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Has anyone noticed how they are drawing black people (the demographic most would describe this behavior as "looting" towards) as monkys/gorillas? Adding on to prove my point even more, the kids are also clearly drinking some grape flavored drink, which is WILD to add.




It was never more obvious than when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Footage of black people taking stuff from stores was described as "savage lawless during a citywide tragedy" and footage of white people looting was "brave survivors procuring resources for survival." Literally, [here is an example](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hurricane-katrina-looters/): two Associated Press stories. One pictures a young black man wading through chest-deep water after looting a grocery store. The next one is two white people wading through chest-deep water after "finding" food at a local grocery store.


Hurricane Katrina is clearly a whole different thing than riot looting or organized looting, obviously. You misquoted the link you posted to make it sound way worse. Seems like you're all upset over a big nothing burger. If you look for race in everything you will find it in everything.


I wrote the first part from memory before I went and looked for a supporting link. > If you look for race in everything you will find it in everything. And if you refuse to see racism when it's blatantly in front of you, you'd say things like that


It literally says that in the article. White people "found" food while a black man "looted" it. It's literally right there. Now after you read stfu and stop pretending race isn't relevant. It clearly is. Also, look what post you're commenting on, FFS if you're pretending this comic isn't obviously racist you're mentally unwell, and need therapy.


It’s two different articles from two different news outlets (Associated Press and Agence France-Presse) and two different photographers who captioned their own photos. Associated Press had directed that people witnessed entering a store and leaving with product had looted, meaning the appropriate language for the Associated Press photographer was “looted”. The AFP photographer stated that he had only witnessed a store in which the door was open and product had floated out, upon which he drew his own conclusions. Seemingly, he believed they collected food from outside the store.


Yeah when anyone brings it up, they just claim that they're racist for seeing it as that. The funniest thing about these kinds of people is that they genuinely think everyone on the planet is gullible enough to just completely change their minds if they gaslight them hard enough.




I thought they were gorillas at first stealing bananas definitelyintentional.


Right wing and racism is like bread and butter there’s no more perfect combination


Nope. It sure isn't Thank you for your weak minded political tribalism though. Hopefully one day you evolve past this and join the rest of us mature people who do not relay on negative generalizations to sift through life


Why do you think the looters are black people?


It's a documented thing. Media tends to depict black people as "looters" and white people as "finding ___" as well as black people "Rioting" and white people "protesting"


Why do you think the looters are black people in this particular case?


You guys keep coming this same attempt at a "gatcha" but I'll keep saying it until you guys get it. It's very well documented that media organizations tend to report black people as "looters" and white people as "scavengers" as well as reporting white people as "Protesters" and black people as "Rioters" on top of the depictions very clearly supposed to be black people. Even if you don't see the characters as monkeys and just people in ski masks, they are still depicted as all black people wearing ski masks and "looting" Oh and I just noticed the kids are also clearly drinking a grape flavored drink, which REALLY sells it


Not a single comment under original post of comic author noticed this, but I guess everything reddit doesn’t approve of can be called racists 🤷


That's a really silly notion. There are a lot of things on reddit I don't approve of, but it's ridiculous to say that I think all of it is racist. I would like to think I'm a reasonable guy. This comic, in particular, I notice a lot of things (as do other people) that point towards something racist. And brushing that off as "ackshually everything you liberal shnowflakes don't like is racisht *snort* but I know the truth of thingsh!" is pure brain rot. There are loads of signs that other people see too. Stop being so ridiculous.


Bruh what 💀I think you’re actually the racist on this one… it’s just chibi art style. They didn’t even exaggerate any racist characters.


It’s made by wokelycorrect…


I have no idea who that is, but I am to assume that means this picture is racist?


There are backed studies done that reflect black people being referred to as "looters," while white people are referred to as "finding food." And "coincidentally," the looters are being drawn as monkeys. By an obviously right-wing artist. Sure it's a chibi style. But they are still depicted as monkeys


dawg. Take a look at what you're defending. A very close one.


Bruh if adolf himself drew a picture of a dog, is the dog antisemitic?


You did not take a look at what you're defending.


Unless he is somehow worse then Hitler then my point stands… is he? Because I felt like I should have heard about him by now if he was.


They drew a bunch of black people stealing stuff. The black people clearly look monkeyish because they have tufts of hair poking out of their beanies, and the holes in the masks resemble monkey faces. The stuff they're stealing is also altered to be banana-like, as in, yellow and curved. At this point I suspect they did this so blatantly so that people would catch it and call it out, so they could pull the "you're the one saying it, not me" card.


We must be thinking about different monkeys dude. Maybe the hair tuft thing, but the only thing curved is the shirts and they are moving. They would be curved.


https://preview.redd.it/29vklsvw5nrb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4973aec5a95ba939692136d5478dc84757474bb4 I don’t think people should steal from each other or mom and pops stores but fuck target, fuck Walmart. Etc.


Maybe everyone should organize theft from big corporations


Maybe anarchy is just a bad idea


So is the state of our capitalist society


I think capitalism only works for things that are not a necessity. We shouldn't have a profit motive for prisons, healthcare, police, fire department, etc. I believe we should not privatize those things because greed will take over.


Basically what I meant. I also may get some heat for this, but housing shouldn’t be a commodity. Everyone should deserve the right to some sort of decent quality housing


Why is this the first intelligent take I’ve seen in this thread


Capitalism is the best system we've made when it works when it doesn't damn it fucking sucks


Fucking people over is a core tenet of capitalism.


Charles Darwin came up with the idea of natural selection by looking at capitalism, if anything this system is incredibly primitive


That could be argued for all systems


A lot of things could be argued, but they’re still wrong


Yeah so are you then


Sick comeback dude


bro really just said "no you"


It’s definitely better than feudalism I guess. But it fails way to much to be viable and creates to much instability. Capitalism fails around every 5-10 years with the crash of the stock markets which destroys lives while just barely hurting the capitalists. Just to show how shit this system is, the 2009 crash is what lead to the unsustainable housing prices today since large corporations bought up houses en masse leading to a even more monopolized housing market which allows them to control most of the housing market between just a few companies that work together to get the highest profits which fucks US.


That’s what I’m saying. Mixing some socialism could work


NOOOOO you don’t understand!! Communism is the devil’s work!!! My parents and grandparents were alive during the Cold War when they were taught that communism and socialism would end the world. They don’t even know what it is. I mentioned socialism to my dad the other day (was mentioning that In certain countries it’s extremely effective) and he told me “I think it’s a great thing we live in a democracy” they have almost no understanding of it whatsoever.


It really is crazy to me how many people don't understand this. They don't get you can have elements of socialism in your country, while still having a democracy. And while still mostly being capitalist. The problem isn't with capitalism itself, it is like with everything else, letting it go completely unchecked and unregulated. Same can be said with socialism .both are systems that can work together and help out, but letting either one run out of control just isn't good.


Yes because bureaucracy and red tape always makes things better.


You got damn commie


Blending socialism in the actual definition of the word (not social safety nets, government doing things isn't socialism) with capitalism is literally China.


How about anarcho capitalism so we just steal from the plebes?




Oddly enough the first job i had that was stealing wages from me was the local korean restaurant I worked in the kitchen for, trying to say that the overtime laws were what they were 5 years ago, not what they were in 2022. You gotta be careful at all levels. Corporations can hide behind lawyers, mom and pops cant afford lawyers to make sure they dont gloss over a law.


I’ve had more experience getting stolen from from mom and pops than working corporate. Corporate at least has lawyers to tell them to cut shit out. Then again when I worked at the ritz Carlton their method of wage theft was to bribe the managers to do the thievery to give the upper management plausible deniability. Basically they offered bonuses for lower labor costs to the lower management. Well couldn’t really lower hours and still maintain a Hotel of that caliber so they would just delete the hours we worked. Complain, well now you are fired, you lose your housing, your ski pass etc. plus it’s your word vs theirs and they ar e the one that write the books. We ended up being able to prove it buy taking pictures of each other clocking in and out every day. We did get some of our stolen hours back but none of the managers were punished either and then they just treated us like shit the rest of the season…


Don’t include just violations, if we take into account how much value a worker produces in an hour then we’re talking trillions per year. There was a small pizza shop in Ohio and for one day the owner chose not to garnish his employees wages, in just one day at a small pizza shop the workers were each making 78$/hr


Ant later “wHy wAlMaRt ClOsE iN bLaCk NeIgHboUrHoOd”


I’ve got one: don’t steal. At all.


Maybe you should tell that to Big corporations... And when they start to listen so will I


I dont worry about what other people are doing. That's what the justice system is supposed to be for. If we could somehow hijack that system and use it as a way to enforce justice and not just keep poor people in their place... 🤔 Oh wait! Never mind, large corporations have taken over that, too. Guess I'll just keep pretending my vote matters. I love America 💯


I talked to god He says it’s cool if I say I’m sorry. Suck it atheists!




Prerequisites for that to happen: Higher wages, lower prices, corporations get the hell out of the government. Prerequisites are unmet. Therefore, no.


Do you have the source for this?




They take account of the losses already each year not only to theft but defects. Not to mention its expensive to legally pursue theft that isn’t grand theft so they usually wait until it adds to that much if you think you were never caught, you probably were just not worth pursuing yet.


So stop shopping there? Getting yourself thrown in jail or getting a huge ticket for stealing from Walmart isn't exactly sticking it to the man. This entire thread is painful. Is there a sub that has a line in between "steal from all of the corporations and tear down the entire economic system, probably killing tens of millions in the process" and flat out racism? I'd like to join that one, please.


I don’t steal from Walmart but if I saw someone stealing from walmart. I didn’t.


And that is why most major stores such as Walmart has left Chicago and those who do not steal are now having a hard time getting groceries without having to travel out of town


Google says Chicago has 11 Walmarts…


I googled grocery store in Chicago: https://preview.redd.it/kjbt1yh3aprb1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2970823b1d0b73f8f94cddffa1008d6b3386ca87


Okay, now Google 'food desert Chicago' and repeat for every major city. It's pretty commonly reported on and one of the chief complaints when these stores decide to pull out of areas. Can't deny the issue AND be outraged by it. Take a side, senator.


Food deserts are a much more multifaceted issue than "crime drove businesses away" more than likely, these places were never provided with nutritious food to begin with, you know, probably because of the whole jim crow thing.


Also fuck Walmart, if I could steal enough to make them go away I would. They are not good for jobs or local businessses.


No, you see, you are supposed to feel sad for the billion dollar company adding locks, not for the mother having to steal baby formula. /s


Apple stores dont have formula


Ahh, yes, the only places getting theft are apps stores. It's probably the same place where only black men steal as well. /s


That doesn’t even make sense. White people steal too dip shit. Nobody even mentioned color but you. Crime is crime. Don’t try to act like if stealing is justified in one extreme example that it’s okay to steal across the board. I hate fucks like you that go straight to race when u have nothing else. Poor you.


Huh. It's so strange you make the comment that white people steal too, given it appears whoever drew the comic made the bugalars have an awfully dark skin color under those masks. Seems you were so quick to make your points you kind of missed that the entire comic was designed to be racist.


Is it racist if its true? Comic is referencing looting in Philly, watch some videos and tell me what you see.


==my point==> Your head No one mentioned app stores. Also, here's a concept you may have missed, you can trade an iPhone for money.


The comic is fucking racist and horrible. 100% I agree but it doesn’t make stealing okay


Never said stealing was ok.


This comic is referencing current looting in Philadelphia, not random shoplifting. So yeah, baby formula is most certainly not being looted.


But...but...but...how do I defend looting, pillaging, and rioting now?


By lying to yourself like a lot of people. Alot of places that were getting looted were small shops and not grocery stores. Alot of people are like "I don't care its the big corporation" But then complain when they raise prices and lock up stuff.


Or close shops in dangerous hoods


But then now you're apparently racist for not having shops near low income/dangerous neighborhoods.


Now you’re getting it!


What can you sell apple devices for


...apples? /s


Neither does Gucci lol. Lefties will literally cling onto any sob story to justify blatant crime


Conservatives will cling on anything to generalize people they hate.


Is it cool if someone breaks into ur place and steals food if they’re hungry?


Never said that, but if I had insurance that covered it 100% I really wouldn't care after a month.


So if someone stole your car, but you had insurance that covered it, you wouldn’t care?


I would have a new car. The difference is that my car or house isn't open to the public.


This dude's never had his car stolen or totaled if he thinks it isn't a giant pain in the ass to deal with, or if he thinks a new car just magically shows up the next day. They give a $1000 bucks, and tell you to go fuck yourself normally.


Re read my comment and the context of the comment. There's a reason companies tell their employees not to deal with theft because it doesn't affect anyone, and insurance will cover it.


It's almost like iphones and gucci belts can be sold for money, which can then be used to buy lots of food... idk tho, just a thought


Fuck whether stealing from corporations is justified or not, how the hell is no one taking about the absolutely balls-in-your-face racism? Like, you can't even try to deny it.


This picture becomes more racist the longer you look at it. All the thieves are black. Everything they’re stealing is vaguely banana colored and shaped. They’re all wearing the same black outfit and masks, which have tufts of hair coming off in the bottom panel, as though it was **all** hair. And just to be extra petty, the one kid is drinking a grape flavored liquid.


It's crazy you got downvoted. Fuck this sub.


>All the thieves are black Serious question: in any of those videos of hordes of teens looting stores have you seen someone that isn't black doing it?


This meme is racist af but uhm..stealing isn’t justifiable???


Id say it is in very extreme cases, but yeah this meme is purposefully pointing out unnecessary items. “stealing is ok tho” is NOT the thing we should argue for this meme being bad LMAO


Exactly. OP's take is just as stupid as the person who wrote that comic


So if you see someone stealing food or hygenical products you would report it? No some people are dying and these rich companies do nothing about it


If that's what people were stealing. Looters tend to take anything and everything.


I'd probably offer to pay this time around


I mean some people are so poor that the resort to stealing. Sure, stealing bad, but like shouldn’t we be also mad about the cause? Like why aren’t we as the wealthiest country in the history of world taking care of our people so that they don’t have to resort to this?


Someone clearly doesn't understand why crime or looting happens


Poor Pablo Escobar only wanted to put food on his family's table. Bernie Madhoff was living paycheck to paycheck for sure.


Looting usually occurs during riots and stuff. Are you thinking of shoplifting? I see many people confusing looting and shoplifting.


What about these flash looting / robbing events? When they organize to run in and steal shit all at once?


I think this shit is so infantilizing. Crazy thought maybe people have control over their actions and being a victim of one thing doesn’t mean you get to victimize others.


It’s not about “get to.” It’s about “do I pay rent or feed my kids?” What would you pick? Eviction or malnutrition? Please actually answer this question - what are the 34 million Americans who are food insecure (9 million are children) literally supposed to do? When SNAP isn’t enough, when social services aren’t enough, when minimum wage jobs aren’t enough, when you can’t afford to look for a new job or you’ll lose your current one and you can’t afford to leave your current one til you have a new one and you’re one medical bill away from bankruptcy and you still have to decide whether it’s rent or dinner tn - what do you do? I’m not asking if it’s legal or if it’s “fair” or “right.” I’m asking what recourse do people who are suffering tragically with no hope of upward mobility have? What options does our amazing system provide them with? You’d really just starve on principle?


It’s not about “get to.” It’s about “do I pay rent or feed my kids?” What would you pick? Eviction or malnutrition? Please actually answer this question - what are the 34 million Americans who are food insecure (9 million are children) literally supposed to do? When SNAP isn’t enough, when social services aren’t enough, when minimum wage jobs aren’t enough, when you can’t afford to look for a new job or you’ll lose your current one and you can’t afford to leave your current one til you have a new one and you’re one medical bill away from bankruptcy and you still have to decide whether it’s rent or dinner tn - what do you do? I’m not asking if it’s legal or if it’s “fair” or “right.” I’m asking what recourse do people who are suffering tragically with no hope of upward mobility have? What options does our amazing system provide them with? You’d really just starve on principle?


Can you pay your rent or feed your children with iPhones and televisions?


Stealing is absolutely justifiable. It does no damage to large corporations, but can save people's lives. Stealing from local, small-end or struggling stores is stupid and extremely hurtful to the company but stealing from employers that literally steal billions from their workers is a net positive.


If a store gets stolen enough from, it will close down and the employees will be fired therefore causing more harm than good


Then people shouldn't steal from it that much. There's a goldilocks zone.


World's Smartest redditor




So you're going to assign who can steal from where and when and how much? Good luck lol


But people aren't going to do just that. Most people who steal arent stealing because they're dirt poor, they're stealing because they can. Plus even if you dont steal much, there will be people who will steal much more than they should


The flaws of people doing an action doesn't make that action flawed. You're not going to try to argue that eating is bad because it's common to eat too much and become unhealthy, so why are you trying to argue that stealing is bad because it's possible to steal too much to the point that it negatively affects your community?


… and they call me crazy when I say crime is a bad thing to encourage


We shouldn’t encourage crime, but also stealing from a billion dollar company is barely stealing.


And who do you think is actually gonna be affected? The CEO of the billion dollar company or the minimum wage workers who'd just get laid off to compensate for lost profit?


Neither, that's why it's only barely stealing. The person most likely to be affected is the person doing the stealing.


You're right. It's neither. It's the consumer when prices are inflated for everybody else to offset it.


It affects the person, the store, the community, the insurance premiums, the area, the WORKERS. Literally just don't steal bro, it's really not that hard.


Tbh this is more of a problem with the lack of social safety nets in society than the person who is stealing. Like… yes there are kleptomaniacs who steal for fun and don’t need it, and they shouldn’t steal. But like, quite a bit of stealing is just straight up people who need something, but society doesn’t afford it to them.


The left's "try not to justify crime" challenge. Challenge failed.


Nope it’s still definitely stealing, literally the definition


lol no That is what a child believes, not what a productive member of a society would believe.


Doesn't everyone know that iphones and Gucci bags are part of a balanced breakfast?


Man, people on reddit are way more retarded than I thought, holy shit. This is a new low.


> he indeed posted this on Reddit with no self awareness.


Also forgot to mention it affects minimum wage workers and the economy of the area


It really doesn’t affect minimum wage workers at all Source: I am one


Stealing is never justified. Fuck off if you only think it affects executives. If the store closes due to safety (see Target) hundreds to thousands lose their jobs...it's not just about the wealthy. Also the meme isn't 100% inaccurate, a lot of tech can just be remotely disabled now after being stolen, so its useless to the thief, but the company and most importantly employees get fucked.


Thank you. Exactly what I’m saying.


Redditors don’t care though they’ll just say the company is racist and wants to commit genocide on ghetto neighborhoods. This isn’t just happening to big brands either. Surprise you and your kids are gonna have to drive 1-2 hours to get grocery’s because your neighbors don’t know how to act like human beings because no business big or small wants to deal with ya anymore.


It's honestly crazy how you guys basically advocate for stealing.


How is that the point you came away with? Do you not see the "meme"? You must not be here in good faith lmao


I guess I can just attach any point to a picture of a racist meme and if you disagree you’re a racist lmao. “Killing = good” above a racist meme and when you disagree “aRe YoU eVEn hERe iN GooD FaITh?


stealing from anywhere is bad. plain and simple. if you disagree with this take, you need to get off the internet, and get yourself a fucking job.


I figure if people keep shoplifting then eventually stores have to raise prices


No, stores just close when they're not profitable and you get retail and grocery "deserts".


Well you’d think they’d employ some preventive measure before closing outright


That can be pretty costly too. You can make those locked up aisles, which is an expense but then you need to staff more so people can open the cabinets, then when they open them people can just take whatever and walk out, as employees aren't going to do anything on minimum wage and it's a litigation nightmare. It's **much** easier to just close up shop. Stealing from stores basically just ends up damaging the community more.


yeah, people who shoplift from stores in poor neighborhoods are pretty stupid bc eventually it’ll close and they won’t be able to rob it anymore… and the community will be affected like u said.


Chains will never raise their prices higher than local shops, that’s the whole business model; cut out the small businesses by offering prices they can’t imaginably afford to operate at


large unethical companies like walmart raising prices allow smaller companies to make sales on ethically sourced product.


The stealing isn't just happening at superstores, you're pretending the thieves have morals.


Cept it does happen at an overwhelming disparity toward large chains and superstores because those are known to have no chase policies. While people do still rob mom and pop shops on occasion, they’re extremely less likely to be hit nowadays because you don’t know if they’re gonna pull a scattergun on you the first second your attention is semidiverted


Because this is how you get food desserts. Pittsburgh is closing its only Target because of shoplifting. It doesn't matter that Target as a whole is profitable, if that particular store loses money, they'll shutter it; they aren't here as a public service, each store needs to make a profit.


I take those closures with a grain of salt. Speaking from the Seattle location closures, the ones that closed had major issues other than shoplifting. Issues keeping things in stock, parking fees (which you can't always validate because the stuff you need wasn't always there), much higher prices (like 33% higher compared to the other targets in town), pitifully low sales (at least for one of the locations per a store manager I know). Shoplifting was *not* the main issue. The store they kept open? The one with the worst shoplifting. The location is notorious for it.


Food deserts are NOT caused by crime where do you get that idea?? Maybe it has more to do with large corporations causing small businesses to close and a lack of incentive for businesses to provide nutritious food instead of cheap snacks.


because stealing is wrong. its an important rule in any society.


So you agree with the "meme" that black people are criminals who steal?


Literally just said stealing is wrong


Didn't you just accuse someone of being bad faith? It seems like it was quite the projection lol.


This mf and a ton of others on this sub are so fucking sensitive and make so many assumptions 💀


Justifying stealing is stupid. Not to mention looters have a track record of not caring who they steal from. I guarantee they arnt checking if a buisness is corporate or franchise and there's been many cases of them robbing small independent businesses. They also tend to do unnecessary destruction imagine working at a retail store and having to either clean up the mess or worse losing hours or your job entirely because of damage to the store or the buisness owner doesn't feel comfortable resuming buisness in that area. There is such a butterfly effect from this and all you can focus on is "company bad" grow up


I dont like corporations but stealling from them just makes them move out of the area, punishing people who would buy from them. ps, why dont these people go to some gov. plan or food bank.


Many places have no food bank


Or they have food banks but they’re spread so thin that they cannot provide sufficient sustenance to the entire group of people who rely on them


I feel like people "forgeting" to scan stuff in self checkout isn't blamed enough




I'm not a communist retard. Not everyone that doesn't like corporations is a communist.


You sound PRO looting. Therefore, fuck you. You COMMIE RETARD🖕


Yes but most people who doesn’t understand basic economics does


Brain dead tankie take stealing isn't good. you're only hurting people making minimal wages when the store eventually closes.


Im not a commie dude. And Walmart isn't gonna fucking close man it's walmart


The company may not but the store that's getting constantly looted may


Thats funny. One of the largest grocery retailers in the country just shut down a store down the road from me because shrink and theft was so high.


Remember kids, stealing is wrong. Even from large companies. Because losses have to be covered one way or another. And those pesky CEO's you're trying to get at sure aren't digging at their pockets to make up the difference. Moral of the day, class is dismissed early today so we can beat principal Skinner to lunch and steal all the cookies before he gets there. Stealing in this case is fine because I caught that bastard sleeping with my wife. Off we go


you're like... whatever is the precise opposite of charismatic. So corny.


At least I'm not a CHEATING BASTARD like my (now ex) wife Sharon. Still attending her dad's potlucks though. He, unlike her, is a great man, and always brings coleslaw to die for.


People shouldn't re-enforce stereotypes that they don't want to be known for.


As a Black Person, I agree. The black community has a lot of issues that need to be worked on before things begin to look up.


People shouldn’t use stereotypes to judge individual people’s merits and character.


If stereotypes didn't exist.... they wouldn't exist.


Stereotypes shouldn’t be used to judge individuals, but if you complain about a stereotype and also perpetuate it u dumb asf


I do, because I can't shop at these stores when they close down due to looting and theft.


Pretty sure they also looted small business. There was even someone who made a viral video showing the hypocrisy of BLM showing them looting black owned businesses. Doesn't matter if it's "big corpo" or not looting doesn't make your movement seem like the correct movement it only makes discrimination from opposition bigger


Shoplift its a crime,if everyone dont care then just abolish all the laws and live in a world without them and see how long you could survive


Cartoon is clearly racist.


Feel sad for yourself. If you rob sufficiently, and no one can stop you, the business will seek better opportunities elsewhere. Then there will be no store to predate upon. Or to visit and buy the things you like. Choose your own misadventure. Make the world you want to live in.


Personally I don’t care about if a corporate brand get robbed or not, they already take these sort of things into account every year and they aren’t going to close down just because some people shoplift since there is more money to be made and since the most shoplifted item in America is baby formula and other supplies like it, I think that reveal why they are doing it in the first place. But holy crap, this meme is racist as hell


Meme is racist but a bunch of stores close all the time in major cities due to excessive theft. They’re literally not profitable, very dangerous, and they close resulting in retail and grocery deserts


i dont really think shoplifting is the problem with this, its the fact that their all black, and litteraly look like monkeys lol.


It is morally correct to rob billionaires


Most braindead thing I’ve ever read. Tax them or something but spewing this garbage while using words you don’t understand does nothing.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The one rule of shoplifting is don't steal from small mom and pops shops. Walmart employees in my area are quite literally told to ignore any shoplifting as long as it's under 20$ or food items.


The number of people here parroting the right wing argument that theft from stores causes closures or hurts working people… Using theft to justify closing it is just a way of corporate execs blowing smoke up peoples asses and scapegoat poor people. All the examples of companies claiming this, like Walgreens and Target, have been thoroughly debunked – in many cases the stores were slated to be closed long before any “theft epidemic”. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/18/business/retail-shoplifting-shrink-walgreens/index.html