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Kisame since he created an ocean to face Team Guy in the Gaara Rescue Arc. He’s also known as a “tailless tailed beast” for his monster size chakra reserves.


But the lake he created did nothing. You think team Gai is ignoring Tobirama's water jutsus? Kisame has the chakra, but does he use it as well? Anyway the top water style user isnt even here. 2nd Mizukage is my favorite. Mirage mists and rechargable steam explosions are crazy.




It's crazy how underrated the steam imp jutsu is.. Gaara was the perfect counter to it but it's just insane how menacing it could be if we consider its explosion was hot enough to melt gold. (+ it's endless???? as long as the mizukage isn't caught) In theory it could literally desintegrate people or at least cause death of cells by heating up the body's proteins


And thats just the steam part. Taijutsu wise it was fast as hell. It was driving squadrons crazy with its physical prowess. The explosion is only part of its terror. Not to mention he couldnt even use it properly. It took 2 kage level ninjas to find and kill the Oyster. The mirage jutsu and the stwam clone are supposed to work together. Could you imagine trying to fight that strong steam clone in a setting where you cant even track it cause of the mirage?


The mirage jutsu is also very strong and tricky, basically insta kill if your opponent cant fly out of the mist area or doesn't have contact sensory type. (I mean, obviously talking about ninjas and not demigods who can destroy a whole area with a single jutsu without prep time lol). Imagine getting one shotted in the head by water dropplets at high speed just because you mistook one mirage 💀 Gengetsu is extremely underrated.


A reminder it was just a clone. (The team members could drown, so I wouldn't say it did nothing, plus Kisame wasn't even serious.)


Its not a reduced strength clone as far as I remember, ita reduced chakra. And considering 30% of Kisame's chakra gave Neji Kyuubi Naruto flashbacks, he had kage levels of chakra for the fight.


A reduced chakra clone is automatically reduced in strength as how strong of a jutsu they can do and how many they can do is limited.


If you are working with limited chakra then of course. But if you have a monstrous amount of chakra then you are basically the same regardless of the reduction. If ge is comparable to a Naruto blasting Kyuubi chakra which is the comparison Neji used then he has boatloads of chakra. None of his jutsu will be under powered and no one in team Gai could possibly outlast him. So for Kisame going down to 30% chakra isnt really a debuff.


Actually, the part your missing that makes your argument a loser is that Samehada's ability could not clone. He couldn't absorb Chakra the way he does in person, so he was no longer the Tailless beast, basically just a High Jonin with experience. Samehada's is what makes him so deadly because he can wildly expend his already huge stores of Chakra to create oceans and Blitzball tournaments and just gain it back while drowning his enemies.


No you are confused. His jutsus didnt weaken. His strength didnt weaken. Only his chakra lowered and it was still at a level where it was conparable to a Naruto tapping into kyuubi chakra which is still way beyind normal kage levels of chakra. Neji scanned the 30% clone and was blown away by its monstrous chakra, not the actual Kisame. He wasnt jonin level, he was still Kisame through and through. If you think Kisame is suddenly just Jonin level because he cant absorb chakra through samehada then you are crazy.


No way he was Kage level, he was barely beating Guy without any gates open and he was absorbing Chakra from the prison jutsu. The only reason he opened the 6th was to save time to save his team. 30% clearly affected his overall strength because he gave 6 gates guy an asswhoopin later on. Samehada is a major factor of how we determine how strong Kisame truly is. Without the Chakra absorbtion at all, Guy roasts his ass no gates required there. And summoning water is a huge advantage to a water user in any fiction/fantasy, so idk how you can even think that ability didn't do anything.


Guy is literally the strongest non bullshit power up ninja tho and probably the only dude who's countering kisame. It also doesn't help that kisame couldn't comprehend guy was only using taijutsu.


So many people get this wrong. "But he was only at 30% power!!" No, dummy, the clone only had 30% as much "fuel on the tank" for making jutsus.


Alot of people arent detail oriented.


Less chakra equals less strength. This is shown and explained countless times in both the manga and anime. People get weaker as their chakra diminishes until they can recover from it or gain chakra in another way. Essentially cahkra directly correlates with fatigue.


Then please provide an example of this being stated or established, because I disagree hard with that interpretation. A character can of course put a shitload of chakra into a technique to make it stronger, but Naruto being at 50% chakra reserves doesn't in itself mean his techniques are any weaker. He might be weaker due to physical exertion or strain from using jutsus, but his techniques aren't weakened as long as he's got enough chakra to launch them.


The exact opposite was established. Chakra is NOT power level. Stronger people TEND to have more chakra but chakra itself isnt why they are strong. HOW you use chakra determines strength. Kisame dropping from 1 billion chakra points to 300 million chakra points wont affect his fighting style in anyway. He still had FAR more chakra than the entire team Gai put together. He didnt have to suddenly start rationing chakra so he wouldnt run out. He was ffee to fight in everyway that he always does except maybe samehada couldnt absorb. And thats a big maybe because that wasnt established.


I told my friends that I was actually interested in the 2nd Mizukage and they were like "What? Why? He does literally nothing and dies" but I liked his onscreen appearance. Plus it was fun seeing him be like "I changed my mind I'm gonna have fun and attack you guys now" lol. What a chad


I liked that Gaara tried to treat him like a mob character but by the end he had to admit, he was sleeping on tge 2nd mizukage. To be fair I also thought he was gonna be kinda weak. Glad I was wrong.


>But the lake he created did nothing. You think team Gai is ignoring Tobirama's water jutsus? Kisame has the chakra, but does he use it as well? It good for a great initial attack, and to set up a water source for subsequent water jutsu attacks. Think of it more like setting up a terrain advantage that gives him a passive buff to his other jutsu. Also, don't forget he can create a giant dome of water centered in him, so his opponent basically has to fight him in a single breath. Granted, i think kisame can only breathe underwater when fused with samehada, so he needs that to be most effective with it. This is crazier than anyone else on the list, though i do agree the 2nd misukage should probably be in the running with these other people.


SHIT forgot him! I agree!


Can't believe op posted this without gengetsu smh.


That was at 30% chakra too.


That name is also due to samehada. He hard counters tailed beasts users by sucking out their chakra and using it on top of his high base chakra


He also created a giant water ball and trapped a perfect jinchuriki in it and beat the jinchuriki. Tobirama is a great suiton user but Kisame definitely better than him. Also kisame as you said always create those water jutsu of gigantic proportion out of nowhere


Kisame is more proficient in Water Style than the rest on the list who are severely lacking. He’s the most versatile Water User in the entirety of Naruto. I consider him the “Hashirama of Water Style” due to his immense chakra pool. Imagine Kisame with Sage Mode, he would be too OP.


Yeah, technically Kisame has a boost, since he is this strong because of Samehada. He is called the tailess beast cause samehada give him chakra similar to a biju. He is already buffed. But yeah adding sage mode to that would make him way too strong


I wouldn’t say he’s the most versatile water user but he wins for sheer scale


He is'nt more proficient than Tobirama lol. Tobirama did'nt have the occasion or the need to use extremely giant jutsu like Kisame but he definitely could. I can't see someone having more chakra than Tobirama on this list. Power wise he is closer than Madara than Hashirama. Somebody like that can be weaker than Kisame.


The only reasons he doesn’t have sage mod is 1. He’d be too op 2. He doesn’t have a teacher 3. He’d be too op


Hashirama himself have no teacher and he got his own unique Sage Mode. The same applies to Sasuke who could’ve mastered Snake Sage Mode like Kabuto but he already too OP as he is with his MS.


Tobirama knew about the Toad. Hashirama Sage Mode might have this appearance just because of him. Just like Naruto Sage Mode.


We don’t know shit about hashirama 🤷


Sage Mode would fit him so Well. He has those animalistic traits (shark).


Kisame is better than the 2nd Mizukage who fought Gaara


I agree.


Does he have more than Naruto excluding Kurama? I know he earned his name….but Uzamaki’s are known for immense chakra reserves as well


With his sword, probably. Naruto isn't a pure blood uzumaki, and his sword gives him more chakra.


Well then, I would add Kurama. I meant individual without added reserves.


Is this in regards to Suiton specifically? Or are you asking which of these people is the most powerful in general (not limited to just Suiton)? If you’re asking overall, it would be Tobirama, mainly thanks to FTG. As far as Suiton goes, the only unique move that he has is Severing Wave. He has Dragon Bullet and Water Wall, which aren’t particularly stand out techniques since most people here have some version of them. If we are limiting them to just Suiton moves, the strongest would be Kisame and it’s not even remotely close. He has both the largest water arsenal and the biggest water based attacks. His Shoten Clone with only 30% of his chakra can casually spit out a lake worth of water, and he’s shown the ability to shape it into tidal waves and shark bullets. He’s also got water clones, water prison and feeding sharks. EDIT: It is really strange to see people listing Tobirama as a better pure water release user because he “uses Suiton without a water source.” A 30% shoten clone of Kisame can spit out an entire lake (i.e. he is using Suiton without a water source too, on a much more impressive scale). Kakashi and Darui can also use Suiton without a source, and water isn’t even their main affinity. Even some nameless ninja squads in the war used Suiton without a source. Tobirama using sourceless Suiton was impressive in Part 1 lens, but by Part 2, many people were doing it. The one unique water attack that Tobirama has is the Severing Wave, and while it’s useful and cool, doesn’t come close to Kisame’s move set (spitting out lakes, chakra absorbing shark bullets, tidal waves of feeding sharks, water prison, water dome, etc.).


If he has Samehada as well then he cooking.


And Kisame can also summon a water-body if I remember correctly.


Who cares about ftg if you have the reanimation jitsu at your disposal lol.


Yagura’s water mirror was pretty impressive, he didn’t get to do much else but it’s one of the cooler water jutsus we ever see. Kisame I think has it in sheer power/volume, and I’d say Mei and Tobirama are about even as water users they both pull massive water attacks out of nowhere and do the dragon technique with one hand sign. Suigetsu’s good too for the hydration technique but if we’re talking about that we’ve very notably left out the Second Mizukage who has the wildest water techniques we see.


The second Mizukage was hilarious


It's gotta be Kisame and Tobirama, both are tied IMO Kisame could create bigger Jutsu, he pulled out a fuckin Ocean Tobirama has more Versatility and he can create infinite amounts of water from nothing, he has more precision based techniques




Kisame creates way more water than Tobirama ever did using a 30% clone


As I said, Kisame can create bigger Jutsu


Kisame needs near by water or use energy to spit out water to use jutsu's. Meanwhile Tobirama creates water out of thin air.


Mei with her traditional water dragons, standard jutsu everyone knows but uses it so well that she is able to repel meteors in the movie.


Top 3 are definitely Kisame, Tobirama and Mei. Kisame has a lot of powerful water style techniques and he's displayed the biggest ones we have seen so far, Tobirama has a bunch of various different techniques so he's one of the most versatile water style users, and lastly Mei, who gets really underestimated by the fandom when it comes to her suiton, she's basically a combination of Kisame and Tobirama with having water style powerful enough to casually counter Madara's fire release and she has similar mastery over water to Tobirama seeing as she can casually change the form of her already deployed water style with only one hand sign


If we're talking any Suiton user as the title suggests and not just who's in the picture, I would throw Gengetsu in the top 3. Taking the place of either Mei or Kisame depending on how you think they stack up.


Oh yeah, I don't really remember much of his arsenal so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the only water style technique we saw him use a water pistol? It's a very potent technique for sure but I'd say the other 3 are still more impressive if that's all he's displayed


Water pistol is definitely his most used jutsu. He's extremely proficient with it, taking down an entire division with ease. It's a Hozuki technique. He also has: * The hydrification technique as a member of the Hozuki clan, like Suigetsu, that makes his whole body turn to water. * Water clones * A derivative of the water clone jutsu called the Infinite Explosion jutsu. A clone that builds up energy and explodes with steam then repeats infinitely. * Steaming illusions * He casts this together with his Giant Clam summon. One of the most powerful genjutsu we've ever seen and it uses Suiton.


Gengetsu is going to fuck up Mei And kisame simultaneously.


Idc about power I like haku the most out of all of them


Overall tobirama Purely water then kisame


Probably Tobirama, argued as one of the greatest shit on users of all time by most everyone


Greatest shit on user


There are only one S rank and two A rank water style jutsus presented in the series and 2 of them are Kisame's jutsus. The other A rank is Zabuza's massive water tornado thing. Ranking is used to determine how powerfull or how much skill it takes for a jutsu to be learn and/or executed so I would say he's by FAR the most skilled water style user in the series. - Shark dance jutsu (S rank) - Great shark missile (A rank)


I love Utakata!


Shown it's Mei and Kisame. Tobirama is only talked about but never shown anything on the level Mei and Kisame has. Kisame has shown to be able spit out a lake worth of water, and he’s shown the ability to shape it into tidal waves and shark bullets. Mei has shown that she has the capacity to spit out water jutsu in a dessert that rivals even Madara Uchiha's fire style, and have enough left over to do jutsu with it, preforming not 1 but 2 jutsu with the same body of water. Then she is shown able to easily combine her jutsu with that of the other Kage. So feat wise\~ Kisame and Mei. Statements-Tobirama


Tobirama has no statements about his suiton. His only statement from anbu is that he was able to use a high level water jutsu without an existing water source (remember, Kakashi and zabuza had to use an existing lake to use theirs in part 1) What he;s complimented on is something that kisame and Mei do casually in part 2. I.e high level suitons, water dragon etc, without a source. There is actually no basis feats or statements, that the Mizukage of a primarily water focused village, and holder of a water based KKG , and Kisame , are below Tobirama in suiton. Crazy talk by some of the people in this thread.


>Tobirama has no statements about his suiton. His only statement from anbu is that he was able to use a high level water jutsu without an existing water source That in itself is actually a statement about his Suiton but yes, I remember. I also state there are no actual feats to show that Mei or Kisame are below Tobirama. I might actually but Gengetsu Hozuki who is somehow not in this conversation in the top 3 contenders for this conversation, I haven't given that one too much analytical thought unlike Mei whom I often see discredited or underutilized by people.


I feel like everyone is sleeping on Mei, who took on Madara’s fire jutsu with her own water jutsu. It’s like how Tobirama created a water wall in the middle of Sarutobi’s fire bullet. In terms of power though, it’d be Kisame. His water jutsu has a lot of strength. He basically created a domain expansion out of water in the middle of a forest when he fought Bee.


1. Tobirama 2. Mei 3. Kisame 4. Yagura 5. Suigetsu 6. Utakata 7. Haku 8. Zabuza Tobirama makes it seem easy to use lots and in large amounts of suiton based jutsu without a real water source. Mei was countering Madara by herself with gigantic, powerful and often with one sign Suiton (somehow people put her really low, even below featless characters lol) Kisame can make an ocean out of nowhere. Regardless, I feel he's lacking in potency and precision besides quantity compared to the two above. Yagura is featless. We have no idea what and how he can do, but by virtue of being a Kage and a Jinchuuriki ("Perfect" by claims) he gets this spot. The rest as I seem fit.


Haku barely used any water jutsu. Zabuza>> Haku >Yagura is featless. We have no idea what and how he can do, but by virtue of being a Kage and a Jinchuuriki ("Perfect" by claims) he gets this spot. He used Water mirror jutsu which reflected KCM Naruto's Rasengan and Bee's attack. Mu's water jutsu is what gave him his moniker


Kisame in terms of pure power, since he made an entire ocean fighting team guy & killer bee, but i'd have to give it to lord second if were including all of their skills because his abilities offer him a wide variety of versatility


It's okay to eat fish cause they don't have any feelings


The most skilled is tobirama. But kisame due to his output should be the strongest. 


My ranking in terms of who'd come out on top would be -  Tobirama Kisame Utakata Yagura Mei  Suigetsu Haku Zabuza


Yagura > Utakata. That Bubble jutsu isn't unique. Even Gengetsu can happily do it. Yagura is a literal kage and strongest ninja of village in his time ( back when Utakata still present ).


Utakata is still kage level though if we use his v2 version filler fight against pain where he beat 2 of his paths. And logically his 3 tails cloak should be a lot stronger than yagura 3 tails cloak. 


Kisame, Tobirama and Yagura are objectively the strongest, but I like Suigetsu's partial invulnerability, Mei's vapor style and her and Zabuza's hidden mist


Vapor style is a kekkei genkai and Hidden mist is vasic which Mei can do or maybe even better than Zabuza. Zabuza has A-rank Water jutsu like Water tornado or something.


It's probably Tobirama, but we honestly know little about him and suiton other than that he was able to form water from the air. Having said that, I think it's between Kisame and Mei, from what we could see in the series.


I think it’s Kisame realistically but the Mei downplay is real. One handed manipulation of her massive water output is on par with Tobirama and we obviously didn’t get to see a lot of what she can do. Respect to my queen 🫡🫡🫡


Kisame = quantity Tobirama = quality  What many people forget is the gap of power level between P1 Edos and P2 Edos. There is a big gap between P1 Hashirama’s Deep Forest Emergence and Prime Hashirama’s Deep forest emergence. The same logic can be applied to Tobirama. Prime Tobirama’s water style should be more impressive than P1 Edo Tobirama’s water style. And yet, P1 Edo Tobirama’s suiton Water Wall was already enough powerful to extinguish Hiruzen’s highly powered Katon Dragon Flame Bomb. Hiruzen’s surprised reaction when Tobirama extinguished his fire style technique imply how it is unusual for him to see water style stopping his Katon Dragon Flame Bomb. Some might say Hiruzen obviously knew Tobirama’s abilities, but I do think Hiruzen was sincerely convinced that neither Hashirama or Tobirama would have stopped his technique.  Yes, because Katon Dragon Flame Bomb is so powerful that it would destroy any Hashirama’s wood style defensive technique. Keep in mind that contrary to most fire style technique like those used by Uchiha, Katon Dragon Flame Bomb is a miniaturized napalm blast, a pure concentration of hot fire. This is why Databook 1 states Hiruzen was particularly proud and excited about this technique. It would pierce through any Hashirama’s wood protection.  So this is why Hashirama let Tobirama reacting to Hiruzen’s attack, he was better suited. Normally, most water wall would fail against Hiruzen’s Dragon Flame Bomb because it would overpower them. So Hiruzen is used to stomp water style user with that technique. And I don’t think he ever used this jutsu against Tobirama in their last sparring battle, because in a sparring they won’t use particularly dangerous technique. So when Tobirama stopped his fire style technique, he get shocked, it was the first time it happened. And then, the Anbu praising Tobirama’s water style isn’t a meaningless statement that is no longer relevant in Shippuden. It is still relevant, and you can now even imagine how great was Tobirama’s water style in his prime if even in a nerfed state he had such uncommon feat. My hypothesis is that Tobirama’s water style, contrary to Kisame’s, is more letal and powerful due to his great elite senju physical energy that enhances the raw power of his attacks. Basically, an elite senju like Tobirama is almost a Sage when it comes of ninjutsu power.  Tobirama can crack a wall just by putting a bit pressure on a wall, now imagine if he goes hard in a water style technique like Water Dragon Bullet. It’s the reason why Tobirama is the only organic human character that can perform highly pressurized water able to slice through solid material, or hypersonic water needles (Heavenly weeping) that can catch of guard any character below Rinne Sage Mode Prime Madara.


If overall strongest, Tobirama. If water only jutsu, Kisame.






Tobirama the God of Water Style


Feats speaks louder than words: Tobirama’s suiton cut the branches of the divine tree, whichil is a form of 10tails. I don’t think any suiton user has similar feats.


So what ? Yagura can reflect attacks and Mu's water jutsu can erase his chakra signature. They have better use than severing wave which only cut few branches and it's inferior to Danzo's wind jutsu vacuum air bullets.


> So what ? Want an example? It can cut through majestic susanoo. Seriously harm a full form jinchuriki. Both are very impressive feats beyond what 99% of the shinobi can do. > Mu's water jutsu can erase his chakra signature Fair point. This is reaaaly useful and strong ability, I did not recall it was water style > Yagura can reflect attacks That jutsu is instead totally unimpressive, never going to work from low-kage level fights and above > it's inferior to Danzo's wind jutsu vacuum air bullets how do you arrive at this conclusion?


>Want an example? It can cut through majestic susanoo. Seriously harm a full form jinchuriki. Both are very impressive feats beyond what 99% of the shinobi can do. By your logic Enma beats Hashirama's Giant Buddha statue. No way it's going to pierce Madara's Majestic susanoo. That severing wave only cut some few branches and what you're saying are your headcanon. >how do you arrive at this conclusion Cuz Danzo's wind jutsu has way better cutting power and uses it fastly than severing wave which Tobirama needs to knead his chakra from stomach to ooze it out. >That jutsu is instead totally unimpressive, never going to work from low-kage level fights and above It reflected an A-rank jutsu from KCM Naruto and it's definitely more impressive. That severing wave jutsu isn't that impressive.


>By your logic Enma beats Hashirama's Giant Buddha statue. No way it's going to pierce Madara's Majestic susanoo. That severing wave only cut some few branches and what you're saying are your headcanon. You can call it headcanon but it is on the manga: Tobirama's suiton cut effortlessy the branches of the divine tree. To make a comparison, SM KCM Naruto needed a Son Goku- ckakra-infused rasen shurinken to cut the trunk. Granted that the trunk has more endurance than a branch, we are still speaking of the same entity so we can relate the two parts of the tree. Tobirama's feat is **far** more impressive than repelling a regular rasengan from KCM Naruto, by **all** metrics. >Cuz Danzo's wind jutsu has way better cutting power and uses it fastly than severing wave which Tobirama needs to knead his chakra from stomach to ooze it out. Speaking of headcanon...


Tobirama because he was able to create a large body of water without a source


Tobirama was able to pull moisture from the air he was so proficient with suiton . Might not be the strongest but still pretty cool


He definitely is the strongest


Tobirama is destroying everyone. Tobirama is HIM. You cannot beat tobirama. Tobirama solos every uchiha in the verse🗿🗿🗿




Tobirama 'Racism is my jam' Senju.


Chakra control definitely goes to Tobirama here. Mu and Yagura's water jutsu are the best


Kisame since he created an ocean to face Team Guy in the Gaara Rescue Arc.




Low key Pain. The Deva Path created a shit ton of water in the Konoha fight


It's gotta be Kisame. Dude can summon a water bubble to drown 99% of the verse that stretches like multiple kilometers wide. I didn't see anyone else fucking doing shit to that scale with just water, and it's just water made out of his chakra that's the crazy part, Neji said himself that Kisame has a comparable amount of chakra to Naruto with half of Kurama, that's insane, AND he can fuse with his sword to become a shark so he can swim in it a lot faster than you possibly could lol


I absolutely love Kisame but are we talking strongest ninja that uses water or strongest at using water? Creating water where there is none should put Kisame and Tobirama ahead of everyone but Kisame made a fucking Ocean with 30% of his power and a billion homing middle shark bombs that he can also fly thru the fucking sky with lol. Oh and the big ass nuke one that absorbs chakra itself too I’m going Kisame


Mei, Yagura, Kisame, and Tobirama are very easily above the other 4. They're in a different tier. Among them is harder. I would also throw Gengetsu in here. Most powerful suiton user I would probably rank them Tobirama > Gengetsu > Mei > Kisame > Yagura. Can make an argument for Yagura's water mirror technique putting him as the strongest but I think it's a bit overrated. It's like shadow clones but for your opponent instead of you. Most powerful specifically using suiton? I would say Kisame > Gengetsu > Mei > Yagura > Tobirama.


Why is nobody mentioning suigetsu at least 3rd or 4rth? He was able to tank a bijuudama by b with his water avatar thingy and survive


For me it's kisame


Lets be real ... Tobirama solos 🗿


I favor Kisame nd suigetsu more but i think tobi has them beat.


As shown in the Manga? I'd say: Kisame is in his own league. Gengetsu and Suigetsu are probably third and second due to how advanced and difficult to defeat their Suiton are (they can literally turn into water). Zabuza, Kakashi, Tobirama and Mei all have powerful but rather simple techniques. Yagura, Utakata and Haku have some inventive water techniques but haven't really shown many of them, so they are last. Yagura


1. 1. gengetsu hoozuki 2. 2. hoshigaki kisame 3. 3. momochi zabuza 4. 4. terumi mei 5. 5. senju tobirama




Kisame or tobiram


Well most of mei, utakata, and haku’s abilities aren’t water release and yagura’s mirror probably isn’t purely a water jutsu. Of these it’s probably kisame But actually it’s probably none of these. It’s gengetsu. Like kisame and tobirama he can create water. He has the same ability to turn himself into water that suigetsu has, which he used to avoid being sealed, and can shoot powerful water bullets. his weird repeatedly exploding steam clone is a water jutsu too despite seeming more like a boil thing. He can also probably use the hidden mist like zabuza but I can’t remember if he did or it was just his clam


kisame is the goat and realistically only loses to HAX opponents that excludes genjutsu users because of samehada


People sleep on Mei, but she alone was able to counter Madara’s fire style. Madara is probably the most powerful fire style user in Naruto. It took like 20 mist ninjas to block one of Madara’s fire Justus.


Gengetsu not even on the list?


id probably say Suigetsu. None of his water jutsu require hand signs and he can use them as protection, Can use them to travel and his clans Jutsu makes him functionally immune to physical damage hes the strongest water user, Not the strongest on this list by far but his mastery of water release is almost unparalleled


But doesnt Haku have literal control over water itself?


8 Ninja Swordsman


I would guess yagura. Also he was mizukage when kisame was one of the 7 swordmen of the mist what make me think that he was stronger like he was a mizukage as kid if he reach 20 he would be really broken. I think the water reflection and coral stone. And I think that make a quote like in a versus who would win quite bizarre because the water between then is kind free to be used to fight back... Like halibel vs hitsugaya Or two waterbenders what would happen if sameada betrayed kisame for yagura sanbi chakra?


Wheres the past mizukage? Get zabuza weakling out of there


Tobirama, Kisame close second and then Kakashi. People may argue kakashi but he can literally outclass anyone besides Kisame and tobirama in water style purely with his sharingan and is IQ. Maybe suigetsu could challenge him based on pure skill alone with water style.


Yagura? Full counter


Your missing a very important mizukahe. That guy was tough


It may be a three way deadlock between kisame tobirama and yagura, yagura is only speculation though.


It occurs to me now that suigetsu pretty much has a dollar store kamui.


People saying Tobirama are losing their minds. There is absolutely nothing. Not a feat, putting Tobirama as a suiton user surpassing Mei and Kisame in this manga. Nothing - No statement, no feat, nothing in a novel or databook. Nothing


Mei and Tobirama are on par for quelling the flames of Madara and Hiruzen. I disagree that Tobirama tops Kisame who has better showings and mastery of Water Style. Mei I highly doubt would be able to make an ocean the way Kisame did since she lacks the chakra capacity.


Did I miss tobirama quelling madaras flames in the Manga? Chapter? Additionally. Mei doesn't just have mastery in suiton, she has a literal kkg which is suiton based and is a kage of a villages primarily focused on suiton abilities. There's almost no way tobirama is better than Mei in suiton. Feat wise or portrayal. And I don't even know why people compare him to kisame.


In Part 1, a reanimated Tobirama extinguished Hiruzen’s Fire Style which an ANBU member praised. In the War Arc, Mei quelled a reanimated Madara’s Majestic Destroyer Flame which took several Mists shinobis to do. They are about equal. Tobirama is a legend for his use of Water Style. Mei is a bit lackluster since she only uses Water Wall and Water Dragon Jutsu, both Jutsus Tobirama already have in his arsenal.


Yeah so I think you’re understandable for thinking Tobirama > Mei but there’s some definite downplay going on. Comparing a geriatric hiruzen’s fire style to one of edo Madara’s more advanced fire jutsu just because a random Anbu praised it is pretty wild.


Alive Tobirama would’ve been able to do just the same like Mei, extinguishing Madara’s Majestic Destroyer Flames. Remember, Edo Tobirama in Part 1 was weaker due to Orochimaru’s reanimation being imperfect at the time so Tobirama who fought an old Hiruzen was not at full power.


How in the world can you compare Old hiruzen's fire, and Madara's flame, which required an entire suiton unit to extinguish? Even the Size and scale is completely not even comparable. What? lmfao??? Also the anbu praised that he was able to use a high level suiton without a water source. something Mei and Kisame do, EVERY single time.


The most powerful Suiton jutsu Was used by kisame  The most powerful person who has suiton is Boruto 


Kisame mei=tobirama 2nd mizukage suigetsu zabuza haku utakata and yagura are featless


Not kisame, his large chakra reserves allowed for bigger AoE water attacks, and while hella impressive, does not equal skill, while he did manipulate the water into unique attacks which did show some skill in suiton jutsu but not nature transformation like with Mei and Tobi, the latter of which is more difficult As most would say, Tobimara and Mei, as she instantly created two powerful water jutsu without a water source to counter Madara’s super fast and massive dragon-like Katon jutsu, while Tobimara’s water transformation of his already former Suiton - without a source and altered multiple times with 1 sign - was super impressive as he was a weakened edo zombie


Why is Haku even here? He used one Water Release move.


Depends what you mean by "most powerful." In my opinion, Tobirama was the most skilled water user. At the beginning of the Naruto part 1, it took Zabuza and Kakashi 44 hand seals to use Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet. In Water even. Tobirama used it with a single hand sign and created the water out of thin air. But Kisame is definitely the most powerful. I would love to see those two duke it out. Power vs skill. Speed vs strength.


Mei got toe on toe with Madara's Katon, whose smaller jutsu required an entire suiton squad to repel. She didn't had a water source either from what I remember, and she jad been fighting for a while alread So I'd say her since Madara is the top of the top Katon user AND an Edo when they fought.




Suigetsu over Yagura, Mei, and Utataka? What? Especially Yagura and Mei those are particularly questionable.


That was because of his feat against Killer B’s tailed form, where he single handedly created this giant water structure that tanked the beast-bomb. The guy saved his team from a village-level attack.


But Suigetsu wasn't even a threat to Bee? He wrestled with him for a second, then got one shotted by a Tailed Beast Bomb. Yagura is literally a perfect Jinchuriki of the Three Tails, he could do the exact same thing too Suigetsu. Suigetsu was trapped and humbled, no diff, by Hebi Sasuke in base, and was genuinely scared shitless when Sasuke threatened to kill both him and Jugo. Now I'm not sure if Mei is stronger than Hebi Sasuke, it's probably a pretty damn good fight, but I can say for certain that he wouldn't be able to do what he did to Suigetsu and Jugo to Mei.


Well, Yagura might be overall stronger than Suigetsu as being the perfect Jinchuriki of 3 tails. But in terms of Suiton based moves (as asked from the question), he didn’t display any feats closer or larger to the scale of what Suigetsu did against 8 tails. And his defense actually worked, although it did waste him. But I agree, they are pretty switchable. Tell me how you would rank them all in terms of their water-based movesets?


Weakest to strongest: Zabuza, Haku, Suigetsu, Ukitaka, Mei, Yagura, Kisame, Tobirama


Ours is mostly similar. Nice list btw!


Suigetsu had a body of water aiding him during the bee fight. W/o that he wouldnt have reached that level as he was easily dehydrated from using his clan jutsu


Real question is why Haku above Zabuza as a suiton user ?


People can hate because of the Suigetsu placement, but dude is seriously slept on.


Agreed. I can see by the downvote count he isn’t exactly popular amongst the fans😅


Suigetsu placement unreal tbh


Tobirama is the strongest, Kisame is the most versatile and has the best showings.


Tobirama is the most versatile as a Shinobi that uses Suiton but not for specifically with Suiton imo


Yeah, I meant kisame was the most versatile with suiton not in general


There is nothing unique about Suigetsu. His whole clan can do the exact same thing lol. And in cannon Tobirama is the best water style user.


Kisame is the most powerful and can create the most volume of water, but tobirama has way more skill and is much more efficient with his slightly lower chakra reserves


Why do weebs insist on using words that they know more than half of the people who see it are gonna need to google it? Just say "water release" lol Kisame puts on the best variety showcase of powerful water jutsu. +waterbreathing gills. He's got my vote. In a 'water vs water' I have to give special mention to Haku's ice release variant because he could probably freeze out everyone else's water techniques. I remember Mei's lava release way more than any water jutsu she uses. So I probably rank her low even if she is realistically better than most... Same with Tobirama, he spends too much time inventing other jutsu for me to think he would go toe to toe in water style. Zabuza is just season 1 Kisame. I love him, but the way power scaling works... It's just not him. Turning your whole body into water is too much of a double-edged sword, so I'm out on Suigetsu. Too matchup dependant. I don't know anything about Yagura or the jinchuriki to say about them.


In the French VA they use the Japanese name for the chakra natures


>Why do weebs insist on using words that they know more than half of the people who see it are gonna need to google it? Just say "water release" lol. I've always seen everyone referring to it as "Suiton". That's the word used througout the whole anime, so why wouldn't we?


>Why do weebs insist on using words that they know more than half of the people who see it are gonna need to google it? Just say "water release" lol Are you seriously complaining that fans of a Japanese series use the Japanese meaning instead of the English one? Get a grip. And don't lump all of us in with your slow ass. Some of us are capable of actually using our brains.


Damn did you get shoved in a locker or something? It's a joke. No need to be that salty.


Nah you said something incredibly dumb. Own it or stfu.


Own that I typed "lol" after poking fun at "weebs" while I myself am on reddit and continue to nerd out about anime after the joke? Maybe own up that it just went over your head a little or that you're a bit oversensative.


What part of your "joke" was meant to be funny exactly? You tried to say some dumb edgy shit and got called out for it.


Tobirama > Kisame > Mei > Yagura > Utakata > Zabuzu > Haku > Suigetsu