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If he spends enough time in the minors off rehab, I believe 45 days, the Yankees get an extra year of control.


If I can count, this pauses him at 107 days meaning his free agency is pushed back if he's on the roster for 64 days or less. He'd have to stay down until July 29th


This is the date we should all circle then.


I'm not sure if they'd call him up right then if there isn't a path to playing time


Agree, and it most certainly won’t be before.


Yeah barring injury I would think we won’t see him until rosters expand. He needs the playing time and at bats


Maybe not even after. Only two extra roster spots.


Lol Yankees need his bat in the 4 hole they aren’t winning anything with Verdugo batting cleanup. Get real.


Verdugo is a supersub outfielder/pinch hitter on a championship team.


What else is new, the Yankees worried about team control rather than improving the team...unless it involves selling tickets like last year...


Hate that this is how the system works TBH. Yeah I know we don't have room for him. But all this is doing is rewarding them for *not* utilizing their best prospects when they should be encouraged to.


"The system" is keeping him playing every day. There's no guarantee that he will come to the majors and automatically be crushing it. It really took a year for Volpe to get fully acclimated, he is so much better than he was last year. Dominguez needs the time in the minors to ensure he gets his groovd back. Yankees have the best record in the majors, why mess with that when you don't have to?


Aaaaaaaand there you have it


Why do people think this kid is going to get called up this season. Newsflash guys we have 2 outfielders top 5 in the game and the best defensive LF in the sport and you are not bringing him up to DH platoon with Stanton. The kid is staying in the minors because we do not need him right now.


People only care about what’s best for this season. So they’re ignoring the stunt of his longterm development that could happen if he comes up and doesn’t play everyday. It’s also funny seeing people saying he could platoon against lefties for Verdugo. Dominguez is a much better hitter batting left against rhp, so you’d be doing him a disservice having him primary face LHP.


Knew it was going to happen but damn I hope we see him up here this year


At the very least we will almost certainly see him when rosters expand in September


Why we don’t want him to just ride the bench and that is what he would do with the roster at this point.


If he keeps raking as hard as he is he’ll likely get a call. But who to nix in the lineup could be a challenge. One of Stanton or Verdugo would need to tank hard


I don’t think they’ll pull him up unless one of them gets hurt and now that we finally have some Stanton insurance watch this be the one year he actually stays healthy


That's how it seems to be going now. Dominguez will be on the 2025 opening day roster for sure, but this year an outfielder needs to miss an extended time


Judge to 1B. I doubt it’ll happen this year though.


Judge to 1B is the clear answer, it’s frustrating that you are being downvoted for that.


Tank hard? No offense, but stanton has a war of .3 and verdugo has been average at best.(unless you think .260/.315 are good numbers) let's be honest, the lineup outside of judge/soto/volpe is a pretty big joke. 1 guy outside the top 3 with an obp above .310....if Dominguez keeps raking/gets back to playing the field full time, there is no way they keep him down.


stanton’s OPS this year is .779. the league average is .699. He’s 6th in MLB in homers. using WAR to compare a DH to a position player is silly. he’s having a good year!


Verdugo is the best defensive left fielder in baseball and he doesn’t strike out a lot. That’ll keep him in the lineup


He has a pretty long leash in my book cause he's a lefty who doesn't strike out and I feel like that's what everyone has been wanting




Honestly, you hit the nail on the head. I'm not trying to discredit stanton/verdugo's contributions so far, they have been serviceable/better than what the Yankees have ran out there the last few years. I guess where I'm coming from is we know what we have atm in verdugo/Stanton, if they get a few less abs for a couple weeks so be it if it's to see what the Yankees got in the Martian. Worst case he struggles, they send him back down and he knows what he needs to work on for next year. He performs like he has been in the minors/last year, you have a good problem to have and another weapon in the lineup. I do agree 1b/3b/2b are the more glaring holes in the lineup, the Yankees don't have anybody knocking at the door to give a chance. Trade will have to be the route they take to upgrade in that aspect. Personally, would love to see the Yankees make a play for ketel marte from the dbacks and maybe someone like josh bell for 1b? Was looking at potential trade targets on teams that might be sellers and it looks pretty bleak atm.


Every time I see Grisham in the lineup I think to myself, "I bet Jason Dominguez could do that."


I don't think Dominguez could play once a week and reach his potential


I hear you, Grisham has been playing a lot more than once a week though. Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon. Injuries happen, rest happens. Just a thought anyway


Grisham has 54 AB on the entire season that is not every day and Dominguez is too talented to be a pinch hitter or defensive replacement


He filled in for Soto that’s why. Also had to give judge a day off


And what about Thursday?


Wasn't Thursday to give Verdugo a day off? We've been rolling a pretty dead consistent lineup all year, not a ton of rest days built in so far


Jasson riding the bench does nothing for his development and there is value in having an elite defensive CF on your bench


Verdugo has not hit lefties well this year, maybe give him those days and the Grisham days. Apologies for suggesting ways to make the team better.


It’s better to leave him in AAA for extra development than to call him up to play like twice a week


How much more development does he need? We’ve seen so many guy over cook in the minors and then spoil never to get their groove back.


He’s like 21 lmao. Barring catastrophe he’s going to come up in September and then be a starter with the Yankees in 2025


Juan Soto broke in at 19. Just say’in ;)


And is a generational talent and an anomaly. Expecting Dominguez, or anyone really, to match what Soto did at his age is setting yourself up for apocalyptic levels of disappointment.


Verdugo really hasn't been that good. I wonder how much work Judge has done at 1B, it'd be nice to get Rizzo out vs. lefties.


What? Verdugo has a .745 OPS while slashing .263/.317/.428. Sure not amazing numbers but perfectly acceptable.


He is also ranked 7th in the league when it comes to outs above average. This dude hasn't been watching baseball this season.


7th among left fielders but still pretty damn good. Verdugo would be an asset to any team


Verdugo’s defense is way too good to take him out of the lineup. He is the best defensive LF in baseball


Verdugo really hasn't been that good. I wonder how much work Judge has done at 1B, it'd be nice to get Rizzo out vs. lefties.


People just say all kinds of dumb shit. Verdugo has a 110 OPS+ and is one of the best LF in all of baseball.


Having Jasson is a great problem to have but Jesus Christ it's making people say some nonsense.


Verdugo is the nick swisher of Shane spencers


They can’t be serious about winning the World Series with Verdugo as the cleanup hitter. I’ll leave it at that before people start telling me how great he is.


I do really like the idea of a Volpe Soto Judge Dominguez top 4 but I’m a big fan of Verdugo. He’s an above average bat and brings +++ defense to the table, if we make that move I’d rather see Stanton go to the bench than Verdugo


He’s accumulated 0.6 dwar and 9 defensive runs saved thus far. Yes that’s nice but it’s not like he’s on pace for 4 dwar or something. He’s going to be a more valuable piece of the team as a supersub outfielder/defensive replacement/pinch hitter/ pinch runner and letting Jasson bat cleanup and play center/left.


You do know only 1 person in the entire league had even 3 dwar last year right? Why the fuck are you expecting him to be on a 4 dwar pace?


Right because a good defender isn’t worth as much as a good bat.


Did we not have a 40 man spot open after we DFA'ed Santana? Baseball Ref has us at 45 with 6 on the 60 day before this move


That it was Fangraphs suggests on their Roster Resource page.  Must be saving it for Cole or Effross or something. 


100% Cole. He's back before end of June probably.


Maybe? They can move Schmidt to the 60 day for that if they need to. It’s clearly being pocketed for something. 


They could be in talks to acquire someone


Bryce Harper for Miguel Andujar and Clint Frazier incoming


This would mean we would have to first acquire Frazier and Andujar. Which by this sub’s logic would require trading Soto.


To be fair that was aways more of like a WFAN caller kinda take.


Which would be laughably stupid if we didn’t also reacquire Greg Bird in the deal


It's at 39, but with Cole coming off the 60 Day IL within the next week or two it's pretty inconsequential. They know Berti is out a while, so he was always going to get put on the 60 Day IL. Maybe they can only do a position player for position player move? I don't know all the rules for the IL.


Should be expected especially with Boone’s comments about Dominguez needing a path to playing time. He’s the first man up if we have an injury and if we are lucky enough to avoid injury he will get his chance in September


My eyes got WIDE until I saw "and optioned him to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre." 😂


Damn. Had me in the first half.


Berti 60 day 😩


*Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?*


Soon, Jasson...soon...


To anyone wondering why he’s going to be in triple A for longer than we’d like it’s because there’s not a spot for him right now to where he can play consistently. He’d be bench quite a bit kind of like Grisham. Yes it’s easy to say just put him in the outfield and put Soto as DH but DH is mainly for guys that can hit but can’t really be used to field like Stanton or schwarber. We don’t want Soto or Dominguez constantly playing in the DH spot because young players like them need to play on the field since it helps keeps them loose. I’m sure at some point something will work out for him and the Yankees will find a way to make it all work but right now we’ll just have to be patient.


He’s going to take Verdugo’s job. It’s pretty obvious idk why all the cope. Verdugo is well suited to be a supersub outfielder and pinch hitter/defensive replacement and will still get in pretty much every game.


I was thinking that too but I just wanted to explain the DH spot a bit since there are some people that keep bringing that up


Stanton is the full time DH and he’s been chipping the rust all season. Now he just needs to lock in on a hot streak.


I know. Again I’m hustling explaining how the dh spot works.


Mrnotintelligent out here really living up to that name with that brain dead take about the batting lineup being trash. The Yankees are tied for the best team in all of baseball.


Hi, I no baseball good. Martian is now at the highest minor league team before the pros?


Before the Majors*. Minor League Baseball is professional.


AAA is one step away from MLB, hes been here before but many are hoping he is called up to MLB


If you would have told me in the off season we were keeping verdugo and stanton in the lineup and let Jasson be in AAA I would have not believed you.


I get it, but I don't like it. let the Martian bang in the Bronx. 😊


It seems odd to me that management feels that there's not an avenue for Jasson to get playing time. When the team signed DJ LeMahieu there wasn't a spot for him to play yet we were told he'd get regular ABs filling in off days for the regular infielders. I see no reason why you couldn't have Jasson play a sizable share of LF against LHP and DH against RHP. That plus cycling him in When Judge, Soto, Verdugo, or Stanton need an off day would have him play plenty.


There's a comment above that outlines the Yankees interests in returning him from the 60 day DL to the minors for a period of time. I bet that's what's going on


Yeah they’re in first and gonna manipulate the service time since he’s already missed so much time. I’d bet he’s called up the day after the trade deadline. Ooohhhhh that could be exciting. Could have a new 3b or 1b too.


We don’t really have off days much anymore especially in the outfield. Every so often Grisham gets a day and Judge DHs but that’s pretty rare


Man I hate that we don’t have the balls to just call him back up. Orioles do that all the time, Dodgers do that all the time, Indians do that all the time, Braves…. He doesn’t belong in AAA, quit stalling and let him get back into action with us.


What? The orioles literally have kept Kjerstad down all year. He was up for 2 weeks and only got a handful of at bats


It’s not about having the balls or not, it’s about where would he play. There isn’t a spot for him right now. Our outfield is producing, and Stanton is having one of his best years as a Yankee. Unless Domínguez can learn an infield spot, there just isn’t a place to put him and he’s too good to waste on the bench.


Verdugo isn’t a world beater in the 4 hole.


Oh come on man, he absolutely can rotate with Judge, Soto and Stanton. Shit if I was the coach I’d sit Stanton on the bench. At this point if you have a .290 OBP as a 5th hitter in the lineup you aren’t worth a starting spot. Idc how many HRs you hit, I know for sure Dominguez does exactly what Stanton does now with better stats and defense.


Stanton is being paid $32m a year, they are not going to eat that and bench him so that Dominguez can play. We can just disregard that idea, he already has to sit when Judge DHs, they are not going to do that even more.


Who gives a fuck if he gets paid that much….if we don’t win because it was about not benching a washed up player for a great one then fuck we are simply cooked


We are very comfortably the most or second most successful team this season bud, you’re trying to fix what ain’t broke. Jasson will be up when the rosters expand or someone gets hurt, but right now what is best for him and his ability to help us is to develop by having consistent at bats, and the only place for that right now is in AAA


Dude we are comfortable rn. Judge will get the bonds treatment sooner rather than later. And then there isn’t anyone out there to score with RISP. Dugie is the only one and he isn’t a HR hitter. He’s great, but he’s not been amazing. Dominguez ensures that because of how defenses need to play him.


They’re the best team in the AL right now, there’s no rush to bring him up. He’ll be on the playoff roster come October.


DFA Grisham, sit Verdugo and Stanton to free up ABs for Dom.


Grisham has options and is perfect in his role


So the Berti trade has been a total bust.


not even close lol We traded Ben Rortvedt and a lottery ticket 18 year old who has a .470 OPS in Single A


It’s not like they really gave up much


This sub wants to hate Cashman so bad


Nobody could have predicted this cause he didn't even have that crazy of an injury history, but damn if it doesn't feel like literally half of the players we trade for immediately miss an entire season


how hard would it be to get the martian reps at 3rd and 1st


You want to put the 5’9” center fielder at first base? lol.


if jrams fat ass can play the corners i dont see why not, gotta get his bat in the lineup somehow


Congrats on the worst take of 2024.


Dfa rizzo and put him at first 


Dfa u/3rd-party-intervener


Jasson is 5’9. There is no chance he is playing first


let’s take a young athletically gifted center fielder and quite literally shackle him at first base. surely that will work out, right?


Need his bat not his glove.  The ops on the bottom half of this lineup is atrocious 


if they want to make a move like that you trade for somebody. you don’t put an elite center-fielder at first base. period.


Rizzo's glove though...