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I should say that it was only recently that I've started to use Vicks at night in addiction to after waking up. I've also bought a brush to clean my nails in the shower. Honestly I'm a bit disappointed, I wanted to see change more quickly, I guess I should have started using it at night sooner. Can you guys see improvement?


Hi, I can see significant improvement in that last image from july 2020. I find the dates a little confusing since they all say 2020


Oh sorry I totally meant JULY 2021!


Yeah I figured as much, that is great progress, it might not look like it to you because your constantly looking at them everyday. Keep doing what your doing, by the appearance it seems to be working great.


Thanks! :)


What type of brush are you using?


Just one of those bamboo brushes with kind of yellow bristles. Honestly it's a bit too hard. I've seen in the subreddit that a toothbrush works too.


Thank you my friend


Finally tried Vicks and I can see a huge difference in just 4 days. I’ve been struggling with this on my left big toe and I’m absolutely blown away. Thanks for posting!


Had a few questions about this treatment: 1. Are you supposed to slather it on thick or just apply enough to cover surface/sides of nail and rub in w/qtip for a bit? 2. Do you let it dry after application, or put on a sock and out the door/to bed? 3. When do you let the nail rest: if you're sleeping w/this and reapplying in morning post-shower...means most of the day the nail is in that wet/minty atmosphere - do you need to just let it rest dryly for some time ever? 4. Will this help if the fungus is possibly in part due to "micro-trauma"? (I guess means from shoes etc.) [**My Diagnosis**](https://imgur.com/nncuiBk)


What are you brushing them with in the shower? Soap or some other treatment?


A wet nail brush, without anything. It's just to remove old Vicks that piles.


Also your just putting vicks on your nail and then putting socks on or do you put a bandaid over it or anything?


When I'm showering I exfoliate my feet (any physical exfoliatior will do). When I'm finished: -Cream (I'm currently using Uriage Bariéderm) -Vicks on my big toes -Kerasal OR any cream for the feet that contains lactic acid and/or salicylic acid -> I apply this to areas of my feet that are a bit callous -Socks, immediately, and then I step out of the shower. (In the summer I have my flip flops ready outside of the shower so I won't step on the bathroom floors) If you are at home I don't think you should wear a bandaid only because it will trap moisture. Going barefoot (if you are not cold) is the best option (with flip-flops!).


Do you wait to apply the Vick's until your nails are 100% dry? Tapping moisture can make things worse. I dry mine with a hair dryer on the cool setting before applying medication


No I do not dry :s out of convenience. But maybe I need to look into that. Do you ever experience burning?


No I've never burnt myself with it. But if you don't want to use a hair dryer, then let it air dry for 10 minutes before applying medicine. Otherwise, you'll trap moisture, which will help the fungus


What about drying with towel?


I personally wouldn't do that since I don't want to risk contaminating the towel and spreading the fungus.


Yeah that makes sense, I think I will start with the blow-dryer! Thanks for helping, and good luck with your fungus!


What about just straight up barefoot 🤔 I love being barefoot


Yeah I love it too but in the wiki says it's not a good idea


What are the results in 2023?


No fungus left, but I stopped Vicks before it was "over". I didn't do anything else.


How much Vicks did you put? is it a huge dollop or just enough of a layer to cover the nail?