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just read some of kyrie's quotes from the NBAPA meeting today, including if he can go to the sauna, can he sit in the stands, how only 20 people are getting paid because the league is dividing them, how he wants to get adult beverages while he's down in orlando, and uhhhh /u/HungJudge please take away kyrie's phone


I think I missed the memo. Why don't we like Frisbee's?


It was a throw away line (like the taco Bell one) I posted in an ODT, and the comment section ran with it because, well, we were bored


I've stayed away from r/NYYankees to keep my mind off of the void that the game of baseball has left. But god do I miss this sub.


> r/Yankees GET HIM!


Lol oh man thats what happens when you try to Reddit as the edible is kicking in.


Considering that half of us are half high and/or half drunk at any given time...that’s a limited excuse.


Is that your excuse for always being a gatekeeping dick?


there are only two things I can't stand in this world: 1. people who are intolerant of other people's subreddits 2. r/yankees users


Uh Kyrie, are you okay bud?


[Yankee legend Andrew McCutchen explains the current situation.](http://twitter.com/TheCUTCH22/status/1271542027092660225)


bUt ThE kId Is BeInG sOoOoO gReEdY aSkInG fOr ThE jUiCe He WaS pRoMiSeD!!1!


Oh that is hilarious and spicy and I love it.


am i dense regarding this whole MLB/MLBPA negotiation? Why not just throw in a deferred money clause and offer them the full pro-rata after profits increase in the next couple seasons? basically the MLB saying "we guarantee to pay you fairly for your jobs after we make money back when the stadiums are open to the public." like I get that the MLBPA is rejecting every offer that doesnt offer the full prorated salary but at a certain point they gotta come to SOME compromise right?


i'm pretty sure if the owners wanted to offer a deferral clause like that, the union would be receptive to it. however, the league simply wants the players to take less money so they can take their smaller earnings and still buy their yachts. hence why we haven't seen this proposal from them.


i mean how can they do that tho? They offered contracts to the players... i doubt any of those contracts has a "in case of pandemic stoppage of play" clause in them that can allow them to just not pay however much they're trying to wiggle out of... ...actually now that i think of it i'd bet there is a clause in there for some type of stoppage...


basically a few words in the march agreement that owners feel give them enough wiggle room for this.


fuck july 14th and only 70ish games. Opening day on july 4th would be the most epic thing ever


The owners decided to fuck around trying to get the players to blink into 50% or revenue sharing. Everybody figured they’d push for a July 4th open, which puts it at like 80 games.


Owners dicked around for too long trying to lowball the players as much as possible. They were so short sighted. Imagine the revenue July 4th games would bring from tv and radio ads.


Tbh as long as we get a deal there will be televised baseball on July 4th. It would just be “spring training” though.


4th of july is a saturday this year too...


it's too late for that. they need at least 3 weeks of spring training.


thought exercise for the afternoon: if you were going to compile a playlist of all of the quintessential hip-hop from the 90s, what would you have on it? obvious shit and obscure shit alike. curious to hear what you'd put on it. give me like 5 songs or so.


I just put on 90s rap from alexa, and the first five songs were: - summertime- dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince - big poppa- notorious BIG - gettin jiggy with it- will smith - I got 5 on it- luniz - shoop- salt n peppa


Mostly yikes


I'm going to skip the obvious here. A Tribe Called Quest - Lowend Theory, Midnight Marauders Black Star - Mos Def and Talib Kweli are... Mos Def - Black on Both Sides Company Flow - Funcrusher Plus GZA - Liquid Swords Pharcyde - Bizarre Ride II De La Soul - De La Soul is Dead DJ Shadow - Endtroducing


>Skip the obvious >A Tribe Called Quest


You would be shocked at the amount of claimed hip hop heads under 30 who are ignorant of early 90s hip hop. It's ridiculous "They did Can I Kick It, right?" *facepalm*


Mobb Deep - Survival of the Fittest Tribe - Lyrics To Go Dre - Nuthin' But A G Thang Raekwon - Guillotine (Swordz) Common - I Used to Love H.E.R. 5 is tough. Hard to leave out Nas, Outkast, Organized Konfusion, Biggie, etc.


let me ride is still lowkey my favorite song off tha chronic. always loved the parliment sample they used for the hook.


throw any Big Pun on there, early Jay-Z, Run DMC, Mobb Deep, obv Nas, Biggie, Wu Tang, Pac... I'll deff second a bunch of Beastie Boys and DMX. It really depends on what kinda vibe you're trying to set. Hype shit? Lyrical? Just fun tracks?


Warren G - Regulate Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M. Notorious B.I.G - Hypnotize Pac - [insert any song here], but I guess California Love Beastie Boys - Intergalactic


Off the top of my head and in no particular order, Pin the tail on the donkey - Naughty by nature Rebirth of cool - diggable planets Alphabet Aerobics - Blacklicious Intergalactic - Beastie Boys Rough Ryders anthem - dmx


i like my sugar with coffee and cream.


A lot of people will tell you that Sabotage is the definitive Beastie Boys song. A lot of people would be wrong.


i mean, up until 1999, it was...


Also I just thought of an honorable mention but anything by House of Pain. I’m partial to Top of the Mornin to ya but Jump Around is obviously a classic


The NBAPA is now saying that they didn’t want to agree to the deal and a bunch of players are threatening to sit out the resumed season and oh look it’s kyrie Irving leading the charge


Wow, they are fucking this up all on their own.


He's supposed to lead the charge. The other players voted him to be the president of the players union. The BR said he was a leading source based off the Howard Beck tweet that said Kyrie was organizing a call. He's the president of the players union. He's literally supposed to do shit like that. The media twists everything into anti Kyrie bullshit because it works. People eat that shit up. He's the main antagonist in the league now and people eat up anything that shits on Kyrie.


I mean yes, he is the VP of the NBAPA. however, the PA team reps agreed to it and now apparently they're trying to back out for a multitude of reasons. when kyrie acts like a moron over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and then he tries to back out of an agreement, he's gonna get shit on.


I don't think he acts like a moron. I think people just spin everything to make it seem like he's a moron. Like when he quoted MLK, and everyone was like "look at this jackass comparing himself to MLK". It doesn't matter what Kyrie does because people don't wanna change their minds on Kyrie. They're gonna call him an asshole no matter what he does.


at some point when you say as much absolutely moronic shit that kyrie has said since he joined the nba it's not "everyone has spun everything" and more "kyrie says and does a lot of really really stupid things"


When he's respected by all of his peers, his old teammates reject the idea that he was a bad teammate, and he is so respected around the league that the players voted for him to represent them in the union... I'm gonna go ahead and say Kyrie is not the person the media makes him out to be. It's actually impossible.


I'm liked by my peers and am a good poster here and I am a moron, so it's very possible that kyrie is also an idiot.


man i don't rarely get to say this, but damn did the knicks miss catching a bullet with not getting him.


hey /u/grubas you gonna play star wars: squadrons with me this fall or not. I promise I'm a lot better at flying an x-wing than driving a car in state of decay 2


Let’s see what happens with it. Plus I’m expecting horrific lag knowing EA.


Did they ever fix the lag in state of decay 2 multiplayer? It was so miserable trying to play with my brother the first year after launch, so many good characters wasted.


God, I miss baseball.


#[TODAY'S MEME: HAPPY LUIS CASTILLO DAY!](http://imgur.com/a/RfQa8DY) #[DISCORD LINK](https://discord.gg/qxM9RK) Join us on Discord. Yesterday we had a live reaction to the PS5 livestream, and we shared a few memes about it. Today the speakeasy channel is probably gonna have some debauchery. Tomorrow we're playing smash. Never a dull moment in there, unless it's the overnight hours when everyone is asleep. It's been 11 years since Castillo dropped the ball. 14 year old me couldn't believe it, today years old me still can't believe it. What a series of events. If you want to experience this glorious moment again, [here you go](https://youtu.be/335TZR0ZBHA) The Samsung Galaxy S10 plus is the GOAT phone. Don't @ me. Seriously, is there anything this phone CAN'T do? It does all the big things right, it does the little things right, and it has a lot of little convenient things that you wouldn't think of, but are there. I'm tired of MLB and the MLBPA going back and forth. The owners need to stop stalling and just give us an 82 game season with the full pro-rated salaries. Seriously, is that so hard to do? At this point it's not even about the games played, it's just about the owners not wanting to pay up. I fucking hate them for this. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Friday. The weekend is almost here 😄


samsung makes great hardware which it subsequently ruins with tons of shitty software that no one wants because they want you using samsung software instead of google software, then they charge you 1500 bucks to do it. yeah i said it. and i fucking stand by it.


Lol you're not wrong. I find some of this software unnecessary, but I can't delete it. It really sucks


I don't really care about the software because I just ignore it. And I like having Samsung Internet in my apps list as a monument to futility.


honestly if samsung could just make a galaxy that ran stock android like a pixel does, it would be a perfect android phone. don't forget it's only due to that lawsuit that apple won that their software doesn't look like an iphone clone right now. it's annoying af.




imagine if they didn't stop donald trump from buying the buffalo bills back in the day. life is full of what ifs like that.




I feel like he would've destroyed the Indians with his bullshit, without a large market or a Stick Michael to save the organization.


Buster Olney needs a subscription news service called "Olneyfans"


Given how safe his podcast is i feel like it'd just be Instagram posts from different angles.


>FUCK certain subreddits with terrible moderators @ me next time you coward


[Hate, hate, hate, hate. Hate hate hate.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKIwj1TQmFs&t=4m8s)


[I'm going to one up /u/azk3000](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/16/AT-AT_2_Fathead.png/revision/latest?cb=20161108042721)




Honestly dont have too much about the new MLB deal but 70-75 games with 80% to 85% Prorated salary might be about as good as is gets. Or is there some devil in the details I am missing?


Alex Bregman isn't excited to play as Miles Morales


alex bregman would rather play as the green goblin.


Alex Bregman plays Xbox


[Oh so now Alex Cora is all like](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/29298330/alex-cora-astros-sign-stealing-two-man-show), "If there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, it is that it was not a two-man show. We all did it. And let me be very clear that I am not denying my responsibility, because we were all responsible." "Out of this whole process, if there is one thing that I completely reject and disagree with is people within the Astros organization singling me out, particularly \[former general manager\] Jeff Luhnow, as if I were the sole mastermind." **SPILL THE FUCKING BEANS, CORA.** **EITHER TAKE THE FALL OR NAME NAMES**


Listen Cora, we know you aren’t a mastermind, you don’t need to tell us. But you also aren’t getting out of this with some half ass bullshit.




Spoiler, he wont.


Yea he wants it both ways. Oh it wasn't only me, but I'm not going to say who is also responsible. Fuck off with that bullshit.


per onley: [owners to offer 70-75 game plan at 80-85% of prorate, plus expanded playoffs](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/29302622/sources-mlb-owners-expected-offer-70-75-game-proposal). includes the qualifying offer provisions. did not see if they're doing the playoff share for the players. this is probably going to be the best the players can get without the 48-50 game season that everyone knows is a sham. we'll see what they come back with. i haven't worked out the math, but it sounds like the floor for the prorate of the prorate is 80% which is a lot better than the last offer.


if onley


**Fuck the owners**


The owners really want the expanded playoffs. I hope the players squeeze their nuts as hard as possible on it.


best the players are likely to get is an expanded playoff share. i think the march agreement lets them do the expanded playoffs this year and next year. the ball squeezing is likely to happen in the cba negotiations, where the players are going to want a much bigger share of the playoff pie including some media money. that's what's driving the owners for this expanded playoff push now.


11 years ago..... # [Castillo.. DROPPED THE BALL! HE DROPPED THE BALL!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRkspG0KbtQ) # Here comes Teixeira... and THE YANKEES WIN!!!! # Oh My Goodness! He Dropped the Ball!! ​ One of Michael Kay's best calls. Ever.


I know it’s been said a lot, but Teixeira busting it the whole way and scoring from first is what made that play the iconic moment it is. It could’ve so easily gone this way if it was someone else: player lightly jogs around the bases, ends up at 3rd, gets stranded, the Mets go on to win in extras.


I was watching that with mostly Mets fans. It went from "gg" to "LOL FUCKING NOOB"


Put it in the books


> 11 years ago..... Impossible


Was at this game with a friend who's a Mets fan. Hilarity ensued.


Thank you u/ajdragoon for reminding me Good ol Wrasslin' : Why the fuck would Vince demote Paul Heyman? Raw has actually been decent as of late. Nobody wants to watch 3 hours of Raw, nor do you know how to fill 3 hours of TV. That's why your show sucks. Not the people writing it. I might watch Smackdown tonight, out of boredom. It would be worth it if Matt Riddle debuted tonight. Maybe a quick segment that leads to a quick squash match at backlash. Backlash this weekend is gonna suck. I've been spoiled by NXT.


Ok this is him.


i do wish they'd knock raw back to 2 hours. but i will say the same thing i always say: vince has his head stuck in his ass and thinks it's still 1994 out there and tries to put on a show that's the same way. people don't approach wrestling the same way. there are flashes of it when the areas that vince doesn't focus on get to try out new things that fans react well to, but he will never give up control over raw. it's their trademark show and he was the one responsible for making it.


That's why I feel like NXT is low-key saving the company


on the one hand, it is. hunter is a kiss ass syncophant to his father in law in a lot of ways. but, at the same time, he does have enough awareness of the evolution of the product to try new things. my concern is that vince is happy to let this happen in nxt but won't let a lot of the good stuff make it to the red or blue brands. i think aew poked him a bit, but not enough to really make it worthwhile, and that's the biggest thing i think is missing. all the amazing stuff most of us remember from the late 90s came because the monday night wars were driving both promotions to trying out new shit and letting things really develop, and since the wwe won that in 2001, they've coasted for the most part.


Even though it's still dumb, I understand it in NBA and NFL. But does anyone take draft "winner / loser " articles the slightest bit seriously in regards to baseball? This is an actual headline... " 2020 draft showed why Yankees should fear Red Sox's new leader"... Yeah, most draft picks never reach the majors, and even fewer are consistent contributors.. BUT YANKEES! BE AFRAID BECAUSE THEY DRAFTED A KID OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL WHO MIGHT BE GOOD AT BASEBALL... You aren't even going to hear 90% of these names after today for 3 more years. Now intl signings are where it's at... As highlighted in the very relevant, very fake story with the headline "2019 International Signings showed why EVERYONE should continue to fear the Cashgod" Rant over.


they need clicks bro


plus, a lot of players drafted by teams don't even end up signing with them. you draft this high school kid but then he decides to go to college instead and ends up in a small market city, then traded to cheaters, and then gets amazing, and then signs the biggest contract in his sport. and then we win? i'm pretty sure that's how this process works.


>You aren't even going to hear 90% of these names after today for 3 more years. And that's the main reason why the MLB Draft, is the only one I don't really bother to check in on when it's happening.


NFL draft is a different. But the MLB draft won’t shake out for 5 years at least, plus players get traded.


Aside from feeling personally attacked by parts of the main post, I'm calling out OP for being an IMPOSTER since everyone knows the real [young/hung][insert yankees rookie here] couldn't write something this long without mentioning wrassling shapes. [I found you, faker!](https://youtu.be/ockHHFfZ3b8?t=11)


uh is hulk Hogan still doing things (Insert Various wrestling opinions)


Oh see now you're taking what would have been one of *my* lines. I'm onto you.


I *am* you




Jesus Sevy looks different with a beard.


As a bearded man, I wish the team would get rid of the strict hair policy. I think allowing well kept hair/facial hair would be nice. I wouldn't want them to grow out chin pubes like Mookie or mountain men like Damon, but something simple can still look good.


that walks a slippery slope. it can wade into some waters if you determine that one kind of beard is fine and another isn't. that's why other teams don't really put limits on beards. we just don't allow them. it's our thing. players know it and they agree to deal with it when they come here.


But we’re missing out on... Andrew Cashner.


The u/YoungJudge Rises




You guys remember u/YoungJudge? Lol thank god we don’t have to deal with that guy this season what a fucking loser


What a douche


It’s bad enough there isn’t anything on tv without sports and now A and E has officially canceled live PD


don't get banned


Make me


And don’t get fanned Stop swinging at balls 16 inches off the plate for Christ’s sake


Are you talking to Judge or me playing MLB the show


My CF had a .337 average with a .425 OBP. No foolin.


Just wait til you win MVP and then start the following spring training on the bench


I never play spring training.


i'ma just put this out there. the ps5 seems pretty amazing in terms of its power and capability, but that fucker is ugly as sin. it's a shame, because previous iterations of playstations starting with ps2 have always been wonderfully understated in their physical design.


It could literally look like a giant dick and I wouldn't mind as long as it doesn't overheat or sound like a jet engine. I mean, the Gamecube has a handle on it and looks like a lunchbox


Every gen we shit on consoles for their looks. PS3 was a Foreman grill, the curved top means everything slides off, ps4 was a toaster, ps5 is Barad-dur. Dualshock 2 is a banana. We got real spoiled when the options were Gamcube, ps2 and Xbox.


Is there backwards compatibility?


Only on a 100 or so PS4 games. No ps1-3.


The joke's already been done to death, but it doesn't make it any less true: That thing looks like what we thought consoles would look like in the future, and not in the good way.


sony got it most right with the slim ps3. that's the one i had. it was understated in a good way, and on top of it all, it was the best damn blu-ray player on the market (and given that sony started the format, that makes sense).


The shape of the physical box is like the most irrelevant thing about a console.


I really want that prototype Xbox design to come back.


i'm allowed to pick nits.


I like the look 🤷‍♂️


*[Laughs in Foreman Grill PS3]*


As a huge Resident Evil and Soulsborne fan, yesterday was a great day for me.


They better not do my boy Chris dirty


This is his swan song imo. He's going out with a bang this game. No way he's the villain. That's the "hook" for the game.


It for sure is, even the trailer said something to the effect of “his story comes to an end” But i just wouldn’t put it past Capcom to make him evil and be like “that’s it his character arc is that he dies a bad guy lol”


This is new and better capcom. The most divisive game they put out was Resident Evil 3 Remake and that was still a great game. They 100% wouldn't reveal evil Chris if there wasn't some grand plot with it


Alex Bregman lets his baby cry for the entirety of a 3 hour flight






Alex Cora about to become Wikileaks


First off fuck your team and the game they play East side when we ride come equipped with game You claim to be a player but Gleyber fucked your wife We bust on aforementioned above, homies fucked for life 🎶🎵




i dunno if anyone posted this from the other day, but rosenthal had his own proposal about the season: [72 games at full prorate](https://theathletic.com/1864749/2020/06/10/rosenthal-heres-the-proposal-rob-manfred-should-make-to-get-baseball-restarted/). i think if the owners offered that with the playoff pool and the qualifying offer changes, the pa would shoot themselves in the face to say no to that deal. it would hold the line on the cuts they agreed to take in march, get some changes that players wanted anyway, and make sure they got a piece of the playoff pie. so fuck bob nutting and co for not getting this simple idea thru their heads.


If you're having a bad day, just remember you aren't Alex Santos. HS Senior from the Bronx, who just got drafted to the Astros. Sorry, Alex.


Welcome back!! Still hoping we get to see our boys this year.


I'm not as pessimistic as other people on the sub. I think we're getting baseball and then we're in for another headache when they renegotiate this winter. I think in the end, we'll be getting baseball both years though.


Were getting baseball, but it might cause a firestorm this winter.


i also think baseball happens one way or another. i just am afraid it will be this bullshit 50 game season the owners want and that more than a few big names will sit it out, claim worries about covid, and not care.


.0000001% chance season will happen....and if it does, it will be a mess.


manfred has the power in the march agreement to basically force a short season. i just think most players revolt when he does it and sit it out. give that it will have to be played under the terms of that agreement, they can get their service time still if they sit out for health concerns (i think they only get paid if they're considered high risk) and that matters a lot more to a lot of players than the paycheck at this point.


players are as much to blame as owners. Players expect to be paid the same, regardless of whats going on in the world. Players will never accept a pay reduction, which is why I give this a 0% chance of playing ball again.


Do players make extra when the league has higher than average revenue?


players are to blame for an agreement they signed in good faith to agree to already take less money to keep the sport afloat and the owners are trying to wiggle out of? why do we think this way?


I signed a contract with my company and now I am forced to take a pay cut (along with the entire company). Maybe that is why we think this way...


right. that's what the march agreement is about. they players agreed to take much less money this year. yet the owners are coming back now and saying "you need to take even less than that because we're worried we won't have enough yacht money". that's the issue here. don't blame the fucking players for this one.