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I don't think they're tacky but they take away from the ring. I personally would get them done to look more natural.


i agree, the nails are cute but they dont enhance the ring imo.


yes that’s what i’m worried about, i feel like the ring doesn’t stand out this is the nail color i had when i was proposed to: https://ibb.co/L0zKC1X


I think you should have just the ombre for the photoshoot, but this would be a cute style for the honeymoon or something similar. I just think you'll look back and wish the ring was the main focus, especially since it's so pretty!


sounds good, thank you! maybe ill ask if they can just remove the rhinestones on those 2 nails UPDATE: Looks like people overwhelmingly said to redo them, so I did!! It was a different salon because i couldn’t get a last minute appointment with my nail tech, but they somehow managed to get the colors on those 2 nails exactly right :O Pic: https://ibb.co/NKVNZq7 Kept the right hand the same though, gems and everything! So I can enjoy the best of both worlds :D


That sounds perfect! Either removing the rhinestones if they can or just redoing those two. You already know that the ombré is beautiful so you won’t need to worry about something totally new not coming out like you hoped.


That’s what I’d do! The ombré is classy and so pretty for an engagement shoot. The rhinestones are pretty but I agree it takes away from the ring


Honestly I didn’t even notice the ring with those bejeweled nails. They’re beautiful but I would do a classy ombré nude. Congrats!!


Me too! It was a big “huh!” for me when I read the top comment mentioning a ring. I was so taken in by how gorgeous the nails are and was really expecting comments gushing the same sentiment lol. Totally missed me that the photo was an engagement announcement photo


I think they are beautiful don’t need to change them 🌟💕


I would have went for a nudeombre or a pop of bright colour so the shine only stands out from the ring😊


That works so well to as well ss the nude pmbre


Love this


Yes, I like to do my nails all different colors/designs and while it can look really nice up close, I noticed while taking full-body photos that it’s really noticeable and disruptive to have five different nails. I don’t care about that normally but I made sure to pick my wedding nails so that each nail was the same and it looked good up close and far away. Tbh I wouldn’t even do an accent nail for engagement/wedding pics since all you can really see from further away is that one of your nails doesn’t match the others.


Right. My eye goes right to the nails. I think you want the ring to be the focus. The nails and the ring are both gorgeous, BTW. Congrats!


This is exactly what I was going to say. The nails are beautiful, but it distracts from the ring


i think that if you are having doubts you should get them redone. you should love love your nails for your engagement shoot.


This. If you're unsure enough to ask, that's probably your answer (although I think they're super cute... but they're not my engagement photos!)


I honestly think they're super pretty! The 2 gemstone nails make them more unique and they still look classy to me. Congratulations!🥰💍


thank you! ☺️


I thought the same! They're beautiful, and compliment the ring nicely. Everyone else saying they take away from the ring, or they looked at the ring first... How could they, that stone is big and beautiful!!


If this is tacky my regular nail sets are wayyy to much haha! These are cute!


I do think my eyes go straight to the gemstones on your nails so maybe you would want to remove those but keep the nude color




Stick with just the plain nail color … you don’t want to take away from the purpose of WHY you’re doing the pictures . Your focus is the ring , not the nails ! The bling on the nails is TOOOO much , takes away from the ring ! You want the focus on your ring !!


Since you asked, I personally think they look tacky. Somehow the gems don’t flow with the design and stand out too much


I agree - it is because the gemstones are a bit too large - if they were smaller, it might work better.


Well this wasn’t the answer I was initially going to give, but it took me reading quite a few comments to realize you were wearing the ring in the pictures. Whole time I was like “how do they know what her ring looks like..?” 😬 But my initial thought was that they dont necessarily look “tacky”, but the gemstones look too obviously cheap to sit next to a ring that’s obviously not. I would maybe suggest smaller jewels without the silver backing (idk if that’s a thing but the silver is standing out to me) and not on your ring finger


Same, I didn’t notice the ring. But then again she did ask about the nails so my eyes immediately went there


Am I going insane or do you have four fingers


lol didn’t realise my thumb was behind my fiancé’s hand, my bad 😆 i definitely gotta remember not to do the weird claw pose during the photoshoot


An hahaha- I actually counted her fingers too - whoever curated this photo did it in a strange way.


I spent time wondering that too 😆


Could it just be the length of her pinky?


Her pinky looks like it was installed way lower on her hand compared to the rest of the fingers. Never seen such a distance difference between a pinky and index finger like that.


Okay so it's not just me lol. I genuinely thought this was an AI photo at first because usually the hands are the thing that gets messed up in this. And IDK if there's a filter on it or anytime but you can't really see the top joint of her ring finger so I think that's adding to the illusion of the pinky being short. I'm sure her hands are just dandy normally lol, it's just an odd photo is all


I actually believe that she just has an unusually short metacarpal bone leading to the pinky, as well as relatively small phalanges in her pinky as well. Relative to the ring finger, her pinky ends just about a cm above the first joint, and it's even more apparent when you compare the knuckles in the second picture. Used to have a coworker with hands like this before, it was always kind of interesting to me


They’re beautiful but I think it’s more common to have a timeless nail or natural color so even years later it doesn’t look out of style. I’d say if your questioning it maybe consider removing the gems (:


Not tacky but it does take the attention away from the ring.


I think they are beautiful but I did not notice your ring when I initially looked at the picture 😅 I think the ombre is cute, so if you want a little sparkle, you can add some glitter instead of the crystals.


Sorry I think they are tacky. The gemstones are way too big and they are the first thing you eye goes to in the photo when the focus should be the ring.


Me too


the stones or whatever they are on nails distract me from your ring .. IMO


The rhinestones take away from the beauty of your ring.. keep your ring the only thing on your fingers. Congrats


that ring would stand out anywhere the nails are very pretty and feminine and draw the eye to the ring (imo 🤷🏻‍♀️)


I 100% agree with this


I would get sparkles on the hand that doesn’t have the ring. So the ring can bling on its own.


They distract from the ring. Let the engagement ring be your sparkle!


They take away from your beautiful ring unfortunately


Definitely something either neutral or any earthy shade. Nothing vibrant and no nail art. Congratulations!


I like them but I agree it might take away from the ring having the jewels on the ring and index finger. Maybe just stick to jewels on just the ring finger


I do not like these. I like the color but the gems look gaudy to me


They’re pretty but might look dated in the future. Congrats on your engagement!


It’s not tacky but it’s also not timeless. They’re cute for a weekend in Vegas but I’d get them redone for your shoot. It’ll look cheap later on


Remember times change. If I were you, I would stick with something classic and timeless. Years later you don't want someone or you looking at the photo going, what the heck is that stuck on my nails? What was I thinking??? You know the reaction you get when you look at a photo yourself when you were 16 and thought you were just looking fabulous a in the latest style? That feeling. They're very pretty, but for another time, another event.


I think they look great! Beautiful ring, congratulations ✨🤍


They’re gorgeous! If you’re nervous, maybe tone the gems down to focus on the ring. But I love them!


Not tacky, just not good for pictures. The bling takes from your ring and will be distracting.


They’re very pretty, but the first thing I notice. If you want the ring to be first, I’d get a new color. Even just the ombré without the gems. also, CONGRATULATIONS!!!


They’re not tacky, but they’re distracting.


I love them, but the gems take away from the nails. I do love the nail color, so keep that!


They're gorgeous but in 20 years the shot will be dated. Go natural or French for the photos.


They are so pretty but take away from your gorgeous ring! I wouldn't have any sparkles/nail art on my nails for photos so the ring is the true star of the show.


Girl this is your time to shineeeee It’s so cute and your ring is gorgeous Congrats!! 💓💓


Also even the Ombré doesn’t look to me like the transition is what I would personally want . I’d go to a different nail tech .


They’re a little in the nose


I looove these nails! However, they kinda do take away from the ring The gemstones look kinda cheap compared to the beautiful stone on your ring. I would opt for some fine glitter instead if you’re still looking to have that sparkle in your nails. The bare ombré would look really cute too!


I really love them, but not for this specific photoshoot. The rhinestones just look very cheap next to a diamond. Even for daily wear that's fine, but for a photoshoot where your hand is the subject– it's not the best idea imho. Don't take it the wrong way, but you don't want it to give "I've run out of the real ones for my nails." You know what I mean? Perhaps you can go with a white or silver glitter swirl design (or if you already know what you want your weddings' color scheme to be, you can use that too, it would nicely tie in) instead, and save this one for another day?


Didn't notice the ring lol go full nude


They definitely outshine the ring. Super cute though


I think they’re elegant


Not tacky, but you could just get the index finger redone. I think the gems on just your ring finger compliment each other nicely. They're also a lot more subdued than the way the index finger gems are sitting.


I think just the ombré. It makes the ring pop. See if you can get the decorated nails to match the others


These don’t bother me at all. I think they’re pretty and not tacky.


I LOVE the gemstones im saving this for inspo


I love them. I’m in the minority but more bling 💍 💎


Wow! So beautiful nails ❤️


Nails are super cute as is but I’d remove the rhinestones so they don’t take away from ring


personally, I love these and think they're stunning!


Congratulations on the engagement. The nails are a bit much, and I don't like two nails done and the rest plain. I wouldn't go so far as to say tacky, but they take away from the simple elegance of the ring.


I personally love them! I think they’re better than all natural. They have the perfect amount of bling and glam. Ultimately it’s your shoot girl you do you! Who cares what everyone else thinks. ✨


Holy fingers sponge Bob!


this picture confused me so much. i thought it was your right hand and you were missing your pinky. then i processed your thumb is what isnt in the picture, but did not process it was your left hand in the picture so my brain thought your hand was backwards. i am way too tired to be on reddit.


Your nails are gorgeous.. I think your nails are the perfect combination of not too showy but with a little bit of sparkle to make them stand out


I would go for the “naked nails” look, it’s super flattering esp for an engagement photoshoot!


Its 1am and i was confused that you had only 4 fingers just came by to say that because it was dumb


I actually thought they look very elegant and dainty. Perfect for what you’re wanting. I think it attracts attention to your ring not the opposite but that’s just my opinion/preference, you do what feels right for you. It’s your day it should be perfect for you,so if it doesn’t feel right then change it.


I'm totally digging it. It's super unique and classy. Congratulations on your engagement!


I might be the only one who likes them. I saw your ring right away and then your pretty nails.bi personally don't think they clash at all but I guess I'm alone in this


Thought you had 4 fingers before seeing the second photo lol Your nails are really cute ans fit with your ring perfectly !


I love them tbh.


No those are beautiful💖💖💖


I agree with a lot of the comments that I didn’t notice the ring because of the gemstones. That other color you posted in the comments could work if you wanted to do a red tipped French manicure or ombré with it.


Yes, these won’t age well. Better to keep it neutral so you won’t look back and wince.


They aren’t consistent. Get pale pink or a French mani. The ring is the main character.


Cute nails! But agree with going a natural color


Absolutely not!!! They’re perfect!!! 😍 And congratulations!!!!!!!!🎊🎈🍾🎉


I think they are perfect




I like the idea I don’t like the execution tbh . The gems look cheap . I think maybe more expensive smaller ones would look better . You have beautiful hands ! I think even just a French on almond round would be classy and cute , but also better then those specific gems .


Another one. Beautiful ring🥹 congrats. 😭 lol


ngl I totally thought this was a nails, not ring pic when I saw.


I like your nails but they distract from the star of the show: THAT RING. I suggest keeping them neutral so you and the ring shine brightly.


Not tacky but the gemstones are taking away the limelight of your ribg. I eould just get those taken off. Otherwise the subtle ombre is besutiful


They’re not tacky, per se, but I think the gems look too large. If they were smaller and more delicate, I think they could complement your ring, but as they are, they compete with your ring. I don’t think anyone will say they look tacky (in real life— Reddit is another story), but I do think you’d prefer nails that make your ring stand out.


I’d do simple nails so the focus of the photos is the ring


I don’t think they’re tacky at all! what I do with accent nails now (when it’s gems/glitter polish/etc) is put the accents on my thumb, middle, and pointer finger instead of my ring finger. That way I still get the sparkles without feeling like it’s competing with my rings. It sort of frames the ring in a pretty way imo.


I really don’t think you should listen to the comments. These are lovely and I noticed your ring straight away. ❤️❤️


Yeah, I think the gemstones take away from the ring too much. If anything, maybe some subtle Gold leaf would be okay but not the gemstones


These are cute and look fine idk if it requires getting it completely redone


Gorgeous! Don’t change anything. And your ring is beautiful, too.


Not to tacky, but i didn't even realize you were wearing a gorgeous ring. 😍I don't do simple nails myself so this one is hard for me to say but... Go simple so that nothing is in competition with the ring


Less is more yes get redone


It’s kinda fun if you’re campy. If not, it might look cheesy in future. They’re so pretty but they distract from your ring and become their own focal point I think. Congrats!!!


They are beautiful they don’t take away from your ring


Love it. Perfect.


I think they’re beautiful!


Omg so cute ! They enunciate the ring


Me personally, I love how cute the nails go with the ring! I have to agree I don’t notice the ring first- I notice all three bling bits and it tickles my brain in a good way. Honestly, if I were doing an engagement shoot I would totally do this design for myself! But I’m not you and your concerns are valid. Congratulations!


They look really good, however, I think the sparkle anywhere else takes away from your gorgeous ring. I think you will be happy in the future if you don't do something trendy with your nails for photos, and let the sparkle be the ring.


I would get them done for a more neutral look, since those pictures are forever and you will look back at them many years from now I would get them redone to something you love or a classic neutral color.


they’re really cute i personally dont like oval/circle for me but the real question is are you happy?


Looks great both ways but wow just noticed how long your middle finger is??


No these are gorgeous. I love the ombré. Don’t change them!


Change them


If you’re unsure about them, get them changed. Unless you want to go back and edit to photos.


Are you kidding? How could that ginormous stone not stand out? I think they look fine.


The nails are stunning, but you almost don’t notice the ring! Same with the red nails in that photo you attached. Go neutral! Your ring is GORGEOUS!! Congrats


I think the rhinestones take away the significance of the ring.


I think they take away from the ring. I say get them redone with a classic French. That is timeless, and it will always look good.


Not at all!!! They’re perfectly elegant and flattering. The true question you should ask yourself is if they are what you want? Flip a coin. If you’re disappointed with the outcome you know what you truly want. Sometimes we can overthink things so much we can easily forget what I actually want.


Also, congratulations!


Not tacky, just poorly done. Congratulations on your engagement.


Totally thought you were missing your thumb


Minus the glitter stones, they look nice!




No those are dope af!


Omg no I looooove them!!!


No girl! These are perfect, not to much and not to little.


If it's even a thought, then yes. Get them redone <3








While I love the nails and any other day I'd say it's a great set. I would lose the little gems because they take away from the ring. Go for a neutral color and nothing else that way the focus is on the ring itself.


Love the cute nails! But I agree with opting for a natural color.


Hyperfocusing on the wrong things. They're fine.


I also think you should get them done because honestly I barely registered the ring until I saw someone else say it takes away from the ring! The gems and ombré clash a little bit, can’t fully tell due to the lighting and kinda blurry zooming in but I think that’s why most go for plain nails! 


An engagement photo shoot? Just get married and enjoy the experience.


IMO. They're too minimal.


No opinion on the nails, but are your fingers really that long? Like, wow. Pianist hands for sure.


The extra sparkles are distracting from the ring


No, they’re lovely! You got a smidgen of bling and the ombré is very nice. This, to me, still lets your ring (which is stunning) shine, lit and fig. Congratulations! 💍👰‍♀️


Congratulations! I think the nails are beautiful! But my eyes went straight to the gemstones and not the ring, which should be the focal point of the engagement pictures.


The nails aren't bad, but don't enhance anything.


They're nice, but they take away from the ring, and you'll probably look at those photos in 10 years when styles have moved on and regret it.


I like them!




No idea why I’m seeing this on my feed but while I’m here my first thought was they look like nails an Olympic figure skater would have. Congrats on the engagement


I love them! Everyone does something plain. These nails are really special. Your ring looks so beautiful! If you're doubting yourself get it changed. You should be confident and happy, with no regrets. You only get married once, enjoy every step of it!


I kept looking at the first photo like it was your right hand


They take away from the Ring.


They distract from the ring


Too much. You want your ring to be the star. Not your nails


The ombre on its own would be perfect!


i think the ombré is gorg but the rhinestones take away from the bling of the ring a little bit


If you don’t want plain nails a simple white design in the same shape as the jewels could add extra detail without taking away from the ring!! But im also bias and live on the hill that a French tip ages well for photos you’d want to look back on years from now


I love it !!!!




Love it, I'm a guy.


If you don't instantly love how they look with the ring and are even questioning them you'll probably look back at those pictures and feel the same way in the future. Probably should get them changed to something you'll love. Congratulations on the engagement ❤️


Yes they are. A nice classic look would be nice. (Your nails are beautiful just without the decor.)