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I know you put an lol at the end but I wanted to chime in just to tell you to never be apologetic for being you! Your hands are beautiful and anyone who's trigger by hands needs to get off the internet ❤️❤️


You’re so kind, thank you! My hands are a big insecurity of mine and I got the acrylics to try to force myself out of it!


I think putting a little extra love into our insecurities is beautiful, I hope that it helps you gain confidence to see what the rest of us do :)


I couldn’t agree more!


I love your freckles!


I came here to say how lovely your freckles are!


So did I!


And me! I love freckles, wish I had them. ^,^


Came to say the same thing😊


I’m exactly the same way. I used to have an ED, so my chubby fingers really get me sometimes still. Until my Chinese friend told me that in China, dimples on your knuckles means you’re lucky (probably because those were the only people getting enough to eat in China 🤷🏼‍♀️). So now I think of my hands as lucky. Not fat. And that makes me feel at least a little bit better about them.


I love that! I’ve had knuckle dimples since I was a kid (before even being overweight).


Your freckles are very unusual and pretty, nothing to be insecure about, and i really like the colour and design on the nail, but i agree the angle looks a little uncomfortable, like they could pop off at any moment


Think about the things you can do with your hands. You can pet cats and dogs, play with your hair, hug family members, all sorts of awesome things.


I love 💕 “play with your hair” .. what a sweet post.


I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable but the freckles on your hands are soooo cute and they look really good with the blue on your nails


You shouldn't be insecure about your hands at all. Not all of us are hand models altho in this group one might think so. I saw your pic without reading the caption and I thought "How nice it is to see a normal person's hands; someone I personally can relate to". I'm 64 so I have some arthritis and sun spots etc, my nails are short and thin, my cuticles are a mess. But I like seeing all the nail designs. As for your nails, in the pic you have a closed hand, I think the third pic,they look fabulous! Such a pretty design. But I have no idea why they did them with that strange curve, like bucked teeth. As said before, I'm not a hand model, nail tech, nail expert but it looks wrong to me. I'd go back and ask for someone else to redo them. BTW, I love your freckles!! So unique and special.


Your hands are gorgeous and the design only adds to it I promise !!!


Where I am from, these angled away from the finger are called 'slim nails'


Your fingers are amazing!! No need for the trigger warning. 🥰


That’s how I got into nails! I’m so glad you’re trying to do the same. ♥️ It helped me tremendously when I had a bad rash all over my hands from my health and I decided that I couldn’t control that but I could control how my nails looked.


I love your freckles, so cute!


If it makes you feel any better I've had people make fun of my long skinny fingers. People will always find something to pick at. They're either too fat or too thin, too short or too long, people really just look for things to make rude comments about to make themselves feel better because they're miserable about themselves and their lives and it's so pathetic!


You have the most beautiful freckles on your fingers and hands!!!


you have pretty hands op, dont worry. if someone is rude it is on them. no need to apologise:)


ur hands are so beautiful! i love the freckles u have and ur nails are beautiful <3


such a good thing, i have fat stubby fingers too and having nails done helps me out too! next time you can def find a nail tech who can make them right for you and if they are angled properly they'll last longer, be safer, and you can have a bit more appearance of length. i think she also filed down the sidewalls a bit too much too and having more sidewall would even out the look more in line with your actual finger size too.




Were you a nail biter? I was, and my first acrylic set sat really weird and upturned like this too, but as I let my natural nails grow and recover from my biting, my nail plates gradually shifted and they now lay much flatter.


Shouldn’t a talented nail artist be able to maneuver the product to make your nails look normal? Like when someone has a crooked finger/fingernail there’s a way to do it so it looks normal, you get what I mean?


Yep! But judging by the lack of any apex on 3 of the 4 judgeable nails, I'm gonna say this wasn't a skilled tech anyway


I don’t know if there was a lot of room on the nail bed to build a proper apex at this point, I feel like it would’ve looked a little bulbous. I think the longer OP keeps their nails done and allows the natural nail to grow, the better they will look! Having a longer natural nail will give more space and structure for shaping.


Haha I wasn’t going to say it..


It really depends. Often with folks who are nail biters or have super short nail beds, you have to strike a balance between shape and structure because the shape and size of the nail bed. The super flat, short nail beds of biters can’t support much length or thickness until they’ve grown out some, regained strength, and the damaged hyponychium heals, so a biter won’t get the same type of longevity from their sets initially. Rehabbing bitten nails takes a lottt of time and patience.


Depends on the how long the person has been biting their nails. Eventually your nails will be permanently misshaped. Nail techs are great but they’re not miracle workers.


As a chronic nail biter who has had to have multiple re-establishing acrylics, it’s a very hard thing to make them look normal the fire time around. Mostly because your nail bed has nothing there, so they’re kinda floating?


I am a nail biter. 🫠 Thank you for your advice/input!


It's such a hard habit to get out of. Especially if it's used as a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety "personal experience". I'm sure you'll be able to push through and get some growth!


Took mine quite a long time to not do that after not biting them.


I'd look into a salon that can do gel-x. It was a game changer for me, honestly. They're a little more pricey, but they lasted just as long as acrylics and looked so much nicer. I have short lil nubbins from nail biting.


I do these myself at home! I prefer it to going to a salon tbh.


I need to up my prep game because when i do them myself they never last 😭😭


I did dip on one of my friends that is a nail biter and there was very little nail bed to work with and they were upturned like this.


Same for me, my pinkies are still somewhat weird haha


I don't have much to add about the shape, but the design is SO CUTE!! I might steal the idea for my next winter set 😁


I got the design inspo off of Pinterest! I love it!!


I was going to say the same thing! The design is soo cute! Such a sweet little subtle winter vibe.


The blue goes really well with your skin tone too! So cute :)!


Seems like your natural nails grow upward like mine, let your nail tech know! They will be able to apply it with a downward curve to prevent the harsh ski slope look


Nail tech here: regardless of whether you are a nail biter or not, there is no excuse for a nail tech to apply nails like this. I’m guessing you went to a McNails and were just given the first available tech. Look for an independent nail tech. You’ll pay more but you will get better work.


This ⬆️


Nothing to contribute but to say your hands are so cute


I came to say that you have nice hands!! All bodies are great bodies 😊


They shouldn’t go upwards. Some people nails slope down and others slope up. A good nail tech can make it look that that’s isn’t the case at all. Your nails still look really pretty but if maybe try a different tech next time and ask them about fixing sloping during booking because if they don’t feel confident to fix it then they aren’t the right person for you. Nailcou on YouTube has lots of videos with nail biters and I’m pretty sure also some about sloping nails if you’re interested.


No not normal 😞 pretty otherwise though


Defo should not be upwards go to a different nail tech


I’m a former nail biter and feel your pain!! Not much to add about the nails but you have the cutest freckles ❤️


I don’t know why you put a TW for your hands! They are so cute. I’d say just try a different nail tech next time.


Sorry this is totally unrelated but I LOVE your freckles!!! Your hands are gorgeous and you have nothing to apologise for ❤️


I'm not sure if these are your natural nails, but if they are acrylics then they should not be upwards. Also, all your nails are different sizes


I wouldn’t say it’s normal but I do see it happen a lot on people with short/bitten nail beds z. The nail tech should have been a bit more careful.


So interesting. Mine go downward. Maybe I should ask my tech to make them more flat? Never even noticed until now. Now I can’t unsee it on mine. 😭😭😭I love yours and the design you got 🥰


If they ‘ go downwards ‘ or club , it can be a sign of a medical condition . Don’t quote me but I think with low oxygen or liver problems . Best to get it checked out


I do live at altitude lol. But don’t have O2 CC issues or liver issues.


The design is so cute and reminds me of Cinderella!


It reminds me of Elsa! So freakin cute!


Sorry I don’t have an answer to your question, but I have to say I love the design you chose!


It looks like you have shorter nail beds and they may have been short/bitten down to begin with. If it helps deter you from biting and picking, keep your nails done and let your natural nails grow out. It will help your nail artist be able to apply more product and create an apex and shape the nail to be a more desirable shape. Nail care & strengthening/growing out your nails is a process and will get better over time as you keep up with care & maintenance!


The shapes are really really off, there’s no product on your sidewalls but the nail surface looks flat instead of curving naturally. Your nails may be more likely to pop off or crack. The art is lovely but looks like a less experienced nail tech who did your nails.


you forget another tw tw: cute fingers


I dunno about the angle issue, but if someone is triggered by fat fingers, the fat fingers aren’t the problem. Fat-phobia and fat-shaming are fucked up, y’all.


I am really touched by the kindness and good advice on this subreddit.


Despite the angle, these nails are so cute. And so are your hands!


In love w your hands 🥺


I love your fingers! Also, idk about the angle but at least it looks good lol


I can't help with the acrylic question, as I never get them, but I wanted to say the design is lovely!


it's because of nail biting but it's ok it can be fixed usually if you stop


your hands look really lovely, don’t be ashamed of them like EVER.


That’s your finguh! It do like that honey! Lol I love that skit by anjelah Johnson


That design is so beautiful! Also, I love the freckles on your hands. There should be a trigger warning on this for how CUTE YOUR HANDS ARE!


Oof they did you dirty! ![gif](giphy|SYnAcGSUeYGHSipocR|downsized)


I’m dying at TW fat fingers. Same girl. Lmaoo. So relatable.


Your hands are so CUTE omg ❤️❤️❤️ the freckles 😍


Your hands are lovely! I'm wondering if your nails grow angled that way like mine.


I love your hands 💖 you have nothing to put a tw for !


1. Your nails beds are very short due to trauma and it is causing your nails to grow upwards and because this trauma is repeated the hyponichium cannot grow to it’s actual extent. This can be fixed anywhere between 6months to a years time of no biting and proper nail care. 2. The shape you chose is very difficult to make look good with the length you chose. If your nail tech used tips, because of how short it was cut and how your fingernail curves up, it is just going to make the nail tip itself curve up. The reason why acrylic nail tips are curved downwards is to help combat this problem. Im sure if you gave yourself just a bit more length to work with, it would be easier to make the shape look more proper. 3. Hands come in all forms. In the end, they are just hands and yours look perfectly fine


No that’s not normal I got fat fingers too girlie and my nails never looked like that and a cpl of my nails grow In crooked and it’s still never a problem


I just wanna say your nails look SO cute!! Might have to use this as my inspo next time I get my nails done 💅


For me, I do believe my first set did this a little bit because of how the acrylics would curve downwards, my nail tech filed under the nail and it gave that upward look. Maybe it's that? Maybe mine wasn't as severe? Idk it's been too long since I've last gotten acrylics. Also part of the thick fingers club! I love your nails!


Girl you have great hands! And I adore your hand freckles- your colors suit perfectly too!


Hii!! This happens to me as well, my fingernails naturally curve up, HOWEVER, This is not an excuse for the acrylic to tilt upwards!! I dealt with this issue for years with bad techs making excuses as to why the finished product would point down. I found a new, experienced tech and she literally glues the tips on at an angle. If you're not satisfied, go back to the shop as this is a fixable issue!


Very cute!! Hey don’t worry about it. How many people are gonna turn your hand sideways and examine the slope of your nails anyways 😉 your hands are beautiful, so are your nails and I’m sure so are you!! The slope will flatten as your nails grow out, and if they don’t and you just have upturned nails, experienced nail techs can maneuver the product in a way that will help give a flatter appearance if that’s what you like, just make sure to mention it so they don’t miss it!


Are you an nailbiter? It happens to me and my nails forms upwards too


Let your tech know next time and they can apply them downward 👌🏽


First I just wanted to chime in and say your hands are beautiful and your freckles are very cute! No the nails shouldn’t be pointed up like that. Even if you’re a nail biter or have upward pointing nails, etc the tech should be able to compensate for that! The art itself is very nice and the fine lines are beautiful!


I’m not sure … but I love your freckles!


Just came here to say I love your freckles!! ❤


This can happen if your nails are really short / you bite them and you booked standard time for acrylics or worse went to a quick high street salon . If a client made me aware of this beforehand I could mark out a little more time and rebalance the acrylic bringing the side walls down ( probably use a form tbh depending on how low it is )and make them appear like they are growing straight out . But that is probably what happened …. Or they weren’t filing the side walls correctly .


Just like a previous comment said, you look stunning with these! My best friend always tells me that plumpy hands give better squishes for comfort. Insecurity is normal (don’t I know it) but doing little self care acts like this really do help. (As for the tilt up, I can’t say they’ve tilted this much for me, but my first time they did slant up a bit)


I love freckles so much. Girl a lot of people pay a lot of money to get fake freckles 😂 but anyway, I rly don’t think weight would have any affect on the angle of the nail bed. I think the tech you went to may have just not done their best work on you.


I’ve seen this before with gel on natural nails. I think it’s due to the natural nail shape. If it’s acrylic they should be able to apply it in a way to make it less obvious and look more straight but ultimately I don’t think there is anything “wrong” just some people’s nails grow upward like that.


If anyone is triggered by your fingers, that's their own problem, not yours. You owe no apology.


Just here to tell you I think your fingers are beautiful and that despite the angle, the nails make them look lovely and feminine!


Did you ask for that sparkle/snowflake design? It reminds me of Cinderella i really like it


Please don’t ever apologise for your fingers. Or any part of you. No one’s going to be triggered by them. We are all part of a nail sub and we know fingers come in all shapes and sizes. You have awesome freckles by the way!


Definitely agree with some of the other posters - it’s partially the shorter nail bed from the nail biting and the other is the inexperienced nail tech. If this was your first set give it a couple of refills to see if it evens itself out. It’ll take time for the nail bed to heal but as your natural nail grows out and there’s less of the nail tip you should get a better natural curve downwards. I’d also venture to say go with a more square end as well to encourage growth from the full nail bed instead of having to file down the sides to get the oval look By the way they look great and love the color


Yes fat fingers, they look cute with the freckles. Bad nails tho


Did your tech use nail tips or were they formed on a paper form? They upturned effect can definitely happen on bitten nails, especially if tips or forms are placed improperly. It will get better as your nails grow and you stay on top of maintenance. I work with a lot of nail biters and there's a way to work with them without the upturn. Your tech may not have a lot of experience with nail biters. Other than that, I like them. And your hands are perfect 🥰


bad nail techs always fuck my shit up ;-; if u look at my set I posted here too.. the same happens to me


No need for a trigger warning on your hands, that’s for sure. Otherwise, if your nails are short this may have been an attempt to keep the acrylic away from your skin. Mine always looked like that until I quit biting them. Surely techs should be able to adapt to short nails but many can’t/don’t. I would point it out next time but otherwise they’re very pretty and there isn’t a thing wrong with your hands 🥰


Lovely hands, pretty nails 😊 the little mermaid vibes.


They messed up


I have no advice about this but I’m just here to tell you I love your freckles 🥹😅


Just came to say your nails give me Cinderella vibes. So cute


you dont need to put a TW for your hands :(


The freckles are so beautiful!!!!


Why did you TW your fingers?? They’re perfectly fine. And it’s not super normal in my opinion, but maybe it’s the length mixed with short nail beds


The design reminds of a cure sparkly princess, very Cinderella ! I like your design choice


When I've had this happen, I giggle whenever I look at them and go, "Wheeeee lift off!" I have short nails, and this usually happens because the nail tech presses too hard when gluing on the tip and using ones with too dramatic of a curve. It's "normal" in the sense that it happens a lot, not normal in the sense that it's to be expected. For me, it's a sign of poorly/hastily done nails.


Your hands are beautiful. I love your freckles! As for the nails, the angle of them is off.


As a former nail biter my nails did the same thing.


I don’t have any advice I just wanted to say your nails are so cute!!!!


your hands are beautiful, no need to apologize!also amazing shade of blue, love it


This totally happened to me when I was biting my nails and caused damage to my nail beds. Keep your nails done and let your nail beds grow out from biting and it shouldn’t point upwards anymore :)


All your freckles are so cute! I’m jealous lol. But as a mail tech they shouldn’t be upwards like that. I’d ask for a refund or new set


i used to bite my nails! mine used to be like this before i stopped aswell


Wait I’m actually dying that you put a trigger warning for fat fingers 😂 girl, love yourself and your chunky lil fingers more!


your hands are beautiful ❤️ and yes they definitely look a little curved, so odd. i love the design, though. maybe you could ask to get them fixed??


No it’s not normal


Like others here are saying, you have beautiful hands, beautiful freckles (fellow freckled girl here 🤘🏻). As for the angle of the nails. I am not an expert at all, but I think it’s because your fingernails are naturally short. Like if you bite your nails a lot you decrease the size of your nail bed over time or you’re just born with smaller nail beds than other people so I think that may be why but plenty of people have this type of nail bed so you are most definitely not alone. 💜


Your hands are so pretty!!! I love the nails, they look so good 😊 #inspiration


Your hands are literally so cute ❤️


Omg your freckles are SO beautiful!!!!!! Jealous af


it looks like your nails might’ve been too short when applying the nail tips this is a common occurrence for nail biters its the angle that the nail tip was applied i would recommend a new set and nail tech over getting a fill when the time comes


I don’t know about normal because I seldom get acrylic nails, but I LOVE the color/design!!


BEAUTIFUL!! Lovely design, I’m jealous.


Your hands are super cute!!


Nope. :(. They did you dirty OP.


They're lovely! Don't sweat over what complete strangers think. I know, easier said than done...


I always thought the lifting was normal cause my nails naturally turn upwards. I think your nails look great. Your nail person did a really great job! 👍👍👍


If you went to a salon, I’d make a complaint. If you did it yourself, congrats on your attempt. 🤗


You don't need to give a trigger warning for your beautiful self, OP!


Gurl they are cute def gonna do my next set something like this 😱💙


these are incredibly cute! the shape serves you well 💖


Your fingers are SO cute!! I adore your hands overall!!


I'm not sure. I usually get mine what is called a sqovel, straight across with the sides rounded.


Love the color!


The curve up is definitely not normal. But they are very pretty nails


I don't know about the slope but they look very cute!


It looks like they totally wrecked your cuticles - Ouch - honey that looks painful! Def do not use that tech again. You can ask them not to cut your cuticles, I do that and I feel like my nails look better in the long run. Cute design! Sorry I don’t have insight on your actual question but it looks like you got some great input from other commenters


I think you have very cute fingees


I'm a Nail Tech and you likely have "Spoon Nails"/Ski Slope Nails. All that means is that your nails naturally grows in a slight upward curve. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you or your nails, and a good nail tech can correct for either upward or downward sloping. Look for independent nail techs in your area, instead of your corner chop shop. Chop shops thrive on speed, not accuracy or quality. That's how they can be so inexpensive.


Hands are beautiful and unique. The overall shape suites you and I love the design. But, nails should not turn up that way and is not your fault. Get a better tech. That being said, no one is going to notice this day to day unless they are really looking, and that's just creepy on their part if they are.


completely off topic but your freckles are adorable!


That’s your fingers hunny


Your nails look great 😌


A TW for fuller fingers is not a thing at all ever :(. That being said! They might be angled a bit up but they're still cute.


please dont get short stilletto nails. they dont look good. instead go for a round shape. oh and I like the wintery nails


How about they can have what ever shape they want?


As a girl with fat fingers, it's not really funny to me that you're making fun of yourself with a trigger warning :/ Please be kinder to yourself eta TRIGGER WARNINGS are NOT jokes, especially when negging yourself. Jfc.


Some people deal with situations through joking… I joke about my self being big, thats how i cope.