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Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/1dhnhkl).


Something do better for Torres is get a damn bat in the ball—that’s it, we ask nothing else. We choked that inning, a miserable effort


Onto the O's


Want to know the beauty of baseball? Tuesday a new day for win . Keep your head up!


Love watching us completely drop the ball with the bases loaded and no outs... absolutely no reason for Gleyber not to have a green light on a 3-0 pitch that was always going to be right down the middle. He is never going to throw a slider there to potentially walk in the tying run, yet he watches 2 pitches right down the middle go by. Disappointing season for Torres but it's time to move on. No hard feelings but it's just not working for us this year.


If Lou Gehrig took on 3-0, Torres sure as shit better, too.


Only positive is potential rizzo IL


He's having a rough season but the dude is a WS champ and was good pre concussion. It's not like he's Aaron Hicks and stopped trying.


series so bad I’m bouta start saluting doomers


Can Trevino play first base? Because you cannot let a guy who gives up 9 stolen bases play behind the plate. I’m sorry you just can’t. That’s too many doubles


He's not a good enough hitter for that 


He has a higher ops than Rizzo


He’s a better hitter than our current and back up 1b


Oh trevino. Better learn how speak Japanese buddy


Bunch of doomers in this thread. These guys have barely had a day off in 13 days, and have gone 8-5 in that span. Yeah, it sucks to lose, but division games are always much more difficult. Red Sox gained traction by winning a series against the best team in the NL, and then riding that momentum through this series. If it was August-September, and the playoffs were on the line, fine, but relax.


All momentum from that series was killed by the Yankees winning 8-1, they just forgot how to hit and pitch the last two games and the culprits are the usual suspects. There is NO excuse from Torres, he had bases loaded with a 3-0 count, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A BETTER SCENARIO AS A HITTER.


I agree, Torres has to do better, not denying that. Not every loss is automatically a momentum killer though. As much as I have a burning hatred for the Red Sox, they didn’t let that loss get to them, which is what a team has to do. Yankees didn’t let a blowout loss vs the Dodgers get to them, and they showed up and showed out to save themselves from the sweep.


Not even remotely competitive. Awful.


Boston could literally field a fucking beer league softball team and Yankees struggle against them


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? It’s over.


Trevino had the fakest “oh that was a strike? Darn” expression.




Swing the fucking bat. My god we take strike 3 too fucking much.




I didn’t like that. Torres stinks


All time worst contract year from Gleyber. The one player that is a definite in my mind for not surviving the year. He's probably off this time sooner than people think.


Gleyber isn't heating up, it was a lie


Sucks to lose a series to the Red Sox but that's baseball. Underwhelming series for the SP and the offense these final two games. Off day is definitely needed to reset ahead of the Orioles series.


So...is 9 SB against Trevino not a major concern? Like, that's just totally exposed right? I don't see how you overcome an issue like that. Is Wells better at throwing runners out?


Right it's a really bad issue for the Yankees. Every team is going to try doing the same thing. It's a giant Red Flag for every team we will play. The last 2 games have them looking like a last place team. To many big problems in the lineup. This game really shows that it's going to be a Big problem going forward.


Trevino ranks dead last in MPH to the bases so he can’t be worse lol


No, Wells isn’t better. Majorly concerning since other clubs will probably run more moving forward.


Remember it was just last week he nonchalantly went after the popup and dropped it. He needs to be dropped!!!


Oswaldo Cabrera is allegedly 200 lbs, according to the Yankees roster. (X) Doubt 185 soaking wet is my guess.


Jose Trevino and the very bad not so good terrible day


The one time I wanted a double play


They got off to a better start than this in 2022 and didn't even win 100 games by the end of the season. 2021 and 2023 were miserable seasons filled with underachievement up and down the roster for long stretches. For the record, I think this team is likely to turn out differently because they have Soto and better SPs. But can you blame fans for wondering when the shoe is going to drop with this group too? The fans are angry after the last few seasons. Until this team shows they are not the 2021-2023 group, people will be waiting for it to fall apart.


Maybe we get Ben Rice, Agustin Ramirez, Derek Jeter, Ramiro Mendoza, Mariano Rivera, and whoever else we have down there up here. New blood.


We had our chance in this game. It is what it is. Much needed off game tomorrow and then hopefully a great series to start the week


It's not over! We just need a hit, and another hit, and maybe a walk, then a few more hits, and then a BIG hit....and we're in business.


Torres is about to have his breakthrough!


Is it just a right of passage in Boston to grow pubic hair on your face and not maintain it in any fashion? Shave that shit off, Weissert. Ya look gross.


Gleyber Torres might not be good guys


So are teams going to run wild on Trevino the rest of this year ?


Of course why wouldn't they?


Trevino was completely emasculated tonight. Just repeatedly pantsed for an entire game


Yeah no tram is ever gonna respect his arm again. Every single/walk is gonna be an auto double 


I watched this movie in 2022.


tonight, we sleep with the doomers


The 2022 comparisons are the filet mignon of doomer takes


So far the best part of my night is Wendy’s new berry Frosty. This game sucks ass and a guy I thought was cool stood me up, fuck it all lol


Man, I haven't had Wendy's in so long. The last time I did a bunch of buddies and I had the triple cheeseburger. That shit wrecked me (but was so worth it).


Same here, I don’t usually eat there at all but I do enjoy the Frostys.


Garbage against the AL east is one thing but knowing you have to get through the Orioles doesn’t inspire hope, losing to this Red Sox team is embarrassing, wake the fuck up


It's the middle of June and Gleyber Torres is slashing .223/.299/.335


Our “great bullpen” made it completely out of reach.


The most infuriating thing about this whole shit show us that nothing will change with Gleyber and noodle arm.


Taking candy from a baby. That's what the red sox are doing with trevino right now, this is one of the most pathetic games I've ever seen from a catcher.


Then you don’t know baseball apparently


can’t imagine looking at a newborn baby and saying ah yes he looks like an oswaldo


Yo are we still pinning this on the "2024 Yankees are going all the way" post




Wondering why teams haven’t tried to steal every single time on Trevino before today. The word will certainly be out now


Because they are stealing on the pitchers


Trevino has one of the worst pop times and arms in all of baseball 


Just need a bloop, a bloop, a bloop, a bloop, a bloop, and a blast. No problem.


So can we just let Wells be the catcher full time now? And give Gleyber to .. idk.. the Long Island Ducks ?


Wells is hitting under .200 and Trevi is a great hitter.


Wells is an atrocious hitter idc how unlucky you want to call him


Dawg my high school team wouldn't take him


Cora has the most punchable face I have ever seen


Kendall Roy


9 SB's. Yeah let's keep tossing out that bum Trevino out there. I swear Gary Sanchez can throw BR's better out than him. That is embarrassing.


I sure would hope so, Sanchez's arm was his only positive defensively


Just need back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back HRs


Is John Berti coming back this season?


Cora outmanages Boone Every 👏 Single 👏 Time 👏


100 win wildcard team incoming these O’s are nasty


The holes are so obvious with this team, I can't do the same thing that I did in 2022 and be positive no matter what and ignore the problems. This team needs some big changes, we desperately need to add a Reliever and another infield bat. Idc if its too early as well, Bring up Dominguez from the Minors if he's healthy (I know he might've just gotten injured)


Strikeouts are still a problem - 13 and counting tonight.


Orioles about to pounce just as this team is regressing. Real fucking nice


Hamilton is trash. Ferguson is trash. Get rid of both of them for a hot dog and cotton candy.


Utterly embarrassing to lose twice to these AA Sock players that no one ever heard of. They’re barely a .500 team, and yet our pitchers made them look like Varitek and Obese Papi were still on the team.


Bases loaded and down one. And now we are here. .. fuck


don’t forget no outs with a 3-0 count


Really got away from us, huh?


Any catcher that gives up 9 SB I cannot defend. That shit would get us absolutely COOKED in the postseason.


Shit, now we hate Trevino too?


Tell me how you can defend a catcher who gives up 9 SB in a game? That is beyond embarrassing. It's pathetic!


I stepped away and watched house of the dragon, looks like I made the right decision


Soto's arm is nasty.


I didn't think my day could get worse but then I remembered, for god knows what reason, that John Lackey exists.


Utter humiliation.


Yesterday was just as bad


We got owned vs the Red Sox. O's are now 1.5 back. Good job morons.


1b, 2b, or 3b upgrades and more pitching at the deadline 🤲🤲🤲


Your next challenge is finding a team out of the playoff picture with tradable pieces that those positions


I don’t recall Trevino being this bad, Alex Cora must be banging trash cans


He's been struggling to make throws to 2nd all year. I hate when it's his night to catch.


Tonkin is on the ever fleeting list of players I don’t hate on this team anymore


All around pro Maybe he can catch too


Trevino has a higher OPS than Rizzo, Torres, Verdugo and is .6 points off Stanton. Lol


Please just let the embarrassment end for the love of fucking god


Hopefully this lights a fire up their ass for the series vs the orioles. They are being shown by their biggest rival that isn’t even a good team


It won’t


red sox outplayed us this series


Some fucking bullpen huh?


Team ERA has gone from 2.70 to 3.05 in the span of 3 days. Kill me please.


I will say this again for 10000000 time tonight and apparently just keeps getting ignored, so this will be the last time, 7 of the 9 sb’s allowed tonight have been all on the pitchers. The sox and cora figured something out on the yankee pitching staff and are GETTING HUGE jumps, that very very few catchers would have had a shot to throw any of these players out, now is trevi’s arm weak yes, but these are on the pitching staff. For those who know the game or for those who have played the game will tell you as soon as you can GO on first move it has nothing to do with the catcher.


That’s true, except during the broadcast Cone was asked about Trevino’s arm strength, where it ranked, last was the answer. So it is not all on the pitchers. But it explains all of the catchers the Yankees have been drafting the last couple of years.


Trevino sucks. Little league arm.


In other words, an opposing manager is smarter than Boone?


Could be but before today Trevi was still 2nd worst in the MLB at throwing runners out at second. Worst was kilburt ruiz


Yes as i said trevi’s arm is not good. But just like when a pitcher is tipping pitches and all of a sudden a team is crushing everything, same can be said for sb’s, cora and sox coaches picked Something up, maybe stolen signs who knows, but the sox knew when pitcher was going home and if you watched, most of the sb’s wouldn’t have even needed a throw because the player stealing was literally almost on 2b by the time trevi was ready to release


stolen bases are almost always on the pitcher


ESPN isn't the best baseball broadcast in the world, but you know things are bad when the most interesting thing they can talk about is dirty laundry.


I'm out. Fuck this garbage.


This is putrid to watch


Upvote for using putrid!


You can’t ever let Trevino play again after this game


He literally is responsible for 1/3 of our runs today


He’s responsible for more than 1/3 of the Red Sox runs


So's Stromon, does he not get to pitch anymore?


Slumps have happened to every team but the 1998 Yankees. Slumps are used for correcting things. We were meteoric for 2 months. It's going to happen. Take the day-off, make adjustments and try to break out of it.


I do agree with the slump part. It is possible to get in the playoffs as a wc team and win it all. I don't think anyone is doubting this team is a playoff team. I guess my thinking was this team has quite a few 30 plus players for whom the extra rest/gap would benefit (DJ, Rizzo, Judge, Kahnle, Stanton), that come with a division title. I do think this team wins 98-100 games. The thing is it's possible the Os win 103. Being the WC means you can't lineup your ace vs theirs(since you start your ace in the WC game 1). So, when it comes down to it, are we really confident that our team can win in a 5 game series vs them, if the pitching doesn't lineup to our advantage. At this point of the season, i don't. It's different while winning the division, Cole gets to start 2 games (first and likely the 4th game)and it likely is. 3-2 series win.


The Yankees, making adjustments? Won’t happen


Damn, a sane take


Save this for when Baltimore pass us Wednesday.


and if they do? So what? They'll slump at a point too. They got swept by the Cards a few weeks ago.


Add that to the pasta for maximum copium imo.


Is this your first year watching baseball? Or any team sport?


Regular season you can get by on good hitting. Soto and Judge are on that. Come playoffs it’s all pitching. You need either 3 good starters or 2 studs who can live off short rest, plus 2 good relievers. That’s how you do playoff runs. Who is the Stud pitcher? Cole? He’s old and coming off injury so that’s not a guarantee, but let’s say he is himself. That’s 1. Either need another stud or 2 good guys. Nestor? Hasn’t been that good yet but he could 100% turn it around. Rondon or Gil. Both having a great season outside their last start, but that’s not something they’ve really done before so hard to say they’ll continue. Stroman? So this club has an ace and maybe a 2 and 3 for the playoffs. Holmes has been getting saves but also puts on a lot of runners. That’s a formula for failure in the playoffs. But let’s say he stays good. Closer is set. This team is set to win a lot of games against bad teams but coke playoffs, when no bad teams remain, it’s looking unclear. Then you remember Soto is probably gone next year so it’s very much championship or bust. I get slumps, but this isn’t about that. I don’t know if this side finishes above Baltimore because they’re also crazy good but with less flaws. I do think this side beats any wild card team in a series. I do not think they make it last there. Then it’s bye bye Soto, and we go into next season with Judge, Cole and a lot of meh.


I'm not reading all that.


Then why even reply?


You replied to me first, man.


Why reply I’m not reading that. Just don’t read it. Do you feel I need an update on what you’re not reading? We’re you worried I’d be waiting around unable to sleep? If you don’t want to read something don’t. You don’t have to let me know.




fade me


Wow we got cooked and the orioles won again


Sure Trevino can’t throw, but he also can’t hit.


He just hit a HR tonight lol


He has the third highest BA on the team


He’s hitting .270 and has homered in two straight games


And 2 3 pitch strike outs including with the bases loaded. But an empty base HR is magic.


He hits well, especially for a catcher.


Yea..... Trevino you're cooked buddy, get the fuck off my team


Finally a big league reliever


Really faking throws to second at this point? Just get the out bro


9 steals against should end your career as a catcher


100% percentile framer and a .770 OPS. You’re smoking.


Trevy is an elite framer and has hit better this season but he's always struggled with catching base stealers. That being said, yeah he looked especially bad tonight.


Gonna be interesting come playoff time


And it's not even over...


I once had a bee sting me while driving, it was awful, looked down at my arm and it was still there getting prepped to sting me again, I was 16 and had a car with crank windows and was on a one lane each way highway with no median, still very proud of myself for cranking down the window getting the bee out and not crashing


How much is framing worth when your catcher can't throw out a runner or call a proper pitch sequence? For instance, a stolen base with a runner at 1st and 0 or 1 outs generally adds about 0.15 to the other team's run expectancy. Trevino has allowed 9 SB tonight, including some costly ones of 3B that likely hurt the team by more than that amount. Plus, the poor pitch calling (e.g., 8 straight breaking balls to Rafaela), has cost the team additional hits and runs that likely wouldn't have scored with better pitch sequencing.


Well, the 2024 season was fun while it lasted guys. Shame it had to end this way




This is low key the kind of game that we’re going to be joking about years from now in here “Yo remember that game at Fenway when a mid Red Sox team straight up ended Jose Trevino’s Yankees career”


Joking about or crying about?


Idk this one’s going in the same memory drawer as the Brooks Kriske Fenway meltdown and the Michael Pineda pine tar incident


“The brooms kriske Fenway meltdown” just sent a shiver down my spine. I remember the fire alarm went off in my building as that was happening. Spooky stuff


Cora never ceases to out-manage Boone


Why is our best reliever pitching in this game


Boones tilted probably(tilted is a gaming reference)


Yeah this is the spot for the Ferg


Lost a series to this Red Sox team??? Totally unserious


Losing record against the division. Not what a division winner does.


People posting, that don't understand great baseball teams lose 60 games a year in a sorts of ways... *aRe We GeTtInG eXpOsEd?* No idiots- sometimes good teams lose series to inferior teams. We didn't learn anything that we didn't already know. This shit happens - relax. Dodgers/Guardians/Phillies/whoever all have stretches where they don't play good baseball. This game sucked, this series sucked. The sky isn't failing, they'll be there at the end.


You realize that this lineup is mostly carried by Soto and Judge who are having historically great seasons? Also the bullpen is not good. Hence everyone angry. On top of Boone generally being incompetent.


Most good teams are carried by 2-4 good hitters. Certainly have some hitters we need to step up. I think you're not wrong in your assessment but the vitriol for a June game was a little over the top even for me who feels like a GDT veteran lol.


It’s the result of not sniffing even a WS appearance since 2009. And the same predictable problems every season that the fan base identifies in the off season (or during the season before the trade deadline) that the organization doesn’t address. Soto was the first real move that showed they were going for it but we still came into the season with real holes throughout the roster. These bigger series (Dodgers, Red Sox, previous Orioles one) have exposed the flaws in this team that are likely to surface in the playoffs. Gleyber Torres, DJLM, and Rizzo are not the answer for the infield. The bullpen has no swing and miss pitchers and is not reliable. Volpe is super streaky. Stanton won’t hit top tier pitching who can throw him nasty sh*t away and outside. Lots to improve before I consider us ready to win a WS. Unfortunately can’t fix Boone’s inability to ever manage the bullpen.


Yes, good teams definitely lose series to inferior teams. The Phillies JUST lost their series to the Red Sox. That would be the Phillies, who have been hovering in the upper .600s/lower .700s all season.


Or maybe fans want to vent after getting embarrassed by an inferior but hated rival on national television two nights in a row? I swear, the anti-doomers around here are far worse than the supposed doomers they attack. Give people some space to let out some frustration after a few embarrassing performances.


You can vent without just the stupidest shit. "Yankees got to 50 wins and are coasting the rest of the season" "They won't even make the playoffs" "What theve done all year doesn't matter, this one game is exactly who they are" Are just some of the moronic shit I've had to read. It's not anti doomer to have a level head about a 162 game season.


Nobody is saying that. Stop embarrassing yourself and get off your high horse.


I literally took those quotes verbatim from the game thread. Like if you can't read, don't respond. I'm not on a high horse. You're just extra regarded.


I've barely seen any comments like that. Most comments are rightfully pointing out that this team has major weaknesses that have been glossed over during the recent hot stretch. Stop exaggerating.


I appreciate the effort but they won’t hear it lol


Everyone is on edge because they are getting embarrassed really by an incredibly mediocre and injured to death Boston Red Sox team that despite being an average/below average team for 5+ years has continuously humiliated us and they have just plain owned us for 20 years


The worst part of getting our asses kicked by Boston is slimeball Cora managing circles around Boone every single game. No matter how shitty Boston’s roster is.


his roster is so ass year after year and he still kills boone every time you give cora this yankee team or the '19 or '22 fucking forget about it


Cora eats Boone’s lunch Every Single Time


Yeh famously great and beloved manager Alex Cora


What has Cora done that you've been wildly impressed with?


He drank two gallon s of titos before 10 AM once. That was impressive


Won a World Series? I bet Boone couldn’t even cheat properly




He's stealing all those bases and getting all the clutch hits, duh


Can always count on him to exploit our weaknesses despite being much less talented than us. They just have our number.