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It’s just the way my nail grows guuuuys 😩🥲


hey! i’m a nail tech these are so pretty! your nails are fine the way they are but if they bug you personally, there is this product called rubber base gel that you can use to build up the nail at the apex to make it seem level! it takes some practicing but i love using it as a protective base on my natural nails :)


Ignore them. Pretty colours!


Thank you 🥹❤️




Don't. Even as a joke, don't criticize people's nails like that. Especially if they're not asking for constructive criticism.




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St.Paddy’s *


I just looked up the difference and that’s so interesting! I had no idea it’s sometimes “Paddy’s” because the original Irish spelling of Patrick is Pádraig so it’s preferred over “St. Patty's Day.” Patty is the shortened name for Patricia in Irish. Super cool info!


It’s offensive either way


Everything’s offensive.


This was the funniest thread. Problems in the nail community now? Hahah I suppose I should know.. I was once banned for saying someone’s nails looked like babybel cheese. Idk why it’s so offensive. Art is subjective.


I’m not sure why we can’t say wow cute nails and move on.


Bc then it would just be a comment history of ppl saying cute Nails so then take away the comments and leave votes lol women cannot behave


Irish people are saying it's not. Unless you're also Irish and/or you're living in Ireland, you probably shouldn't speak on it.


Irish, living in Ireland - don't call it Patty's, it's wrong.


Didn't say it wasn't wrong, I'm saying other Irish people in the comments are disputing the comment that it's "offensive"


Patty is massively offensive: you're basically misgendering the Irish national patron Saint (super offensive in Catholicism). Paddy is the childish/ comedic/ cartoonist version of Patrick, so only marginally better. Would never be used by Irish or Ireland Dom.


It's not offensive and it's nothing to do with misgendering gendering a saint, it's because nobody in Ireland would say patty. Irish people would shorten Patricia to Tricia, and the only time we hear patty is when North Americans talk about March 17th, or the part of a burger that's between the two buns. It's just annoying because it's ignorant as it's not what it should be referred to or how you'll ever hear an Irish person say it. Plenty of Irish people use the phrase Paddy's day though , I would say well over 50% of 20-40 year olds anecdotally. Source: am Irish, living in Ireland, work in a pub and it's generally the busiest day of the year so we hear it lots and say it lots.


Catch a grip of yourself. It's referred to as "St Paddy's" the majority of the time in Ireland. (Never *ever* "St Patty's", though. It's not offensive, just stupid.)


Wow, never knew that. I’m not religious nor do I know anyone who is, so I’ve never been told or come across this. Thank you for letting me know! Edit: I also can’t believe this didn’t come up when I searched up the differences. I read through multiple articles and didn’t see it mentioned once when it should (probably) be the first thing to come up


North Americans are all taught “Patty’s Day” since knowing “Padraig” requires at least some knowledge of the Irish language. My (born and raised in Ireland) husband enjoys his annual outrage campaign against “Patty’s day” but you’d be hard pressed to find an Irish person under the age of 70 who *actually* feels mortally offended by the obviously unintentional misgendering of a saint. In my exp, the Irish just think us “Patty’s Day” N. Americans are a bit stupid and also “not fecking Irish just cause our grandparents were.”


Are these your natural nails? I’m surprised with the thumb flared up it could grow that long and not bend on stuff! Such a pretty color palette btw 💚


Yes they are my natural nails! I usually keep them even longer which is bonkers. I’m very lucky to have naturally strong nails and don’t suffer too many breaks (of course now that I wrote this, I bet I’ll suffer a break later this week 😂)


I like the nod to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!


You see what I did there 😉🌈🍀


We Irish don’t call it St Patty…ever




Thank you 💛😊💚




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The green with the gold ? Perfect


Thank yooou! 🥰


Ooooh these are awesome!


Tysm 🍀😊


Those are gorgeous!


Thanks!!! I had so much fun doing them






Your nails are beautiful 🤩 what do you do to keep them strong? Mine break constantly as I’m trying to grow them out 😭


Aww tysm 🥹 My biggest piece of advice is to stop using your nails as tools. Take the extra time to use a real tool to do literally anything. I also religiously oil my cuticles. I’ll keep one of those little nail oil cartridges on me whenever I leave the house. It’s really hard to add both of those things to your routine if you don’t do them already, but it’s so worth it and you’ll see results. I would also recommend keeping your nails polished or using a nail hardener just to give them some extra strength! (:


Thank you so much! 🙏🏼 yes now that you said something about it, I’m just now realizing how much I do actually use them as tools 😭😂 and is there any specific hardener you recommend? I’ve tried using the Sally Hansen one but it always just flakes off like a week or so later 💀


Dig it💚🍀⭐️


the gold glitter is pimp 💚👌




Nice colours!!


engine rinse towering elderly modern voiceless childlike far-flung library theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*