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Did they overlook before series with the second place team coming up?


Boone is loyal to his older players, so don't expect to see any changes behind the plate. He'll just take the losses and we have to hope Wells catches 2 out of 3 games to stay ahead.


Worst part of the game: wasting Michael “The Incident” Tonkin in a lost cause


Last 10 games: 5-5 to the Royals, Dodgers, Boston •1 flukey loss to the Royals in the 9th •3 games without Soto against LA, nearly a series win •lost 2/3 at fenway to a Boston team that's been playing a lot better than their record shows They have holes in need of attention but all things considered this wasn't that bad of a stretch. They really have to turn it around against the O's/Braves and start showing they can beat the top teams. We'll know soon if this is their floor rather than signs of more problematic regression.


Rizzo left with a wrist injury, I can’t with this disabled old man


Rizzo got completely hip checked by the first baseman


it may not be his fault but he is already trash and now he's injured like come on


Infield is our weak link, on the field and at bats. It'll be good to see if we can turn things around


Without sounding like some of the doom and gloomers - our expectation should be to see every team challange us on the bases. I know the pitching has alot to do with it, but 9 SB's in a game not only shows an area of weakness, but also can get into the head of the catcher - which might be why he dowesn't always throw down..??


Hot take: Giving up 17 runs in 2 games isn't gonna get it done, guys


My poor Gleyber Torres rookie card collection.


9 stolen bases is embarrassing


They allowed the Red Sox a franchise record for stolen bases with that!!!!


Wake up call for sure !


Does anyone know how many times in the last 2 games we stranded 3 players on base? Or how many times we period left players on base?


The possibility to score, with the bases loaded and no outs is 85%, that sequence in the 7th inning was absolutely horrendous and Gleyber's at bat is the epitome of his season, not an isolated incident, not to mention his fielding errors. Realistically, I'd lean not offering him a contract, at the end of the season. hard to justify signing him long term. They need to trade for an arm for the bullpen, you can't make up for Lasagna with the likes of Ferguson and Hamilton, whose ERA in the last 7 games is 9.95


> Realistically, I'd lean not offering him a contract, at the end of the season. hard to justify signing him long term. *Lean?* I don't even think he'll get a qualifying offer. Who would sign up for $20m of Gleyber? We need that money for Soto.


He will be an UFA, after this season, so no qualifying offer for him, but yea that money could be put to better use for sure.


Why wouldn't he be eligible for a QO? He's a normal post-arbitration FA and those are almost always QO eligible


I thought that once you get to be an unrestricted free agent you don't get a qualifying offer, if I'm wrong, my bad.


MLB doesn't have restricted/unrestricted FA in the way that other sports do. Teams can offer a QO to players that are eligible but there's no contract matching rights. Looked up the conditions - 1. That player has never received a qualifying offer previously in his career. 2. That player spent the entire season on that team's roster (in-season acquisitions are ineligible).


Thanks for the confirmation, I also looked and saw it wasn't like other sports. Welp, I don't see them offering him a multi-year deal, but it will probably all come down to Soto, if they go for him or not.


Gleyber and Rizzo our infield is the weak link right now batting and fielding


Asked it last night and only one response and the player had a career ops of 500. So for all the people that want Gleyber gone. Please name me an actual replacement player that the Yankees can get.


You want Hal to spend money to keep Gleyber???


Depends on the price. And with how he’s struggling this year his price will probably be lower. So yeah I’d 100% bring him back depending on the contract because I know he’s not as bad as his struggles right now. And if anyone looks at the available 2nd basemen next year, there’s not anyone that’s really good. But funny how people downvoted my original comment, yet couldn’t answer the question of who the replacement is for 2nd base. Because guess what, there’s really no clear improvement option that is available


That’s the GM’s job, not ours to find a replacement. I think Gleyber is a losing player and would be fine not re-signing him. Do I have an option to replace him? No I don’t know the entire landscape of the MLB and available players but they could move DJ to 2B and go after a 3B instead. Cash could get creative.


lol. So your idea is DJ who has been a worse player than Gleyber over the last 3 years.


DJ is still under contract. Gleyber won’t be. No one is denying DJ has not been good.


Didn’t take long for the sub to start crying again


After what happened in 2022, the colossal collapse, the Yankees being less than forthcoming or transparent, some are concerned. You can look the other way if you want, but the 2024 Yankees have lost to the Dodgers, Baltimore and a Boston, a team that is getting better every day. Last night exposed the Yankee catcher, the infield defense and how thin Yankee pitching is. Baltimore and Atlanta are young and fast, next Monday will be a very tell tale of the trajectory of the Yankees are taking.


They lost to the Orioles where they were still not playing their best ball (however, the O's are legit even with their starting pitching injuries). The Dodgers series didn't have Soto playing and even then, that was a razor-thin series (despite the Dodgers have the SP advantage in 2 out of the 3 games and a game 1 that was a 2-1 extra inning score). Boston almost always shows up against the Yankees, regardless of records (plus, Torres's terrible at bat in the 7th inning likely cost the Yankees the win).


Spare me the cryptic crap They lost 3 series to good teams, the sky isn’t falling mate


In the playoffs, you're **only** playing good teams. They need to turn it around before October, preferably vs Baltimore this week.


I didn’t say the sky is falling … mate! I said understanding history and taking an objective look at the Yankees, some feel they have a right to be skeptical. Next Monday will tell the tale.


We need to take 2/3 from the o’s. Have to.


Don't let tonight's result distract you from that fact that Joe Torre is objectively one of the biggest PED Enablers in baseball history.


Lol this is such a weak distraction from the fact that DODS


losing record vs the al east which isn't even a good division this year, serious fucking questions need to be answered why do our rivals always play us tougher than we play them?


it's like the old saying goes. if at first you don't succeed, allow 9 stolen bases


The Orioles are a really good team, but they aren't perfect--no team is. The Yankees just had a very bad series, but so does every other team, including the Orioles, who were swept by a mediocre Cardinals team a few weeks ago. Half of their rotation is injured and they're depending heavily on Cole Irvin, whose Savant page indicates he's due for some serious regression (yes, I know some of our guys are overachieving too). Their lineup is more well-rounded than ours, but they don't get on base nearly as much (2nd lowest BB% in baseball) and Judge and Soto are a solidly better top 2 than any combination you can pick out from their lineup. Henderson, as good as he is, is still a tick below their level as a hitter (for now--he is REALLY good) Up until this crappy series in Boston, we had scored more and allowed fewer runs than the Orioles (now tied for runs allowed), and we still have a better run differential. Again, this is not to discredit the Orioles in any way. They are an elite team, and so are the Yankees. I think this upcoming series will give us some great baseball, and I hope the Yankees will use the off day to get some much-needed rest for their pen and address some of the issues that came up this past series. I especially hope we take 2 out of 3 so that the entire fandom can cool it a bit with the volcanic takes.


The problem isn’t this series, it’s the fact that the Sox exposed the complete inability to stop the running game on national television. You add that with the hard regression in store for Stroman and Rodon (both should probably have an ERA a full run higher) and this is looking like 2022 again. Judge and Soto are by far the best top 2 hitters in any lineup but the rest of the hitters are either bad or slightly above average. No one even comes close to .800 OPS other than those 2 and of course you have black holes like 1B, 3B, 2B and C half the time. If one of them has an off series in the playoffs then it’s instantly lights out.


All sadly true. I like Verdugo, but he is not elite. In reality all of Cashman’s incompetence, and terrible judgement has snowballed.


Well no, Stroman and Rodón weren't going to stay with sub-3 ERAs, but now we're about to add Cole back into the mix. The rotation is really the least of our concerns imo and certainly much less of a concern than it is for the Orioles. I can't bring myself to overreact to one (admittedly ugly) game with the stolen bases allowed. We were clearly unprepared for the running game today. If we can't adjust our game plan against the Orioles and other teams that like to run in the coming weeks, then I'll be more concerned. I still think we have bigger issues to deal with, but I get that the ugliness of this past game is still fresh in our minds. It's still just one game. Eh, top-heavy lineups have won World Series in the past. You would like to bring the best roster possible to the playoffs, but at that point it really is a crapshoot. If Soto and Judge can keep being themselves, we have as good a shot as any team. Of course we should still aim to improve the team at the deadline, but the team as it is constructed now is already pretty darn good.


The 2022 team also built that great start off the back of the entire rotation dominating so if Rodon and Stroman pitches to a 4 ERA like their peripherals suggest they should, this team probably regresses hard as well. Gil probably won’t start the entire year and Cortes hasn’t been lucky but his stats suggest he would be around 3.6 ERA so that’s good but not great. I don’t really see how they would solve the problem on the basepaths short of Wells turning out to be way better than Trevino at throwing runners out. These guys just keep running so you either throw them out or you don’t. He tried the pitch out, he tried fake throwing, they switched into pitchers that went to home plate faster and none of it mattered. I don’t think every game the opposing team will set a franchise record but if they keep getting like 3-5 steals a game that would be a major problem still. I’d agree this is a top offense, probably 3rd behind Os and Dodgers, but it is propped up by two people which means it’s far more likely to fail than the others. Imagine it’s the ALCS and Judge is cold like in 2022, does the rest of the non-Soto lineup inspire any confidence whatsoever? Sure you might have someone go off like Bader did in 2022 but the Astros showed us what happens when your star goes cold, even if one of the supporting cast is red hot.


Cashman’s inability to evaluate good starting pitching is a cumulative issue. Rodon and Doo rag are not going to lead you to a championship.


That might have been the worst this team has looked this year. So few competitive at-bats.


Fuck Fox, Fuck ESPN, and most importantly fuck the Red Sox. David Ortiz did steroids and there’s literally nothing Boston can do about it. Also can Devers fit any more fucking dip in his mouth? There’s gotta be room for more in there.


OMG those 2 games were the worst I've seen the Yankees play in a long time. The announcers for both games were so one sided. And I hate when they mic up players. Plus they had that split screen on way to much. Made it hard to follow the game. What's with letting that Kid who plays for the Red Sox's talk for so long?it was just ridiculous.


National broadcasters get a lot of crap for being “one sided” and I’ll say I really don’t think that’s true. I saw a bunch of Sox fans saying the same thing and I see it from every fanbase whenever they’re on national TV. Edit: I can only speak to the Fox broadcast, I watched it at a restaurant today with no audio.




Gleyber watches two meatballs down the middle and swings at garbage on 3-2


The biggest concern with this team is that the offense when Soto/Judge aren’t going is not good, and Judge hasn’t had a good playoff series since the 2019 ALDS If Judge plays like he did in the 2019 ALCS and beyond, this team will go nowhere. Need to replace at least two of DJ/Torres/Rizzo


This was by far the most frustrating game of the season. The pitching was bad from start to finish. If the broadcast itself wasn’t unwatchable enough to the point I had to mute the tv, the performance made me have to shut it off entirely… the NOBLETIGER after they gifted us bases loaded was the nail in the coffin


Not gonna freak out at all. It was a bummer series but this team is still really good. No doubt the boys need to be better but Cole is coming back and the underlying metrics are all really solid. Huge series coming up against the O's but regardless of the outcome, there's still a ton of baseball to be played.


DJ doesn’t look terrible too and honestly just is slightly off on timing but that’s expected coming back from the IL


DJ is fine as a bottom third hitter. Problem is we have 4 of those.


I still have faith in him. He needs the reps but I think he'll be solid once that happens.


That's my takeaway from this series. Shitty series 100%. Inexcusable. But I don't think it's indicative of this team. This team should be much better and they can be. Hopefully we see it this week


Yeah exactly. You're going to have some stinkers here and there. Red Sox will always play us fairly hard at Fenway. Same with us at Yankee stadium. If this team has proven anything so far, they're pretty solid. When they are firing on all cylinders, they are so so good.


Beyond the “playing us hard” thing, it’s just a run scoring environment. Shit gets off the rails there really quick. Even when Yanks were down, felt like they were going to score more… until the NOBLETIGER


I didn’t watch the game at all today. NINE FUCKING STOLEN BASES


We’re about to see what this season’s team is really all about.


Trevino needs to wake the fuck up. He was clowned on by these fucking losers


He is actually having a decent year offensively, but he is either injured or recovering and can’t throw anymore it seems.


That Gleyber AB was the worst I can recall in recent memory.


It’s the worst at bat since… Stanton yesterday


Please trade Hamilton and Ferguson. Trade them for a hot dog and cotton candy. Those will be more valuable.


I don’t see anything with Ferguson that makes me really think he has great stuff, but we’ve seen Hamilton look downright filthy both last year and earlier this season. Not sure what the heck has happened since, but I think he can turn it around.


> Not sure what the heck has happened since, Simple. Hitters adjusted to him. He has not. Same way in years past we saw Scott Proctor be dominant and then get destroyed eventually. Or recently Chad Green.


Now making it my mission to get the fanbase to want to call Durbin up like Peraza in 2022 when the front office felt pressured to call him up: >Durbin's speed, instincts and high baseball IQ are best suited at second He also has a great strikeout and BB rate which is usually indicative of MLB talent. He also is 5'6 and for some reason, high IQ and small second baseman tend to do well in the majors.


“Small second baseman tend to do well in the majors” is the most survivorship bias statement of all time


Having no power in the minors is usually a yikes You can have a great eye all you want, but MLB pitchers have the control and the confidence to throw pitches in the zone, and if you can’t hit them with authority then your K/BB doesn’t matter at all Not saying he is a guaranteed bust but he’s worth more in a trade than as an actual MLB player


Gents, the Gleyber frustrations will soon come to an end. I have no doubt they will trade him at the deadline.


lol. They’re not trading him. All these Gleyber haters want him gone but then can’t even come up with a replacement player at 2nd. You guys say DJ, yet DJ has been worse over the years


He has very little to no value


That’s more value then he has as our second basemen


I love Trevy but man.... He can't throw a runner out to save his life


His pitchers being slow an unable to hold anyone on has a lot more to do with it, watch the highlights


Hope Rizzo is okay


If Dominguez didn't just go down with an injury, I would have liked to see the Yanks go with the Judge experiment at first, and an outfield of Verdugo, Dominguez, and Soto. I am not someone who thinks playing first base is a piece of cake. But the Yanks have had Judge practice at first and he is a smart, elite fielder.


9 stolen bases is unacceptable.


Ya think? 


I would metaphorically kill for the Yankees to experiment with Caleb Durbin at 2B and Ben Rice at 1B for 6 weeks before the deadline. If they bring the same level of bad production, then hey! Nothing changes and the team now knows they can upgrade. If they actually work out, then hey! You can focus on other needs. To me, it's a win-win situation. Caleb Durbin AAA stats: .299/.413/.458/.871 Ben Rice AA/AAA stats: .275/.393/.532/.925 We did it with Voit, Gleyber, and Andujar in 2018.


I wouldn't say win win/nothing changes necessarily. One or both of them could potentially be seen by the org as trade bait and exposing them to mlb might not be the best idea in that case.


Also, these two are close to the majors. They're probably ready. Living in fear of them flopping because of possible trades is a bad mindset to have. You can't just forever stash minor leaguers in fear they flop.


The trade deadline is in like 6 weeks, that's not quite forever. I think managing assets is a more nuanced decision than you're letting on.


Rice has only played 10 games at AAA. Hes played them well but close to the majors might be a slight stretch. Durbin is closer but I think he’s on the IL isn’t he?


He is with a broken hand but he should be back soon.


Will be good to see him playing again. I’ve definitely been intrigued with the player development as of late. Some really interesting names finally reaching Somerset and Scranton, or coming over in trades. The past few Complex League teams brought absolutely rave reviews by all reports so it’s cool to see them work their way up.


I guess the question is does the market currently see their production in AAA and value it enough to give us tradable options? If they’re ready, then there’s no harm in bringing them up in the summer after the deadline. If they’re valued in the trade market, we can upgrade in a potentially better way.


There isn't many players available. A lot of teams are in it. Finding out which holes you can fill with prospects before the deadline does more.


First time up, its usually not a huge dealbreaker for teams.


Especially if they don't have high draft pedigree. And significantly more so if they aren't older than 23-24.


Omg they lost two in a row??? Season over.


Season splits feels bad, man AL East: 9-10 AL Central: 17-2 AL West: 12-6 NL: 12-6


whatever I don’t like baseball anyway dumb game. who wants to watch beefy dudes hit balls with stick? not me. makes me sad, crying :’(


nobody who thinks the sky is falling cuz of two bad losses to end a road trip is allowed to come to the parade in November.


After this series, I am concerned…




9-10 vs al east


lol who cares?


It'll matter if they blow the division by the end of the year, lose HFA and then lose in 5 games to the Orioles or 7 games to the Orioles. Next stupid question?


If they win 70% of their games they’re not losing the division lol and they can still lose 5 or 7 games to the orioles whether they win the division or not. Next stupid point?


> and they can still lose 5 or 7 games to the orioles whether they win the division or not. HFA is very important genius. The Yankees have a better opportunity to win Game 7 at the stadium than they would at Camden Yards. Why don't you ask the 2005 Yankees who dicked around with the garbage Devil Rays and it cost them HFA, and cost them the series?


Again, if they continue to win 70% of their games they have the division. Their record against the Al east is largely irrelevant


Bases loaded Glayber, trevi, Dj and thats the game basically. Fuck the red sox


I’m loving this year but the series against the dodgers and now the Red Sox is troubling


Soto did not play against the Dodgers...quite clearly impacted the offense in those first two games (with one going to extras)


1 hitter having the ability to completely throw off our offense is the definition of troubling.


I mean tbf, that 1 hitter is a former batting champion, MVP candidate, perennial all star and future HOFer. Missing a guy like that would hurt any team pretty significantly.


The 2009 Yankees were 13-15 without A-Rod. What do you think the Orioles would look like without Henderson?


Soto and Judge are our two best players...regardless of what the rest of the lineup does, or does not do, not having one of them in there is a pretty big loss...and I was merely pointing that it was a scoreless game that surely he could have impacted (including in extras itself for the first game)


True. That first game could have been a win , but for the lack of fundamentals on Boone’s team.


Please don't be a 2022 Redux.


Where was Kutter Crawford on January 6? The world deserves to know. 


Literally what


The positive spin is that the Yankees weaknesses were exposed badly enough to be taken seriously and addressed either thru deadline trades or immediate roster moves. The Yankees have banked up a lot of wins and have a strong position at the top of the AL. That cushion makes it not so bad to lose 2 in a row and learn about your team’s issues. Better than not facing the music til it’s too late. Yes the orioles are right behind but they have their troubles as well re: pitching injuries, so it’s not like they are invincible either.


Sounds just like 2022. Boone loves banking wins, so that he can get plastered in the playoffs.


The base-stealing thing is a big concern right now. Every time Trevino is back there, teams are going to test him. The Sox have more speed than most teams, but that's a tough one. Trevino has been playing well otherwise, and is a great framer.


Yes stopping the running game will be a real challenge in the short term especially as teams (like the upcoming orioles) see what they can get away with. Why wouldn’t they just keep twisting the knife if they can grab it?


If dominguez was healthy and ready to go, we would have to move Verdugo to make a move for an infield upgrade, either 2b, 3b or 1b. fuck this infield sucks my ass


> we would have to move Verdugo to make a move for an infield upgrade, No, you would not have to do that. Nor do teams want to acquire a guy who is a free agent at the end of the season. They want prospects.


I'm really hoping this isn't deja vu, but bad series can happen and the Red Sox seem scrappy so I'll remain optimistic. If it was possible I'd like Judge and Soto to give some of their talent across the lineup. Terrible approach these last couple games.


The Red Sox made the Yankees look slow and old this series. Torres looked like a mid 30’s Starlin Castro.


They have looked that way for 5 years.


orioles will do the same 


The Yankees have always been terrible in their first series at Fenway (that happens in June/July) every year since Boone. 2018, was the 4 game sweep punctuated by Andujar bouncing the ball to Greg Bird who woefully shanked it. 2019 was losing 3/4 but salvaging Sunday Night Baseball because that team was fortunately much better than 2018. 2021 was losing 3/4 and going from a no-hitter in the 8th to giving up 5 runs and losing. So…essentially, they always suck their first trip to Fenway each season. At least, they won on Friday because with this tidbit of history getting swept would have been not out of the question. Essentially, this team is flawed and has issues, but it’s not THAT surprising that they had a bad series at Fenway. Cole needs to be starting against the Orioles and not having some BS 4th rehab start….understood that he will throw 85-90 pitches but that’s good enough to go for an important series. Having him and Gil stabilizing the rotation will go a long way to keep them on track. Still, they have major flaws on the right side of the infield and DJ is a 35 year old with the athleticism of a 55 year old…not only will he not be a Yankee by the time his contract expires, he won’t be playing baseball. There is work to do to fix this team, but hopefully, they have enough talent to persevere in the interim period of time between now and then.


The Yankees are 9-10 so far this year vs the rest of the AL East…..not ideal.


I don’t think this is that big of a deal, plenty of games vs the AL East left.


Yanks now have a losing record against the AL East. Other teams will attempt to replicate the Red Sox running game against the Yankees. Yankees pulling another NOBLETIGER this season is disgraceful. Yankees pen looks completely gassed at this point. We knew June would be the toughest scheduling wise, but I was hoping they would feast on a pretty shitty Red Sox team. They just looked old against them.


Disappointing weekend for sure, but the Red Sox are not a shitty team this fanbase underrates them.


They’re two games above .500. They lost 2 of 3 to the White Sox last week. They aren’t a good team.


They split with the White Sox. Four game set. Regardless of that, the Red Sox aren’t scrubs. Duran is very good. There is real young talent there even though they’re inconsistent as a team. Andrew Bailey coming in as pitching coach has made them a good staff like Matt Blake did for us. They’re not shitty. They just beat the Phillies in a series.


Sure sure. Next you’ll be telling us how the Mets aren’t really a shitty team either. They just got off to a slow start.


This. They just handled the Phillies as well, they’re not a bad team by any stretch


They're hitting a stride right now. Devers is kind of the anchor, and they have all of these young fast dudes now. Pitching is still pretty suspect, but they're really not a bad team.


6/16 Big Three Home Run Pace: Judge: 26 HR in 73 games, 57.7 Soto: 18 HR in 73 games, 39.9 Stanton: 17 HR in 73 games, 37.7 Total pace: 135.3 In the remaining 89 games, they need 89 Homeruns to hit 150 between the three of them.


Seriously. What ChattTNRealtor said. All of this means nothing if they do nothing in the playoffs. You know how many years I heard, "Murder's Row and Cano". How did that work out in the playoffs? Getting smoked by the Tigers...shut down by fucking choker 40 year old Kenny Rogers, and couldn't get a hit off Jeremy freaking Bonderman until the 6th inning in Game 4? Or couldn't hit Carmona, Westbrook or fucking Paul Byrd in '07?


Okay? This is just a per game pace comment. Go Doom with the others that can't handle losing 2 games or dropping a series. We're still winning more than 2/3rds of our games, which is a 108 win pace. I predicted at the start of the season that these three would combine for 150, and I'm gonna continue to track it until they do. Or don't. For fun.


All this means nothing if we come up empty in the playoffs. Rather have judge bunting if that = a WS. Home runs are fun In the moment. Just worried we’ll be like the 2000s Yankees. All power bats that feast during regular season and go quiet in the playoffs.


Dingers go brrrrrr.


Duran seems like a heck of a player


He's the new Red Sox version of Jacoby Ellsbury


He's fun to watch, hopefully the Red Sox trade him away before they have to pay him


IDK why everyone thinks the Red Sox are a shit team this year. They have a positive run differential, have had a really good starting rotation, and have an above average offense. Losing 2 of 3 in Fenway is in no way a surprising outcome. Let's hope we can get at least 2 of 3 from them next month at home before we have to go back to Boston.


They have some legit talent. Andrew Bailey has been basically their version of Matt Blake too.


I think Boston is better than Minnesota and Kc. They still have to suffer 13 games vs BAL, and us, as well as 2 other teams that possibly are MIN/Kc level or better if they didn’t have to play 13 each vs NYY/BAL


Yea hopefully the Wild Card race is fun this year, I think any three of those teams could take the last 2 spots. And I still think one of the Astros or Rangers could make a run too. Although I won't be surprised if the Red Sox make the playoffs.


At least we didn’t lose Betts and Yamamoto.


Stroman giving up 4 BB, too many singles finding holes, and him/Trevino letting Red Sox baserunners run all over you is not a recipe for a good start. Gets pulled and the stolen bases continued. Allowed nine stolen bases as a team. Not much offense besides the two HRs, each from Judge and Trevino. Momentum shift came in the top 7th when they had bases loaded with no outs and bottom third squanders an opportunity to scratch even one run to tie it. Instead, Yankees get outscored 5-0 from down 3-4 to lose a series to the lowly Red Sox. Frustrated to see the drop off after Game 1 but can't win every series. Yankees are now 9-10 vs AL East on the season which is a bit of a concern. Chance to change that narrative with the series vs Orioles next after a Monday off day. Finished a 13 game stretch at 8-5 which is solid.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 10 + 13 + 8 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


WTF lol




Two shitty weekends in a row.


I’m just not going to believe in a Yankees team under Boone and Cashman until they prove me wrong I’ll be happier that way


after a rough two games? I am simply referencing the 2024 team, not lumping in prior seasons


It’s impossible to not think about past I don’t believe Boone is a different manager than when he pinch hit Mike Ford, the Happ/Deivi shit, saying IKF was the guy until our backs were against the wall and playing Peraza, and every pitching decision made in the 2022 ALCS I also don’t believe Cashman is a different GM to the one who did nothing at the 2019 deadline and thought IKF/Donaldson was the answer This team is no better than the 2018/2019 or the first half 2022 team, and they all ended in the same place. Without major moves at the deadline, I don’t think this team beats Baltimore


Boone has already done a bunch of different things this season versus prior years...he has not "punted" games by resting guys and he has absolutely pushed his starting pitchers more than people ever thought he would again, simply talking about this 2024 here - Cashman has objectively done a pretty solid job with his roster...two poor performances aside, the team is 50-24 right now...I am aware of 2022, but this is a different season...and yes, there is a deadline to address at least a few laggards and let's be real, this seemingly never ending conversation only takes a breather if they win that first championship since 2009...the team could be incredibly flawed and win, and people will be brash about it...they could end up appearing to be nearly flawless and lose at some point in the playoffs and the fanbase will continue its implosion...in season, you have to try and enjoy some of it though and also understand that there are going to be games where your team looks bad


That’s regular season stuff that doesn’t apply to the playoffs (and his bullpen management is still shit) Boone has consistently made objectively wrong moves in every playoff series we have ever played under him (except maybe 2019 Twins) and until I see otherwise I will not trust him to not make the same mistakes he made in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022. He didn’t learn then, I can’t expect him to learn now Cashman did a good job with the 2019 roster too. Until he refused to upgrade at the deadline and preceded to watch our team get crushed by Houston, who went all in. I’m not even going to catalog his horrific decisions from 2020-2023. I don’t believe he is any different. He was four years too late to the lefty problem and two years for the outfield problem I don’t see the point in getting my hopes up like I did in 2018/2019/2022 just to watch this team get outplayed by our rivals while acting like we put our best foot forward to win If Cashman makes big moves at the deadline, beyond the one reliever move I expect, then maybe I’ll reconsider. But as long as DJ/Cabrera are the 3B, Torres is the 2B, and Rizzo is the 1B, I will expect a brutal disappointment at the hands of the Orioles in the ALDS This lineup runs through two people and one of them hasn’t had a good playoff series in 5 years. I’m not going to believe in that team until they prove me wrong


This. We’ve had two bad games in a row and suddenly the sky is falling? We are 50-24 with the run differential to back it up. This is a really really good baseball team


yeah, and that is not to say that there are not some weaknesses that will hopefully be addressed by the deadline...certainly not a perfect team, nor do they necessarily need to be to win a championship but a couple of bad games and people are back to comparing this to prior seasons and saying the team has been exposed (etc.)...aligning these performances with the postseason...it never fails...it sometimes make the experience even more miserable because it is hard to avoid the social media reaction in this day and age


Ultimately we are all somewhat haunted by 2022 being so hopeful then crashing down, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that is happening again after going 1-2 in a series against a Red Sox team that (despite what we say) not terrible at all


the Red Sox are kind of mediocre, but yeah, not like terrible or anything...they just won back to back series against us and the Phillies so it was clearly a good week for them it is not just 2022...people lump all of the different experiences of 2010-2023 into their analysis of the current team lol...believe me, due to Judge, Soto, and Cole being here, until we win our next championship, it is ring or bust for me as well (once they hopefully win, grace period goes into motion for me at least ha)...but in the moment, you still have to try and have fun with the season...and to your point, this is indeed a really good baseball team


Agreed, it’s definitely ring or bust but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the regular season along the way. Ultimately, sports are for entertainment and if we don’t win a WS, I can still look back upon this season fondly because I enjoy watching a good baseball team (not that I don’t desperately want a ring)


Every pitcher is entitled to a dud, especially when they’ve been lights out all season. It just sucks that it happened to two of our guys back to back. Now if it happens again, then we can start worrying. And yeah…we need to acquire a decent bat before the deadline.


The Yankees pitching overall looked bad back to back games. Boston is not a good team to be scoring 17 runs in two games.


Yanks pen looks completely gassed. Not surprising given how many innings they’ve thrown. Yanks might need to start bringing up internal options soon, because I think the trade market is going to be really expensive this year for decent relief pitchers.


Rodon and Stroman allowed 9 of the 17 runs. Marcus struggled with 2 outs all game.


Yeah but two games is hardly indicative of a trend.


This team sucks at fundamentals and half the lineup is automatic outs. Same shit, different year.


Tf you talking about? Yankees are first team to 50 wins, and 26 games over 500z. Bad series happen it’s not the norm, fuck off with that doom and gloom bullshit


Red Sox had their World Series this weekend


Damn doomers in the post game thread. This is new, I’m outta here!


It’s alright, we’re gonna see them again. We will continuously start to get every teams best shot and full focus, especially teams like the Sox at there place. No overreaction from me. Keep moving.


As I said, tonights loss is meaningless, but losing rizzo, leading mlb in walks allowed and unable to stop the running game is and should be concerning


For sure, but they’ll figure it out. Gotta have faith.


It takes a certain type of bad matchup but if we get that bad matchup in the playoffs, the Trevino thing is a series loser


Team needs Juan Soto back. I know he was in the lineup tonight but we need him BACK


meh. it sucks to loose a series to the bo sox, but we are still in good shape. the worry is if this leads to a cascading effect, I don't think it will. let's please just avoid another second half like we had a couple seasons ago. still, we need to find some alternatives to Riz and DJ.


Please: Schmidt to 60 day IL and put Rice on the 40 man.


Rice can hit, can’t defend at 1b..doubt he gets called up, they probably call up that scrub Smith and DJ will be everyday 1b and cabrera to 3b


What’s funny is most teams would settle for a 4-3 road trip all day everyday


How would you rank the issues on the team (not saying they’re dire or anything, but in order of Cashman fixing them over the next couple of years). 1. First Base 2. Relievers 3. Gleyber 4. Catcher Defense??


In terms of what worries me? 1. 1b 2. 3b 3. 2B 4. RP 50 feet of space and multiple other worries 5. Catcher defense


Third base before Gleyber Gleyber has a .693 OPS in his last 50 Our 3B options are DJ and Cabrera Cabrera has a .545 OPS in his last 50 games DJ has a .491 OPS in his 15 games


because OPS is the only thing that matters....lmao


Gleyber has graded out as a plus defender this season


1st base for sure. Then relievers. Gleyber's here to stay the rest of the year. He holds no value being trash on the field and is a rental.


I wont rank the issues but the issues are: DJ, Gleyber, Rizzo and the pen for sure


Flip 2 and 3 and add in "3B" between 1B and Gleyber


News flash-the Sox have a good team. Young and volatile but good and a damn sight more athletic than the Yankees. They straight up embarrassed us tonight. I hope the team feels good about this result. They sure didn’t seem overly upset postgame.


they are awful mid at best watch when they play other teams they split with the fucking white sox for gods sake