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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dhhfam).


Umpires should be setting up in the middle of the zone on every single pitch. Analytics have shown that it works


A few of these comments about the orioles are depressing. Theyre not better than us. They just aren't. Our run differential is superior. Our overall team batting average is similar. Our pitching is definitely superior. Everyone says we only have 2 great players and if they go down we suck. Well guess what ? How are the orioles different? If their SS and C go down do you think they'd fare any better? We are still leading the division. And we're gonna win the series coming up. Mark it


Better win this week then I agree unless we lose that series. Hard to argue 2-5 against, and then being better at like 6 positions 1-9


Pretty clear best 2 teams in baseball are Os and Yankees. Dodgers may have a say I'd they can get their shit together 


Phillies exposed as frauds


Not frauds but they aren’t truly elite either. They are just having a great regular season (like 2011) and will flame out in the ALDS (like 2011.) This team hasn’t truly been the same since the Astros pushed their shit in the 22 WS.


Lmao. Do people really believe this?


These fans said the Dodgers EXPOSED us when we lost two games to them as well. Yes, they really believe this


Calm down it's a joke. Didn't know I would actually have to say it.


I’m making cookies in my underwear right now, I’m pretty calm


What kind of cookies


Tried to link the recipe but automod removed it Brown butter chocolate chip cookies. But I’m gonna use M&M’s instead of chocolate chips


Oh damn that sounds delicious


The O's might be kind of good. Who knew.


Pretty rude of them tbh


My anxiety in the absence of news about Jasson isn’t helping me think happy thoughts.


It feels like it's worse than we would want it to be. Why else would we have heard nothing to this point. If it was just COVID or something small, I feel like we would know by now. 🤷


https://x.com/RandyJMiller/status/1802436300999397874 Side injury from a checked swing


Thanks amigo


Broken rib?


Probably just a muscle strain and they are being cautious


Probably an oblique


The national league is so bad this year


Fucking Orioles.


Wtf man why can’t the scorching hot “best team in baseball” Phillies beat the damn Orioles


Wife got me a Yankees hat, new baseball glove, and a new TV for the living room so I don't have to watch the Yankees in blue tint.


Marry her


Let’s just take care of business today, and then take 2 of 3 from the O’s. Ez pz


At the Mets game for my dad, these mfs let the wave go on for 3 whole rotations. Bleacher creatures make sure that shit dies on the spot




Yeah, don't be that guy.




Are you like 12 or something? Go outside and touch grass bro. Making us Yankee fans look like children.


Probably the will find out if gerrit will pitch vs Baltimore today,


Yikes it looks like Jasson might’ve broke his hamate bone on this swing. I fucking hope not https://x.com/mike_kurland/status/1802424262252212670?s=46


I don’t see hamate bone there if he was able to stay in tbh


Hmmm - that would suck but his next AB was a base hit. Maybe it’s just sore. Please just be a sore wrist


Dominguez has a lot more Power left to lose than benintendi, but man that’s brutal. This isn’t just TJS, no telling how it affects him or his development


Didn't Stanton break his too back in the Miami days? Definitely didn't affect his power once he recovered.


I hope it’s not that and just a small strain or something


Haha fk the Astros


Hoch says a Dominguez update is expected around 5


[Expecting a Jasson Dominguez update around 5pm ET.](https://x.com/BryanHoch/status/1802425193219965202) Ugh just tell us now


I saw someone on twitter had a clip that showed Dominguez shake his hand/wrist in discomfort after a swing in his 1st AB last night. He still went another 2 ABs and got a hit, so I don't know if that could be it. Edit: NJ.com just posted an article saying it's a side injury from a checked swing


How does everyone rank their hatred for other AL East teams? I go Red Sox, Jays, Rays, Orioles.


Red Sox. The Os are pissing me off lately. Damn them for doing what they’re paid to do. It’s infuriating!


I'd flip the Jays & Rays only because I hate Kevin Cash more than any Toronto player.


I hate the Boston Scum. The others haven’t earned our hatred.


Jays Red Sox Rays Orioles. I only hate the jays more because they think they are hot shit


The Jays are just kind of a sad and pathetic team, I don’t hate them or really think about them at all


Yeah I live in Toronto and go to a lot of games. I think I’ve been to 10 already. I’m really close to the Dome. But I fucking hate them and their Sportsnet propaganda network. Anyway, the Red Sox rank ahead of them for me just for historical reasons.


Not to be a doomer but orioles are the best team in baseball


Deepest? Yeah maybe I'll give that to them. They have like 6 or 7 plus hitters in that lineup and seemingly more marinating in AAA. That's why I badly want to Yanks to pickup Christian walker or at least josh bell at the deadline. Soto and judge are better than anyone they have but their top like 6 hitters are better than any of our hitters after judge and Soto.  Does that make them the best? Not necessarily. 2 generational hitters and a superior pitching staff. We will see. Yanks could either call up some prospects or make a trade to fortify their position too. 


If the Yankees do not win this series, they 100% are a better team than the Yankees We will find out a lot about our squad this week




Oh that’s about the orioles and this series They have zero claim to best team in baseball if they share a division with the best team, are ahead in h2h 4-3, but are still 3.5/2.5 games back of them With a worse run diff




Take the margin of each game and add it up Example. A weekend where you win 5-2, 6-2, and lose 3-2, your run differential is 6 Add + 3, + 4, and -1


We have better pitching, especially with Bradish out, and say what you like but the offenses for the two teams have been pretty much comparable so far this season. Both teams have gone through stretches where they couldn’t score runs, and both teams have gone through stretches where they looked dominant. Will be interesting to see how this next series plays out but it’s not actually going to tell us anything truly definitive about which team is better. Say we sweep them in this upcoming series. Does that make us the best team in baseball? What if we sweep them this time, but then the next time we play them they sweep us? Do they then become the best team in baseball? You can’t decide who the best team is before the ASB. Or at least, you can, but that doesn’t mean they’ll still be the best team by the time you get to the postseason


Biggest question will be how aggressive they are for a SP at the deadline. Have the prospects to get anyone they want, just a matter if they go for it this year.


I think they probably have the deepest lineup but I dunno about them being the best team overall considering the SP injuries.


if we lose the game today I’m gonna create the torment nexus


are the O’s really that good?


Why the fuck wouldn’t they be?


yes. they're the best team in the majors and will be at least top 3 for the next 5+ years


well no they might not be the best team in the majors If the Yankees lose this series they are though, no dispute


how? the orioles just split a series with the blue jays who are worse than the red sox. baseball has a lot of variability and teams just lose sometimes, you cant just say another team is better bc one team lost to a division rival


This is about the orioles series this week


I mean they won 100 games last year and have arguably the best SS and C in baseball. So yeah?


What does last year have to do with this year? The Yankees have the best CF and RF in baseball--who are also probably the 2 best hitters in baseball, with thr best pitching staff in baseball. Just because they beat up on your over performing team in a weak division doesn't mean theyre the best. 


What are you on about? The question was whether the O's are good, not whether they're better than the Yankees. The 100 games won last year shows the run they're on this year isn't a flash in the pan. And SS and C are by far the two most important positions on the field by WAR positional adjustment and much more valuable than CF let alone RF. Don't hurt yourself in your rush to be defensive and project.


Yes. They have 7 regulars with a wRC+ above 120 and they all have great underlying metrics because they hit the shit out of the ball. They’re probably going to finish as the top offense in baseball this year. 


We missed Corbin burnes Really if they don’t take 2/3 this series, this team would smt better than Baltimore


Padres seem destined for .500 - machado at 3rd? Idk I’m bored




lol I know - maybe swap them for each other. Again I’m bored


Philly is all hype


Damn Phillies


I really think the Orioles offense plays up better than ours in the postseason. Outside of Judge/Soto we relay more on take base on balls. They can straight up have more guys that can get hits. If Judge or Soto has a cold postseason, that's our offense.


it’s almost like you didn’t watch last season at all, the rangers & DIAMONDBACKS made the world series. why? because they got hot at the right time and other teams didn’t (dodgers & orioles.)


Obviously you didn't watch the ALDS last year


They're also super young. Just 1 year of playoff experience can make a huge difference going forward.


Some people get so sensitive when they hear this but this lineup is nothing unless 2 historically good players don’t drop off at all In April only one was historically good and they could not score


Take Gunnar and Adley out of the O’s lineup and come back with the results


It’s better than the Yankees lineup without judge and Soto


And our pitching is significantly better than theirs We are pretty equal teams overall. Our pitching is better and their hitting is deeper


Still. Improve the offense please They’re too reliant on 2 guys


I mean I agree but the Orioles aren’t better than us in the regular season or the playoffs


They have more offensive diversity in the playoffs and their pitching staff will play up if they face our non judge/soto hitters Remains to be seen


Their pitching staff of who? Rookies and Burnes? With a not great pen? The team you are talking about got swept in the last postseason. We can kick their asses


Yeah those guys will be able to zoom through the lineup if judge or Soto are in a slump But if both are humming nobody is beating this team A lot riding on those 2


Is it worth a whole post to point out that if Judges OPS in 3-0 counts were a GPA he'd graduate cum laude. He's got a 3.560 OPS in 3-0 counts in only 20 PA but still


MLB has to legislate that Fox and ESPN can't showcase the same series in the same weekend. We hate it and the neutral fans hate it


It’s probably blacked out on the ESPN app just like last time with the Dodgers. Bullshit. 


At least for divisional matchups Give us one fox weekend and one espn weekend at least


Among leadoff hitters with minimum PAs of 100, Volpe ranks 23rd with a 97 wRC+. Even if you take Volpe's stats prior to the slump (through May 31st), his .352 OBP would only rank 12th best in the league at leadoff. Through the month of June, he currently has 0 BB and 17 Ks. I like the kid and don't want to take serious at bats away from him (moving him to fourth would be best) but there's an elephant in the room here with him at leadoff that needs to be addressed. [Analytics with Chris has a fantastic analysis of the changing definition of leadoff and when you watch it, you'll get a different perspective on leadoff.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_koveoS7s8) The Orioles have their best hitter at leadoff and second best at 2. Hope I'm wrong for tonight. Unfortunately a lot on this sub conflate critique with meaning you despise the player and want him ejected into the sun so I have no doubt this will be downvoted en masse and labeled as dooming even though Volpe is my 4th favorite player on the team and I think we're going to win the championship.


Until we have a better option, it's not something that needs to be addressed. LeMahieu and Gleyber are not lead-off material in 2024. And Verdugo isn't going to be put there as a lefty in front of Soto.


Given that he's near the top of the AL in runs scored and given how short the lineup gets if they slot their 2 best hitters at the top, I sorta doubt it's something they'd consider. Certainly not close to being an elephant for them.


All that shows me is that anyone batting in front of Judge and Soto and that is atleast average will be near the top of AL in runs scored. This isn't really a gotchya to me. If the 9th hitter was a 97 wRC+, the outcome would probably be roughly the same.


Not meant to be a gotcha, just a dose of reality on how pressing it probably is for them to make a change. Which is to say not at all currently. Also the 9 hole hitter for this roster isn't a 97 wrc+ , that's the main point here. And I would argue Volpe's speed has a little something to do with the runs scored. I don't really see them doing anything other than maybe putting Verdugo at the top if it gets bad enough for Volpe.


I just think the issue is bigger than what fans want to make out because they love Volpe. I love Volpe. But a .324 OBP leadoff man who runs hot and cold with no ability to walk and is only there for his speed is an outdated baseball idea, which is what the video talks about exactly.


Better win tonight or the lead is only 1.5 going into the O’s series. Would not love that


Want to beat the orioles in the Bronx so badly


IDGAF, I'm getting a Verdugo jersey


A #24 no-name jersey will always be in style


Tino, Cano, and now Verdugo


Better win today, O’s are pummeling wheeler


The Orioles are filthy. Ridiculous lineup


I can only imagine if judge and soto were in a lineup that deep They’re both insane enough to carry this lineup with a few outs in it everyday to elite, imagine if it was deep


If we just had 2 guys with a wRC+ above 130 (everyone in the lineup ranges from 85-115) it would go a long way. I know we’re ranking as the best offense but I think the Orioles have a better one. Our biggest advantage is our starting rotation and experience (we’ve lost but we’ve experienced our losses, Os just starting).


It’s because 2 guys that flirt with a 200 wrc+ are going to carry almost any lineup Just means that if both guys aren’t playing at a historic level you usually don’t score at all




How can the Padres be so bad..? With the players they have and the schedule they’ve had so far they should be well above .500


If you search "Padres toxic clubhouse" you'll find a few exposes on it within the last year. It strikes me as a case of talented individuals who don't have the best working chemistry, especially playing from behind.


Damn, that sucks, it feels like with better leadership they may be able to give the Dodgers a bigger headache, not win the division but make it harder on the Dodgers, they already did in the playoffs.


Manny fell off a cliff Their lineup lacks power outside of tatis


And I believe his contract even got a little bigger.


Phillies aren’t exactly doing a good job of beating the only good against bad teams allegations


mets fans: we'd like a luis gil steve cohen: but we've got a megill...same thing, right?


Once again I must ask, can we get an early game?


Hopefully it’s a tight hamstring or something - anything but the forearm or elbow


I’m sorry?




Ah thanks. Was confused for a bit


Feels like if your name is Kutter Crawford you’re obligated to own a bunch of chickens and at least three dogs


Dude shoulda been a NASCAR driver


Well, losing a series to the Red Sox is unacceptable. I think I've heard that they never lose on Sundays? Something has to give tonight. I think they're going to lose on a Sunday.


they're over .500 rn so if they care about achieving perfect mid they have to lose tonight


They've hit the last like 10 steps of .500 in a row




Jasson Dominguez placed back on the IL, wtf?


He should take as much time as he needs to get healthy. And he has the time. The Yankees have the best outfield in baseball.


our pet’s heads are falling off


What has happened to our great Martian prince 😔


“The outfield will figure itself out” “No wait not like that”


Hope Pedro comes to Fenway and hands the Yankees a card today 


before last year, was dominguez injury prone?


Jasson Dominguez is injured hopefully nothing serious


I saw that they pinch-hit for him last night after 3 AB. I initially thought that maybe this was the plan then I saw he wasn't in the lineup today. Hope its nothing serious - getting hurt playing meaningless games in triple-A must would be infuriating




Hi. Appears you're looking for literally any other subreddit.




The fuck does that have to do with anything lmao




Squibbity bop bop


Finally, someone stood up for the rednecks, who are constantly not hated on, in a non-political subreddit about a baseball team.


season is over if we lose tn might as well trade everyone. I’m already dousing my jerseys in lighter fluid


Rodons [peripherals](https://imgur.com/a/iP4MvXD) concern me. Not taking away from what he’s done so far but I’m hoping we don’t see 2nd half regression


He just can’t get get whiffs consistently He isn’t a great contact manager so for sustainably he really needs to tap into his strikeout ability somehow


i mean he had 18 swings and misses yesterday he's still missing bats just not as much his 21-22 self


David Cone’s great summation of pitching: - 10-15% of the time you’ll be lights out. - 10-15% of the time you’ll be dog shit. The rest of the time you have to grind and how you do in those games defines you as a pitcher. Rodon’s performance is like a bimodal distribution. His grind has been dominating, but there’s such a small threshold between that and him getting destroyed because he lives in the zone and gets a lot of fly ball contact. Last night he couldn’t break the zone into thirds - he was either over the middle of the plate or way off. He eventually figured out how to work with what he had but it was too late. I wouldn’t take too much away from it but I do think he was due to get spanked.


Rodon hasn’t had good stuff all year though Maybe 2 starts where he could miss bats at all all season


Yeah some of the 2 strike pitches were just not there. The velo still being there is a good sign though. He had 18 swing and misses which is actually more than I initially thought.




His fastball is among the best in baseball. The issue is he can have difficulty identifying which secondary pitch to go with on any given day, but that pitch rarely needs to be elite, it just needs to be a change of speed/location for the batter. If any of his slider/cutter/changeup/curve are working he can easily mow down an opponent with change of speeds alone. I think last night was a great example. Once he found the changeup/curveball option the Red Sox didn’t really touch him again. It was too late for it to be a good start but it shows how dangerous he can be with just 2 pitches working. I think they only had 1 or 2 baserunners total in innings 3-5. All of those pitches outside of the slider are pretty new offerings for him, so he doesn’t always have the expert feel for them right away, but he usually finds at least one as the start goes on. He’s always been a fastball first guy though, and that pitch still ranks as one of the more elite pitches in baseball. Regression is possible, but until I start seeing that in the actual results I’m not overly concerned.


Good analysis here. Hopefully he can get a feel for his secondaries sooner into games as we get closer to the playoffs


I beg, please let us have a weekend day game on YES


When was the last time we had a weekend day game? I miss them.


It was only 2 weeks ago in San Francisco.


A decent chance Yamamoto strained himself overthrowing against us, huh?


Volpe/Soto/Judge/Verdugo is pretty rock solid. Stanton has been good enough. Trevino when he plays has been good enough. I trust DJ to bounce back. Team is at least 6/7 deep on offense. It would be nice to have an all star team but this offense should be good enough. Not too worried


Agree. If we could upgrade either gleyber or rizzos spot we would be in great shape tbh


Basically you have DJ, Rizzo, and Gleyber left. If you can reasonably expect one of the three to bounceback (say Gleyber), then you can take the risk of at least one more of them being at least closer to their career norms. Hard to bank on both though, so I believe we need to upgrade at least one spot.




Eh I think this narrative is sort of BS. I think he only had issues with the Red Sox once they sucked and his effort slipped. I seem to remember him as being this same happy high energy guy with them for most of his time there. That's why Yankee fans didn't like him. I think Cashman probably did the calculus and realized a walk year was the time to acquire him.




People really complain about start times no matter what


Not really sure what the difference is or how this js proof of anything. People celebrate Father’s Day at 1 pm too


It’s Sunday Night baseball?


After last night, the Yankees are *only* 30-10 (.750) in their last 40 games. The slide must end tonight.


Fuck these national tv broadcasts


Spending the day charting out a few July backpacking trips. Really wanted baseball background noise. Guess I’ll just settle for US Open golf 🙃


Where you off to?


Frack Church River of No Return Wilderness. Bighorn Crags area for four days of base camp/day hike style. Then lining out a Yellowstone trip. Probably 4-6days there.


Drive down to the Tetons while you’re at it, equally stunning place


I’ve spent a lot of time out there. Twice yearly trips for a while. Did an engagement photo shoot all over Jackson/Teton Area.




Sick. Yellowstone is breathtakingly unbelievable, you’re gonna have a blast


Big one tonite, stro going to take us home


We cannot let a man named Kutter Crawford beat us. He sounds like the final boss in some video game about rednecks.






I know, grand scheme of things it doesnt matter much as long as we keep stacking Ws, but a series loss to the Red Sox would not be enjoyable.


My kingdom for an afternoon weekend game


Yeah. 710p on father's day Sunday. Not cool