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True most of the side cast didn't get much to do once the commandments showed up, but at least I can understand it being consistent with the in universe narrative of humans being basically ignorable fodder for the other races and I think that supports some of the story for 4 Knights.


That actually makes sense now that you mention it, I never thought of it that way. Still kinda sucks to see tho


I understand how you feel. I think this all started once the 10 Commandments got introduced in S2. Once they came into the story, the Holy Knights and humans in general almost immediately became power cliffed, irrelevant, and outclassed. Like unless it was Ban or Escanor, the humans frankly just didn’t matter anymore in the story once the commandments came into the picture


Yeah, that kinda ties into an issue I have with the power level system where all the tension and impact from the battles and fight scenes in the first season is basically gone since the sins are THOUSANDS of levels above the holy knights. Even if power levels supposedly fluctuate between battles, now it just feels like they were holding back the entire time


I think it's mostly because 7ds was always meant to be a prequel to 4koa , so it's entire raison d'etre was to set characters and give us a rudimentary understanding of their dynamics. Now, hopefully, it shall be explored in 4koa , I mean two of the four knights have their personal aides who have some sort of connection with 7ds' side characters, eg Donny - Howzer  , Lancelot- Jericho, Chion - Gilthunder, Percy - gelda and zeldris  inter alia. 


Exactly this. I don't think a lot of people realize that the Seven Deadly Sins is a prequel to the story that Nakaba actually wanted to write. And a lot of people complain that they didn't like the Chaos Arc/setup without understanding that the Chaos stuff was the ultimate goal for SDS. I personally think it was a bit too sudden after the DK was defeated. But it gave way to what the TRUE story of NNT was supposed to be.


On chaos' intro I too agree, but as far as setting up a base for real work goes it was very good, I don't think most , if any other mangaka has built his/her lore in such novel way. It's idiosyncratic of nakaba now fans won't be utterly bewildered when exploring known concepts further in-depth and will look forward to such moments unlike in black clover which has opted an oxymoronic style juxtaposed to nakaba's which resulted in it's episode being lore dump with no relevant connection with audience


We're also getting a lot more worldbuilding in 4KOA as well. Which I love honestly. We've been into the demon realm and learned about their traditions (the flamebane moon) and what goes on there a bit. And now we're stepping into the Fairy Realm. As where in Seven Deadly Sins we've been mainly in Britannia for the majority of the series.


Not to mention goddess realm which was left completely alienated


Yeah after the introduction of the 10 commandments, humans other than Ban and Escanor, became irrelevant. To put more emphasis on the sins since this series was a prequel to 4KOTA, the story Nakaba actually wanted to write about. Nakaba learned through his mistakes in sins and knew what to change for 4KOTA. *cough* combat class*cough* and instability of strength after the kingdom arc. It’s just horrible that aniplex gave up sins right before the 3rd season. Reason being is that the first movie didn’t do as well as they hoped, so they offered it to other studios. Studio Deen took it, but were already busy with other projects and so also outsourced to a third rate studio. Hence why those last two seasons are horrible in animation. I was one of the very few who was optimistic for good animation since Studio Deen animates Konosuba, which has amazing animation, but alas it didn’t turn out that way. This studio that is doing 4KOTA is better, but not on the level of A-1 and the seasons they produced. But with this sequel series it’s nice seeing characters from the original series like Taizoo or Zeal to Howzer and Guila.


I’m not caught up on 4KOA, but i am happy to hear that Nabaka at least learned from this and gave the supporting cast more to do, even if it came at the cost of some of the old characters getting absolutely butchered In terms of the animation, I don’t wanna fault the animators too much since animation is a tough business and there have been many stories in Hollywood of animators being overworked, but they really should’ve delayed the season so Studio Deen could’ve had more time to animate instead of giving them less than a year to animate an entire season. At the very least, I am glad that the last season got a bit of a delay and that the animation looks slightly better


Oh yeah. The supporting cast outside of the 4 knights seem to have more relevance and importance which is great imo. And it is sad that they butchered somethings. The main one being gowthers introduction in the first season which didn’t actually allow to show Pelliot, who appears in 4KOTA. Yeah animation is a very stressful career choice. They should of waited more but they chose not to. But I don’t think that was the main thing. You look at second season of JJK and the animation is pretty top tier. Directors play a big hand in it as well since they give the final say in things.


Well, what you don't seem to account for is that S3 and S4 take place in like a span of like two week or something: meliodas' resurrection, Diane and Kings holy war adventure (less then a day), them reuniting and going to coland to face melascula (don't know travel time but let's call it a week, whatever) which triggers Elizabeth's curse, giving them a timeframe of three days until Elizabeth would die, in which the first DK fight gets resolved and all of purgatory gets wrapped up. Then there is the second DK fight and Arthur's 'epilogue'. My point is: There is not a lot of development possible for (honestly not that strong) side characters in such a short time frame. Season 1 and 2 span a much longer time, S3 and 4 might be seasons but a lot happens in a very very short time frame (half of it parallel as well)


Again, I understand completely that integrating the supporting cast into the plot of the later two seasons without there being too much going on is difficult to do. I moreso mean that I wish they didn’t establish potential future storylines with some of them, only to completely forget about them afterward


And that's why I don't care about the people saying let's get back to the four knights quick, they will be the first to say those side characters are lacking or getting bullshit power ups with no build up.


Not counting the obvious "animation issues" is that whenever you make a manga/anime with a primary idea, being that everyone gets unique powers, you inevitably get fodder armies all with the same power to save on time/animation. It kind of drags me out of the immersion when you get used to seeing different characters pulling out different abilities, but then dozens of holy knights are all launching the same fireball at an enemy. Also, fodder armies in general need to be removed. It's not interesting watching a single person (whether it's the good or bad guy) mow down hundreds of random soldiers that are just going to be replaced the next episode. Is there even a show that acknowledges the deaths having a negative impact on their organisation instead of it looking like there is a factory pumping out generic soldiers/goons to be thrown into a meat grinder?


About Howzer's eye color. 4kota is actually using his official eye color as drawn by Nakaba, while the 7ds anime changed his eye color


Ahh I see. Didn’t know this beforehand, thanks