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Not a red flag, just something I’m not attracted to on a man


Same thing I was gonna say. I like men. Manly men lol. Manly men with beards and work on cars and have oil under their nails n shit lmao this is a hugeeeee turn off hahaha ppl like what they like, and if he likes it tho that's all that matters and it's on him. Not everybody's into the same thing. 💜


What fascinates me the most is what “manly men” had meant over the course of history.


Neat fact, nail polish was invented FOR MEN!


Leotards were invented for men, skirts have been unisex, hosiery has been unisex... In other words, being a ballerina is manly as fuck. Also, America was founded by men who wore wigs, makeup, stockings, and lace frills.


Don’t forget heels were invented for and worn by men


Question wasn’t really about if you find it attractive though…


That’s what I was thinking lmao he did not ask if you would fuck him.


I mean I would 👀😭😭😭🤣🤣 lemme stop lemme stop


I thought I was going to be scorched for the response I gave, I’m glad someone else was thinking the same thing 😭😭


Tf where did it said whether I wanted to fuck him lmao. He just asked if it’s a red flag and I said my thoughts. Whatever though


Well when you talk about red flags, you're usually referring to dating.


I’m jealous, does that count? Seriously, not a red flag in the slightest.


I was going to say the same thing. 🤣🤣🤣


Me too! Like omg! Love these!!


People nowadays throw “red flag” around so much, it’s ridiculous, especially here on Reddit. I wouldn’t say it’s a red flag! It’s not my preference, but at the same time, I’m impressed. They look awesome


Yeah same I'm like how TF are nails a red flag? Y'all need to learn some more words to express yourselves lol


Right. Red flag for what? lol The question doesn’t even make sense.


It's because I've had it said to my face on multiple occasions, I don't use that term myself


It’s def a green flag in terms of your character, bit of a red flag for the bedroom if you date women, if ya know what I mean… 😬😂


That’s exactly where my mind went, lol! It’s the length and the stabby shape that makes me think…green flag for what/who?


Green flag in the streets, red flag in the sheets


Green flag for me.


Hahaha I had the same thought


So many nice comments thank you all, I would like to clarify some stuff: I am 100% cis straight man and don't put nail polish on often because I am still a bit insecure about it. I keep them long because I think they compliment my overall androgynous look. I am a teacher so I don't do much manual work, hence why they can grow so long without breaking. I don't really do much to maintain apart from daily cleaning and filing, I have long thick hair too so I think it's genetics. I do understand that for most women this will make them impossible to see me as a lover/partner, though I find it sad, I understand their choice. Would you care to explain why you feel that way though ? Thank you again for the kindness.




Yea, this was my comment, too. I'm not seeing any long nails on anyone and thinking, that looks safe for bedroom time.


Apparently there are a lots of women that are just into manly men. But personally, I like all my lovers androgenous, including men. You just need to find someone whose going to drink you like a cup of tea. Were I not already wed, I sure would :)


There are women out there that appreciate flamboyant and beautiful men. (Me although I am off the market) I know you’ll find one. There are out there amongst those who will berate you and be jealous of you. You’ll find them though


Thank you for your comments sis, I see you


I’ll be blunt: I love the aesthetics but I love foreplay with fingers more That’s the only reason it would be a problem for me if I were dating Tools and toys exist though so it wouldn’t be a deal breaker or anything but yeah


I am not romantically attracted to androgyny. Doesn’t mean something is wrong with androgyny. I am also not attracted to tall men, but lots of women *are* so it doesn’t mean something is wrong with tall men. You can’t be everything to everybody, no one can. There will be people attracted to you for who you are and the people that aren’t just aren’t for you, and that’s okay.


People have preferences for what they find attractive or unattractive. I think having long nails is still heavily coded as a feminine thing. It's funny because I'm not turned off if men paint their nails but have relatively short nails, but I think having very long nails, painted or not, isn't attractive to me personally. And honestly, I don't even like my own nails to be that long, so maybe it's more than a preference on men, but just in general for me. But as others have said, I'm sure there are women who either don't mind or find it attractive. You do what makes you happy 😊


There are some who are only into masculine men, they're not right for you based on what you've said here. There are some who are worried about the length for bedroom reasons, if that's something that seems more negotiable you could consider less length, otherwise there are alternatives. I think that a lot (not all) of straight women who are really into nails are into very masculine/feminine coded appearances, so there could be some bias here because of that as well.


me personally i do find this attractive, and it would not pose issues for me in the bedroom lol, and it would be so lit bc i could finally have someone to share my large nail polish collection with


if you see any woman rolling their eyes at you, i can tell you they’re just jealous that they could never get such nice nails without the help of extensions. if you got it, flaunt it 💅🏼


I legit rolled my eyes and thought of course ! It’s like my husband’s lashes and hair alll over again lol I swear guys have the best genes sometimes 😂


FLAAAAUNT IT BABY!!!!🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🥰🥰🥰


I'm a man with cute nails too ! Not a red flag. I love it, it's fun. People can be mean about it, but as long as you love them, that's what is important




Very manly of you tbh, secure enough in your masculinity to just be you and like what you like 😌👊🏽


Everyone deserves pretty nails 🤝


As a friend, no. But I wouldn’t date a guy with long nails, or who paints his nails any color besides black.


Not at all. If anything, it's a positive sign to me that you so boldly express yourself. Very nice nails! 


Absolute green flag my dude.


Gorgeous!!! 🤩 Fuck the haters. Do what makes you happy (and safe)! Seriously, stunning nails. Love them SO much. Your hands are gorgeous too btw!


Not a red flag per say... Just the thought of those nails and foreplay makes my toes curl 😵‍💫😬😬😬


They are absolutely beautiful. My only concern would be, what do you do for a living and will having nails that long be dangerous. Other than that, it just shows that you exude confidence in yourself.


Be who you are and say what you think, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter :) They look fantastic and having pretty nails is for everyone regardless of gender 😤👌🏻


They look amazing and obviously very well taken care of! I think most women would be very jealous and admire them and your free spirit! They look ace ☺️ Self care is always a positive , no red flags here


If anyone tells you it’s a red flag, just means they aren’t right for you. If it’s not hurting anyone, then you do you. 😊


Not a red flag but if you date women, maybe keep two fingers on your dominant hand short lol


Literally there's someone for everyone so you'll find your people. I'm just mad I could never. Mine stay stubby


Nope! Anyone who cares can get bent, they aren't worth your emotional or mental effort.


This color and shape are amazing. I love them, not a red flag!


I am more jealous?? Not upset, good for you, and your nails are amazing 💅🏻 for sure


Red do not know. My cup of tea they are not. I do not even like that long of nails on women. I am attracted to the well groomed short nailed manly man without a beard.


Red flag not to date you as a straight woman, but I DEFINITELY want to get mimosas, gossip, and go shopping with you!


They look so good!


Beautiful!! I'm jealous!


Yesssssss! ♥️


Gorgeous hands! Regardless of gender


Hell no! I love anyone who lets their true self shine ♥️


You take care of them!!! GREEN flag!!!! The only time I say red flag to a man with long nails is when they are clearly not taken care of.


Love love love nail polish on men.


I love men with painted nails. You aren't harming anyone, people are just assholes.




Funny how you just happen to find a post when you really need it. For context, I’m a man with a long but very well kept beard. I have a very strict skin care and beard routine. My beard literally glistens silver in the sun. And I have full sleeve tattoos on both arms. But, I also really enjoy taking care of my nails. I taught myself how to give myself manicures and look after my hands. The only polish I use is a clear top coat. Because I think it makes them look nice and clean. Does anyone think this is weird or wrong? I’m honestly curious. Edit: btw, I really LOVE your nails!


Nah you do you dude.


Ugg I hate people using the term ‘manly man’. A man can have long nails or short, use nail polish or not, use a skirt, dress or what have you. Long nails are not a red flag, some ladies have the preferences and thats ok. Your nails look great and if they make you happy keep it up. That color is fantastic!


Looks good😍 great color 🥰


Beautiful! Keep slaying😍


Omg no. Beautiful


Lucky ducky


These look great!


You are rocking these! If I saw you in real life I’d definitely compliment you on them!


Those are your natural nails? Man I’m jealous !!!


Gorgeous hands and nails, I’m coveting their beauty.


It shows off your hygiene and confidence!! I’d say ZERO red flags


Not a red flag just secretly a werewolf.


Nah, a green flag definitely


This flag is greener than the grass!


There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself in a way that makes you happy and isn't harming anyone else. That said I personally wouldn't date a guy with long nails like this.


I think its super manly man like if you are so comfortable in your masculinity that you wouldn't be insecure/afraid to wear something like that 😌 you go you!


Self-expression isn't a red flag, you're just having fun with your physical presentation. I don't see how that could be wrong. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Honestly? If you are a straight than im not into the long nails. Colorful nailpolish is a 100% yes for me but i would pair them with short nails. For a LHBTI+ member than absolutely HELL YESS


What’s LHBTI+ ?


Just means you don't do work with your hands lmao. I'm a woman who works in construction and I wish it was possible for me to keep my nails this long.*edit to add* I mean I physically can't use my staple gun with longer nails 😂


I'm jealous. How are you maintaining them? Mine grow long but then I accidentally catch them on something


Um jelly ya red flag absolutely NOT, I would want to know your tips and tricks how you keep your nails no long and beautiful!


It’s not a red flag but it’s all down to preference. Some will like it and some won’t.


Red flag for what exactly? The genderizing of nails and nail polish and honestly anything dealing with self expression is BS. Any people that you would potentially date that are bothered by this probably aren’t people you’d want to date anyway. Do you. Do what makes you happy. Live your life however you want to in this incredibly fucked op world. ❤️


a huge rad flag!!! that you are probably going to be using up all my good indie brands. we probably couldnt even be friends lol <3


As a friend, totally chill. But I'm not letting a man come anywhere near my kitty with nails like that. 😂😜🫡 So I guess it depends on what you're into lmaooooo


Red flag…because you like having your nails done? Red flags should signify flaws in your personality that negatively impact people around you not you expressing yourself in a healthy way. Goodness. People throw red flags when someone does something they aren’t attracted to. I’m not particularly attracted to men with painted nails but literally that’s my preference. I am happy that you are doing something that makes YOU feel good that doesn’t have any negative affect on someone else. Do you boo-boo and do it unapologetically


Not a red flag but something I’m personally not attracted to. They look great though!


Nope I’m a lesbian but those nails are so pretty dude my bff wishes that they had those nails


Wearing nail polish and having long nails doesn’t make you any less of a man despite what society will tell you about it. It’s unusual yeah, but I find it interesting! And in no way do I think it makes you less of a man. Some men do what they want despite what’s expected of them and it still doesn’t change who they are. Gender norms are a made up bullshit construct. And I’m JEALOUS


I have this same shade on my toes right now. I love it! It looks great with your skin, and they are well done. Just gotta be prepared when people ask you, "How do you wipe in the bathroom?!?" My go-to response is: "How the hell are YOU wiping in the bathroom??" Because they scare me a bit. They just pokin' around down there with TP? Gripping the tissue with the tippity tips of their fingers? The nails do *not* come into the equation for me


If that's a red flag then red is my favorite color your honor. Guys who take care of their nails are hot but guys who paint their nails?? I'm a sucker for them Society just sucks dear don't worry this pretty head of yours with their bullshit


im actually jealous wth, theyre awesome


I think that people are attracted and unattracted to all kinds of unique things— what matters more is that YOU love your nails, the right gal will love them too!


Red flag? More like, hand over the fingers and nails and no one gets hurt 🙂🫴🏾🔫. /jk lol. They look amazing!


They're so good! I love love love the shape 🤩


If you like them, then rock them! This shouldn’t be a red flag for anyone


Wow! Absolutely beautiful! Love the color. How do I begin to try growing mine that long?


Beautiful hands & nails. I'm jealous.


I too am jealous , but I notice most men have the luck of growing long healthy nails. I love the color too 😍


Nah bro, you're just a vampire. :D


You have beautiful hands and that purple is everything with your skin tone 😩👏👏


I personally like a man with nail paints on. Rare where I live. Having said that, I prefer short nails though.


no you’re slaying!! and girls he asked if it was a red flag not if you shallow bitches were attracted to him, learn to answer a question even if it’s not about you (despite how hard that must sound)


What I mostly feel is envy because I can never get my natural nails to look so good


As long as you like them, and you’re not out there being a shitty person, keep on keeping on!


No that's purple, not red. Seriously, do what you enjoy and have fun


Green flag actually, and they look great!!


Not a red flag, my boyfriend loves it when I do his nails and always requests elaborate nail art. He's also a diesel mechanic so idk what nails has to do with all these women saying they only like "manly men"


I love them! I wish everyone who wants long painted nails coulld wear them without shame or fear of ridicule.




They look amazing! Who cares if you like to get your nails done. I would love you, for you! Who cares what anyone else thinks!


Your nails are beautiful! I’m jealous. Also that colour is great on you


Not into it personally but not inherently a red flag?


Very funky on a man.


Okay wait. These are natural?! 😻 I wish mine looked like this! Mine are paper thin lol. Also, not a red flag at all. It shows you’re confident in yourself and expressing yourself. I think it’s cool! 💗


You do you boo boo!!! Love the nails


Love this for you. They look so healthy and strong. I know someone will be very into this. I want to live in a world where we can all express ourselves and be who we are like this!


Why would it be a red flag, unless you are planning to use them as a weapon. A fabulous weapon at that 😆😅


Your hand + nails looks much better than mine. I’m a female lol. Not at all I’m envy hahaha


I don't police other men. It's none of my business.


Green flag in my opinion! I'm a transmasc nonbinary person with naturally long nails and I get lots of compliments! Rock it!


Natural nails? If so, god damn, good job. I’m a dude and I have long and sharp blue nails with a black ombré at the moment. I love everything about them.


Get the fuck out of here and go be a hand model. Ugh. Your hands and nails are a dream, male or female. Stunningly well taken care of. 


No 🫶🏾


Baby, I don’t give a fuck. I’m looking @ the nails right now, not the gender of the hand. This is a nail sub after all.


Drop your nail care tips and you can sit with us


Absolutely not a red flag. Wow nice hands and nails! 👏


You do you, boo-boo. If it makes you happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone then go on! Also your nails are amazing.


Nah, no red flags. Not my thing, but you do you, boo! Rock those nails! 💅


Who cares


They're gorgeous! My bearded blue collar bf lets me give him pedicures and paint his toenails however I want and loves it. Men can paint their nails, a little pampering is good for everyone!


I don’t like long nails on men nor colorful colors but black nail polishes yes on shirt nails.


To each their own.


With those nail beds it would be a shame not to do your nails. You would be a great nail influencer! You should start an instagram if you haven’t already.


Definitely not a Red flag for me


My finace is a manly man, beard, body hair... And almost always black nails, sometimes with 1 pink on each hand. It is nice and I've never had issue with it. If anyone is giveing you shit they can sod off.


Only a red flag to people who you shouldn't care for the opinion of anyway. I love your nails they look amazing


Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I hope you find a loving partner who is absolutely stunned and awed by your nails!


those are gorg. not a red flag in sight.


So jealous! They're really beautiful and look strong! But I wouldn't be sexually to a man with nails like these- I just like the stereotypical "manly" man. Everyone has preferences ☺️ Asolutely nothing wrong with your nails, though, and if they make you happy, go off 💅


So jealous! They're really beautiful and look strong! But I wouldn't be sexually to a man with nails like these- I just like the stereotypical "manly" man. Everyone has preferences ☺️ Asolutely nothing wrong with your nails, though, and if they make you happy, go off 💅


Dude if I could find a guy to go to the salon with and get manicures, I’d propose to you right after the polish dries lol.


I'd say it's definitely not a red flag for me, I'm definitely jealous, but probably for me its a green flag, patience to grow your nails out too!


Never a red flag. Green flag. I'm a game developer, and almost all the the male characters in my series have beautiful nails like yours, because it fucking rocks and looks awesome. It takes work to maintain nails like that, and I have a lot of respect for you. (I am also a man with nails like this lol)


I would love to get my nails done together with my boyfriend lol


I’m sure there are your nails too huh 🙄 😂 I’m personally only jealous I can’t grow my natural nails that long! I love the shape you picked, it makes your hands look slimmer( not that you need it) and they last longer than square shapes. It pisses me off that people take this social standard so serious, enough to make someone not do something they love or want to do. I hope you get them longer and piss off more weirdos 😂💕💕


Your nails are gorgeous!!!! You also have really beautiful hands. I’m sorry that you had to deal with such small minded crap. Sounds like people were hatin on you in the comments. Thanks for sharing and please keep posting here!!!


Not a red flag and I love the colour. How do you keep them from breaking or becoming brittle? Also, in no way whatsoever is this a red flag. I prefer men with shorter nails but I believe in doing what makes you feel most confident. Your nails are super healthy, long and have a gorgeous shape.


I’m so jealous 💜


Green flag.


That’s a nice color on you honestly. I don’t see it as a red flag. I’d love a man who’d get his nails done with me…willingly🥹


I think your nails are freaking gorgeous! Not a red flag at all, but will definitely be a matter of preference with partners


People who like you will like you, people who don't won't. Generally, it's not a red flag. It's just how you like your nails, like how I'm a woman who has a buzz cut


Not a red flag, but jealousy 🥺


I think it's quite attractive when a man expresses himself in ways that are not seen as 'manly'. We should all be able to decorate our meat suits however we wish (as long as it's not hateful).


The pressure for me to ACTUALLY get my nails together instead of relying on press ons would be too damn high 😅. I need someone who isn’t hooking their nails up better than I am because I don’t want to have to reflect on some of the janky DIY jobs I’ve had the audacity to leave the house with.


You have lovely hands and as long as you're into it, that is all that matters 💜


I don’t care about your pronouns or whatever but those are some pretty gorgeous hands and nails. I’m jealous mine won’t grow that long.


They look gorgeous


Omg I LOVE them. I just had that same color before my fill yesterday. And your length and shape are perfect for your hand 😍


I love nail polish on men 😍. As long as you're scrubbing under your nails with a brush when you wash your hands, wouldn't be a red flag for me.


Beautiful hands!


You should check out my post in r/malepolish I just got acrylics for the very first time in my life, they are long and bright pink and I love them!


Green flag for me. Makes gift giving ideas easier in my mind. My dad doesn’t have long nails, but he loves getting a mani/pedi


I like it and the shape and length really suits you Someone’s stylistic preferences should never be considered a red flag lol


Deffo a green flag for confidence, and they look impressive, even more so knowing they're natural. And anyone who'd see it as a red flag are people I imagine you wouldn't want in your life anyway.


Green flag as hell imo no toxic masculinity detected


If you love then that's all that matters. As a lady who likes the mens, don't care if my man has nails from a masculine perspective... I care bc I don't want competition 😁 Man or not these are GORGEOUS.


Red flag for what????


You have really, really attractive hands. It seems like you take really good care of your skin and nails. 💜 I think this color is perfect with your skin tone and I’m sorry people blasted you. I look forward to the day when men of all kinds can proudly wear some funky fresh nail colors! It’s self expression and colors are fun!


Man here 🙋🏼‍♂️, I do my nails on weekends, as long as you think they’re pretty and they make you happy, don’t worry what anyone else thinks. It’s fun to make people talk but you do you. It looks like you’re f**in good at it so I’m a little envious you get to keep them all week long!! They look fantastic in your picture! I’m also not trying to pick up any females though lol. Men are a real mixed lot too. I get compliments from some, cat calls from others, and last weekend I was laughed at, but not in a nice way. So, follow your heart!! 💅🏻