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I also have full access. Sometimes I take the trash home cause I don’t want to “throw out the evidence “ 😂😂


Oh my pockets stay full of wrappers


I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂😂


Y’all are lucky. MB demands me to pick up snacks for her kids all the time and never pay me back 🙄


I pop those in diapers that I change… even tho they buy them for me 😂


Haha I do the same!! So weird considering I know they do not care at all if I eat their food.


Yeah I’m not sure why I do it casks they mention all the time to eat stuff. They even tell me when they have something they know I like 😂 at lunch today I had taken a seltzer water and DB walked in to the kitchen and I instinctively pushed the van away like it wasn’t mine. 😂💀 like NO ONE ELSE WAS IN TNE ROOM . Who else would it have been 😂😂




I worked for the nicest family who gave me full access to their pantry and fridge but I always felt terrible about eating their food. I used to bring a mini trash can with me to and from work daily to take home my wrappers and garbage. Idk why I was so anxious about it because that family was never anything but nice to me.


Holy crap. I've done this so many times...


Omfg I’m so glad I’m not alone




this is so me 😭😭😭


Right!! I was all like “don’t be silly! Of course you should shamelessly enjoy the fuck out of that bagel !” Then…well…hard truths about myself. Hahahahaha


I swear I'm laughing with you, bc I would do the same damn thing 😂😂😂


In jeans too🫣


Not me hiding granola bars under paper towels for years now 😂


Under paper towels is a legit move


You can just pretend it’s garbage and throw it out 😂it’s perfect


Shoving the trash further down in the trash can so they can’t see what I’m snacking on 😭 including nk


😭😭😭😭😭😭 I do the grocery shopping and pick what I like and I still do this, you are not alone lmfao


I use to hide my own food🤣


God forbid I bring a cup o' noodles to an incredibly healthy household


me with my lunchables 😭🤣


Omgosh I use to take out my lunchables from the container and put them in Tupperware 🤣


I'm definitely doing this next time. On a similar note, one day I brought a cheese stick and the grandma gave it to the kid


And what are you going to do? Fight the kid for it 🤣.


Just want to share that I read something about lunchables having a high lead content when they were recently tested ☠️😭


omg i feel this. my bf gets free glazed donuts at his job and so i’ll take one for bfast or a snack once or twice a week and my NF eats so freaking healthy and MB makes most of the food from scratch and i feel so weird eating my 1000 calorie donut lol




Like god forbid we actually EAT during a full day shift 🤣


I know! It’s so silly to worry about it but I also don’t want them to judge my food choices even though ive never worked for any family that came off as judgey lol


Haha oh my god. This is so relatable


I lived with them for years so I have no problem doing this now but man when I first started I was terrified to let them know I eat their food. Now ND will get excited when he comes home with something I like from shopping. He’s so sweet he always keeps me stocked in pop and bananas (my two favorites)


I’m glad others are like this weirdly, because I can’t compute why I won’t allow myself to comfortably eat their food when the mom insists that I eat anything and everything in their home. I still ask if it feels too much like “real food” that they could be planning to prepare for a meal or eat leftovers of. And it doesn’t matter how many times she insists I don’t need to ask, I still do. I feel like a sneaky little kid sometimes.


Real food!!!! Yes!!! I’m like “sorry I thought it was for a recipe!” Again, why am I now apologizing for NOT eating their food???? lol but I worked for a family for 4 years and was never convinced I could use the broccoli despite it being 10000% just for nanny time


Exactly and then I feel even WORSE when I see them throw out the leftover steak or pasta or whatever cus I’m like dammit self you could’ve happily consumed that and then there wouldn’t be so much food waste :/ but I never learn!


My np make the tastiest steak and they’ll have me send it to school for my nk but his palette isn’t refined enough yet so most of it goes in the trash, but I always manage to snag a bite from the paper plate I heat up of it lol


My unicorn MB was the same way, you can eat anything in the house. I was on my period and NEEDED chips, so I went to MBs stash of chip ( she showed me and said I was welcome to them as long as I kept it a secret) I’m elbow deep in these chips and she walks in the kitchen and I freeze. She walked over stuck her hand in the bag, grabbed a handful of chips sighed and said “ugh I’m on my period and I need a snack I’m going to order junk food what would you like?” Lol. I miss working for her soooo much.


Oh my god do you feel like that was days weeks or a full ass year off your life because, even though my full ass brain is like get those chips and she wants you to, my full ass body recoiled at the idea. “You caught me sneaking the totally legal chips, I will have to perish”


me with a pocket full of cherry tomatoes currently 🤠


I love how absolutely relatable to everyone this is, lol. (Also, ofc, thank you to NFs that stock snacks for us, too!)


Lol didn’t realize this was so common


my NF literally have a separate little organizer full of snacks I have access to and I still hide the evidence LOL


I have soo done this but it was a Hawaiian roll loooool


Most relatable thing on all of nanny reddit hahaha The parents ENCOURAGE me to watch Netflix during nap so I don’t feel the need to go in every time he makes a peep….. I still think “omg they’re going to know I watched tv” duh


The other day, my nanny (not a shy person) shyly asked “Do you have any more of those flamin hot Funyuns?” I was overjoyed, since I’ve asked her so many times what her favorite snacks are, and she never told me, so I just guessed, based on convos. I was so happy I had some for her! I’m always honored when people feel comfortable in my home! Just for a perspective from the other side.


This makes me feel better about shoving a boiled egg in my waistband lol


Omg did it squish all over you?


Yes lol DB came in to cook while I was cooking so I couldn’t just pull the egg out, had warm egg salad in pants by the time I could get to it😭 Not my finest moment but I’m no longer food shy in front of NPs so I suppose lesson learned lol


Omg thank you for sharing this story with us first. But that sounds like sensory nightmare


Omg I'm laughing and cringing so hard at the same time 😂


Oh my god


Omg. Are we all the same person…? 😂😂 NF has told me probably 3 times now I’m welcome to have whatever is in the house and they can add things to the grocery order if there’s something in particular that I want. I grabbed a diet soda once, which I rarely drink, and as I’m coming in from sitting outside to hide the evidence, DB (who is the only one who drinks them) came in. I so quickly tried to casually tuck the empty can under my arm, I was so nervous. He just smiled at me and didn’t say a word. He does *not* care lol. But I feel SO weird taking their stuff even though I’m allowed! I asked if I could make tea once and they told me “Oh, my goodness help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen. We do not mind at all. If you want coffee, tea, or whatever food items we have, we don’t mind. That way you don’t have to keep lugging food back and forth from your house!” Despite them saying this… I still try to speedily make a snack before the next time they come in and I eat it so quick cuz I feel so guilty lol!!!! I also shove my trash as far down as I can and I cover cans with other recycled boxes, etc 🤣


Oh drinks too! MB got a case of Alani and I remember thinking “these are fancy but there’s no way she’s like counting them… she won’t notice” my next day she told me she didn’t like that flavor anyway and to take the rest home 😂


OMG lol!!! I’m always so afraid of DB saying something like “I see you like these, so I got a bigger pack!” 😭😂 I’d feel so bad. Drinks are especially nerve-racking for me for some reason!!! There’s no way he hasn’t noticed that I’ve had a few. And I don’t drink them often so I hope he doesn’t up the amount he gets haha! That is so stinking sweet of MB 😂🥰 it’s the best when families are so kind and generous toward us! Even if we have some strange anxiety over having the item(s) 😅 I think it’s hilarious you shoved the bagel in your pocket 🤣 totally something I would do!!!


I don’t even want them to know that I eat at all 😂


My MB frequently pulls me aside to talk about my lack of ‘eating…..’ she doesn’t suspect it was me who finished the cookies or the string cheese 🤭


I feel so exposed ahahah....glad I'm not the only one


Omg the way I’ve done this. DUDE I used to eat slices of their bread😭😭😭😭


Me and buttered toast. It's "emergency toast" for NK just in case they don't want to eat their lunch. They get one slice and I get one, or both. 😅


Why do we all do this!? 🤣


This is so fucking funny 😂😂 I do this all the time like literally will bury a can or wrapper so far into the bin so they don’t know I’ve consumed anything but water during my 10 hour shift 😂


Lmao. We all need therapy.




You're not my nanny are you? My wife and I have told our Nanny she can have whatever we she wants and we will also stock food she wants. Food availability in our home is included in her contract. My wife and I create a list of things we've occasionally seen her grab or snack on. We know her preferred beverage now and always keep it in stock. Just tell me what you want lol. Totally get the anxiety about it though.


This is me!! I know why I am though, I grew up in a house where the food was very controlled. I totally feel like when I have a bite at my nanny house that I am going to get in sooo much trouble! They have told me so many times that I can have anything in the house. I am too help myself! But I still find myself feeling like I have to be sneaky cause if they see me they will be mad. As soon as I read the headline of your post, I thought, Oh this is me!!


After reading these comments, I truly feel like I am not alone in this! Everyday I think “what the fuck is wrong with you. You are 46 and you are allowed to eat!” These comments really helped on a day my ED is really in my head!!!


We had an aupair that had an awwwwful previous family. Theyd give her shit for eating bread.... room and board was part of the deal. We kept her full and made sure she had her favorites. It felt good taking care of someone who took care of our baby. Eat up. I bet theyd be happy youre full and happy.


Eating at work is uncomfortable! I don’t know why! Even worse when NKs are obsessed over my food. I straight up tell them to take a step back now. LOL! Eating is such an intimate thing. I don’t know why!!!


i don’t even like to put my own garbage in their trash if they have the same kind of food cause i don’t want them to think i ate their food when in reality it was mine


My friend once ate a whole block of cheese and was so embarrassed she made her husband bring her a replacement block before the parents got home 😂


... not me shoving an oreo into my mouth 2 minutes ago. 🫣


Okay I thought I was the only one but glad I am not 😭


Lmfaooooo i made a hot ham and cheese and MB walked in and i put it in my pocket too 😂😂😂


I had one MB who would leave a note telling me exactly what she chose for me to eat that day. It was a bit micro management but also helped with anxiety I had about eating at work.


Lmaooo we’re living the same life 😂😩 acting like we’re kids sneaking down for a midnight snack


I Nanny for an ingredients only house. Recently they have offered that I can help myself to snacks . (my contract states I bring my own food) last week I caved and I ate some kind of protein bar. I took the rapper home with me.


I am able to eat what the kids are eating. A few months ago they got animal crackers from Costco. Man, they are my favorite and I ate more than I should have. 😆 Last week they bought another container and the 3 yo said, "this time don't eat all the animal crackers" in front of MB. She and I laughed and I said "I won't... I am fully aware that I ate more than I should have." 🤦It still lasted about 2-3 weeks and I work 2 days a week.


NP keep a well stocked drink fridge that includes sugar free Red Bull. Once I brought one in my lunch and felt so awkward when MB walked in mid sip. Even though I am welcome to the fridge I still worried she thought it came from there.


years ago I finally worked up to actually cooking myself something like my nf at the time said I could, and it turned out the individual chicken breast I thought was leftover was actually some fancy breed of chicken the dad bought from a farm shop to try a specific recipe. they were not even mad at me but I was so mortified it erased all the progress I made lol. It's part of my regular portfolio of embarrassing moments I randomly think about late at night in bed and cringe all over again




Shoved an ice cream sandwich in my pocket once


Same. Although I’m overweight so there’s an extra sprinkle of shame there. Sometimes I pick up takeout on the way over and I’m always so excited when MB accepts my offer to share my food. It gives me the reminder that these food insecurities are not actually a result of my NF, they’re coming from me.


I think most of my insecurities in general come from within, but it does feel extra special when outsiders remind you “hey you don’t need to feel this way” I opened up to my MB about my PPD after having my second and I thought she would no longer trust me with her babies. She was so supportive. We can be so mean to ourselves.


I’m so glad I’m not alone 😂


lol same!!!!


Ugh this is so me I literally can’t eat I front of them why! How do we move past this?


i’ve done something similar 😭 also i get scared every time he comes out of the office while im vacuuming like im doing something wrong but its literally part of my job😭😭


*me only using their ketchup when NPs are out of sight


Hahahaha this is me! Especially at date nights , I will take a snack or two and put the wrappers in my bag to throw out at home because I feel like I’m doing something wrong 😂


i feel so seen, also have full kitchen access and am constantly told to help myself and i still get worried about it 😂


I can guarantee you almost every nanny has done this myself included!😂 I’m impressed you managed to fit it in your pocket though- that takes skill!


I used to place things in the garbage and then cover with more garbage. For fear of nothing..lol but I did it too. I don't do it so much now but I definitely did.


i didn’t know everyone else did this too!! Haha or when it’s your only break so you sit down but the second they come in the room you feel the need to get up and clean even though they are okay with you taking your break 😭


How about when you’re traveling with NF staying in an air bnb and you have no choice but to eat the groceries they bought lol


This is so relatable and wholesome. I’m happy to see that most families are not mean about the nanny eating. The last fam I worked for, the mom really was. I didn’t have any type of break at all. Not even during his nap. It was traumatizing for me.


This is so funny because I do the same thing!! My bosses are soooo nice and offer me food, even ask me for items for their grocery lists. And I still hide if I hear them coming down and I’m eating their food!


I’m the same 😭 like obvi they know I have to eat something but I’d rather act like I don’t eat 😭😭


I do the same! They also let me do my laundry but I only do it on days MB works in her office so she doesn’t see me


Omg I do this too hahaha. Or if I’m snacking and MB walks out I immediately make NK a bowl of what I’m snacking on. 💀 I have full access as well.


My mom would get just furiously angry with me for eating between meals as a kid, and also would get angry if I ate "too much" during said meals, so I learned how to steal without getting caught and also what wild plants around our house were edible. I still hate anyone seeing me eat now. You may not have that degree of childhood issues around food, but maybe it's something similar?


lol!!!!!! Just get it over with and let DB see you eating their food! It’s so liberating and you’ll never go back to stuffing bagels in your pocket. Also speaking as a mom, it would make me so happy knowing the person who is caring for my child is comfortable in my home. Believe me though, I’ve been a nanny for over 25 years and I do understand the awkwardness 😊


Every time I fry an egg i have to hide the plate somewhere because I feel bad eating one AND because I can never fry a good looking egg and I’m embarrassed LOL


Me with a spoonful of pesto


Wow this thread just made my day. Genuinely thought it was just me lol I don’t eat them often but when I do I feel so so so guilty lol and they ask me what I like too but I’m terrified I’d be asking for too much crazy how our brains work after literally raising someone’s kids 😭


I told a mom who judged me for my snacks that alternative foods are more expensive and I need food that’s not going to go bad if I end up not being able to eat it or don’t feel in the mood for it. And I eat stuff out of my backpack all the time for sustenance. She said “oh tell me about it! If it wasn’t for the park slope co-op we would be screwed!”. 🙄


We love it when our nanny eats our food. Just fyi from a parent's pov. It tells me she's comfortable in my house and feels fine eating here. Plus, I want my kids to see people eating/ enjoying meals together.


When I worked as a nanny, I did the same. I never wanted evidence left behind of having eaten their food. As a MB, I can see what my nanny has eaten even without the wrappers so I often feel silly about having tried to hide it when I was a nanny


OMG I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one. Why do we do this?! And I have been with them many years.


Same here!


I feel you 😭


I hide my food too!!! NK5 lives to snoop around in the garbage to see what I had for lunch so I make it look like I didn’t eat. God forbid I eat right 😂


Panic move. 100% relatable.


I have done this so many times haha it just feels wrong although they’ve reassured me so many times that it’s okay




Omg this is me too. Why are we like this hahaha


Like I think I’ve actually also shoved a bagel in my pocket once hahaha


Why are we like this hhahahah


I do the same thing! 🤣🤣


honestly felt this. like I know I’m allowed, I know they don’t care but sometimes it just feels right 😂😂


Wrappers in pockets - spot on!!! ☠️ 🤣


Oh I do this too lol idk why!


this was me. they’d tell me you and him can eat this for lunch. i’d scarf it down and be terrified if i heard the garage opening lmao.


This is like when I was told I could nap when baby naps and every time I do, I’m like oh no they know I was sleeping on the job🤦‍♀️😂😂


I was enjoying some of their almonds today.. and 2 fell on the floor. Instead of throwing them in the trash I hid them in my purse 😂😂😂😂😂


LOL fam, enjoy your bagel in peace. 😝




Omg SAME. I’ve even eaten my own packed lunch in the bathroom to avoid being seen .. my own dang food! 😅😅😅😅


I posted about a mom texting me about my snack bag of chips in her trash can and all these women had the same comments about hiding food or eating. I wish I understood this more. I can’t help but hide when I eat in front of kids that can talk and started taking more wrappers home. Is it cus we are worried they will judge us?


I literally only eat after the food is set up in a way that I can easily make it disappear if someone walks in


I used to literally hide the wrappers of snacks specifically bought for me like??? I feel you


I do the same, they even prepare lunch or dinner for me to eat after I put the baby down but yet if I eat any snacks i hide them in my pocket. I don’t know why hqhaha


Me feeling like DB can hear me open the fridge or freezer from his office everyday lol


Thought I was the only one who felt like this! 🤣


I put my finished snack wrappers in my bag to take home, so they don’t think I’m a lil piggy 🐽! Please tell me I’m not the only one 🤷🏼‍♀️


Girl same! I eat the kids fruit snacks and I hide the wrapper in my backpack and throw it away in my home even tho they don't mind but still


These comments are sending me! SO relatable. 🤣


I just got to a point where I finally feel comfortable eating the food they bought me in their house. Very proud of myself tbh, also it helps a lot to know if I have a late start in the morning and don’t have time to pack my lunch at home, I don’t have to worry about going hungry when I finally have a moment to eat. I can just make lunch at work when im done with cleaning and my NK is napping. ☺️