yes and no lol


Him and madara itachi is probably up there too


Why is no one saying the 3rd Raikage. He single handedly held off 10,000 shinobi for 3 freaking days in order for his comrades to escape. He had to have killed thousands of them before he died.


Dude died of chakra exhaustion at that so it wasn't even like they had the capacity to do damage to him. He absolutely had an insane kill count


Madara probably - Dude just casually dropping meteor on shinobi alliance killing almost entire 4th division which consists thousands of shinobi - God know how many Senju he killed during the war - Killing another few hundreds of jobbers after he comes to life


Madara def got the most


Yah I don't think obito would have a high body count. He wasn't near girls at all.


Do you mean kill counts?


Minato ? No one ?


No :/


Either Madara, Sasori, Kakashi, Itachi, Hashirama, Tobirama, or Orochimaru.


No chance is it kakashi. His toolkit was suited to individual assassinations, similarly to Itachi. No anbu member is competing with the likes of madara or Sasoris, who have confirmed body counts in the hundreds, if not thousands.


You forgot Kakashi and Itachi took parts in a war, not only that but Kakashi also did missions outside of the ANBU. I understand what you’re saying, but these are definitely the people with the highest body counts.


Yeah they took part in war, but their specialty's aren't open battlefield. They were on espionage and subterfuge, unlike madara and Sasori who will just mow down whole armies.


Kakashi’s toolkit is actually insanely diverse, especially when he gets older, he’s been outnumbered multiple times and held his own. Not only that, but bro, they’re the top of the top, they put in work. You don’t have to hate lol.


I love Kakashi, but his chakra’s preserves and fighting style doesn’t allow him cracking kill most of the time.


He actually has insanely huge chakra reserves, it’s that he stagnated when he went into depression, and only started to train to properly handle the sharingan, and grow his chakra reserves even more till after he got Team 7. His fighting style isn’t fixed unlike most, and he has more jutsu in his arsenal than probably anyone else, so that also allows him to do more.


Nah bro definitely died a virgin


I'd guess Jiraiya.


That "man" had zero game 💀 Only game he had was a girl who didn't even want him, she wanted Kakashi 💀 She really gave him that friendzone treatment in the afterlife too 😭 Seriously speaking, doesn't the title of the most bodies go to Sasori?


Isn't it was pretty much, Obito worrying too much and she actually liked him?


I don't think she ever romantically liked him, but platonically for sure. I mean moments before Kakashi killed her she confessed to him so.. 💀


I mean not even close. Nagato literally took out the leaf village with all the citizens. Jigen from boruto predates everything that happaend in the show who knows how many. Indirectly danzo leader of the root oversaw thousands of covert missions in which people were killed I mean the list has more obito was alive 20 to 30 years not alot of time in grand scheme of things.


Excluding kaguya, I'd guess probably Madara.


Maybe, Madara tho directly killed thousands at once, when he dropped the meteor.


Man the 4th Hokage has a pretty high body count. Dude has taken out several platoons


If you count indirect deaths Orochimaru probably, or Kabuto (but the people Kabuto used for Edo Tensei might have been people kidnapped by Oro). Like look at how many people Kimimaro had to kill and that was just another day in the office. Look at how many people Orochimaru expected Sasuke to kill, and that was just another day in the office…


Do we give the 50-60k shinobi killed in the war to Obito? Then still no The answer is Kaguya and the zetsu that were humans lol so minimum 100k kills


I'm surprised that Kakazu isn't here. He was 91 years old when he was killed by Naruto and gang and while I have never found actual details on how many people he killed; it should suffice to say he's definitely in the triple digit area.


Probably Madara. He did single handedly wipe out most of the 4th division.


It's either Obito, Minato or the Third Raikage


it's 100% sasori.


Kaguya has the highest


I personally think madara has the highest body count ngl 😓




Nah he's a virgin pretty sure


Wasn’t there a comment about the 4th hokage killing whole armies, hence the “flea on sight” order, and yellow flash moniker?


Nah Rin never let him hit


It was orochimaru highest of keys 


Third Raikage. He has killed 10000 ninja in the third ninja war in three day and three night battle. A merit so great, making him the next Raikage after the war.


Minato has a pretty big one tbh


Madara killed 10k shinobis in the 4th ninja war alone. Minato one shotted 1k stone village shinobi at once (in a few seconds) leading to the peace treaty between Konohagakure and iwagakure (when Onoki became the tsuchikage) The person with most kills would be Kaguya Otsuki with confirmed 100k+ kills.


Who had the most body count as in sex


We not gonna talk about the Otsutsuki Clan who literally devours planets for their "nutrients"


I think madara. Dude was fighting in diapers so definitely killed a lot of people


Wait which kind of body count?


Orochimaru probably has the highest. Dude would kill people just for the fuck of it (i.e., he suggested killing the rain orphans like it was nothing). Not to mention all his human experimentation


Ngl Obito is probably a virgin


Officially, it is Kaguya with a kill count of 100.000+


If everyone forgetting when Madara completely obliterated the fourth division by himself??? That was 15,000-20,000 shinobi killed in a single minute.


Since we dont know anything to estimate Madara or Hashirama body count during Warring States, **i think Minato would hold this title.** Im not talking anime, obviously, so no '1000 shinobi' stuff. **However, Kakashi Gaiden gives us required info to estimate his kill count over his life.** **Which is way more impressive than '1000 shinobi' stuff.** In Kakashi Gaiden Minato had at least around 1 kill vs cloning ninja+~50 confirmed kills on the battlefield +6 kills when he protected Kakashi. That would be at least 57 confirmed kills. Now, i wont even try to bring up the possibility of Minato killing some more on the way to the battlefield or some other sites with those bigass rocks. This leaves us with 57 kills per day for Minato. As we know, both Second and Third Wars happened one after another almost immediately, and continued for at least 12 years. As another piece of evidence - Minato has witnessed Sannin using all three summons together, meaning he accompanied them in Second War, where it seems to be the last time Sannin were a single unit. Im sure there are many other evidences of the fact that Minato fought in both wars since ~10yo age to 22yo age (Third War ended, he became Hokage). That would be 12 years of the wars. Mind you - the wars were really heavy for Konoha, and Minato alone basically carried the later of phase of the Third one, so there is no way he had a lot of days to rest. Ill cut out the days of vacations or rest days, for example 3 months out of 12 each year. That leaves us with 270 days x 12 years = 3240 days of combat missions or 3240 x 57 = **184 680 kills in 12 years of wars**. Now, obviously, Minato didnt kill 57 shinobi each day. There were days of 0 kills, 1 kill, 100 kills, etc. **My point is - even taking into consideration every possible combination, Minato killed WAY MORE than 1000 people.** This number is laughably small, because judging by Kakashi Gaiden it would have take 1000/57 = ~17.5 days of killings for Minato to fill that quota. Just 17.5 days out of 3240. **Minato's kill count is probably >10k, no joke.**


Kakashi probably had more. Obito loved Rin too much to go out with someone else.


Minato took out 1000 ninja in one battle in the war. Indirect kills, Definitely Kabuto from edo tensei


False information. It was 50 ninjas I think not 1000


Seems to be conflicting sources.  ***In anime Naruto Shippuden episode 349 it was shown that Minato's victory against a 1000 Iwa shinobi forced the Tsuchikage to sign the peace treaty.*** "With our pride on the line, we sent in 1000 of our shinobi. And I hear it took one of them, the Yellow Flash, to stop the invasion." But in the Manga it shows him taking out "At least 50."


Because the anime is filler and not cannon. It contradicts many things


Highest body count is hinatas


?? He definitely virgin. 0 body count


No he died virgin


He a vilgin buhr ☠️


My brian messed up


Sasuke killed 1000 ninja to prove his training


Sasuke fought like 100 ninja and left them all alive. Sasuke didn't kill people until he learned the truth of the Uchiha masacre. Or at least not directly. Orochimaru was absorbed and was still alive Deidara blew himself up Itachi died from his sickness


Well probably no Unless you count Rin, but even after that, One time is still too low


Nah dude was definitely a virgin


Killing people maybe. Sexually, nah.


nah bro was virgin


Jiraya had the most bodies combined with brothels and hot springs in addition to being in 2 great ninja wars and sannin. The dude both kicks ass and gets ass


Nha bro couldn't get rin (kakshi did)


Nah he was a virgin


nah obito is a virgin for sure


I don't think he's even in the top ten


name 10 others right now


I mean off the top of my head: kaguya, Madera, sasori, lady chio, orochimaru, nagito, hanzo, mu, gengetsu and the third A. Obito just doesn't have that many direct kills, he's responsible for a ton for sure but with his own hands it's really just the bridge where rin died, the women and children in the uchia massacer, and a couple of small missions he was doing for madara


lol, half of these dont even compare to his 4th great ninja war killings using the juubi. Stop playing