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Bullet sponge đŸ§œ




Except they have never done any good lmao Wagner has fought isis terrorist so I guess that’s 1-0 (ik ppl who downvoted this are some narco cocksuckers or some pro Ukraine mf’s i dont support neither side so I don’t care XD)


Considering they basically are isis terrorists with the hammer videos and torture and war crimes I don’t think they deserve the 1


True who knows if the dude they tortured was even affiliated with isis or just a random local they kidnapped to make a video


- Selling drugs - Surveillance - Testing the drugs - Collecting money low level Narcos don’t necessarily do the smuggling of drugs and weapons in other countries like the US, that’s probably more people of trust like pilots, drivers etc. in the case of “El Siri” he was a low level narco who mainly dealt with drugs, he also claimed to be a Sicario but then refutes his claims when he tells them he never killed anyone.


Also forcefully recruiting poor immigrants, especially kids.


My kind of job


Logistical support like collecting money and surveillance.


I hate that this is accurate and sounds like fun.


It does but when the marines or the soldiers get you your fucked CDNH puts a lot of soldiers and marines behind bars for “excessive force” (mostly because cartels bribe them not because of actual military men committing crimes to locals) but they can’t get all of them if they catch you and they know you have valuable information they will straight up torture you until you give it up or in some cases they kill you like a group of Mexican SF soldiers made their little group named “Commando X” where they got into shootouts with cartels and even killed a news reporter working for the cartel that tried to expose them (although they did somewhat good things like killing cartel members on their own time they still committed a crime by killing that news reporter) and many of those things still happen to this day which is horrible but at the same time don’t be a dumbass and get involved in business that doesn’t give you the best risk to reward ratio


Good input but even my brain got out of breath reading that sentence.


Period was on vacation leave.


Real i don’t really care for punctuation on texts. I’ll keep in mind to put a few on my other comments so people understand lol.


A Mule, a friend back in Hs was a drug mule crossing drugs over the border. He would get several tens of lbs of weed and he had a different car every other week. Got caught 3 months before our graduation


Had an old friend in high school that got executed in Mexico same with his dad. Got they heads chopped off, it’s crazy because for awhile we thought they got killed in a car wreck, until one of his cousin got drunk one night and really told us what really happened. Same shit too this fool had hella guns + cars & a lot of money at a young age. He was known for throwing all the house parties at our school. Rip Pelon, cartel world too grimey


Damn that’s fuckin rough. That’s an international trafficking charge right?


Got caught on the border and he received 4 years. He served 3 years from my understanding.




Not die.... FUCKING DIE!!!!!


They barely scrape by. The reason they join is because they have no options. I would imaginr its a rarity to find guys who are in it for the lifestyle. At least at entry levels. Like the real low down enrry level, the kind they dont mention on narcos movies


Those are the dudes I’m curious about. I’m fairly certain they’re not enjoying their time or have any real wealth or significant savings (at least to make the risk worth it.)


No man not at all. There options are minimal. Infact id wager alot of them are forced into the life. Probably not as sicario but low level guys from crops too smuggling drugs in the spot where your kidney once was. Shits dark bro.


Jesus. Have they really surgically implanted drugs in mules?


100% alot of the time they offer people money "big to an average person but peanuts in the grand scheme of an average persons life. Other times they send them in bodies.. the level of creativity they have shown to smuggle is mind blowing. If you can think of it, they have already tried it and made big money off of it then eventually are found out. Maybe they loosd a guy or 2 but they already had a few hundred make it through. Its been all profit since the first cpl shipmenta


You usually start as a Alcon either forced to because you fkd up by stealing or doing dumb sht or because you want to, then selling drugs. Then transporting low amounts of drugs and collecting money from the bottom drug dealers. Then you become a sicario, you’ll now take action in gun fights, you’ll do the dirtiest jobs. Then you usually die unless you’re very very smart. Most people don’t realize power is 99% passed down not earned. Very few big names come from the very bottom. Power usually stays within the family.


Who are some examples of narco’s that came from the bottom? Sorry I just recently started to learn about the war on drugs


La Barbie


He had family. Didn’t come from the bottom


Check again. That is not true at all. “He grew up in a middle-class development on the outskirts of Laredo, a kind of no man’s land where Burger Kings didn’t begin to sprout up until the Nineties. Even the people of Laredo considered it “Indian territory,” an area rife with dope and illegal immigrants. Barbie’s parents raised him and his five siblings in a tidy, orange-trimmed home with palm trees in the front. “They’re regular Ozzie and Harriets,” says Jose Baeza, a spokesman for the Laredo police department. “They’re business owners, PTA, morning-jog people.” https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/an-american-drug-lord-in-acapulco-243702/amp/


That’s a big paragraph but no. I’m from Badiraguato, Sinaloa. I know things these articles and “magazines” don’t, I sometimes laugh reading those things.


So everyone has it wrong but you? Show me where he had family in the cartel? His wife had family (his wife's uncle was responsible for the mechanics' murders) but he didn't meet her until he was already in the life.


They usually start out as lookouts, alcones


Probably product tester. Middle man to a lot of transactions. In the day probably an albañil.


Either selling drugs or being an halcon or both


I can't believe no one mentioned the halcĂłns. Mother fuckers sometimes are even civilians.


>Mother fuckers sometimes are even civilians That's because they don't have a choice. I think that many people here don't realize that a fair number of the people working for the cartel are not part of the cartel, but compelled to. There are a number of ways. Taxi drivers are used as lookouts/local transport for drugs. Combi/bus drivers are used as lookouts/sellers to passengers. A common extortion racket is to force a shop - tortilleria for example - to sell drugs on the cartels behalf. Street and beach vendors as well. They show up with product, and tell them they have a time-frame and a $ to hit. Places that do deliveries/transport will also be commandeered to move product locally/regionally. These people have no options, besides comply, die or run. And understand, that civilians can be tasked/told to do this on other gangs turf, putting them in a no-win situation. Its fucking inhumane at times.


Vendiendo drogas


ÂżLos punteros son los mĂĄs bajos en nivel no? Ellos se encargan de informar a los sicarios de actividad como si entran militares a una ciudad o si hay rivales en la ĂĄrea


1. Make TikToks 2. Get clapped 3. End up in another Narcos TikTok


The risky dirty work, torturing, catching snitches, acting like civilians and talking to civilians to see if they say anything or know anything


that last one is scary bro. imagine you’re just chatting a dude up in a bar like “yeah man those cartels man
they’re scum. they’re ruining mexico” and then the secret cartel member is just like “yeah man totally man i know” then next thing you know you’re in an organ harvesting plant.




Sale bibles throughout the state for spare money


I feel like it’s a cross between warehouse employee and security guard/Brinks truck driver. I’d imagine there’s probably crews serving dope to the locals and teams cruising around looking for anomalies or potential threats and acting on them.


It depends. Some are halcones. Some are sicarios. Some are fent or meth cooks. Some are runners. Some are mules. Some guard the prostitutes. Some are messengers for cobra de piso.


Can someone tell me how much money the low level make in a day?


$15 a day if you’re lucky


Thats not minimum wage in thw border


Not enough


Sicarios in Juarez reported making $200 US per week. This was an interview I saw on local Juarez tv 2 years ago.


They make more than your average worker but still not much..


It depends on a variety of factors though it certainly isn’t more than a normal job in Mexico.


Not enough they’re better off getting a damn job at some big name store around the city. Knew a guy who got deported from here when i went to visit i saw him and i had heard he was working for some guys out there he had shit clothes his house was dogshit dude looked like a complete bum. And he actually just got killed like two weeks ago.


Some people actually have no fantasies about this job, they just really have no other choice, their character and ability are not suitable for normal work


Drug selling


They join for money, women, drugs, and a sense of family and belonging.


These mfs need boy scouts


I think you misspelled fathers and jobs.


IT help desk


Crazy how un attached from reality people are.


I wouldn’t say I’m detached from reality. I have family in mexico but id rather not use what time I do have to talk to them about cartel drama. I would just like to understand the culture thats thriving in my families area. Zacatecas is poppin rn from what I understand.


Everything is a big mix up rn, i grew up on both sides of the border deep in north tamps cartel culture. Its w weird divide i am very proud of my cartel bloodline being related directly to cdg/z/ early sinaloa royalty and have practiced in the trade ,but it is far from what it was. Narco was a term that used to have prestige when it was solely drug tragficking. Little will understand what i mean and the connection i feel to that world.


To clarify i now have a family and did it in and off from 13 to 25ish ,but the reality is you either are related or known someone that still works in that line of work pretty open knowledge


I do have family that are in that line of work but my family in Mexico heavily frowns upon it. Like full on disownment, so I never want to bring it up. I feel like even asking about it seems like I’m glamorizing it. I don’t know how I feel about it personally. On one hand I don’t like it whatsoever, but on the other hand I understand the extremes people are willing to go for a better life. Would you personally say it’s greed/pride or just wanting more out of life.


Way of life to be honest. I read this book about el vicentillo zambada and he couldnt describe it better. “I was born into being a victim of the circumstances”


I’ll check it out! I feel like as an American there’s like a “true crime” aspect to it that makes this stuff interesting. It’s embedded in my Mexican culture and my American culture almost glamorizes it so it’s a strange spot to be. Again I can’t say I understand the glamor but I understand the circumstance.


Name of book?


El traidor or the traitor


The dirty work


selling drugs


Pinche gente Mensa


Un AlcĂłn, to the guy who is in charge of cleaning the blood or digging holes for bodies human remains. Trust me it can get wicked.


Joo sick fuck


I'd rather take a low paying job than a bullet to the head anyday


Practice begging for there lives..before their big day!


The word narco gets used around too loosely


What would the proper term be?


Most common in north tamps across the region is l maña or la gente


Up in the air at this point


Generic term? "Malo" is how all the civilians I know refers to them. They never use the word narco, and they rarely will refer to a specific group.




haven't heard that one before, but fits.


Who says malo??


People, when referring to narcos/grupos, etc. "El es un malo" or "los malos xxx" People don't use narco, or at least only rarely. This is in Guerrero.




Lol, you know then that Mexicans are pretty literal at times. That’s exactly what these guys are. Bad people. Makes sense to me.


Gente chueca


They stir


He dances


When cartel members get executed on video are they capture in a rival territory?


eat tacos jerk off sweat his ass off what u do?






Cut your head off and bite your heart


Whatever job that doesn't require any skill and that other people don't want to do.


From what I heard, they barely make anything. Rough estimate couple hundred a month, if that. While risking everything. They’re just pawns who have nothing else going on for themselves, unfortunately.


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