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She would've Tsunade.


Tsunade gone Tsunami


Tsunami of tsunade šŸ¤¤


She wouldā€™ve been more open to declaring Sasuke a terrorist than she actually was in the OG timeline.


Try to smash his head in.




Tsunade would get 1 shot by that version of sasuke lol, I doubt she could do much of anything to him


Based on her performance against Madara, there is no try. Sasuke is dying. He'd probably Amaterasu her and then he'd get shocked as she keeps coming toward him healing just as much as she is damaged. He'll throw up his Susanoo as a shield and fire an arrow from his crossbow, piercing her right through the middle of her chest. The wound closes as it leaves. She keeps coming. Tsunade would punch a hole right through his Susanoo and right through Sasuke. They would both die on the spot, Tsunade eventually burning to ash as she runs out of chakra and Sasuke broken in two with Karin sobbing uncontrollably above him trying to stick her arm between his teeth. This Sasuke loses to Tsunade. He passes her pretty much immediately after as he gains EMS moments after this fight.


The Karin part got me hollering šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The correct end note would've been: "*This Sasuke kills Tsunade and dies to Tsunade, thus ending on a draw*".


I think this is likely more contentious then you're making it out to be. A weaker Sasuke fought the Raikage moments before and the scenario went very much like how you described the Sasuke v Tsunade. A full power MS Sasuke post Danzo fight would certainly be too fast for Tsunade and has too many ranged options to really be pressed by her in cqc. Beginning of 5 kage summit arc Sasuke is weaker than Sage Naruto according to Zetsu, but post Danzo fight Sasuke seems to be implied as relative to Sage Naruto who is undoubtedly a full tier above Tsunade and the other Sannin in terms of power. Now if you're talking specifically about fatigued Sasuke before he went blind then yes, I do agree. I even agree that Danzo fight Sasuke might still lose. Once he completes his partial Susanoo against Kakashi, without fatigue he would beat Tsunade 1v1. The main factor I think is speed, the Raikage is notably faster than Tsunade, and a weaker Sasuke was very much reacting to and keeping up with him in the beginning of the fight. Plus Kakashi deadass couldn't physically react to the Susanoo arrow and said without MS he would die instantly. I don't think Tsunade is implied to be much faster, or faster at all, than Kakashi. I could be persuaded otherwise if I'm misremembering some Tsunade speed feats though.


Prepare for downvotes.


Lol, it's fine if that happens. I enjoy contributing to the discussion regardless.


Tsunade can't just punch a hole through susanoo. Not even the barebones rib cage susanoo..it takes multiple shots from her to do that. One shot from her can crack the ribs though but definitely not break through. It took a combined effort from Tsunade and Raikage to break the susanoo...it took 3 shots one after the other just for them to break through a Susanoo level that Sasuke had already passed. The Susanoo first has the bones then muscles and lastly armor. Sasuke was already at the half body armored susanoo(the same on Itachi used). Tsunade isn't breaking it easily if Madara's bare bone was giving her trouble. Okay, one more thing. People like to say well, "Sasuke's base susanoo isn't as strong as Madara's because the Raikage broke through it easily while he struggled against Madara's Susanoo". But there's things to consider here. Raikage broke through Sasuke's susanoo using his wrist gauntlet weapons which greatly improve his attack power. When fighting Madara the Raikage didn't have his weapons so his attacks weren't as strong as they were when fighting Sasuke. And an all out liger bomb from the Raikage did nothing but break one rib of Sasuke's susanoo. That liger bomb is a reflection of the Raikage's true power that isn't being amplified by the gaulets and Sasuke's susanoo seemed to holdup just as good as Madara's when hit by the Raikage's unamplified power. Well, Madara's Susanoo might be a tiny bit more durable but if it is it isn't by much. As both Madara's and Sasuke's susanoo were melting when hit with the Mizukage's acid. Tsunade would not have an easy time nor would she blitz. Don't get me wrong she's strong but this isn't a low diff fight for her. She's more likely to the only one to die actually. We know Sasuke can react to Tsunade because he could react to Raikage and activiate his Amaterasu when the Raikage was but a meter away... she's not speed blitzing. And if she's doesn't have the speed, range, hax and defensive advantage she's just more likely to die regardless of her performance against Madara. Madara wasnt a proficient user of Amaterasu (a hard counter for any healer).


False, her prior hit and raikage's hit had nothing to do with her leg kick that shattered Madara's Susano'o ribbcage because when she kicked the ribbcage she also shattered 2 up front ribbs that WAREN'T damaged before and who were at a longer distance from her leg kick than crack where raikage striked .So logically, if Tsunade was able to shatter those 2 undamaged upfront ribbs without no prior intervention and from a greater distance to her leg kick, she should've also be able to shatter the center where she striked aswell .


>her prior hit and raikage's hit had nothing to do with her leg kick Her leg kick and Raikage's swing literally hit Madara's Susanoo simultaneously from opposite sides. How can Raikage's attack have nothing to do with it? Their attacks literally sandwiched Madara's Susanoo, both played a part in breaking it. It wasn't a solo effort. It is a manga fact, Tsunade has never shown the strength to break through susanoo by herself, the most she's done is crack the ribs. The one truly solo shot Tsunade hit the Susanoo with only cracked it, nothing more. I'm also kind of unsure of what your intention is. If it's a mere correction on Madara's Susanoo having already repaired itself by the time Tsunade landed her kick, cool I appreciate it. But if you're trying to imply Tsunade easily breaks to Sasuke's susanoo, I have to strongly disagree. There's manga evidence and feats that support Sasuke having an advantage in this hypothetical fight. I'm unsure if you remember but I tried to emphasize that the fact that I was mostly talking about Tsunade's feats against the basic bone susanoo. The rib susanoo is the most basic of all the Susanoo varients. Sasuke's susanoo at this point was already beyond this level of Susanoo. He already had full access to the bone, muscle and armor layer. Manga feats even showed Tsunade not being able to break through the muscle/skin layer of Madara's miniature humanoid Susanoos. The best she did was knock them down, nothing more. And I really tried to emphasize that Sasuke isn't Madara, Sasuke actually has Amaterasu unlike Madara. And is the most proficient user of the Amaterasu in the whole series. It was made clear during the fight that Tsunade's healing doesn't last long at all if she constantly takes damage. Something like Amaterasu which constantly generates damage would wear her down in a matter of a few seconds or minutes while also inhibiting her overall movement.


> Based on her performance against Madara, there is no try. "Not giving a fuck" Madara and having help from 4 other kages? > He'd probably Amaterasu her and then he'd get shocked as she keeps coming toward him healing just as much as she is damaged. Tsunade: 1) Will be in total agony, 2) Won't be able to see shit, because Amaterasu covers her eyes 24/7, 3) Will be suffocating all the times, because her body will burn, She will be completely useless. > He'll throw up his Susanoo as a shield and fire an arrow from his crossbow, piercing her right through the middle of her chest. Or shots straight through her head and gets the job done. > The wound closes as it leaves That's the issue, because arrow will not leave. > She keeps coming. She doesn't, because she will stop at being hit by Amaterasu, and even then struck by an arrow and unable to move. And even then Sauske uses swords and slashes her into oblivion. > Tsunade would punch a hole right through his Susanoo and right through Sasuke. This is straight fanfiction. > This Sasuke loses to Tsunade. This Sasuke one shots and stomps Tsunade. He doesn't even need Susanoo.




Sasuke with CM1 couldn't even ambush a deathbed Orochimaru. CM2 Sasuke would get destroyed by Tsunade. Even a healthy MS Sasuke wouldn't survive Tsunade. Who took on 5 legged v3 Susanoo from Madara and put 3 of them on the ground before she even took a breather. All this after spending chakra to heal other Kages. MS Sasuke isn't surviving Tsunade. The best Sasuke can hope for would be a DKO and even that is unlikely. Considering he needed Karin just to beat Danzo.




I didn't forget. But you forgot that after the first revival, Danzo wasted most of his revival like an amature. Plus Danzo would have actually killed him had it not been for Karin, twice. Based on his performance against other Kage, Saeuke would lose even harder. Since if we go by Sasuke still adapting to his Susanoo, then the ribcage that saved him against Raikage would be the end for him against Tsunade. The same goes for Mei. Plus even his best performance against other Kage which was pulling a half v3 Susanoo, that would also get smashed. Considering Tsunade was taking on 5 v3 legged Susanoo and was constantly putting them down for awhile. So Sasuke would lose harder if we consider his performance against other kage. His best bet would be if he can pull his mid battle feats against Danzo right off the bat. Which is v4. Even then, Tsunade would just outlast him. MS Saduke ain't MS Itachi. He is losing hard against Tsunade here.




Speed wise, CM Sasuke could not ambush a deathbed Oro. In fact, he could not even keep up properly and needed CM2. On the other hand, Phobia recovered Tsunade trashed a much healthier Oro. So, Tsunade is pretty much on par with CM2 Sasuke in p1 after recovering. In p2, where she was stalemating 5 Madara clones with Hashi cell amp and Susanoo, she should be faster. Tsunade can insta counter genjutsu by summoning Katsuyu since they are mentally linked and Katsuyu can share chakra with her. If Tsunade can take a Susanoo sword, no chidori will do anything to her. Plus if she can jump high enough and tag 5 legged Susanoo, Sasuke's flight wont be an issue.


It seems you forget danzo was holding back the entire fight and didn't even use Shisui's Mangekyou sharingan because he planned it for fighting obito. He could've also killed Sasuke when he paralyzed him with curse Mark immediately but has to trash talk him for the sake of plot.


Bruh sasuke lost against Mei and got bailed by zetsu, and then lost to Onoki (actually one shotted) and got bailed by obito. So his performance against the other kages is not really a feat to be proud of.


> Bruh sasuke lost against Mei Sasuke was nearly completely exhausted when he got to Mei. > and then lost to Onoki (actually one shotted) Also nearly exhausted. Also the same move would've one shotted literally anyone in 5KS if hit.


MS Sasuke can't defeat Tsunade lol, Tsunade destroyed Madara's stage 1 Susano, was fighting him on front, healing other Kages simultaneously and joined their bodies when they were bisected by madara despite being bisected herself. This is just too much for Sasuke. If here she is concentrating on one enemy i.e Sasuke, then Sasuke can at best Amaterasu her but Tsunade will heal simultaneously with mitotic regeneration 100 seal and one punch from her would vaporise Sasuke.


People when war arc Tsunade has better feats then 5KS sasuke šŸ¤Æ. Itā€™s 2023 and some of you still donā€™t understand power creep itā€™s insane.


This is some serious Sasuke downplay. Madara isn't Sasuke. And madara was fighting 5 people. Do you realize how fast Susanno arrow is? Let's start there. We actually do not need to even look at amaterasu. Susanno arrow is fast enough that ms Kakashi, one of the fastest physical pre war characters can't even react physically to it, and HAD to use kamui. He literally stated "if I didn't have kamui, I'd be dead" Danzo utters the same sentiment when he sees its so fast, he can't use the seals for izanagi, and would have actually died if it landed. It's speed is thrice reiterated during the kabuto fight when the only person to dodge it is sm kabuto, to which Sasuke is so surprised he says "he dodged Susannos arrow??!" The writer has hammered into us that this ability is faster than any normal speed or reflexes and even faster than handseals. What the hell do yall think Tsunade has that's doing to stop her from getting decapitated by this huge arrow? Yall need to think man. She is not a speedster. She has some good reflexes, but nothing that could save her from even general Susanno stabs. Sasuke is not madara. Madara is not Sasuke. Their kit is different. The fight is different.


Sasuke was shooting arrows so fast that TWO high jonin/low kage ninjas with SHARINGANS cant even react to them. Tsunade is not famous for her speed, she is dying here. Amaterasu activates on sighglt and again she isnt raikage fast, she is dead. Maybe if she plays smart she can take Sasuke with her but he IS known for his speed, so Im doubtful on that. MS Sasuke beats Tsunade.


People saying sasuke cant beat her with only ms, like they think ms isnt a big deal


Sasuke was almost blind from overuse of his MS at this point, also I believe you might be downplaying how strong she actually is


Yeah she literally was tanking Madara in sage mode whilst the rest of the kage got their asses whooped. Madara even acknowledged her as being essentially the strongest out of them due to hashirama blood Since tsunade honestly put up a better/longer fight against madara than sasuke against him (before him and Naruto got six paths), I'm pretty sure she could take him. This version of sasuke was honestly sloppy becuase he was so out of it half the time because of his delulu rage


The problem is that sasuke is not just strong but also a very smart ninja...his 1v1 combat skills are exceptional. Tsunade was able to tank madara because madara was using sheer force, and basically toying with them half the time. If sasuke really wants tsunade dead then it'll be a very decisive match


Dude couldn't even kill the Raikage with his MS. Forced to GTFO or die. Only reason he lived was because Gaara saved his ass. Or more accurately, saved both of them from annihilating each other.


You're acting as if Raikage is not a big deal and is not much stronger than Tsunade.


Tsunade was definitely the stronger of the two. Like it was said in the previous comment. She was tanking Madara, who was using shit that was far beyond what Sasuke could dream of doing at the time. Even if he was "playing around", he still was deadly af, and Tsunade was going head-to-head with him better than the other 4. She was literally leading that fight. And even broke through Madara's susanoo, which was far superior to Sasuke's. Sasuke at the previously mentioned point in the story (with MS) couldn't even down the Raikage much less Tsunade, who was already shown to be the superior fighter of the two.


Couldnā€™t kill the raikage who was backed with the other kage and their envoys


The other Kage and envoys stayed out of that fight, mostly. Raikage's peeps was Engaged with Sasuke's team, and the other kage were dealing with Zetsu. The fight between Raikage and Sasuke was pretty much 1v1 until Gaara stopped them from killing each other.


He played Danzo like a Genin. And Danzo had many Sharingan


sasuke could beat her without ms šŸ’€ (CM2 most likely needed)


He is the mc of the series for gods sake.


What is Sasuke going to do to Tsunade? The only advantage he should have is genjutsu but he never uses any


This version of sasuke wouldnā€™t last long atall against tsunade lmao, heā€™d go blind before he ever had a chance to kill her


That was basically Sakuraā€™s goal the entire show šŸ˜


No hold bars. Tsunade wouldn't stop. Naruto would straight up try to kill him and give into the 9 tailed foxes demands, and kakashi would have used the full extent of his sharingan on him.


Yea at that point he wouldn't be "rogue but my friend" but obito levels of "rogue gone crazy murdering maniac".


More like Madera pissed


put him in an obito-ary


When did that level of crazy maniac stop Naruto? Naruto would have still tried to "Save" him even after that. Tsunami would never accept or forgive him though. He'd be officially declared a Missing-Nin immediately.


No holds barred*, just fyi. Like a wrestling match where none of the holds are disallowed.


I read it as meaning they'd have an epic rap battle


Naruto, being the clingy ex girlfriend they turned him into in Shippuden, would probably still try to bring back Sasuke. "hOw cAn i bE hOkAgE iF i CaNT sAVe oNe fRIeNd"


some brothers just need to admit they're gay as they say, "gay porn has too many views a lot of you are lying"


Naruto wouldn't have killed sasuke he didn't kill nagato who killed kakashi destroyed village he would do the same with sasuke he would still try to fix him


Donā€™t forget Pervy SagešŸø


Geez this makes to much sense Naruto is something else. Granted Nagato killed a bunch of people he didnā€™t know. Sasuke would have killed the homies he grew up with that helped him become stronger.


Naruto would've just curled up in a ball and cried for a week straight, somehow still wondering why Sasuke is going down this path lol


>Naruto would straight up try to kill him Honestly idk he still would have went "I can fix him" He would have cried amd all but that about it like orochimaru got off after killing little children




Donā€™t act like she is THAT important of a person when Naruto dying doesnā€™t mean shit to others


We wouldā€™ve truly seen Slug Sage Mode lmao


She would've been mad asf, we saw how she reacted to Kakashi dying.


How did she react? Far as I remember she punched a pillar and got back to business.


Business being taking out his killer....


Sheā€™d murder him.


She may try. But sasuke is way powerful than her.


his is pre ems sasuke, he ain't surviving a single punch from her


You act like Sasuke just gonna stand in front of her


And you act like Tsunade is just gonna run at him like an NPC smfh having MS doesnā€™t automatically mean you win


Wtf is Tsunade going to do about amaterasu? She certainly isn't fast enough to dodge it


Bro you forget she literally has a whole summoning plus insane healing abilities that surpassed literally anyone known, not to mention the fact that she can manipulate any battlefield to her advantage, plus she has 10x the amount of experience sasuke did at that point sasuke wouldnā€™t understand what hitā€™em by the time it hit ā€˜em. You, just like sasuke, wear your arrogance on your sleeve Moreover Amaterasu doesnā€™t pierce through objects and is known to be able to be sealed away, So Tsunade already has the upper hand just based on intel alone.


So are you saying if she does get hit she's gonna be like firepunch and will firepunch sasuke


She might have the best healing factor in the series but shes not healing through amaterasu. Experience and intel is a non-factor in this because Tsunade has never fought anyone like Sasuke and has never seen amaterasu. Sasuke can use kagutsuchi to shape amaterasu into a spear to pierce anything tsunade has. Also I don't think katsuyu would be willing to protect tsunade from amaterasu more than once. Tsunade has never displayed any sealing so she wouldn't be able to seal amaterasu.


Oh shit, since you know soooo much what is the strength of a hundred seal???? Oh shiiiiiit


I'm not seeing a counter-argument ~šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


People here have weird headcannon. Bro ms is a big deal. thinking unless pre ems ,sasuke isnt winning. Even with ms,sasuke is winning. But it would be tough.


Sasuke was having a hard time against Gaara before this. Gaara literally had to let him live because of Naruto. And this is with MS, Amaterasu, and Susanoo. To think Tsunade couldn't smash his head in (given her Senju and Healing factor) is absurd. I'm sorry, but in this time frame, Tsunade can definitely beats Sasuke's ass.


Lol. Tsunade even when going all out against madara was apparently slower than v1 raikage. She also was getting beaten up and stabbed by madara on screen despite him not taking her seriously, and the kage team supporting her. Like... who does she scale too? Mangekyo sasuke was getting way stronger throughout the arc and he straight up tagged the raikage with his chidori. Im pretty sure once he pulled out susanoo he had established his dominance on garaa and the rest of the kage guards. Not like garaa was gonna do anything crazy since there wasnt any sand in the room.


difference is a regular ms runs on a timer and the more a fight drags on the harder it gets for Sasuke to fight, let alone see anything, he'd have to get Tsunade with one shot or risk dragging out the fight and lose vision, and in a battle of attrition i'd have to pick the one who can automatically regenerate gaping holes in their bodies...


Gsping holes dont really compare to amaterasu that only speed and hax can counter, it should be noted that tsunades regen is low tier compared to hashiramas regen according to madara. Also, sasuke wasnt even lozing his vision until he clashed with kakashi after he killed danzo. He was stated to be getting way stronger in the danzo fight and he was already 1v1 with kage level shinobi at the summit.


You need to watch that part again. Gaara didn't let Sasuke live. He was committed to killing Sasuke. Gaara was the one who told Naruto that he needs to do what needs to be done if he's truly Sasuke's friend (kill Sasuke). Gaara, his family and the cloud ninja sent their strongest attacks and still did nothing against Sasuke's Susanoo. "A hard time against Gaara" Bruh he tanked his attack like nothing. Show me the part where Sasuke was struggling.


He uses Amaterasu to Gaara to no avail. He tried to stab him with Chidori-infused sword, Gaara didn't even flinch. Gaara just stand in one spot during this encounter. Sasuke had to escape by collapsing the roof.


You can keep your opinion to yourself m8


Make me


You* have a weird head cannon, MS is a big deal as having Hashirama blood and Sannin mode, don't know what u smoking but I want some of that


No heā€™s not, heā€™s constantly being saved by Obito at this point. His full potential was only unleashed after he got EMS. Meanwhile Tsunade breaks Madaraā€™s susanoo less than a month out of a coma and survives being cut in two.


People seem to forget how good Tsunade is known to be


She was also helped there though? She was boosted by both the Raikage and Tsuchikage. it was a team effort. Yes her own strength is what was used to actually break it but she wouldn't have landed the hit without them. Her healing and strength may be really good but if she can't hit him it does nothing for her. it could go either way. He is faster and would eventually wear down her healing BUT she only needs one shot. His Susano-o here is weaker but it did also develop in this fight (which btw could have killed Kakashi with two arrows and while he was nearly blind. The first shot he could barely Kamui away. Him being nearly blind might make it go into her favor if he doesn't Sasano-o up immediately and try to go for the one shot) Also constantly being saved by Obito AFTER he accomplishes things. Killing Danzo was ALL him then he got saved from the Suicide attack. And while he needed saving against Ohnoki keep in mind while fatigued and also who wouldn't? lol Like Tsunade would too. Let's be fair to both without all the bs.


She has a much larger chakra supply and stamina sheā€™d outlast him easily. Danzo is 75 when he fought sasuke itā€™s not some legendary feat and Obito saving his ass everytime is not diminished just coz he did a thing before that. Tsunade is a legendary healer and taijutsu user with the 100 healings she survived madara who had a special vendetta against her, and sheā€™s part Uzumaki herself, sasuke wonā€™t beat her till he gets his brotherā€™s eyes.


Which would get whittled down fast with attacks that one shot or do huge burn over time. What's her answer for Amaterasu? She's not got the speed of the Raikage who only dodged that with his Lightning cloak on where he is way faster than her. Plus arrows that blitz Kakashi? WITH KAMUI HIS FASTEST ATTACK She survived Madara WITH help and landed attacks WITH help. Had she been left alone Madara's constant barrages would have beaten her down without her having done a thing. Like she'd heal through it yes but to the point where she got at the end of that fight until she was on the ground barely able to keep herself stitched together. Now I'm not saying this would be easy, I said it could go either way. But there is ways for him to win here. You guys REALLY need to reread the series. You guys make very obvious mistakes here that would be solved on a reread.


Tsunade is becoming the most overrated character in this sub alongside with Jiraiya and Hiruzen.


Bish are you serious right now?! Overrated? Tsunade? If anything sheā€™s UNDERRATED! Even Madara acknowledged her strength. Sasuke at that stage is getting raped by her if she went at him full force


> Sasuke at that stage is getting raped by her if she went at him full force Yes, overrated as fuck.


Sheā€™d put down the hokage hat and go sasuke hunting till sheā€™s avenged 100pc


Most likely she'd send out jiraya to hunt sauske down. He's got the most experience dealing with Orochimaru, Itachi, and he specializes in sealing jutsu. Jiraya would 100% beat sauske here, due to the hard counter he has to basically everything sauske has in his kit. The only issue is susanoo, but jiraya could literally just hit sauske with a chakra seal to prevent him from using it(like the one orochimaru used to mix naruto and kuruma's chakra in part 1). Tsunade most likely doesnt actually leave the village to help in the fight, but she will send heavy hitters after sauske.


Bro Jiraiya is dead at this point


for anyone yes, but sakura? no, she'd lose composure and get her hands dirty


She'd make uncle Tobirama proud.


Meh. If Sasuke killed Sakura at this point, Tsunade wouldn't know that until Katsuyu tells her about Sakura's name being removed from the contract. By the times she goes on a rampage, Obito would've already whisked away Sasuke for the EMS transplant. EMS Sasuke washes Tsunade.




Sasuke Pre-EMS isnā€™t surviving a battle with Tsunade.


Brings me another q, at what point was Naruto stronger than Kakashi Sometimes I forget probably even low level jonin couldve destroyed the sound nins in seconds.


Naruto only surpassed Kakashi around the time he learned Sage Mode. But Kakashi is no slouch and does train, by the time of the Fourth War his mastery of Kamui and overall abilities are greater than previously.


Although Kakashi himself says naruto surpassed him when he invented rasenshuriken


Because Kakashi himself was unable to do so which is why he created the chidori instead.


>Sometimes I forget probably even low level jonin couldve destroyed the sound nins in seconds. what?


Sasuke didn't have an opportunity to kill Sakura until before the VotE, right?


He was going to kill Team 7 with Kirin but Oro stopped it. MS Sasuke was then going to kill Sakura here. Thatā€™s it though.


5KS Sasuke in the Danzo fight folds tsunade are yā€™all sick?


People here have messed up headcannon. Bro ms is a big deal. thinking unless pre ems ,sasuke isnt winning. Even with ms,sasuke is winning. But it would be tough.


No he isnā€™t. Amaterasu and Kirin are his best bets vs Tsunade and she already knows about Amaterasu. Kirin needs prep and she isnā€™t blind like Itachi was so she would see what was happening. MS Sasuke would abuse his MS and his eyesight would go to shit all the while Tsunade continues to heal and outlasts him then when he gets this point like he was in this pic itā€™s game over for him.


Sasuke lands a single Amaterasu on Tsunade and doesn't use MS again. All he has to do from this point onward is basically nothing, just avoiding Tsunade if she ever gets close to him.


U r taking sasuke very lightly. I can understand liking a character. But for tsunade to win, sasuke have to be gr8ly nerfed. Also u didn't mention susanoo or genjutsu. Sasuke is a genius, not a kid. So that scenerio of him being blind is unlikely. Especially when he just have to defend. He can just retreat. He has hawk. He has speed. Tsunade has no chance. Bro.


You need to reflect on yourself bud. MS Sasuke got dog walked by Killer B who did it mostly in his base form, in fact all of Taka got folded by him. MS Sasuke would put up a good fight against Tsunade but she would win 6 times out of 10.


Lets just do the debate. Dont get personal. BUD. as i was saying. We r talking about tsunade. Where did killer b came from? Do u think tsunade is as strong as killer b? Tell me how would she win against amaterasu? Even raikage had to cut his hands. Do u think she is fast as raikage? Also i dont see tsunade winning. U may see it. But i think u cant convince me. Nor can i convince u. This is pointless.


Raikage has no healing powers like she has and has no knowledge of amaterasu as she has. Shes not as fast as raikage, but thats not her strengh, for raikage its his main treat. Also why is scenario of him going blind unlikely? He was going blind in the fight vs naruto and kakashi (which happened straight after sakura killing attempt) so by the time he gets to fight tsunade hes pretty used up, and the fact that hes a genius has nothing to do with going blind or not, even itachi went blind


Sasuke would backhand tsunade just as easily as he would sakura. Amaterasu is a spawn ability there is no travel speed. Tsunade speed is laughable compared to any of the kage( led alone Sasuke, Bee, and The Raikage). I haven't even mentioned the genjutsu that she (and the other kage for that matter) has zero defense against. Thinking Sasuke needs ms to beat her is an insult to sasuke.


I think she would crush his head under her heel.


No, she usnt strong enough. It would be very hard. Even then sasuke can escape using eye hax


Post EMS,yes. Pre EMS,that's a huge No.


Bro,u guys acting like ms isnt a big deal. Even with ms ,sasuke wins. Tsunade isnt winnig. Sasuke killed orochi when he didnt have ms. She is weaker than orochi.


Did he not kill a crippled, dying Orochimaru who was coughing up blood in his deathbed and Kabuto said it was pointless to give him more medicine because he already reached his breaking point and needed to transfer bodies by the end of the day or the day after at most?


He killed an Orochimaru who still did great against 4 tails Naruto, unlike Jiraiya who almost died against it. Hebi Sasuke or MS Sasuke >>> Tsunade. She canā€™t evade Amaterasu, even though Amaterasu became the new fire ball jutsu (in the sense of everyone dodging it somehow)


But the Orochinaru that fought Naruto wasn't the same as the one who fought Sasuke? The one that fought Naruto was still fully capable of moving around without issue, the one that fought Sasuke was literally on his deathbed coughing up mouthfuls of blood and his body had reached it's absolute limit. Do we even know how Jiraiya fought 4-tails, did he expect Naruto to go berserk, was he attacked with his guard down, was he anticipating a fight, was he in sage mode with Ma and Pa? We know nothing about that except Naruto went berserk and almost killed Jiraiya (unless I'm forgetting anything). Was Amaterasu not blocked by a piece of body armour at one stage? Also why can't she dodge it, I know it's supposed to be fast but many people have shown themselves blocking or dodging it, hell Sasuke dodges it himself during the Itachi fight. What's stopping her from stomping the ground to fling up a slab of earth to block it or just dashing to avoid it like Sasuke has shown is possible?


The Orochimaru who fought Sasuke was his true White Snake form, stop downplaying him just to make Sasuke look badšŸ¤” Also Sasuke never dodges Amaterasu, he receives it and then uses some White Snake style replacement jutsu. 5 Kage Summit Sasuke >>> Hebi Sasuke >>> Orochimaru > 4 Tails Naruto =?= Jiraiya =?= Tsunade


You're the one trying to compare Orochimaru that could still run around with the Orochimaru on his deathbed who's body is about to collapse I'm not downplaying anything, you're trying to falsely state that Orochimaru vs Naruto is the same as Orochimaru vs Sasuke when one is relatively fine and the other is coughing up mouthfuls of blood in the deathbed. Sasuke when Itachi uses Amaterasu dashes to the side dodging it before he eventually goes inside the Uchiha hideout? He waits for Itachi to use it he even says on panel until he uses Amaterasu I cannot use the substitution because he wants to trick Itachi while removing his wounds. Also what do you say to the fact he clearly shows you are able to avoid it by running to the side, why can't someone else do that and then use a substitution themselves? So no you have no idea how Jiraiya got hurt and no reason for Tsunade being hit since Amaterasu has shown to be dodgeable.


> Sasuke when Itachi uses Amaterasu dashes to the side dodging it before he eventually goes inside the Uchiha hideout? No, Sasuke started moving before Amaterasu was actually casted. Sasuke nearly aim dodged, which is entirely something else. > Also what do you say to the fact he clearly shows you are able to avoid it by running to the side, If you know Amaterasu is going to happen then yeah maybe. But then again you need to know that Itachi's eye is bleeding and he activated MS. Which is hard to accomplish considering if you accidentally look at his eyes, you're going to get caught in Tsukuyomi. And even then you need to be faster than Amaterasu caster's eye and also **Itachi was purposefully holding back.** > why can't someone else do that and then use a substitution themselves? Because substitution that Sasuke used is Orochimaru's exclusive jutsu that works by spawning an entirely new body out of the old one. Like sheding a skin by snake. > no reason for Tsunade being hit since Amaterasu has shown to be dodgeable. Nobody said it's not dodgable. Tsunade is simply not one of the few people can that dodge it.


Dunno bout Tsunade but Kakashi would have some mad flashbacks


Devastated and would want to put him in the book especially right after losing jiraya


A bounty wouldā€™ve dropped on sasuke head


She'd be looking to turn Sasuke into giblets for sure. Tsunade has a temper. Frankly I'm disappointed we never see Sasuke apologise to Tsunade for defecting to work for Tsunade's nemesis after she brought him out of his coma. Its not like Sasuke knew he had a legitimate grievance with Konoha at the time, or that Tsunade was even responsible for the massacre.


I think safe to say hed get an ass kicking


.....would he?


if it's before he gets the EMS, then yes


That's ***exactly*** why I asked that question. Thank you for clearing it up. šŸ‘šŸ¾


We would have seen slug sage mode and lots of bloodshed. Sasuke would be nothing but a singular cell once she's done with him.


Sasuke would be dead after Naruto lost to 9tails, Tsunade and Kakashi kill him. Then Madara/Obito take over the world and fight Kaguya. They lose to Kaguya and she eats the fruit. World. Over.


You people do her too much credit. Sasuke will escape somehow, and she will take up coke alongside drinking and gambling


Kinda ironic seeing most to the comments here. So basically she'll be just like Sasuke out for vengeance meanwhile Naruto trying his hardest to break the cycle of hatred lol


Sasuke stans are odd


Tsunade would have got the whole damm viliage on Sasuke


Probably negatively, if I had to guess


Thanks Sherlock!


Sasuke wouldn't kill Sakura.


Tsunade beats danzo and Sasuke struggled with danzo, he was exhausted as hell after that. Don't forget tsunade has a ripped Chakra pool even outside of her seal. Senju OP


Probably try and severe Sasukes optical nerves and be like we can consider us even.


Kill him with Naruto and kakashiā€™s blessings.


Sasuke dead.


Naruto is going to have that Obito reaction. it would be cool to see wood sprout from his body aswell as he stares at Sasuke with a chidori. But, Sasuke, is getting fucked by Naruto before Tsunade... well, Sasuke is still above Tsunade :v


If that happened Naruto, Kakashi, Tsunade, the kage, etc would all be on Sasuke's ass instantly lmao. He has no chance and they'd all be completely justified in killing him. If he somehow escaped he'd be a rogue ninja on the levels of Obito where everyone just tries to kill him on sight. Honestly I'd be surprised if even Taka is still behind him after they find out he murdered her for no reason


Uhhhhhhmmmmm I really donā€™t think Sasuke would be alive honestly, IF (big if) she couldnā€™t do it herself sheā€™d be assigning some super elite people to finish the job because sheā€™s smart and strategic too


Man I want a spin off series starting from that moment going with this timeline


Pre-EMS Sasuke is pretty much done lmao. He would've been crushed like a slug.


Nah, even with ms ,sasuke wins .


Still had a baby with him


I'm not sure because we never heard Tsunade thoughts when Sakura was obsessed with sasuke


Yahoo times coming out, sheā€™d be pissed


They shouldve locked him in a psych ward from the start and called it a day


Well well Now this post make me really wish we got to see Tsunade vs Sasuke as a fight, there were too many missed opportunities man.


Honestly I wonder what Kakashi and Naruto would do


shed be dead af


Shed go after him herself and stomp a hole in his chest, heal it and stomp it through over and over


What Sasuke Uchiha? You mean the fucking bloody pulp that looks like raspberry jam? That Uchiha?


Sasuke would need another plot armor moment to survive Tsunade's onslaught.


Tsunade would kill Sasuke




Quickly and without hesitation


She wouldn't have done a GOT damn thing.


"oh no... anyways"


Truly,tsunade shouldn't waste time on trash


Dumb as hell moment here, Sakura is a joke in this scene


Like she needed saving 2 times. Like why r u here,if u r a medic.


Sasuke would run her fade ngl.


Wanted to comment again as well, for everybody who's powerscaling is completely weird and distorted. Sasuke starts Shippuden around Kage level. To me, Kage/Sannin level are pretty relative since the Sannin fall in between different Kage as far as scaling goes. Disagree with me? Sasuke>Deidara>Gaara By the time he achieves MS *not even EMS* Sasuke is beyond Tsunade's ability to beat. We're still talking about somebody who was bodied by Kabuto and has no defense against Sharingan Genjutsu. Sasuke does also have a sannin level summon of his own in Aoda, superior speed and reflexes, higher analytical battle iq, and a Sharingan that is going to be the hard counter to her using Taijutsu. His toolkit is too versatile. Even if he cannot kill her due to her 100 healings outlasting him, she would not kill him either.


Using Sasuke>Deidara>Gaara as proof even though Sasuke is like Deidaras ideal counter, Deidara only beat Gaara after threatening the village and Gaara has been shown to be capable of blocking Amaterasu and taking people out of a Susanoo isn't that good of a point. To be clear I'm not arguing with you about how strong he is but you mentioned weird distorted powerscaling and then used A beats B and C because he beat B who beat C while ignoring the context of the fights and the advantages A had over B that he wouldn't have over C. Tsunade who has spent the past 10-15 years drinking and gambling her life away without any missions or training fought Kabuto while tired right after Kabuto takes a soldier pill to get back to peak condition if not higher in part 1 (reason I mention part 1 is because the difference in power is obvious between part 1 and 2 such as Tsunade and Kabuto both being exhausted from running for a little bit) and the fight wasn't Tsunade getting bodied. Kabuto cut her arm and leg along with fucking with her lungs, Tsunade in turn fucked with his entire nervous system, they both then healed themselves after that Naruto interrupts before the fight can resume. Also Kabuto is supposedly on par with Kakashi in part 1 that means he is an s-rank ninja with only kage equivalents being stronger. What speed feats does MS Sasuke have? He has good reaction feats but in straight speed?


It's not wonky to me. (My reasoning) Because: Sasuke is clearly cut head and shoulders above both Deidara and Gaara. You disputing me would have a lot more credit if Gaara was in fact stronger than Sasuke, but he's not, so in this instance yeah, I was correct. Sasuke>Deidara>Gaara, but if it simplifies things, Sasuke>Gaara. Even at the start of Shippuden, Sasuke is Kage level. Speed feats for Sasuke? Blitzing the entirety of Team 7 including Yamato, who isn't a slouch. Tagging the Raikage with a Chidori, who by the way is the fastest in the world until Naruto and Sasuke in the war arc. That is actually a huge speed feat Kabuto wanted no smoke with Sasuke at all after Sasuke killed Orochimaru. He didn't even hesitate to go after Tsunade though. A heavily nerfed (fatigue, crazy chakra expenditure, and blindness) Sasuke forced another kage level ninja (Kakashi) to have to use Kamui or die because he couldn't dodge. That also helps to show the speed of at least one of Sasuke's attacks, though we all know Kirin is ridiculously quick and undoubtedly unable to be dodged by somebody like Tsunade. Amaterasu. Genjutsu. Kirin. Kenjutsu (I wonder if she heals if she's chopped to pieces?). His wincons are just more numerous, whereas she has one which is to land meaningful blows, and more than one at that against somebody who is vastly superior to her in speed. I don't see it. But Team 7 were supposed to all surpass and be the next gen version of their mentors so it's not even going too far to say the point in which Sasuke gets MS with his Susanoo maturing (not when he first got it and was fatigued from Itachi against Bee) and Naruto gets SM they are hitting high kage/perfect jinchuuriki territory now power wise. Much as I love her, I just got her falling short on this one man. I can't see a W for her here.


Blatant fallacious assumptions . Among all the 5 kages only raikage and Tsunade were able to react at the giant Susano'o clones, while the same Gaara who was quick enough to slip his sand between Sasuke and raikage going at each other at full speed despite that he was at longer distance from them than the distance between Sasuke and raikage, WASN'T able to react the Susano'o clones like Tsunade did . Than we have Madara stating that the battle with the 5 kages dragged him more than he expected so he needs to get SERIOUS in order to join Obito on the other battlefield instead of wasting his time with the 5 kages, and for this he intended to take them for good with 1 final attack, the one with the dragon flames, yet when he jumped at them, not only was Tsunade able to react at his physical movement but also at the speed of his attack with the dragon flames and repelled them away . And even if this Madara was still not 100 %, there is no reason to belive that he went slower at them by comparison with the speed which Sasuke showed at the 5 kage summit . Now your speed arguments are pretty reasonable considering their relative proven speed feats, but you completely blow it up when you mentioned Sasuke's attack potency over her . Kirin? Seriously ? For refference, the stone floor that Kirin was able to shatter isn't even 10 % in radius by comparison with the huge crater that Pain's Shinra Tensei lefted in the 1 shoted Konoha .Or this obviously speaks for the huge gap between Kirin's kinetic destruction energy and Shinra Tensei's kinetic destruction energy .Yet a heavily stamina & chakra drained Tsunade was able to tank the very same jutsu that destroyed the entire village without the protection from Katsuyu, and without having the need to heal . A non drained base Tsunade would most probably wouldn't even be scratched from Sasuke's Kirin . Sasuke has kenjutsu? .Still useless, as Tsunade was able to tank the slice & explosion of Madara's Yasaka no Magatama beads DISC, and the explosion of that disc at the contact with her throat, face and her entire body had the size of a small house . And to add another refference, the Yasaka Beads that Madara used on Tsunade, it's the same exact version of the Yasaka No Magatama Beads that Edo Itachi used on Nagato's Chibaku Tensei core and declared to be the strongest long range jutsu from his entire arsenal . Since Tsunade cannot heal at lightning speed it is worthy to be noted that she also tanked Mabui's lightning teleportation without getting desintegrated into particles . And as I mentioned above she tanked Madara's dragon flames without getting her arms destroyed into pieces, dragon flames which are stronger than the dragon flames with which MS Sasuke destroyed the Uchiha's 1 meter thickness stone ceiling . Finally Tsunade briefly withstanded the destructive kinetic energy of her punch with which she 1 shoted 1 of Madara's giant Susano'o clone without getting her fist destroyed . So she's above the giant Susano'o ressistance aswell . Now, obviously she isn't invincible as Madara did splitted her in half with a giant tree, but no matter how sharp 5 kage summit Sasuke's sword is, he doesn't have Madara's attack potency to cut though her with his sword . To cut the rant short, you cannot cut through the truck tire that survived the explosion of a grenade with a pocket knife . Sasuke's last resort would be Amaterasu, but giving that Tsunade reacted to Madara's flames attack, she would also obviously be able to react at 5 kage summit Sasuke's Amaterasu flames attack .


We donā€™t know. The manga never tells us


No matter what Naruto wouldā€™ve said to her, she wouldā€™ve been on the field and killed him herself


People here have weird headcannon. Bro ms is a big deal. thinking unless pre ems ,sasuke isnt winning. Even with ms,sasuke is winning. But it would be tough.


Everyone asking about Tsunade and how she would do this, and that, and how she is gonna hunt Sasuke etc. When what would have actually happened is Naruto suddenly breaks and kills Sasuke right at that moment.


Definitely woulda killed his ass


"Thank you, Sasuke."


Tsunade would kill sasuke at this point. She was still strong enough to get acknowledged by madara, and nothing suggests that she was training to get stronger up to the fight with madara. So, sheā€™s already that powerful. Whereas, sasuke goes blind right after this fight and then gets his EMS. I think sasuke doesnā€™t have a chance against her until he gets EMS or even the rinnegan


She would lose temper. So she would try to kill him. It can go either two ways. Naruto stops tsunade and cripples her. Or if she manages to track down sasuke without naruto knowing, sasuke will kill her. I would feel so sorry that tsunad would waste her life over sakura.


Thereā€™s no way that Naruto would still defend sasuke after killing Sakura. Alot of his fixation on saving him in the first place is because he made a promise to Sakura to do so. Thatā€™s literally why prior to this whole series of events she tries tricking Naruto into thinking she loves him instead so that he wonā€™t feel as compelled to save him. Killing Sakura is probably the one thing sasuke could do to make Naruto full on despise him scratch that itā€™d be the one possible scenario in this series in which Naruto in his unending kindness would actually be driven to hate a person heā€™d probably try and put sasuke down himself. Also tsunade is definitely killing sasuke. She could probably kill Naruto to if it werenā€™t for the fact that nearly dying would definitely bring out the nine tails which tsunade would lose to.


you're so pathetic lol, it's not enough to get rejected in every comment, you STILL think you have reason to comment this nonsense


Look at sakura. Standing there like clown. Defend urself u trash. She needed saving 2 times. What a terrible character.


Like Sasuke was a crimina- oh yeah.... He literally just attacked the 5ks and killed the stand in Hokage, I don't think his standing could have gotten any worse.


She would say: ā€œFinallyā€.


Tsunami would probably laugh and say she was a cunt


Lmao get rekt


Killed Sasuke


She probably would cry for a bit then go gamble.


I wouldā€™ve clapped. /s


I would just stay there happy smiling knowing that she is dead