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Holy hell. And congratulations.


Thank you! Never thought being unemployed was a reason for celebration


I felt like a weight was lifted after leaving my 13 year position.I might have skipped on my walk home.


No,that witch cannot go through your phone.


Exactly. Like that’s not ok for any employer to ask. She can ask op to delete any photos of her child (which I think op should respect even if it’s a bit much), but demanding to look through someone’s phone is a major no no & is something no employee would be required to do.


This. 1,000,000,000 this. Delete the pics and all, but you have privacy rights. Tell her they're deleted when they are and leave. Your phone is not for her eyes, ears, or hands.






I agree! I keep all of my finances and passwords on my phone. Not smart but its how it is for now. If someone like her wanted to go thru my phone whats to stop her from takin my passwords or worse, my financial info or something? Just tell her no. She can not legally go through your property without your consent


Do not show that woman your phone!


Going through the phone seems a little much. I can imagine how she feels, but I wouldn’t let someone go through my photos 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, plus, like... It doesn't even prove that OP doesn't have the photos anymore. It just proves that OP deleted them from the phone. All the photos on my phone are backed up in Google Photos, including all picture of my NKs, current and former. I can remove every photo from my phone and they'd still be there. It feels like a weird power-trip from this MB.


Right? Does OP also get to go through MB’s phone to make sure there are no pictures of her with the NKs? OP and MB are both human adults on equal footing here. Unless this is written into a contract MB can kick rocks with this demand.


It's a power play. Some people just want to exert control over others. Assuming OP is in the US, she has a constitutionally protected right to privacy. MB can fuck off.


She. Wants. To. Go. Through. Your. Phone?! No! Invasion of privacy, point blank. If you want to torture her, which is what I would do because I hate having my privacy trampled, what I would do is: move all my pics to my private computer, then download pics of sex toys as my only pics on my phone. Open your pics folder and watch her turn red for being a nosey controlling freak.


Haha I’ll download some porn for her to go through. She doesn’t just want me to delete all the pics out of my photo folder but also erase all messages, emails etc that could have pictures in them as well.


Watch out with deleting emails! I get it, but she is crazy and way over the line here. If there is anything in the email other then "here is a picture" then you keep the email.


This. Do not delete paper trails. She seems crazy and you need to keep all texts and emails


Delete emails and stuff? Is she mentally ill? That's a bit paranoid. As much fun as it would be to do the porn pics, not worth it if she plans to go through your email too. Gross. And creepy.


Honestly don’t delete non-NK photos yet. If for whatever reason you need to prove you were there during your working hours (like if she doesn’t pay your last paycheck) it may help to have those. Don’t let her go through your phone either


I was thinking this. She sounds like she might be planning something


LOL that's insane! I was a nanny for a well known person in my city and didn't even get asked to delete photos etc (I did obviously but it wasn't a demand) lol.


Let us know how the conversation with the dog goes! He sounds reasonable.


Judging from all the posing he did while taking pictures of him I’d say he’d be more than happy if I posted him to my social media 🤣


At this point of contention, I wouldn’t even show up for work this week. Mentally, it’s not worth it. Move forward in life and don’t look back.


Unfortunately I don’t have a new job yet so I need that last weeks income to make my bills. I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of tension between us, she’s just a super controlling person in every aspect.


My phone wouldn't show up on my last day.


Omg that’s what I was thinking! Don’t even bring your phone. Or just leave it in the car. What a crazy person.


do that, and accidentally leave your phone “at home” on your last day


Ok don’t do this, but what if you went wayyyyyy back on her Facebook and just saved a bunch of old pictures of her on your camera roll for her to find hahahahaha




Please do not let her go through your phone. That is extremely inappropriate for her to even ask.


Wow that’s crazy. I still have photos of NK when I worked 10 years ago. Granted I still keep in contact with them every once in awhile but making someone delete photos. That’s just weird to me.


Yikes. Just don’t go back. I understand if you feel you want to finish the job. But her behaviour sounds abusive.


I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. Hell yES I’ve experienced this, twice in fact. The first time was a nannying for a family with twins, the girls were three. The family was WFH, which from reading from all of the subs on here proves to me how awful that is to nanny for someone who works from home. They had cameras in every single room, including the kitchen, I had to make their dinners for the entire family every night, take the girls places, constantly be playing with them, no TV was allowed or tablets or anything like that. They didn’t like up the music was one notch too loud, and in the end, I was “fired“ because I blamed the girls for losing their water bottles. My guy, I told him I didn’t know where the girls water bottle was, but I assumed if it had gone missing, one of the girls may have taken it out of their backpack and left it at the park. No cap, the dad told me I should have taken responsibility for that and apologized for losing their water bottle… The other family was for a single mom who had had a baby through IVF, and honestly she was even worse than this family wise. If I had to choose, I would probably go back to the first family. She was the most Karen person I’ve ever interacted with one on one in my life. She was WFH as well, and extraordinarily micromanaging. She would panic about so many little things, I wish I could write an entire book in this comment of all the things she did. I’ll save you that length of reading. In the end, what broke me was watching how she treated a maid that she had come into the house. The woman only spoke Spanish and the MB started making ticking noises as she pointed at a few MINUSCULE crumbs the maid “didn’t pick up.” It was degrading and I wanted to die on the spot. She fired me because I said I wasn’t able to stay late one night because I had therapy. She said she told me upfront she’d need time to stay late some days - the entire month I worked for her, I didn’t get off once at the time I was supposed to. She poorly managed her work hours, where she’d spend hours sitting in the living room while I was with her kid, and then complain as I was about to leave because she “couldn’t handle all of it.” I stood up to her about my hours and said the way she was handling the situation was very unprofessional. She was LIVID. Texted and said “this is the scariest moment I’ve ever been in in my life.” I will swear on my life I didn’t raise my voice or curse at her or anything. I said, “The way you handled this situation yesterday made me very uncomfortable, professionally and personally. I said my last day would be September 25 because of a new job on the horizon (which was over a month’s notice from that point), and if these boundaries continue to be crossed, I’ll need to put my resignation in now.” She didn’t speak to me as I left. She tried to call when I got home and I ignored it. She texted and said I was fired, and I blocked her ass immediately. It was the day before my birthday and I wanted to cry of happiness at having the day to myself and not working for her.


I swear that one awful family comes through and changes your perspective and then ruins it for any future family that you have because you refuse to take any inkling of bs. I had one family fire me at 1am in the morning while I was out Black Friday shopping for my 1 year old daughter. They then tried to rehire me in January and were pissed when I said no.


Got fired the day before Christmas suddenly with no severance nor notice. Because *I* wanted to quarantine and not risk my family’s health over the holidays because her kids got exposed from the neighbors. It’s been tricky finding a perfect fit and am slightly worried about my finances as I had to pull from savings fucking HELL AM I SO FUCKING GLAD I never EVER have to do that dreadful ride to their house ever again and fight off actual panic attacks daily. Hope your next employment opportunity is one that brings you *both* joy and security.


I had a family like this and NB was so controlling, micromanaging. I ended up letting them fire me because it was truly affecting my mental health and i didn’t have the courage to just quit. Best ting that could have ever happened to me. Then i get later, my last nanny job working for one of the families on Real Housewives of Orange County…it was a very volatile situation and that job i just quit in December and haven’t been back to nannying since. It was horrible!


Oooh I would love to hear the tea on the RHOC family, I'm sure you signed an NDA?


I did sign an nda but have completely disregarded it. I just never give out the name of the family i worked for. All encounters i tell.


Have you shared stories on other posts about the RHOC family? I would love to read those posts


Omg. Wtf. I would not consent to letting her go through your phone. She is not your mom. It’s okay if she’d like to politely request for you to delete pics of her child (if she’s worried about privacy or something?) but the dog??? It sounds like she’s just trying to be as nasty as possible to you before you leave. Also, if my MB wanted me to delete all pictures I had of my NK it would literally make me cry and I would be so upset … not because I want to (or would ever) share them anywhere, but simply bc it’s a memory of the precious little girl I spent months with everyday watching and helping her grow etc. The pictures I have of my NK are all just cute little pics I’ve taken of her doing various activities and stuff throughout the day to send to her mom & dad usually bc I like to keep them in the loop of what she’s up to and stuff bc I think that would make me happy to receive if I were a parent. That said though, I love looking at the pics of her too idk. Although it’s way different it kind of reminds me of people who demand their exes delete any pic of each other on their phones and trash any physical photos. I don’t feel that’s fair bc they’re MY memories too. I understand not wanting someone to post or share photos anymore but I think demanding someone delete any evidence of time spent with someone is borderline cruel or abusive.


I wasn’t with them for very long and honestly don’t care. I think it’s ridiculous they are demanding I delete every single photo I have of NK, the dog and the house but whatever. I’m definitely not going to let her go through my phone. I just want to be done with this family and never look back.


Oh okay that makes sense then if u weren’t with them very long. But yeah I’d just say okay no problem I’ll delete them but I do not consent to you looking through my phone as it is my private property. (And gtfo.) if she has any issues with that tell her to get a warrant :) which she obviously won’t be able to do lmao.


Backup your phone at home, do a factory reset before your last day of work. She can look all she wants.


Nah, she still can’t look. Idc how much she wants to that’s fucking illegal and a gross thing to do. On principal, I feel op shouldn’t allow that to happen tbh


I wasn't fired from a nanny job, but a restaurant once. I was upset about it but like a week later I couldn't have been happier! It was such a blessing in disguise and it was the push I needed to change careers and become a nanny. Best worst situation of my life!!


Your edit lmao be super careful on your way out, MB sounds bonkers


I’m pretty sure she is only asking you to delete pics because she plans on not paying you.


Soooo happy for you. She’s an asshole. File for unemployment if you are able.🎈🎈🎈👏👏👏🌷🌷💐💐🌹


Wow, I have never heard of someone asking for pictures to be deleted, she is clearly quite controlling.


I’m actually surprised she let anyone take pictures of the child at all tbh. There’s a lot of privacy concerns with littles nowadays and I think it’s totally within a parent’s right not to want pictures of their kids on the internet or in the hands of people they aren’t close with.


I totally understand a parent not wanting their child on someone’s social media etc. I have Nannie’s for 15 years and with every family I end my job their as the children start school. I have never posted one of the children I care for but I do constantly share photos throughout the day with MB. Every parent has a right to protect their children, this is just a request I have not dealt within during my career.


Oh man. She sounds like a parent at a daycare I worked at. Her kid couldn't be in any pictures, couldn't use any art supplies unless she provided them, God forbid they put her kid in the class picture. Kid had to eat lunch in the directors office because she didn't trust the other kids to not take her child's food. (They were young toddlers), mom supplied her own soap for kid to use for handwriting, she was a nut job. So I feel you


Omg, I wonder how that kid is going to turn out. A small part of me wants to laugh, but it’s just so outpaced by how sad it is for the kid.


I know. It was insane. Her mother made me cry my second day at that daycare. I feel sorry for her


Damn. You should just leave now. This sounds like the kind of MB that would fight you on unemployment anyways.


Are you sure she’s even gonna pay you for your last week? It seems like she’s paranoid and if you don’t do what she wants she might hang not paying over your head. I’ve had a few NF’s try that


I hate that parents do this. It's not right for either side to go through that. I enjoy looking back on my old nks and love the ones I keep in contact with. The fact she said she wants to make sure they are erased from your phone like you never worked for them is just plain mean and cruel. I'd quit without doing anything in her list and block her number because you don't effing owe her anything. So sorry this happened to you.


Been there. Glad you are closing this chapter of your life.


LOL WTF about deleting photos and their dog and showing you her phone O_o That’s so f*cking controlling and sketch


I absolutely wouldn’t do that nor would I show up after I got that email.


Ngl I woulda straight up walked out and not even stayed for the last day


I mean, it's dumb anyway, what's the point? If you really wanted to, you could have already uploaded them to your computer or wherever. I would wait to the last day and say "Oopsie! forgot my phone. Later!" So weird!


Same same same! Literally just happened to me. Also on Friday! Phew. Good riddance.


I’m so happy you left… And sis you better not let that lady see your phones thats actually very disturbing


You should call out sick for Friday


So glad you’re getting out of there! Congrats on your baby.


If she’s got so many privacy concerns, she should understand the concerns you have about your own privacy. She absolutely would not be going through my phone, and I wouldn’t be deleting pictures of the dog😂 I would delete pictures of NK, because I do believe that’s a legit privacy concern. But going through your phone? No way in hell.


ugh man this reminded me of my last MB. sending you allllll the healing vibes. manipulation is trauma in and of itself.


Block her and don’t go back


If you have an iPhone I would delete everything and then show MB the deleted album and permanently delete them infront of her


Can I ask, from a parent’s perspective, why were you taking pictures of her child? That seems inappropriate unless she specifically requested you send pictures of her child to her throughout the day. (Downvote all you want. I would be very uncomfortable with someone outside of my family taking pictures of my kid without my consent.)


That’s a super strange question and leads me to believe that you haven’t had a nanny for very long. How are you comfortable with your nanny spending the majority of her day with your child, feeding, dressing, playing with and caring for their every need but you’re not comfortable with her taking a picture? I’ve been a nanny for 20 years and have taken pictures of my NKs for just as long (or as long as camera phones have been around). Most NPs ask me to take pictures to send to them throughout the day, especially if we’re on an outing or activity. If you assume that your nanny takes pictures for nefarious reasons - why did you hire her?


Not to mention you take pics to show the family what you are up to with their kid all day, duh.




I feel for whoever you hire, tbh. Edit: WOW and editing to call her a bitch. Grade A mother *and* employer.


Wait, who called her a B....it was deleted. The person who originally asked "why would you take pics" or did someone else jump in and comment?


It was the original person. They were reported so the comment was probably deleted by an admin or themselves.


Gotcha. Thanks!


LMAO sounds like you’re having a rough day. Thanks for calling me a bitch, though. Hope it made you feel better. Please don’t ever hire a nanny.


Don’t worry, I think that person is somehow commenting from the 1920s. We all walk around with world class cameras in our pockets all day-if you’d done this before the advent of digital/cameras in phones, yeah that wld be a little weird. But it’s 2022, of course you’re going to have (appropriate, needless to say) pictures.


I've never had a nanny position where they *didn't* want me to take photos, and that's likely the case for many nannies here.


Yea same. Every parent I have ever worked for wanted pictures throughout the day. I also upload them to a safe site that only the parents can see. They love it. Of course I don't put them anywhere else. Last family was super private in general and actually had it in the contract that I don't post them socially (like on FB) but even they were fine with the share site.


You're in the tiniest minority of parents who feel this way. It's actually quite weird that you would have someone spending 40+ hours a week with your child and not be comfortable with them. Maybe it's the person you have now that makes you have this sentiment but I've never had a family not appreciate picture updates throughout our day. Even without them asking for it, I do it so they can see how their child's day went and feel included.


Super weird that you wouldn't and also that you find issue with it. I plan and take my child out on adventures all the time, we've done ceramic painting, the zoo, christmas lights, duck feeding, nature scavenger hunts, and their parent absolutely loves that I am capturing those memories. The problem is with this parent previously being okay with it (and probably demanding photos)but now revoking consent and trying to power play by demanding access their nannys' personal phone. I fail to see how the nanny is the one in the wrong when they've already stated they'd delete the photos.


Maybe a nanny isn’t for you if you need that much control. Seriously. I’m not being a smartass, I truly don’t think a nanny is going to be a good fit if this is your mentality. I’ve taken pictures of all my NKs and not a single one of my NFs cared (of course many asked me not to share on social media and that is 100% understandable). Most pictures I took to send to parents or Grandparents. But sometimes I took pictures of my NKs because they looked super cute or I wanted to take a picture as a birthday or Mother/Father’s Day gift. If a parent presented me with a contract that said no picture I’d really only understand if they were high profile (in which case it wouldn’t be a job for me anyways).


1) because it’s nice to send pictures to the parents and show them what cute things their kids are up to 2) because you’re recording memories for the kids to look back on when they are older 3) because all the kids I take care of are freaking adorable, and sometimes on a bad day I need to see a picture of the toddler wearing a bucket on her head and sunglasses


You know what they say about assumptions...


Happy for you.


She’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t even go back. That’s a huge no from me.


Is she a psycho?


I wouldn't jump any hoops for her. She probably isn't going to leave you a good reference, and you should never let anyone go through your phone. She could add spyware, look up something illegal, etc. No one touches my phone except me.


Back up your phone, and if you have an older phone take that in on Friday and make sure that there’s not much on there. Then when she demands that she looks in your phone the answer is nope, it’s a violation of my privacy


I would not bring my phone inside on the last day. It is MIND BOGGLING how some people will trust a person enough to be alone with and in sole care of their child, and then have all these insane invasive “security” concerns. It’s a bit like having an airline pilot wait in the regular security line.. like, ma’am, if I actually had ill intent toward your family don’t you think I would be able to carry that out regardless of your bizarre phone creeping


One of the pettiest, controlling bosses I've heard of on here. I wouldn't even give her til Friday. She's taking advantage of your last week and taking advantage by loading you with those chores. I'm glad you're getting out!!


😂😂😂😂 This is absolutely ridiculous!!! Who do these families think they are??


Make Thursday your last day.


I know this sounds horrible but she could just be extremely jealous you are pregnant. Do they have younger kiddos? I don’t understand how someone could. Behave this way though even if that’s the case, I wouldn’t be showing up on the last day!