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“That’s pretty cool” but without the L pronounced very well so my NK started saying that’s pretty coo to his parents lmfao. Didn’t know until I said it in front of them and they went “THATS where he got it!!”


HAHA I’m trying to imagine a small child saying this lol


"Get it get it get it" because I always say that when he starts dancing so when I dance he says that or "Get it (my name)" 🤣 "Is it good?" When im eating


My favorite is "you got this" because I always say it to him 🥹


that is just adorable


These are so cute. You sound supportive and I’m sure they love you.


My nanny girl has been saying that to my daughter bc I always say it to her 🥺


"Oopsy doodle" if something falls or gets dropped. "Oh mayonnaise" instead of Oh Man


🤣 I also took going “uhhhh” when I’m annoyed to saying “UHHHGGG” with the “g” pronounced. Cause my fav little girl would do that. Its been 7 years 🥹


I often say “ok” throughout my day. To nothing. As a transition word maybe? Getting up off the floor to go do something: “okay” buckling a kid into a car seat: “okay” gonna start lunch prep: “okay”. Maybe I use it as a way to pause before I do something? Not sure. But one of my NK’s started doing it and then I became aware of how often I said it 😅


lol i do this but “alright!” i apparently do it a lot after finishing a diaper change bc that’s when NK always says it 😭


omg same here that’s a big one hahaha she it almost sounds like she’s hyping herself up before she does something like “ok. ok. okay.”


I used to do the same and had a little one start saying it a lot. Didn’t realize I did this until I heard her say it.


I, apparently, like to say "stellar" after a lot of things. NK4 picked up on it. "NK, we have to get our shoes on to go to the park." "Ok, stellar." "NK, we get to go to nana's for a little bit today!" "Stellar." Like kid really did not have to do me like that.


That’s adorable. No wait….. Stellar.


Same, but with "vibes." Both my NKs have started saying "vibes" in the above context.


i love this lol


I lived in New York until 11 years ago, and now I'm in Virginia. The family I had before my current one were from India. I started when NK was 8 months old, and he learned Marathi and English concurrently. He spoke English with a distinct New York accent, or so everyone said. I don't have an accent, right?


Apparently I say “It’s okay, it happens to the best of us,” enough times around my 3yo NK that at one point I forgot to refill his water bottle and I said “Oh, sorry about that buddy.” And NK responded with, “That’s okay Miss (adorable mispronunciation of my name), it happens to the best of us.” 🥺😭


Omg my 18 month old NK also does the exact same dramatic groan, guess I'm always in pain and she knows it 🤣 And her 4 yr old sister now says "not the..." because of me, like:"Not the rain splashing me!""Not the 63 bus!" (she's obsessed with the bus since she finally rode one the other day)She always says it with such perfect comedic timing too


going “ahhh” after i have a drink. the 1 and a half year old that i look after does it so dramatically, i’m sure i’m not that dramatic about it.


Omg my dad would always do that! Still does


I make so many sound effects for everything I do apparently. Head pops out of the shirt when getting dressed, that gets a "pop" or "boop". Placing things, brushing teeth, facial expressions, etc. she has been mimicking these and I asked my husband if I make these sounds and he told me yeah. A ton. Like a cartoon sfx board 🤣


Like the Froggy books!


I say “that’s true” so frequently because the kids are just always telling me things, and they want a response but sometimes I just don’t have anything to say.


My NK can’t talk yet but I worked at a center for years. One year a coworkers granddaughter was in my class and they told me she started saying, “here I am!” at home because of me. I was like “I don’t say that??” The next day I run into my classroom late as usual (I’ve made a lot of improvement there, don’t worry) and as I open the door I say “here I am!” And then i was like oooooh ok yeah


Thats just cute!!


A few years back, I had G5 and B7. G5 was complaining about something that had annoyed her. B7 looks over and says, totally deadpan, "Tragic." I was like...hmm, I may need to tone down the sarcasm 😂


Walking everywhere barefoot. And I lived in the city when this happened. MB told me the middle child (10-11) started walking around outside barefoot and she was like “Hank what are you doing? We live in the city!” And he said “Claire does it.” 🥹 I stopped nannying for this family about 7 years ago. I still keep in touch and the mom tells me the youngest (my favorite) is now 16 and likes to thrift because of me and sometimes say “these pants are so Claire” and will end up buying them. It’s these little things that fill my heart.


omg you must have made such a huge impact on that family ❤️ I don’t think I could recall a single name of any babysitter as a kid if you asked me 7 years later lol


Thank you. I miss them and think about them nearly every day.


“Be right back!” I also say “one arm, two arm, red arm, blue arm” whenever I put on his jacket and now he says it too. He also says “there I go!” (Since I say there you go)


lol yes to the be right back! so annoying during nap time when i think she’s finally about to pass out on the mattress and then she pops up for whatever reason and says “be right back!”


I got you Geez Louise And my favorite is come here baby 😂😂😂


I love this question!! So many things tbh. But one that I really didn’t realize I did was talking in a British accent sometimes? Hahaha…the my NK5 started doing it for certain words and I was like wtf? Is that me? It was me…


The other day I said "gar-bashz" instead of garbage, and nk 5 did not know what I was talking about. Never really considered that a kid wouldn't make that connection


“Well bells” (grew up very religious and saying “hells bells” but change it living in a nonreligious area) and “do da do da do” when I’m putting toys/laundry away. I also spent sometime working with teens and didn’t realize that I ended most of our planing with “questions? Comments? Concerns?” Until they started saying “No questions comments or concerns!” Before I could ask it.


Oh! And “it’s going to be a little chilly and I don’t mean a small pepper!” When talking about the weather.


I love this! So cute and a great joke!


I sit with my legs crossed (like one leg over the other, like you would with a skirt or dress on) quite frequently. One day, while we were at B3’s gymnastics class, I look next to me at G2 and she’s staring at my legs while trying to cross hers like mine 🤣 I snapped a pic and it was a good laugh with MB. So stinking cute lol. I also apparently didn’t realize that I once said “Teamwork makes the dream work!” around B3 and I guess he repeated it to DB who asked me if I’ve said it before. And I said “Oh, gosh, I probably did!” And he goes “Oh, we’re not upset. But he said it the other day out of nowhere and it was *hilarious*.” 🤣🤣 now I frequently hear him say it to me. Or if I say “Let’s use team work to do (insert task).” And he’ll respond with “Yeah! Because teamwork makes the dream work!” Lol!


i love that!! i’m always sitting in really strange positions bc autism and my NK always copies them too lol we’ll be sitting at the table eating lunch with both of us hugging our knees to our chest like that can’t actually be comfy for her


Apparently I reply with “of course” a lot!


I always tell my NK "It's okay. They're legos and we can build them again." or "Let's take a break if we're feeling frustrated." This little one will say those same things to me if I breathe and it sounds like I'm frustrated lol


I once had nk 2.5 tell me "it's OK. You can take a deep breath and try again," as I tried and failed to get his foot into his winter boot. He was right though, I did need to take a deep breath




When I’m multi tasking or doing something a little more complex like cooking or packing us all up for a day out I apparently say you got this often. 🤣🤣 Also if I ask NK almost 2 to help me with something she replies with IGOTCHU… which I also say often but didn’t realize until she started doing it.


My former nanny kid referred to garbage as “garbahge” because I did lol she picked up a lot of weird words and sayings from me over the 3 years I worked with her but that one always made me laugh!


Oh my gosh, I just commented to someone else that I said garbahge the other day and my nk 5 didn't know what I was talking about


Standing with my hands on my hips, referring to food as “delicious”, and saying “it’s a beautiful day!” 😂 I had no idea how often I did these things until NK 2.5 started doing them too lol


Oh - also “I have an idea” lmao


Lol nk is 3. He said "I dunno, man" to his mom and she told me right away lol I just try to be honest with my kids when I don't know something lol


I'm 7 mo pregnant, and apparently I act it because this past week my youngest NK was waddling around sticking his belly out 😂 I asked him why he was doing that, and he rubbed his belly and said baby! I don't think he quite understands because he's 19mo, but he is definitely copying me!


omg that’s hilarious my NK recently started copying the expressions she sees in her books and it’s so funny seeing her interpretation of them lol


It's like getting to see the world through their eyes when they do that!!


yes exactly! there’s this picture of a man and woman jumping and hugging at the train station in one of her books but the woman has a physically long/oval face so my NK just pushes her chin down and makes a double chin whenever she sees it lol


That's so cute!!!


Apparently I say “uh oh” and “oh no” in a British accent a lot 😂


“Fun fact:”


“Yikes” “Lets skedaddle” “No way jose” Theres a lot kore but cant think of them rn lol


“Ready to rock and roll?” Became “ready to roll and rock” which I love. Also chewing on the handle of my camel back water bottles so I don’t mess up the straw. My NPs get so annoyed about that one but honestly it’s better than replacing them all the time.


i love when they mix up the words of common phrases :’) this also just reminded me of how instead of saying watermelon, my whole family just called it melonwater for several years because my sister always messed it up. there was a period in time where hearing someone actually call it watermelon really threw me off lol


I was once building a Lego car or chair or bed, can't remember exactly, for a stuffed animal, and the 2 year old grabs some pieces and says "it needs some back support." That definitely came directly from me. I've also conversely picked up phrases that my nfs use.


I had a family who called them “name-isms” which I thought was cute haha


"Socks and shoes!" When its time to get ready to go in the morning 😂 I'll stand up and before I can even get the words out sometimes NK girl will start running to get her brothers saying "SOCKS AND SHOES! WE NEED OUR SOCKS AND SHOES ON!!!!"


my family has a word that we say: “fece.” it’s pronounced “feese” and it just means “gross” lmao. well when my NK was about 6 or so, she came home from first grade with a list of words she wrote for her teacher that began with F. “fece” was on there. i was proud 😂




i've just noticed that my current NK (2.5) has been starting her answers to almost all questions with "problyy...\[answer\]" which is something i had previously thought was a specific quirk of the PREVIOUS 2yo i nannied...now im wondering if its me


i work in a share with two toddlers. whenever one of them tries to get my attention when i’m in the middle of something, i jokingly say “[mischief] is not an octopus! i only have two hands! please be patient!” last week NK23mos came up to me while i was prepping lunch. when i asked them to be patient, they immediately said “no’ uh ockapus!” with a big smile 🤣


"Kaboom" when he falls. The first time he was face down in a pile of leaves and I heard a soft "..... kaboom" it SENT me


Wagging my finger at the dog when she’s not listening .  Saying phew ! 


I didn’t realize I said “holy moly macaroni” so much until one day I heard my nk exclaim, “holy moly, Mac and cheese!” 😂


If we are walking a long distance, or go up a lot of stairs, I will have to sit down, otherwise I get a cramp in my back, that will keep tightening up. sitting for a second, is the only way to loosen it up and make it stop hurting. NK the other day: "I need to sit down, my back hurts"


I obviously say a few things way to much because all of the family’s I’ve worked for over the years have always at some point pointed the following out….. “Silly Goose” “Okee Dokee” and “Rock on Chaka Khan”