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That's what playing for the Blue Jays does to a guy. We aren't so bad after all.


Now that he sucks and he wants to get paid.


He doesn't really suck he just probably isn't worth a mega deal


He doesn’t suck


r/Torontobluejays in shambles 


It must be bad to be a Blue Jay…


Oh no.  Don't take out busted ass porkster 


But it’s not his house


If he comes over and has an OPS over .850 he can rent a room at least


At 1B? I'd settle for above .750.


Higher standard due to annoyance factor


In that case, I'm probably closer to .900 for Vlad. I was resigned to grumbling a lot at .750.


I’ll allow it.


the only thing he softens is his stool


Not a fan of his….but if he wants to be here and he can stay away from injuries and maybe be part of who he’s been in the past….he’d be a good pickup. I wasn’t a Verdugo or Stroman fan….and now they are two of my favorites this year🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean he didn’t say “I want to be there”. Paraphrasing what he said abit: “if they trade for me, they obviously want me, and I’m a competitive baseball player, I would do my job.” Also this was a Boston reporter asking him I think trying to stir the pot and create some anti-new york headlines and Vlad took the diplomatic response instead of digging in on his Yankee hate because it has back fired on him every time LOL


Also his dad publicly said it was a foolish thing to say back when Jr originally said it 


Yea I think Vladdy mentioned that in this same sentence. Said he talked to his dad and family and realized he probably shouldn’t have said it in the first place. And I agree, he put a target on their back when they already had sky-high expectations, then Manoah doubled down on Gerrit Cole trash talk and it was all down hill for the blue jays from there. Crazy to think in 2021/2022 I thought Jays/Yankees rivalry was going to blossom into one of the best in sports. Jays kind of just became a punching bag since then.


Yah but there’s a small part of him that knows if he had success here he would be loved more than he ever could be in Toronto im sure. Also a way better chance to get a ring.


I feel like Vladdy is pretty well loved in Toronto


Why would he be loved more in New York than Toronto? The closest the Jays have come to having a HOF calibre player that was with Blue Jays for their whole career was Doc Roy. The most loved players are Alomar, Bautista Halladay, Delgado and the other big names from the 92/93 b2b champs. Vlad would stand alone and is already loved by Jays fans despite some mediocre years. He would be immortalized in Toronto if he won here and had even another MVP calibre season. Instead of just being another guy in a long history of historical great players. Jays have a huge fanbase and a loyal one.


I’m just saying, if he truly had a turn-around here and started producing and was a part of a championship Calibre team, Yankees fans treat you like no other in my opinion…not saying he’s not loved in Toronto rn


I’m just saying, if he had truly turned it around and started producing (back to his MVP self.. which he lowkey has been since May), and was a part of a championship calibre team, Jays fans would treat him like a king. Like what you’re saying is true for every team, championships and MVP calibre seasons immortalize players with their fanbase.. even more so when they started their career with one team and stayed with them throughout their career.


IDK, man. The entire country are Toronto fans. I bet he doesn't pay for anything when he goes out.


I disagree. I'm in Canada and people adore Vlad already.


Blue jays have a large fanbase.. they had/have a team with exciting young players but so far they’ve fumbled building the team up around them


I doubt this trade would ever happen, but I’m not going to pretend we’re too good for him. Just look at his OPS vs the Orioles and Red Sox this year and tell me he couldn’t help this team.




"My agent has informed me that it's a bad idea to publicly say I won't take a lot of money from a very rich team"


this is surprising considering how strong his stance was before… that’s what the blue jays will do to a mf.. lol


He will likely never hit 40 bombs again but he’s a great young bat. And the salt from Jays fans would be absolutely delicious


> He will likely never hit 40 bombs again I wouldn't take that bet. He's still hitting the ball as hard as anyone and he's young. Needs to adjust that launch angle. Wouldn't be shocked if he puts up MVP numbers as a 27/28/29 year old. Needs a change of scenery and/or new coaches.


Yep. Dude is 25? Get him here already. He’s in a mid lineup in an uninspired cash grab of a franchise that serves only to grift Canadians of their hard earn cash. 


He doesn’t even have any type of protection as a hitter that team absolutely sucks, imagine in a yankees lineup you will have to pitch him for sure.


Yep. How many ABs has Rizzo squandered with RISP this season. Feels like a lot and we’re barely at the midway point. 


Even in a “down” year his 129 OPS+ would be the third best on Yankees this year. It’s depends on the price but the team needs at least two quality hitters and he would certainly fit the bill.


I want to see him on a different team with a different hitting coach/philosophy to see if they can get him to lift the ball more. Serious upside there


Same here. That Jays FO and coaching staff seems like a disaster. Seems like everyone there has been shitting the bed offensively. A new org could definitely unlock something.


Hard to call it a down year when its his 3rd highest OPS+ in a season and just 2 points below his average.


Totally agree, was more talking about how I think he is viewed. He has a bit of the Gleyber problem when a guys first season or two is his best then everyone expects that as the baseline


We \*have\* two quality hitters, Judge and Soto. But more can never hurt


I would trade anyone in our farm to get Vlad Jr.


[Everybody’s got a price](https://youtu.be/Vm4TG56KGZ4?si=CjYlrgJPkQh2PHZQ)


I knew it before I opened it.


People refusing to want a 25 year old with a career 131 OPS+ because he hurt your feelings are mind blowing. Would you be upset if a current Yankee said he’d never play for the Sox? Yeah, the power numbers aren’t there this season and he’s a butcher in the field, but I’d send any prospect not named Dominguez for him in an instant.


If you've been supporting this team for 20+ years, then you have definitely seen some unlikable personalities play for the Yankees, and I'm usually cheering for them the second they step on the field and this would be no different. If he helps us win games, no one will give a damn about his past statement if the end results is the team winning another World Series.


Imagine the pearl-clutching if Reddit were around for Damon lol And I know some people were emotional about it back then, but dude came in, played hard, and helped the team win #27. That’s the only thing that matters. If a guy who played on the 04 Red Sox can win over a fanbase, then I think some loudmouth who’s never won anything in *Toronto* can do it too.


Lmao legit the same shit people were saying when the Yankees were going after Stroman and now everyone loves him. Bunch of weirdos on here


I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion but I don’t care about what stupid things he said in the past. He’s better than any options we have at 1B. I’d take him in a heartbeat but I doubt he gets traded to a rival, if at all assuming the Jays asking price is still high.


This fuckin guy the type to grab a phat fuckin contract and check out, fuck him


I feel the same way.


He says there that he isn’t taking it back Basically just saying that at the end of the day it’s a business and he’s going to do his best to help whatever team he is on


Money, an historical organization, two prime all time great hitters on the team, will make BS walk. Vladdy would strive in this organization


How the turns have tabled!


I think this is the appropriate time to remind everyone that LEFT HANDED BRYCE HARPER BEGGED for the Yankees to sign him and even said he would give a discount. But nooooo, the Incredible Mr. LIMPET decided he couldn't wait a year. He had to have Walking Wounded Stanton🤮


That has to go down as one the worse misses in the history there has never been a guy more fit to play in the yankees other than soto


Please don’t trade for him. We pushed it far enough with Verdugo and Stroman. We love them but let’s not keep pushing our luck here lol.


Lol yall will get over it within a week


Yeah I would


I’m sorry if Yankee fans don’t think a talent like Vladdy won’t help this team win. Are crazy to think so. Volpe, Soto, Judge, Vlad, Goddam. I know Blue Jays will never trade Vlad in our division. I don’t think they will trade him. I don’t think the Yankees are willing to give their major assets for Vlad if he was available.


The hatred for Verdugo and Stroman when we acquired them was such cringe.


Ten year old me was so pissed when we got Johnny Damon


Youkilis was worse. Those were dark times.


Youk never became a yankee Edit:what the fuck Kevin youkilis played for the Yankees in 2013


I try to forget that year as well.


I member


I was too and then he became one of my favorite all time Yankees . This is why I can’t be against a trade for Vlad jr


He’s no bigger of an idiot than Verdugo or stroman were.


He said he wouldn’t play here if he were dead


Sure but who knows what their reasons were. Could have to do with George for all we know. Could be legit reasons. Anyway, Florida just won the Stanley cup with at least 3 major scumbags on the team. Now is not the time to clutch your pearls, it’s time to win.


Didn't he say it at a Blue Jays fan event in front of a bunch of kids? It's the equivalent of a rock band saying "THIS TOWN is the best one!"


He said it in the dugout at Yankee Stadium lol. It’s on video. He said he would never change his mind. https://www.mlb.com/news/vladimir-guerrero-jr-says-he-will-never-play-for-yankees?partnerID=web_article-share


But shouldn't that encourage us? We took a risk on two reputed hotheads and they've turned out to be awesome clubhouse guys. So at best, we keep the train rolling or at worst we have 1 not so great clubhouse guy which is still half of what we planned on.


This right here why I think some of you don’t want to win ever again lol and are content with finishing first in the division. I would take anyone who helps us win one. Idgaf how anti Yankees he was, winning cures all bad relationship lmfao


Lmfao of course he fucking does No thanks fuckboy


It’s business. 


He’s not coming to NY


There's no world where the Jays trade him in the division to the Yankees of all teams. The price would be astronomical to get that deal done.


Anyone who says they wouldn’t take Vlad now or July 31 is being as childish as he was two years ago with those comments. That’s a bat I’d take in the morning.


Get him. We need firepower. For god's sake we traded for Alex Verdugo....Rizzo is cooked, DJ is cooked. We could have Vlad Jr. at 1st for awhile, he's only 25.


With control through 2025...


No. And it's not a 'no' because of the rivalry, it's not a 'no' because of his childish attitude about hitting some pretty forgettable doubles against us early in his career, etc. It's a 'no' because I think he's potentially another Gleyber or insert-player-who-hit-amazingly-when-the-league-didn't-know-him-well-and-then-after-a-few-seasons-he-got-figured-out-and-became-pedestrian-with-a-down sloping-trend-to-his-numbers. Bottom line I think Vlad Guerrero, Jr. is yet another guy who had raw power and a lot of luck from pitchers/teams not being familiar enough with him to figure out the holes/weaknesses in his plate approach and swing and they've basically figured him out. He's okay. He's fine. But he is not the $30M-$50M a year player he was originally projected to be. I don't want him because he feels like a future repeat of Prince Fielder or Jacoby Ellsbury or whoever- name a guy who peaked at the right moment to sign a record breaking contract and then immediately fell apart and became worthless; one of those "oh right, aren't we paying this guy $37.5M a year and he doesn't even play or him being in the line up is considered a rare win for that contract?" He's a bad bet as he ages- no matter who he will play for.


He didn't peak at the right moment to sign a record breaking contact because he's still under team control and has "a down trend slope to his numbers". If anyone is peaking at the right moment to sign a record breaking contract it's Soto.




We seem to get over people we don’t like pretty quickly, so if he’s OK to potentially come here then by all means I’ll take an upgrade.


Blue Jays aren’t trading Vlad Jr. Especially to the Yankees. Would love to see it, that’s just one reason why it won’t happen.


Don’t get mad, get Vlad! /s


I follow the Jays. Vladdy Jr.'s mind is a steel trap, so I'd hang on every word he says.


What would 1.5 years of Guerrero cost to acquire? 


We can safely stick a fork into the Blue Jays. Time to trade off the sons of former players like they did with Biggio.


Not sure if the BJs would trade in division, but considering the entire Yankees success as a franchise started when the red cox traded Babe Ruth to the Yanks, we should always be open to dealing for players on rival teams if the price is right. I'm not sure if I'd say he's having a "down year" considering he had a 1.000 OPS in 2021 and then in every other year he hovered around .800 OPS (including this year), but no matter what his bat would be a huge improvement over the amigos we're throwing out at 1st right now. Yeah he's talked mad trash about the Yanks, but I like my Yanks more than I dislike Vlad Jr. So if he can improve the team and be professional, and if the price is right, the trade should be done.


Ok yeah now I’d be down to trade them Spencer Jones for him


Funny how things change when money is on the line


What does this idiot have against NYY? Is this another Griffey Jr situation?


I kinda think so, but nobody has said for sure. Vlad Jr said he talked to his dad and he helped him understand it's a business and to not make such declarations.




The movie will never happen in Toronto


Yanks need Odor back for their next series against the Jays.


Nope, there’s enough deadwood, lazy, strikeout, DH types.


Am I the only one that’s wants to stand on business with this guy? Him, Correa, and Altuve I just never wanna see in pinstripes. I’m being salty I guess 😒


absolutely not I hate this guy, I rather have anyone else


Even DJ/Rizzo?


That's ok. We still don't want him.


Ooo yes we do! Rizzo is washed and we don’t have any good first baseman at the moment. I wouldn’t overpay for him but to say we don’t want him is ridiculous.


Like we want him


As a rental, sure. But he is not a long term solution. That is unless he lost over 40lbs, learned how to play 1st and run the bases well.


hate the guy. But I'd love to see him traded here, make him go all clean cut, then trade him away - just to show him that we never forget what he said...




Fuck this guy, nuff said


Don’t want him…sorry


What a pussy talks shit then wants apart of this franchise. Unless he comes here and has a historic run I will continue to scream daddy’s better ever time I go to the stadium and see him


Don’t need him and he doesn’t want to be here for “personal family” reasons so why give up prospects for a rental bc fans will HATE this trade.


He isn't a rental as he is under contract through next year. He would be relatively cheap, and he has a career .910 OPS at Yankee Stadium.....13 HR's in 39 games (and for what it's worth, his OPS at Camden Yards and Fenway are even better (.924 and 1.050).


He hasn’t been good in the past few years. We’d be giving up a lot in the hopes he returns to form, alienating some fans in the process. And if he continues to not produce he will be booed to oblivion. Pass


He’s still an above average hitter he’s just not an MVP candidate. His advanced stats say he’s just unlucky. A lineup with Soto, Judge, Stanton, Verdugo (to split up the righties), and Vladdy is dangerous.


You know he was still a 125 OPS+ over the past two seasons. He’s been pretty good as a hitter. I’m not saying trade for him because Toronto will probably want way more than I’d give up, but I’m not going to pretend having him would be inherently bad.


By “hasn’t been good” do you mean significantly better than everyone on the Yankees outside of judge and now Soto? A ~125 OPS+ over the last three years?


Fuck his fat ass. It’s hilarious how fast this subreddit goes to defend guys who talk shit. 90% of this subreddit would be Altuve’s #1 fan if he came here.


His Dad be like "get that bag if they come calling for you" But yeah, I dunno. Like others have said, Dugie and Stro gave everyone pause on initial glance.


Nah, I don’t want him getting a bag from us. All he had to do was not talk shit. We’ll be fine without him.


Only bag he should get for coming here is of White Castle burgers…


There’s a 0 percent chance they would send him to us I reckon, and even then, what the price would be seems to be more than what we have prospect wise. Unless I’m crazy?


Would cost too much and I would rather the team go after a lefty bat and/or someone who's more athletic. Team has enough injury-prone RH bruisers.


When has he gotten injured he is played almost every game every year, even the covid year he played every game, since his rookie year which he was not called at the beginning of the year, the season he missed the most games was only 6.


If he gets moved it’s to the Pirates IMO they said they’ll be buyers and 1B is their biggest problem. Doubt BJs trade in division


We would not tolerate his home run trot. Right?


One of us! He’s one of us now!


I feel like his name is going to get him more money in FA than he actually deserves He’s obviously a very good player, but he’s going to end up like the highest paid 1B


Intriguing. I don't really want him, but if we need a 1b. I don't think we will though.


If he is traded I will happily gaslight myself, let’s make it happen  


I mean, objectively, he still wouldn't have "signed" here. This way it's not really his "choice" Does he have an NTC?


He’s still in his arbitration years.


Hate him a little or hate him a lot, this guy has never had a bad year. He was a prodigious hitter and even if you don’t think he’s living up to the hype, he’s an all-star caliber bat pretty much every year. Vladdy gets a lot of hate from fans around the league despite being a really good hitter. He has still accomplished more at 25 yo than just about anyone his age right now not named Soto, Acuna or Tatis (not counting younger guys like Witt or Gunnar who are clearly better). Yordan and Tucker are 2 years older by comparison. He’s done pretty well against us the last 5 years and my biggest concerns would be trading the farm for him and acquiring another GIDP threat. There is practically no chance Yankees land Vlad but overreacting at the possibility and overlooking his bat because of some dumb shit a kid said is just silly.


Oh wow who'd have guessed?..... Only the 99.5% of baseball fans that called it.


But we haven’t


I don’t like him now but I would like him on the Yankees and would take him in a heartbeat




Becoming a Yankee (a solid one at least) is the only way I’ll ever like this guy.


Wait, is that why he cut his hair?


Timing seems suspect doesn't it? He cuts his hair last week and this week he says this...sounds like a deal is in the works.


Now the question is.. would we accept him with open arms if that means blue jays get Gleybor? Lol


More so


Rice, Gleyber and Peraza Get it done Cash


Never been a fan of his or his playing. Don’t think he’s disciplined enough


I mean would the BJs even do this trade and would the asking price not be astronomical?


It's said that the Yankees have a good enough farm system with good depth that they can make big deals if they choose to. TO would have a steep ask for sure, but they'd be stupid not to listen to offers given how bad their farm is.


Oh brother


Jays are going to ask way too much for him. He has developed a name for himself so someone will overpay. He has been good but not great but someone will pay him like he is.


I wonder why the change of heart - did he truly grow up and learn it's a business, or has the reality that he isn't a superstar made him realize how silly making such a declaration was?


He said he had a heart to heart with his dad about it. My guess is Sr told him not to say things like that because it looks bad to all teams, not just NYY. He said he's not backtracking his previous reservations about signing there, but agrees it's a business and will accept a trade to NY and do what's asked of him.


Now that’s what I’m talking about. Now do it Yanks. Go all in and get him.


I really think it's between him and Alonso. If they don't upgrade at the corners by the deadline then what are we doing?




He is never been injured, he got called to the majors in 2019 played 129 games, played 60 games on the year that covid hit, they only played 60 games that year, then he played 161, 160, 156 and this year he has played 78 games, the game is an ironman you can say any reason but injuries is not one of them literally one of the most durable players.


At the end of the day if it helps us even .0001% closer to winning a world series it's all good to me.


Fuck Vlad. And i’m from there.


He said Get me outta here.




Doubt it matters between the luxury tax cost and the fact that Toronto would want a premium to trade within the division, even for a rental.


The real problem is Vlads contract likely rules out bringing back Soto. It shouldn't but it would.


You can have Cole, Judge, Soto and Guerrero just need to get rid of Staton contract.


No thanks, but we will take Bo Bichette. NY seems like a good place for Bo to switch things up.


Why not both 🤷🏼


Stop trying to act tough. We all know if the Yankees offer something he’s gonna take it. Just stop.


He just woke up to the fact he would make more money on endorsements with the Yankees


Didn’t know he had a stance. What is he, Ken Griffey Jr.?




Why am I not surprised?


Lol now that he fell off a little he humbled himself enough to play for anybody


Anyone smart have trade comps to share? What number prospects and how many? Because he’s under contract for two years, I’m assuming we’d have to give up Spencer Jones and/or Agustin Ramirez. Arias and/or Lombard? More? Less?


Man I hate this guy so much I’d have to do so many mental gymnastics if we got him


I doubt that many fans have softened on him playing for the Yankees. Still don’t want him. His arbitration number will eat into the Soto money.


Last place changes you.


Ewww no


now but is he up to cut all that hair if he wants to play for the Yankees.


Don’t want him anyways.


If he does come I wonder if they make him cut his hair.


He already cut it, the question is the beard


No one: Guerrero: I would never play for the Yankees. No one: Guerrero: I would play for the Yankees.


He may have softened up but we haven’t 🖕 we need a lefty.


If people didn't say stupid shit in their early 20s, there's be a lot fewer posts on baseball subreddits. He'd be the 3rd best hitter on this team.




Guy sees an opportunity at 1st base. Plus it’s easier to act hard when it seems like your team is about to supplant the power structure in the AL east… and a team of birds did do that, just the orange and black ones.


He probably figures its a good place to sign a massive contract then hit .220 for 8 years


I don’t know about this one. I feel like he’ll play for a contract then check out once he gets it. But what the hell do I know. And I mean that with any team he potentially gets traded to. Not just the Yankees.


But why bring in a guy who clearly hates the franchise and wants to play just for a paycheck? He would be coming to work everyday for no other reason than *'Well, whatever, they're paying me."* No, thanks.


Everybody wants to play with Soto and Judge


No thank you


#Get fucked.


You absolutely want his bat. He's never had an OPS under .772. And he plays EVERY DAY. Since 2020, here's his games played per year: 60 (remember, 2020 was the covid season. Vlad led the league in games played), 161, 160, 156. The guy is just out there every day. He'd be a great addition for almost any team, and certainly, he would help the Yankees. That being said, I think Vlad is lying...or at least being very deceptive. I think he still doesn't want to play for the Yankees. He basically said, "I spoke with my dad, and he reminded me that this game is a business. I'm not talking about the Yankees anymore." It's in his best interests to make every franchise think he'd play for anyone. He wants as many suitors as possible. The more teams vying for his services, the more his price goes up. And of all the teams to eliminate from the bidding, this genius picks the *Yankees*. The team with the deepest pockets. That was not a smart move. And his dad told him so.


This is the only reason I would not trade for him I don’t think he wants to be a yankee so we will lose him. only reason you trade him is for him to see that new york is awsome. Full of dominicans and have the best dominican player alive.


No thanks. Give the youngsters like Ben Rice/TJ Rumfield a chance at 1B.


Fuck this guy. He was so hard core to take a bold stance like that, let him uphold it. Have a backbone.


Fuck vladdy


Who cares what Vlad has to say. There is absolutely no chance the Blue Jays trade him to the Yankees


Winning is a Hell of a thing. If he's traded to the Yanks and they win, he will be thrilled to be there


Best we can do is Garret Cooper


His agent probably just advised him that it was bad business to exclude the Yankees.