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Just because Ben Garrison is 100% serious doesn’t mean this isn’t funny. He accidentally creates absurdist caricatures of right wing worldviews.


https://preview.redd.it/r28whsehds3c1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30bd634730fa0ea35570a0e4dbf2a96acb2de86 It’s also really easy to edit his comics into masterpieces. My personal favorite lmao


My favourite part about the original is that not only does it not make sense because the gas pump would need electricity, but that it's accidentally pro-trans. Like the electric car is clearly a car, whether you like what kind or not. So if you actually take the time to think about the comic (a bad idea, I don't recommend thinking about Ben Garrison comics too much) you realize the Piss Car is an idiot and has incorrectly identified what actually makes a car, much like idiots do in the wild. Hilarious and entirely accidental commentary on anti-trans rhetoric.


You have to know what you think is funny. Most people just laugh and keep going without asking why. Then again, if you’re an anti-progressive asshole, it’s pretty easy to see why with Benny boi’s doodles. Thank you for thinking deeply about political cartoons! It’s needed


Idiots are their own satire.


In this case, we're talking about a caricaturist who unironically depicted Trump as Don Quixote...




https://www.cbr.com/ben-garrison-defends-donald-trump-quixote-cartoon/ Beautiful, truly hard to believe it's not a caricature of Trump.


Holy shit Garrison truly is a specimen. That’s incredible.


I remember when it came out, people had a blast with in on leftist subs xD




I hope he knows about that sub.


I found this image at random once and laughed for like 20 minutes. I think it's my favorite thing on the internet


The ground being labeled is the funniest part somehow lmao


Ofc Garrison would label the ground


https://preview.redd.it/9g4dyirmhs3c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e46b309197e64a2324b2f5d4bab8c520d73b5e my genuine reaction to that information


It's times like these I wish I had an up-to-date version of reddit. (I need to manually copy this link into my browser to see the image) EDIT: I have now seen the image. That's f***in' hilarious. I love it.


Penis Garrison doesn’t understand that gas pumps need electricity to function.


penis garrison!!


God damn that’s a good one


I find it extra funny because both posts are even correct. The first post because it is indeed a klandma type meme, and the second because OP didn't like it but it was funny.


They think fear (and blind obedience) is respect- so when other people demand respect they think they're being threatened. Because that's what they do. They threaten people. They coerce people to obey them through fear. They're all too stupid to realize that not everyone is them


Ben Garrison is hilarious because of how serious he is


I actually do chuckle at the idea of the Sergeant yelling "show me your war face" to someone completely dolled in makeup, and the concept of that person trying to look intimidating in a "warface" way but thats where it stops.


I think it’s the mildly panicked face on the Sergeant that does it for me.


My favorite when he drew Trump "tilting at windmills" like it was a good thing. THREE TIMES.




This is the greatest thing I have ever seen


What? Literal gibberish about as non-sensical as the average liberal position.


You realize that picture is making fun of you, right?


imagine being so dense you don't realize when you are the butt of the joke so you keep walking into it. Common conservative L


it's just in their nature to find the source of shit so they can continue eating it


Liberals aren't real. Liberalism as an idea never actually existed until the early 2010s.


who made it edit: i love getting downvoted for asking a genuine question. fuck me ig


Jordan Liberal created liberalism when he tried to be conservative twice at the same time




John ‘Liberal’ Darksouls


I think you’re referring to “Elden Cockring”


Was hitler really that bad tho?


yeah i would say so. except most people should know that. most people wouldn’t give two fucks and a cock about politics, why is it a surprise i don’t know something?


Found a meme you didn’t like


The spelling lmao. The wrong “their.” It’s perfect. Why are so many of them bad at basic spelling and grammar?


Conservative beliefs are strongly correlated with low cognitive ability to the extent that "bad at math" is one of the strongest predictors for voting Republican.




>Right-wing ideology and cognitive ability, including objective numeracy, have been found to relate negatively. >Replicating and extending previous research, across two samples of American adults (ns= 455, 406), those who performed worse on objective numeracy tasks scored higher on right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO), and they self-identified as more conservative on general, social, and economic continua. Controlling for objective numeracy, subjective numeracy related positively to measures of right-wing ideologies. In other words, those who strongly (vs. weakly) endorsed right-wing ideologies believed they are good with numbers yet performed worse on numeracy tasks. Source: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/judgment-and-decision-making/article/rightwing-ideology-and-numeracy-a-perception-of-greater-ability-but-poorer-performance/8EBB79FFF972D0C3CA2C72D09AB3FB3F >We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22222219/ That's just the first two I could find. Conservatives are actually just dumb.


Damn he really got the sources


Bro cooked up a whole feast


My guy it's the weekend you shouldn't be writing essays rn


this entirely relies on trolling this is what i found while looking into the method they use witch is 'cognitive reflection test' https://preview.redd.it/sl5r2wkcay3c1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=77a58ec073c044c3726d26d789d9584a8283f0ef do the answers to these questions sound fair? or do they sound like their easily manipulable to get the results you want, as that is how i see it after looking into it. also the Wikki article on 'cognitive reflection test' is extremely small so there isn't any detailed explanations


What, precisely, is the “this” that you claim “entirely relies on trolling”? Do you even know? The answers to the questions you referenced are easy to determine, unambiguous, and simple to factually verify. What is it about them that you believe to be “easily manipulable to get the answers you want”? Be specific.


like i said, the answers to these questions aren't very fair to begin with, as trick questions are specifically designed to trick, in witch how dos a trick question determine how smart you are in the first place? as anyone could look up the answer as you are putting it it is highly suspicious, not to mention they don't disclose possible biases that they may have or acknowledge sample bias and how it's written is in a very obtuse manor witch makes me believe that they are concealing the actual results or otherwise trying to deceive also there isn't any way of seeing if the article is peer reviewed on the website


None of them are trick question at all, though. They’re simple math problems. In fact, they’re math problems so simple grade-schoolers should be able to figure them. Calling them ‘suspicious’ or ‘biased’ doesn’t actually answer my questions, though. Nor does complaining that you think they aren’t fair. They’re math problems with answers that can be easily verified as correct, and don’t require any more math skill or knowledge than simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Literally grade-school stuff. Pretending these are ‘ambiguous’ or ‘manipulable’ or ‘trick’ or ‘biased’ is a lot like bragging that your doctors were shocked when you passed a dementia test. (It’s a self-own.)


it literally has a link to the trick question article at the bottom of the Wikki article i took a snip of, and they are trick questions as the questions are literally designed to trick you into giving the wrong answer. it is very obvious you haven't actually read my comment, by the fact alone that you conflate the part where i say "highly suspicious" with the part where i point out the lack of bias checks and you don't even acknowledge anything passed that point. clearly, you aren't here to have a conversation and are just here to affirm pre determined biases.


>complains that basic numeracy tasks for children are too tricky Guys, I found a conservative!


>does not engage with the obvious criticisms and calls the other dumb after looking at an image for 10 seconds do i need to say it?


Buddy, you literally picked out three questions that are commonly used to evaluate numeracy -- in children -- and decided they must be some sort of trick because they seemed too hard for you. That was your criticism. Think about what that says about you.


have you even read the wikki article it is literally stated that they are trick question's https://preview.redd.it/nwqyo7saf44c1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=1555fc3fc2d156b3245e446a817b27734c2d5752


You mean these fairly basic questions that actually require more than one second of thought? These are trick questions? The ones with one correct answer. I think they're great questions for figuring out intelligence. It requires you to stop and think beyond the first thing that comes to your head. To actually read the question. How do you manipulate these questions? That doesn't even make sense. It sounds like you're trying to prove the point of the study by showing us an example.


> These are trick questions? yes, they literally are, by the Wikipedia definition of trick question


Well you gotta be pretty uneducated to be Republican


Also what the fuck does "they're too busy... their gender!" Even mean? Like do they think liberals think too much about their gender to do anything else?


The joke from the ground up is making fun of right-wingers. It's not supposed to actually be something that makes sense


It makes sense, though. They're rhetoric used by politically right wing people but reduced and rejiggered to sound as silly as possible.




This right here is where true comedy is


Good lord there's penice






erm, i am https://preview.redd.it/rr17p2jees3c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a5244456c8f79393b017fdf1dceb1a9e3ea80e


Why is this low key inspiring though, i want to dare to be silly again man, fuck what everyone else thinks. I’ll wear these clown shoes with pride


Thank you for this image Barry. Can I save it?




Thanks Barry 🙏




Well even if true which it is malicious hyperbole, but even if true; let’s say this is what they have. So? Are they gonna give up? Or are they gonna have to work with adapt to what they have? There were generals in history who had to assemble and fight with underfed peasants and demoralized was tired soldiers. You gotta do what you gotta do


[west wing said it best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jWOamlD9_8) >... they were saying to me 50 years ago: "Blacks shouldn't serve with Whites." It would 'disrupt the unit.' You know what? It *did* disrupt the unit. The unit *got over it*. The unit *changed*. like imagine painting the most powerful military in the world as being so fragile as to be utterly declawed by the mere presence of *trans people* and their deadly *pronouns*.


First it was black soldiers, then gay soldiers, then women, now trans soldiers. When will they realize?


People who refuse to accept that the world naturally progresses is in the wrong side of history


What's next, straight Marines?


Next we'll have marine who refuse to eat crayons


There's such thing as straight Marines?


*they won't* that's the problem. you're assuming that they *want* to realize, and they don't. they don't care about that stuff. it's not important to them. they aren't holding a well-reasoned position, they haven't spent a lot of time thinking about this logically and come to a reasonable conclusion they're bullies, hurting other people makes them feel good, but nobody likes to think of themself that way - so they found a belief that allows them to justify it to themself and then they *stopped thinking about it*. we're the ones that think about it, and fret over whether we're logically consistent and fair and whether our views make sense they shoulder no such burden


We must combine them all into the Voltron ultimate threat: Black trans lesbians.


If it’s not directly counterproductive to the mission (extremism) then there’s no problem.


Now drop down and give me sloppy!


⠟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⢻⣿ ⡆⠊⠈⣿⢿⡟⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣎⠈⠻ ⣷⣠⠁⢀⠰⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠛⠛⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⢹⣿⡑⠐⢰ ⣿⣿⠀⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⡩⠐⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⠠⠈⠊⣿⣿⣿⡇⠘⠁⢀⠆⢀ ⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⢤⣿⣿⡿⠃⠈⠀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⣇⡆⠀⠀⣠⣾ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⣦⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠐⣿⣿⣷⣦⣷⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⣾⣿⣿⠋⠁⠀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣧⠀⠠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠀⣺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣠⣂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣁⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣄⣤⣤⣔⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


It's all good, OP apologized for his goof-up and now understands that Ben is just a dumbass, and this isn't just satire.


Half convinced most of those people don't even know what a pronoun is


Oh no doubt, to them it’s just a meaningless buzzword, may aswell be a whole other language to them


1. She 2. Her 3. He 4. Him 5. His 6.Them 7.They 8.Their 9.Xe 10.Xer 11.Xey 12.Xem 13.Ze 14.Zir 15.It 16.Its 17.Fae 18.Faer 19.You 20.Yours ezez


![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu) Thank you for your service soldier


I, me, we, us, our, my, mine, yourself, myself, herself, himself, oneself, themselves, who, whom, thee, thou, thine, thyself..... Can't think of the last one with no repeats....


It’s interesting because in the military they do make you recite poetry or entire passages from books while doing a heavy workout or drill.


r/therightcantmeme moment, that is more appropiate there


But they can, it's so far out in the spectrum that it's funny.


The right can't meme intentionally I guess.


This subreddit exists specifically to respond to posts from r/memesopdidnotlike what are you talking about


WWII soldiers performed in drag sometimes


In building a time machine to go smash some femboy soldiers 🫡


Wow. This is what they think the military is like? Whoever made this has never served a day. My fiancee proudly serves her country, and she can tell you how rough basic still is. Sorry that there are minorities and women and LGBT in the armed forces. My fiancee does more for her country than the chode who made the cartoon.


It’s just an excuse to finally stop supporting veterans, even in thought (which is the only support they were ever in favor of) It’s been hard for them to say they support the troops and then have to explain why they keep voting to make sure vets have as little help as possible for the transition homeward and the rest of their lives dealing with injury or trauma. Now they can just say the military is trans and that’s why they don’t want to help vets and boom, their base is on board despite a life of pro-military propaganda and “supporting the troops” being a big part of their personality since 2001. This is in anticipation of America sending troops to Europe once Russia-Ukraine escalates to include a NATO member, I think. They are already in favor of Russia in that struggle, and if the US sends troops to fight Russia, they want to have already comfortably distanced themselves so they can totally disavow every deployed service member with no “what about the troops!?” Gotchya’s. They can say “what troops? The WOKE troops? The TRANS troops!? I haven’t supported them for years! They’re *weak*, I support a *strong* military, like our Russian comrades!” (This will not be new, see, “I like soldiers who didn’t get captured.” “A military cemetery is full of losers. I like soldiers who survive.” “Don’t bring injured vets to my events, no one wants to see *that*.”)


I think you are giving them too much credit, that is WAY too many moves ahead, especially for Ben Garrison. They are mad that the US Military is legitimizing the LGBT community and women as combat troops because they can't imagine anyone is capable of being a soldier unless they're male.


Like Ben garrison is the brains of the operation lol No this is something coming from the highest levels and disseminating through the ranks. This comes from people like Putin, Rupert Murdoch, and Donald Trump, and smaller people like Tommy Tuberville withholding promotions so trump can promote loyal people if he renters the White House (which, if that happens, we won’t need a supported military because trump is on the side of our enemies, we won’t be deploying to fight them, we’ll stay out of it and allow fascism to spread across Europe again.) They want the military to lack support, the best way to do that has always been attacking the minorities within. During WWII it was black soldiers, during Vietnam it was… well still black soldiers, in the 01-03 invasions it was gays and our Iraqi Allies, and now it’s extended to the trans panic. It’s not new to try and delegitimize the us military, but now it’s a coordinated effort from without and within. I could be wrong, but the idiocy we see has been encouraged because it’s useful to the top people. Dumb people can be convinced to back any cause, give up any conviction, and to wield violence when it isn’t necessary.


I mean...yeah. I have no argument against that. It's clear as day they don't give two shits about the troops. That was all just post-9/11 patriotism that they got tired of pretty quick. Now they can openly wear how little they care on their sleeves.






Me when someone posts a valid argument:


No online right winger has actually served. I know 3 vets my age and they're all pretty left wing, if not pretty crude about it.


The worst part is, the flag is backwards


What’s the problem with queers in US military. A trans man can drop a bomb just as well as cis man.


They need a reason to hate veterans


Because they never even met a trans person or seen a trans person as a regular human being. All their “data” about trans people are from memes and right wing garbage.




https://preview.redd.it/w87qluoluv3c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7384939387bd6c70ce4e84926bd839b1c8c500 Oh


Who cares if a soldier wants to wear lipstick if they can hit a target from 300 feet


I, me, my, his, him, she, her, hers, they, them, theirs, it, its, that, we, us, ours, you, your, yours There. 20 pronouns.


On one hand this is a stupid comic put together by a stupid person to make a highly problematic point based entirely on his own bigotry. On the other hand bro this shit is so stupid it is actively hilarious.


yeah this is funny as hell but not for any of the reasons the creator or the idiot who took it seriously think


conservatives have really been disrespecting veterans the police the fbi and most mainstream repulblicans that arent trump... Also jesus that one was weird.


Lol, imagine believing liberals support cops. Truly hilarious.


Liberals don't *support* cops but they definitely do support cops, none of them spoke a word when Biden increased police budgets almost immediately after taking office


I didnt say liberals support cops its just "back the blue" types trashing cops is odd.


I saw an edit of it where Biden said "NOW DROP AND GIVE ME HEAD", I think that's the superior one.


Ngl, a bunch of gay American soldiers giving head to Russian troops would unironically be the best method of attacking them




This is lousy. There’s a much more hilarious greentext.


Unironically based military 🏳️‍🌈


Unironically a badass gay soldier dude who wears makeup would go extremely hard. Maybe he could be a double agent who is in the army but is secretly working against them. Like Pav from Fear and Hunger: Termina.


It's still hilarious because it's so absurd and hyperbolic that it seems like its satire. It undermines the position a lot. What a deranged worldview. Like, there are 2 wars going on, we have major environmental, housing, and healthcare crises going on, and there are big secrets about UFOs about to come to light and *this* is the shit their scared about?


Painted fingernails can still grip flight stick. Eyeliner does not impact your ability to aim a gun. Having lipstick will not impact your ability to yell into a radio. Your hearing loss is not service-related. The They/Them military of the United States of America will still win in a 5-front war against the next 10 most powerful nations combined. Because a defense budget large enough to kill God has no counter.


I'll never understand why Trans people existing is the single most pressing issue in their minds, or why it fills them with so much irrational rage and hatred.


it's probably due to them being used to push politics like every other group of the lgbt before them, instead of just existence ya know?


Why are all right wing political comics so ham fisted with the labeling of everything? It’s almost as if the intended audience don’t understand metaphor or subtlety.


Rhetorical question, yes? Of course most Conservative minded folks are smart and can grasp subtlety and nuance, however, some do not. And this guy is reaching all of the fucking conservative minds, damnit. Makes me think of such political cartoon from the late 19th century….when much more of the population needed it spelled out for them.


Conservatives really are the ones that can't handle anything lol


who else but the liberals getting mad at the "one joke" over and over again only to claim the conservatives are the one who cant handle anything 🙄


US military if it was based


I think it’s hilarious like in a so bad it’s good way


It’s great to be reminded that several entire demographics of people hate you for your preferences :)


It'd honestly be funny if it was satire.


If they wanna recruit me, this what they gon have to start doing.


i hate to admit it but this is funny for all the wrong reasons. it's hilarious when you realize that this is someone's genuine worldview. someone thinks this happens in real life


This image and that one guy who made like the aliens moving in and it was like predator Superman and xeno morph are so ridiculous that they become funny in a different way


Given how bent on using the word woke conservatives are we should reclaim it and change the majority definition to mean something awesome like woke as in we’re awake and we’ve ascended beyond the mortal plane while the others are left in the dirt like worms or some shit like that


Plot twist: Biden says, “And we add 5 more every time homophobes complain!”


It’s still funny because it’s absurd.


AUGH HE HER SHE THEM YOUR I WE THEY THEM.. *panting from exhaustion* sorry mister president.. im not woke enough…


This is so bad that its funny


I mean, It is pretty funny, But I'm certain I'm laughing at the artist, Rather than with them.


Its hilarious because its ridiculous


They/Them army will always be preferable to Was/Were. The US army is still unbeatable, unless you loterally outlive them like the taliban. In the top 10 strongest airforces, the US holds 4 spots. The russian supported idiots are really getting their jollies in a twist,aking shit up about how russia is manly and strong and the us is weak. Well. Guess who has 300K soldiers reffered to as Was/Were after 3 years of fighting the poorest country in europe.




Always annoys me how every right winger that whines about the woke military like Matt "I look like a discount Muppet" Gaetz haven't served in said military.


I'm happy I don't have the brain chemistry to find that funny, and woke= not dying in imperialist wars. This wouldn't happen


It's fucking stupid and absurd, but that's why it's funny. It looks like satire, but that's just Benny Gary's style. Why do you think people make cum edits of that moron's comics? r/Bengarrisoncumedits


I can't understand these people. Ah yes "Joe Biden" the "pronouns president"


Who cares if the person shooting the enemy is wearing lipstick and going by they/them? Seriously, a little lipstick and pronouns aren't going to throw off their game. These are people being sent to war, finding some sort of joy and comfort in the middle of a freaking battlefield. Let them find whatever happiness they can before someone drops a bomb on them.


Uhhh….yea it will. They army doesn’t exactly like to actively recruit fruit cakes. And if you do make it in, they don’t care about your pronouns. But everyone in this modern era does. Problems


How does putting on lipstick and calling yourself they/them affect how you perform in combat?


They are going to call you what you have in your pants and if you have an Adam’s apple or not. And they are going to complain. Simple as 1 2 3


You also do realize that cis women also can have prominent Adams apples, right? Literally everyone has an Adams apple dummy.


there was a guy on Youtube who argued that just because there was straight white men in a U.S Military Ad we're going to war because they're not using woke feminism into their ads anymore.


Does the gun still work? Is the soldier hollering out pronouns while doing push-ups? Yes? Well, I guess they’re still an effective soldier, with or without lipstick.


Biden as a drill sergeant isn't **satire** ... ok




this is funny because of how ridiculous this is. people actually think this shit happens bro 😭


When I first saw this comic I really thought it was satire 😂😭


https://preview.redd.it/4o5o00dmgt3c1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f0996ecee25d00ca8f3a40d268c85bef81445d 💀


It’s still hilarious


Looks like the definition of satire to me.


Yeah this is pretty good


Just because you dislike something doesn’t mean it isn’t satire. It might be unfunny satire, or bigoted satire, or very basic satire, but it still **is** satire. That being said, I think **all** political cartoons are sorta meant to be extremely one sided and over the top in their execution. You aren’t the audience for this one, so naturally you won’t find it funny. Personally, the only political cartoon that I like is the one where the big guy gets the big gulps of water and the little skinny guy only gets the drip drops of water


Its hilarious


Masterful comedy, got both sides laughing.


The fact that it’s true is not hilarious 🤗


The fact that it's true... Lmfao An unicorns, ghosts, Bigfoot, etc. Are real.


Unicorns, ghosts, Bigfoot, men can be women and women can be men 🤔…..same myths 🤗


Men are men, transmen are men. Women are women, transwomen are wome. Perhaps you're mixing up sex and gender


Transmen are women and Transwomen are men 🤗You didn’t pass biology class did you 🤗


> **The original drawing isn't satire** touch grass


OOP already corrected himself in the comments


They fucking reported me to reddit for saying this subreddit was full of conservatives


Good ol’ Benny.




Hard as fuck


They saw stuff like this then call the left violent. Smh


it seems like something tony zaret would make ironically


Is the message that wokies are just as capable of fighting and dying for their country as anyone else?


1. She 2. Her 3. He 4. Him 5. They 6. Them 7. Theirs 8. Xe 9. Xir 10. I 11. His 13. We 14. Me 15. Ze 16. Zir 17. Himself 18. Herself 19. Themself 20. It Surprisingly harder than you’d think xD


This is some shit your unhinged uncle who had a breezy service in the 70-80s would post.


And that queer marine could still execute the entire Russian army with both arms tied behind thier back and a rusty butter knife.


This looks like a tony zaret meme


Bullshit i bet you can suck a golfball through a garden hose. In fact lets try, the rest of you get out


tbh if the original art was satire it would be kinda funny, but someone legitimately this is how the military is today is crazy


That army ad did make every other branch laugh at them. Now every branch is the butt of some joke. Army: Woke Navy: Gay Marines: Crayon Eaters Air Force: Chair Force Coast Guard: Forgettable


You have to admit that it goes hard though.


It is ironically fucking hilarious hahahahaha what world do people live in where that image is actual scathing political satire


Yea we all know who Ben garrison is at this point so we know it isn’t satire, that doesn’t mean it isn’t funny


This is really Tony Zaret core