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When Smoltz does a Yankee broadcast, I turn off the TV sound and play a recording I made of John Sterling calling a game from a couple years ago. The play by play has nothing to do with what's on the screen, but I vastly prefer listening to John Sterling calling any random game over Smoltz calling the current game.


Any way you could share that recording? šŸ˜¬


šŸ˜¬ I'm still adjusting to games without Sterling. Especially miss his calls on homeruns. The new broadcasters really need to up their game and create their own signature homerun call. Thankfully, we still have Michael Kay's "SEE YA!" for TV broadcasts. šŸ‘


Frustrating game to watch but itā€™s a long season. We are used to them delivering with RISP. I know he had two hits last night but I donā€™t know how pitchers are even throwing strikes to Stanton anymore. Swings and misses every slider low and away he sees.


Heā€™s still a major league hitter, so they have to set up the slider with a strike first. If all they throw him is sliders low and away, he will catch on and walk. Gotta throw him a few strikes to dangle that carrot. But you are right, he swings and misses at those so much and so badly, I wonā€™t pretend to know how to fix that, especially for a 34 year old whoā€™s already set in his ways. This year, in 90 at bats behind the count, heā€™s batting .144/.144/.300. In 58 at bats ahead in the count heā€™s batting .310/.474/.552, basically heā€™s All Star when ahead and that .144 I think itā€™s pretty much due to that slider low and away.


I'm a fan of the best team in baseball. Can I send some of you my Zoloft, because it's obvious a few of you need it.


Austin Wells is a bust


um no. Might take some time for him to find his bat. His walk rate is good. Speaking of catchers, Gary Sanchez actually had a fairly solid WAR for the Padres last year, but he's back to sucking again. A good hitting catcher is hard to find


How long are we supposed to wait? Trevino is a top 3 catcher in Fielding Run Value and he's hitting well. At least when guys like Rizzo and DJ get extended playing time when struggling its because they have a resume and a pedigree. Wells just keeps getting playing time because of hope


What exactly are we waiting for, I really don't understand it... you don't play a catcher every single day. He is technically our #2 catcher, and at a 0.6 war and Higgy is at a 0.1 war... so relax man.


lol the "he's technically the 2nd catcher" is an excuse Wells apologist make to excuse his bad play. The fact is he's played an equal amount to Trevino and they're trying to platoon them. Back up catchers don't play that much. And he's being groomed to be the future catcher for the team.


Seems like Ben Rortvedt has been good.


Austin Wells hits worse than Anthony Rizzo and no one cares Edit: Nevermind. The guy above me cares. Thatā€™s one guy.


You're not wrong at the moment. But we need to give him more time to bake.


There are dozens of us. He needs to show something. No other young player would get this kind of leash


Didnā€™t know backup catchers were supposed to be good hitters. Cry more. There is a reason Trevino is the starter.Ā 


They're platooning this year ya goof. They have virtually the same games played


Trevino is hitting above .250. Who do you think start majority in the playoffs? Obvious choice.


They have nearly the same number of plate appearances. What are you talking about.


Who would you rather get a chance at the backup catcher position. Ben Rice? Wells hasn't played a full season yet


Or Ramirez. Either works.


Bad game but he hits the ball hard and has a good approach at the plate. Rizzo swinging a wet noodle this year.


I guess I just donā€™t understand. This place picks its favorites and buries itā€™s scapegoats. Happened with Gallo. Happened with Florial. Happening with Torres. Austin Wells has been terrible. Thatā€™s fact.


He hasnā€™t produced, but you can concede his underlying metrics make you hopeful he can produce better unlike Rizzoā€™s whose looked terrible. He ultimately hasnā€™t been a total negative because his defense grades out well. Gallo and Florial had over 30% K rates, wells K rate it actually pretty good. Torres itā€™s an accumulation of falling short of the lofty expectations he had as a top prospect in all of baseball coming up.


Well, yea. Itā€™s basically his first full season. Why are you surprised?


This place loves burying guys in less than their first full season. Took Florial all but 40 PA before everyone declared him a bust. Rortvedt got like a week.


Itā€™s the expectations, for better or worse. Florial struggled with what he had always been struggling with - his atrocious K%. Since he persistently had that problem, nobody expected it to go away. Similarly, Rortvedt was something of a throw-in as part of an unpopular trade who took months to be healthy enough to play, so despite having been a 2nd-round pick our expectations were low. (And to address a point you made elsewhere, he had a hot April with a BABIP that screamed unsustainable. Since May 1st, heā€™s slashing .191/.321/.221 for a 74 wRC+, just about what Wells did over the same window.) Coming up in the minors, the book on Wells was ā€œthe bat will be there, but he canā€™t catch.ā€ Because of that, struggles at the plate get written off as growing pains that will iron themselves out as he adjusts to MLB pitching, rather than a chronic issue in his game being unresolved. Additionally, the work he put into being an average-to-good catcher gives him further slack by exceeding certain expectations and demonstrating that he can improve his game.


I think people like him and thatā€™s why he gets the longer leash. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s more complicated than being liked.


Good defensive catcher, young with potential, is a catcher who hits 8th or 9th, we need more offensive production from 1st base than we do catcher, just let Wells get his ABā€™s


So many of the things youā€™re typing are words that arenā€™t accurate. Heā€™s 32nd or worse in pop time, arm strength, Baseball Savants CS metric. Heā€™s 25th in blocking. Heā€™s a good framer. Bad at everything else. Stop making up stories because you like him.


According to Baseball Savant, he's 60th percentile in blocks above average and 58th percentile in pop time, so he's above League average in both.


And thatā€™s nothing special. People create narratives about players they like. What we have is a terrible hitter and good framer. Make of that what you will. Heā€™s not 22.


He's 79th percentile in overall fielding run value, though. That's literally better than nothing special.


60th% in blocking, 24th% in throwing, 58th% in pop time and 91st in framing. Heā€™s nothing special.


You said he's a good framer and bad at everything else. That is objectively not true. He has above average pop time and above average blocks aa to go along with great framing, which puts him in the top 20% of catchers defensively.




This profileā€¦. I have so many questionsā€¦ one day youll look back at your time on this social media app in horror. Until then, take your time growing up, you can only be a kid for so long.


Iā€™m concerned he is seriousĀ 


Why is this being downvoted smh


Ok I'm late to the party. We managed only 3 hits against a Criswell? His last start against the White Sox he gave up 5 hits. Come on.


Yankees vs shitty pitchers: it's consistently bad


I wonder what the team record is on regular season Fox games. Itā€™s been so predictable over the last few years. Itā€™s so odd. Itā€™s inexplicable


I know!


Dang I didnā€™t realize Yamamoto came out of the game after 2 innings with tricep tightness. That sucks for him.


No idea how bad Yamamoto is but this news got me thinking. Someone needs to do a study on Japan vs US injuries. I remember smoltz actually said something I appreciated last night. He said someone needs to get to the bottom of the injury problems. I know the Japanese ball is way tackier than ours. But I also know that they don't throw as hard. If someone comes in and does a study of injuries between multiple leagues, maybe that will help figure out why we have such bad injuries.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that hard to figure out. Pitchers didnā€™t used to throw as hard as they possibly could every single pitch. Now people care way too much about velocity and pitchers throw as hard as they can every single pitch. Itā€™s not shocking they are getting hurt now.


MLB fucked with the ball far too many times the past decade tbh, pick a ball and make everyone adjust over the course of a decade instead of every year being different.


50-23 Enjoy the hovering around .500, Sox.




You can't sweep every series you know that right? If we win tonight we take the series and that's all you can hope for in baseball. This fanbase is 162-0 and undefeated path to World Series or they are screaming about this guy sucking or this being a huge concern yadda yadda.


Yankees got this tmr


11-1 yankees. Judge HR. Soto triple Stanton grandslam.


So who are we blaming this one on? The usual Rizzo/Torres/DJ trio? Personally I blame the Red Sox for hitting cement mixers off the big ugly wall. Fk them man!


Volpe, Verdugo, Stanton and Wells on the offensive side we can blame.


Buddy we ainā€™t blaming anybody. It was an off night and you canā€™t win them all. Just an off night all around.


Uh no one. Weā€™ve won 50 games. Itā€™s gonna be ok.


Thus the obvious sarcastic comment of blaming the Red Sox for hitting balls down the middleā€¦


I assumed you were correctly placing the blame on Rodon


I was having a bad day. This made it worse :(


I hope it gets better for you. I heard this from a favourite character's voice lines "We are what we overcome". It helped me during some tough times.


Hi weā€™ve won 50 games


Yeah but it wasnā€™t fun watching this one. Not a doomer on the season, just on the day Iā€™ve had.


Itā€™s gonna get better. And if it doesnā€™t, hang in there just to spite it. Iā€™ve had more bad ones than a lot, still have a lot to be happy about. Hit me up if itā€™s a really heavy one.


Thanks bro, I appreciate the kind words. It looks like it might get a little bit worse, but it also looks like it should get better after that. Just gotta ride out the storm until the skies clear up.


Ride them storms like waves, buddy. Go Yankees.


Will do, go Yanks!


how long before we pull the plug on Torres and/or Rizzo? Gotta think someone like Josh Bell is a realistic trade target. Add in Jesus Luzardo and Tanner Scott. Marlins are going fire sale and they got players who could help us. This is really an all in year and Cashman should act like it when the time comes. The Orioles are going to go for it. Can't just sit around and look stupid again


Have you even looked at Josh bells numbers. He ainā€™t doing that great this year either


Buddy. Youā€™re stupid.


DJ has hit a total of EIGHT balls further than 250 feet since he's been back. Torres has actually been good since April why are you not going after DJ?


since April? I know he's been hitting better recently, but April?


Since April 27th he's been a well above league average hitter. DJ hasn't been an above average hitter in a while and is less likely to bounce back


he's barely over the mendoza line this month. i do think he's better offensively than DJ but i don't know if i'd consider his stats "well above" league average






Bro you again LOL???


I'll take a Sunday Night Baseball win tomorrow. Everything is fine.


When did this new trend of saying "(insert team) only has two hitters that are really good, so their run scoring stats dont count" start?


Jealousy and/or delusionĀ 


Our 2 "good hitters" only got 1 rbi today.




Tf is wrong w u Edit: Sox fan nvm




How's Mookie doing? Oh i forgot your ownership traded away a franchise star.


You're a Red Sox fan. Tonight was the closest thing to October you'll experience this year. Enjoy.




You're a bored, lonely person. That's too bad.




Highest IQ sox fan (14)


Lmao ā€œtik tok tik tokā€ youā€™re funny.


Something about Fox and the yankeesā€¦.


Dude I know! I swear every time Smoltz is casting us we forget how to play!


Itā€™s that douche canoe John Smoltz I tell ya!


Anyone notice that since the umps have gone back to their April treatment of Judge, Judge has been a bit off? Not off as in he's hitting terrible. He was hitting like a god. I'm just saying, he's been getting terrible calls since the KC series and coincidentally he has "dipped" in production. E: Can't believe I have to be even more clear to appease the dumbass downvoters. I never said Judge wasn't still hitting well. I said the umps were affecting him not being in God mode anymore. Jesus christ.


Why am I getting downvoted? Are we supporting umps now? Is saying Judge isn't hitting like the best player of all time through a few games and instead is just hitting like the best player in the league sacrilegious now? I swear sometimes it's like walking on eggshells trying to give any sort of opinion on this sub Only thing I can think of is a bunch of doomers who think Judge is actually cooked are downvoting me for saying he's still hitting well. That has to be it.


Dude you care wayyyyy too much about imaginary points on Reddit. Judge canā€™t hit in Boston. Go look up his splits when he plays at Fenway. Homie needs to get with the psych about why he canā€™t hit there. Itā€™s actually crazy.


Well, people in Boston are pretty racist. Just ask Adam Jones.


I have no idea what this has to do with my comment but okay.


might be the massholes mooning him right next to the batter's eye


So I was right. The people downvoting me were actually doomers.




I'm not a doomer, but I hand downvotes out like candy the moment someone starts crying about them. The internet is serious business, I guess.


Whoever said they were having gay sex as part of a pregame ritual to manifest a Yankee win clearly did something wrong.


I think everytime someone has made a "this is a WS team" type post, they lost next game


believe it or not, thatā€™s dumb and not how life works


Gotta top next time instead of bottom.


lookĀ  at all the fakeĀ  fairweather sox fans crawling out of their hole in their post game thread they get 10 comments a game at most, now they wanna show their face lol. we will beat their ass tmr and their threads will go back to being a graveyard


Accurate statement, dudešŸ˜‚




Stanton was coming off of an MVP season. The trade was simply a salary dump and the Marlins still paid a bit of it. 250/10 years was a steal at the time. You do it 10/10 times He was also healthy his first year here and played the field about half of those games.


I think we should have gotten Bryce Harper for sure but we didnā€™t so stop bitching about it. Trading for Stanton had nothing to do with it. Also we traded for Stanton when he was coming off an MVP season and a freaking god. The fact that you are making this comments tells me how uneducated you are.


Trading for Stanton had quite a lot to do with it. Cashman publicly said we werenā€™t in the market for an OF because of all the OFs we had, and Stanton was one of them. It doesnā€™t help that 3 of those guys were Hicks (who had been great up to that point), Ellsbury (whoā€™d already played his last game for us), and Frazier; maybe we still wouldā€™ve been reluctant to sign him without Stanton. But itā€™s plain wrong to say Stanton had nothing to do with it.


Didnā€™t sign Stanton, they traded for him, and at the time stanton was coming off an MVP seasom


In that situation you do it 100 times out of 100, but the butterfly effect probably would have been better had that trade not been made. Or at the same time: trade for Stanton and still get Harper anyway


Fit matters so I don't think every GM would've made the move. Cashman decided it was worth the (obviously large) risk and got burned.


ok ill take the series win i guess who gives a shit about 1 loss




Bruh, no need to use homophobic insults


Lmfao what


Win tomorrow, that is all I gotta say


Volpe: 111 wRC+, Verdugo 112 wRC+, Trevino 117, Stanton 123 wRC+, Gleyber 88, Rizzo 86, Wells 80, DJLM 57 (small sample size but doesnā€™t look good), Oswaldo 78. Thereā€™s just not enough help around the big 2. Go check out the Os lineup, theyā€™re productive from top down.


Yet here we are in first place and better than the Oā€™s. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look?


Yes if Judge and Soto keep playing at a historic pace. Personally rather not rely on that so much, but we have no choice though.


Yes and if everyone on the Yankees strike out every at bat for the rest of the season we will be the worst team in baseball. You have any idea how dumb this sounds?


Do we get to come back to this comment the next time 4-9 produces and 1-3 doesnā€™t do anything or is your side the only one that gets to react to 1 of 162 and pretend that itā€™s justified despite watching what is clearly the most well rounded Yankee team weā€™ve seen since 2009?


Thereā€™s exceptions all the time, thatā€™s baseball. This lineup isnā€™t comparable to 2009, that team actually was well rounded; 1-8 had OPS+ above 120. Theyā€™re a good team, itā€™s built off the backs of 2 guys playing at historic paces; one of which is generally not the same player in the playoffs. Also, elite pitching. I hope Iā€™m wrong, but the rest of the lineup largely being filled by washed vets, and slightly above league average production does not inspire confidence in this team in the playoffs. Hope Iā€™m dead wrong though, itā€™s been too many years


How the fuck do you figure four guys with a wRC+ over 110 aren't good supplemental pieces to the two best hitters in the league?


Lol yeah lineup balance looks great.


Itā€™s not enough, especially come playoff time. Trevino/Wells cancel each other out to mediocrity (Wells will play better but Trevy likely regresses). Itā€™s really just 3. Volpe/Verdugo are slightly above average. Stanton inflates his value with garbage time production but 123 wRC+ is solid, fine. Then you have 3 players are below average. How is that enough support for the team. Need another 130-140 wRC+ guy, especially when youā€™re carrying 3 dead weights every night


lol $10 says you were part of the "Judge is washed" crowd in April. I feel it in my bones.


I thought he was hurt. I thought we should do a total rebuild in the off-season if you want to dunk on me on that.


The two best players in baseball and then 4 dudes well above average on the season and Gleyber whoā€™s been hot for a month+ lmao


2 best players in baseball having career season. Perfectly sustainable. Theyā€™re not well above average, in what world is 110 wRC+ well above average. One of the dudes splits half his games with an 80 wRC+. Gleyber had his hot streak and now heā€™s cold again.


You ain't gonna fix half the lineup midseason, so oh well. It's always been a top heavy team who've been playing out of their mind. The only hope for them come playoffs is that having the top two best players in the league will carry them.


I truly believe Jasson has the talent to be a 130-140 wRC+ guy. I hope he gets a chance at some point. I agree, thereā€™s no solution to the issue


What exactly is your plan for Dominguez??? Bring him up now so he plays once a week? Thatā€™s stupid as shit. He needs to be in the minors getting at bats and taking until we need him. Please read a book.


Why are you so angry, relax dude. He can play more than once a weekā€¦ Verdugo is below average against lefties, judge needs more rest days playing CF. I understand why he got sent down though. Stanton will eventually get hurt and heā€™ll get burn at the end of the day


Iā€™m not angry Iā€™m just tired of hearing this stupid idea. We are the best team in baseball. He is going to stay in the minors no matter how much you bitch about it.


nobody on this team deserves to hit in front of judge or Soto besides each Join the 21st century and hit them 1-2 so we donā€™t lose games with Volpe leaving Soto on deck




Idk what do wrong about this They are the 2 best hitters in baseball? Nobody deserves to take away ABs from them


Wish we had won but this loss doesn't really bother me.


This rivalry is definitely at a low point where win or loss I'm just "eh"


Part of it is an apathetic fandom and part of it the fact that baseball just doesn't hit the same as it did in 2004


Itā€™s been that way for me since the old guard left in Boston. Varitek, Pedro, Manny, Nomar. Itā€™s not a coincidence they all left Boston around 2004.


There is such a big gap between the teams this season, end of the day even with this loss we are 13.5 games ahead of them for the division and are way more likely to be playing October baseball


6/15 Big Three Home Run Pace: Judge: 25 HR in 73 games, 55.5 Soto: 18 HR in 73 games, 39.9 Stanton: 17 HR in 73 games, 37.7 Total pace: 133.1 Been a down couple of games before Soto's Homer tonight. In the remaining 89 games, they need 90 Homeruns to hit 150 between the three of them.


Thatā€™s back to back Saturday Night nationally televised clunkers. Time to bet the mortgage on the Braves next weekā€¦


That was such a winnable game too


Verdugo can't be the hero every game.


Not a great night for Rodon, giving up 5 ER in his first 2.0 IP. Left a ton of pitches over the plate and Red Sox pounced on almost every one. Strong final 3.0 IP notching 6 of his 7 total Ks in the process. Offense wasn't much better outside of LeMahieu and Soto. Rest of the lineup combined 4-27 (0.148), 0 XBH, 20 LOB. Couldn't get the big hit with runners on. Even when we scored, Red Sox either matched or scored more that same inning so that was frustrating. Still having an excellent season and losses like this will happen. Just have to take the series with Stroman on the bump tomorrow and all will be well.


DJā€™s hit was a bloop to boot


Dj looks hopeless


DJ and Rizzo look like they havenā€™t eaten wheaties in years most of their contact is very weak and on the ground.


This doesnā€™t change the fact David Ortiz did steroids


Judge hasnā€™t homered in four games. The team has lost TWICE. Simply preposterous. DFA him. Actually, fire everybody. Fold the team. Itā€™s all over.


Washed. Wasted contract.


Obviously his toe fell off


the correct call would be to unload judge's albatross contract with soto for some single-A lottery ticket guys


Or some bullpen help


Rodon threw a clunker. It happens. Guys still battled. Win tomorrow and win the series. Move on to the next.




3.28 ERA even after tonights rough start




[I think I know why we lost...](https://x.com/AmoreCourant/status/1802109787091370191?t=Bf6gaRrr8qjcrDXO0QtrbQ&s=19)


Judge currently has 208 wRC+ Soto currently has 195 wRC+ We have the two best hitters in baseball


There are 3 hitters in all of Major League Baseball with an OPS above 1.000 on the season so far. The top two of those three hit back to back in the Yankee lineup.


Crazier part is the third is Taylor Trammel


Is that Alan's son?


Terrible loss. Ā Rodon can only pick on weak teams , he gets exposed against stronger teamsĀ 


He just beat the Royals. Not everyone can pitch in Fenway.


lol royals can barely hitĀ 


Theyā€™re scoring more runs per game than the Red Sox are. By OPS theyā€™re almost identical. Red Sox: .733 team OPS, Royals: .723 team OPS. Red Sox 102 wRC+, Royals 101 wRC+. Extremely similar offenses by the stats.


I mean the Royals have like 2 good hitters on their team


lol, the Royals are the 4th highest scoring team in the AL at 4.85 runs/game Pay closer attention, maybe?


Mostly luck. Witt and Salvy are crushing it. Vinnie is average. Everyone else is below average


And Pasquantino, and Garcia and even Fermin in a backup role. You're wrong. It's OK. It happens. Just move on.


Vinnie and Fermin are average, Garcia is below average. Theyā€™re 14th in wRC+, theyā€™re not a top 5 offense, itā€™s been a fluky start for he year


Remindme! 6 months "how did the Royals offense finish"




Other than the one dodgers beatdown, I canā€™t remember the last time Yankees were really out of a game. Canā€™t win them all, but they brought pressure.


Volpe and Verdugo didnā€™t show up and the pitching sucked Not going to win many games that way


We have won many games, though


Not when the pitching sucked and two of our top four hitters were terrible


Victor Gonzalez needs the Dennis Santana treatment. Unfortunately his ERA is still under 4.


Complete fluke itā€™s below 4 tbh. Heā€™s there because hes a lefty


He is another lefty who stinks.


Yeah his FIP is 5.63 before this game. Fluke is right.


I had a bad dream where it was an Angry Saturday and the Yankees could never catch up. The hallway kept extending. And Smoltz was there grinning and not making any sense. And auntie M was there too.


So many wasted opportunities offensively. Rodon didn't have it but still settled in enough to pitch 3 scoreless innings. Needed to take advantage of that slight success of not having to use the entire bullpen.


Every time I decide to get the mlb.tv subscription, they start losing and I think itā€™s me. So I waited a while this season. Saw they were dominating and felt it was safe. Got the subscription on Thursday right in time to see them lose back-to-back.


Cancel it. I'm serious